People are full of pirates

Chapter 143 Reunion after a long absence, back to the chapter headquarters [14]

Chapter 143 Reunion after a long absence, return to the headquarters [14]

After returning to the G2 branch, only the last nine days of the probationary period remained.

The nine days passed quickly.

However, with the help of the "reward order sensor", Nuo Xia successfully completed four combat missions with the highest efficiency, and killed several pirates with a bounty of around [-] million Baileys.

Once again, he added a considerable amount of military exploits to his resume.

With the previous brilliant record, whether it is the instructor Brandon or the people in the staff office, they have long been used to this, and have even begun to be a little insensitive...

Unless he suddenly heard the news that Nuo Xia had defeated another Shichibukai, maybe he would politely express his shock.


During this period, he also took some time to communicate with Shia in depth, and finally figured out what happened to the two new world kingdoms that stood up for him.

It is easy to understand that the Kingdom of Lot came forward.

Because this country is Shia's hometown, and King Krongard VI is her father. The old man is over [-] years old, and he seems to be extremely guilty and annoyed about the reckless engagement that forced Shia to leave quietly.

As soon as he received Shia's request, he stood up without saying a word, and attacked the Kingdom of Alabasta.

As for the other Paja kingdom, it is a bit weird...

Because the current king of this country, who had just succeeded to the throne, happened to be the prince whose marriage was divorced by Shia.

He has been in love with Siya since he was a child, and after hearing about it from old Krongard, he immediately waved the flag and cheered for him. He turned out to be a goddess who didn't mind him at all, but was actually seeking justice for his rival in love...

Nuo Xia was stunned for a long time, and it took a long time to digest the news.

He couldn't laugh or cry about this, he was speechless, and could only think silently that if he had time to go to the New World in the future, he must treat the young king to a meal and say thank you in person...

A dedicated person is really admirable.


On the evening of the tenth day.

The warship of the headquarters, which was slightly delayed, finally appeared on the horizon in the eyes of the trainees, and slowly sailed into the naval port of the G2 branch.

In fact, more than half a month ago, this warship had already set off from the headquarters, but it took a lot of time to pick up recruits from other branches along the way.

Until today, it was the turn of the G2 branch.

Nuo Xia stood at the pier, looking across the deck of the warship, and couldn't help but smile when he saw those familiar figures.

It's been a long time, everyone.

"Mr. Zefer!"

When the warship stopped, Instructor Brandon took the lead to greet him, saluted Zefa and said in a deep voice:
"The G2 branch has a total of twelve trainee recruits, and all of them have arrived so far, and none of them have been lost!"

"very good."

Zefa nodded in satisfaction. In the other branches, one or two people were killed in battle, which made him sigh and heartbroken.

But when it comes to G2, which has the largest number of interns, all the members are intact, which is undoubtedly good news.

"Why do you look so haggard?"

He noticed that Brandon had thick dark circles under his eyes, and couldn't help asking.

"What do you think..." Brandon said with a bitter face, "Can the instructors of other branches be half as tired as me?"

Zefa laughed dumbfounded, and suddenly understood in his heart.

The combat record of each mission needs to be confirmed by the accompanying instructor, and the data is compiled and sorted out. It is indeed hard work to rush between the warship and the staff office all day long.

The other branches are alright, but only Brandon has produced a monster that is exceptionally capable of combat exploits, and almost one person is worth dozens of people. The workload is really not ordinary...

At this time, the recruits also began to board the ship one after another. After everyone came to the deck, they would stop and salute him. Zefa smiled and nodded encouragingly. Nuo Xia punched him in the chest.

"Long time no see, brat."

He snorted coldly, "It's just that I haven't been with this old man for a few months, and suddenly caused such a big trouble without making a sound. Do you know how much energy we old guys spent wiping your ass?"

"it hurts!"

Nuo Xia exaggeratedly clutched her chest, took a few steps back, and said with a bitter face, "I know I was wrong, teacher. When I get back to the headquarters, I will visit you and Mr. Garp one by one to apologize."

"Apologize, what are you apologizing for?" Zefa glared at him, "Just remember to let the old man be mentally prepared next time, and if this happens again, what should be done or what should be done, understand!"

"Understood, teacher." Nuo Xia suddenly looked serious, and nodded seriously, "I will make persistent efforts and live up to your expectations."

The two looked at each other, grinned at the same time, and laughed.

After parting with Zefa, Nuo Xia followed the people in front and returned to the queue together.

Shiliu and Rosindi had been guarding there for a long time. When they saw him approaching, they looked unhappy, and each of them grabbed one shoulder and pinched him between them.

"Tell me! You guy, what have you been doing these past few months? Even Qi Wuhai was defeated by you?"

"That's right, the first guess this time is you again, Brother Nuo Xia, tell me honestly! Besides that William, how many other military exploits have you made?"

"It hurts, it hurts, you two bastards, put me down quickly!"

One of them is more than three meters long, and the other is more than four meters long. Nuo Xia is male on the left and right, and his body is directly suspended in the air. It's really not certain who will be the first in the assessment this time..."


Shiryu looked at him suspiciously, and his hands suddenly increased, "Why do I feel that you are lying to us?"

"Really, I'm willing to swear that I won't find a wife in the future." Nuo Xia grinned in pain, "When I get back to the headquarters and the detailed list is posted, you will know. In short... let me down first!"


Although I am only [-] meters, I am much shorter than the two of you, but for men, who can decide on such things as height.

One day, my invincible Lord Romanov Norsia will let these two bastards look up to him on tiptoe!

the other side.

After counting the number of people, Zefa was about to let the warship set sail, but at this moment, a sudden commotion came from the shore, which made everyone's eyes turn away.

I saw a large black crowd gathered on the pier, roughly counting at least two or three thousand sailors.

The entire G2 branch, excluding those sailors who go out to perform missions, or who can't get away from their shifts, and who are estimated to be able to come when they have time, are almost all here.

"Mr. Nuo Xia, goodbye!"

"After graduation, you must come to our G2 branch!"

"Bon voyage, Nuo Xia!"

The sailors waved their arms towards the warship with all their strength. Even if they were hundreds of meters apart, they could feel their nostalgia. In the front of the team, there were also senior branch officials such as Major General Buma and Gumir.

Everyone on the deck looked at each other, even Zefa couldn't help being stunned, his eyes showed astonishment.

"Mr. Zefer, look over there." Brandon suddenly approached, pointed in a certain direction and said with a smile, "Mr. Polusalino unexpectedly left the office and came here to see you off."

Before that, he heard rumors that the commander of the G2 branch often had conflicts with Zefa, who was the division commander, and the relationship was not very harmonious.

But now it seems that the relationship between master and apprentice is unbreakable, those words are clearly fabricated rumors.

Zefa looked in the direction Brandon pointed, and sure enough, he saw the figure of the yellow ape at the corner of the pier.

If the latter noticed it, he turned his eyes, looked at Zefa from a distance, smiled at him, stretched out his right arm silently, bowed his head in front of his chest, and saluted.

"That guy is not here to see off the old man..."

Zefa curled his lips, and after casually reaching out to say hello, he turned his head and looked at Nuo Xia, who was entangled with Xilio Sindhi in the crowd behind him.

He stared quietly for a while, then suddenly said:

"Brandon, do you believe that there is such a kind of person in this world who has a leadership quality, no matter where he is, he can quickly gather a group of people who support him and are willing to follow behind him?"

"Huh?" Brandon was stunned, dazed and confused, wondering why Zefa suddenly brought it up like this.

Seeing that he was puzzled, Zefa did not intend to explain.

He stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking far away at the sunset in the sky, and suddenly chuckled.

I really didn't misjudge the person at the beginning. Compared with the infinite potential in that kid, what people cherish more is his character and personality charm.

With the advent of the era of great pirates, even he does not know where the world order will go.

But Zefa is sure that one day in the future, this little guy will grow into a towering tree, dispel all the shadows and darkness under the tree, become the guide of the new generation of the headquarters, and even... shoulder the future of the entire navy!
 The first update, and the third update...

  I'm already regretting it. Last night, my brain was pumped and I said I'd make up for it today. Huh, I have to stay up late at night.

(End of this chapter)

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