People are full of pirates

Chapter 168 The childhood sweetheart debuts!

Chapter 168 The childhood sweetheart debuts!

"Of course it's because I graduated early, Dad."

Nuo Xia blinked and said with a smile, "Guess what rank I am now?"

"Have you graduated in just over a year..."

The old Romanov looked at him, "I remember you boasted in your letter before, saying that you were at least a major after graduation, but now you are so arrogant, you must have overachieved, why, are you a lieutenant colonel?"

"Guess again?"

"There are more than one lieutenant colonel?" The old man looked confused, "Could it be a colonel?"

"The pattern is still small, old man."


The old Colonel Romanov finally couldn't keep his indifferent appearance anymore, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, "How is it possible! You kid, you are only nineteen years old now..."

"It's the major general, father."

Enough is enough to show off, Nuo Xia took the initiative to interrupt the singing, and then silently covered her ears.

as predicted.

The next moment, there was a scream like a groundhog in the living room:

"—Eh??? What?!!"

"Less, less, less...Major General?!!"

"It's noisy."

Tulip, who was smiling when she heard it, suddenly frowned and kicked her husband's ass.

"That's Major General, Tulip!"

The old man let out a scream, covered his buttocks, grinned in pain and turned his head to look at Tulip, "My reaction is normal, but you, how can you be so calm, do you know what the concept of a major general is... ..."

He is eight levels higher than him, and he is also five levels higher than Colonel Satsuma, the highest officer of the 16th branch!
"Of course I know, it's a very powerful position." Tu Jinxiang said calmly, "But that's my son, it's nothing unusual even if he becomes a marshal after graduation... Hey, hurry up and go out and buy some food."

As expected of a mother, she can think better than me, Nuo Xia couldn't help but smiled and hugged her again.

"What food do you want to buy again?" Old Romanov wondered, "Didn't you almost prepare dinner, and there are still some ingredients in the refrigerator..."

"It's for pigs, not for my son." Tulip kicked him again, and said angrily, "Hurry up, buy twenty catties of beef and ten catties of potatoes, go and come back quickly."

What do you mean, when you cook for me, you feed the pigs?Should differential treatment be so obvious?
The old Romanov was indignant, but finally changed his shoes and went out under the umbrella.

As soon as Nuo Xia took off her suit jacket and handed it over to the mother who came to pick it up, she heard a loud bang outside the door, as if the old captain had tripped over something.

"Whose dog came here to take a nap... huh? What the hell, why is this dog so big?!"

Hearing the exclamation from outside, Nuo Xia smiled and sat down on the sofa, took the hot tea from Tulip, and drank it in one gulp.

Opposite was the closet, and the fire was warm. He lazily lay down halfway down, looking at the familiar old ceiling, and his mood was unprecedentedly clear and peaceful.

——Sure enough, staying at home is the most comfortable.

Turning her head to look at Tulip, who was busy in the kitchen again, Nuo Xia smiled silently, feeling like a family member, it's great.

In his previous life, he lived alone in an orphanage for seventeen years, and died of a serious illness due to malnutrition before he was an adult.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in his infancy, he raised his head in a daze, and looked at the smiling young couple teasing him, at that moment he seemed to be in a dream.

So in this life, he cherishes this hard-won family affection very much.


After quietly staring at the ceiling for a long time, Nuo Xia suddenly said, "Why don't you call Bermer and ask her to come over and have dinner together?"

"You still have the nerve to mention Belmer?"

Tulip in the kitchen squinted at him, and snorted, "I sent you three letters in the past six months, and pleaded everywhere in the middle, so the people above made an exception and allowed her to use the official phone bug at the base. As a result, I called you and you were not in the headquarters, and I didn’t get a single letter back, and the little girl who got it has been depressed recently, and rarely ran to our house.”

When the call came, I should be an intern at the G2 branch, so it's normal that I didn't receive it, but... unexpectedly sent three letters?

"There are so many?" Nuo Xia was at a loss, "I didn't receive it at all...Huh? No!"

He suddenly remembered that he didn't even read the over [-] letters that he discarded in the attic. Could it be possible that Bermer's letter was also mixed in and ignored by him?

It's broken!
Nuo Xiateng stood up immediately, and was about to go out, but before she stepped out of the living room, she was stopped by a shiny kitchen knife.

"Why, mother?"

"Ah, I just finished a day's training, and I'm so exhausted, I guess I'm lying on the bed to rest. It's not suitable for you to go there now."

Tulip smiled and said softly, "Tomorrow she will be on vacation, and as usual, she will come to the orange orchard early in the morning to help me water and eliminate insects. When the time comes, prepare your excuses and make an apology, and go to her again. It won't be a surprise for her." Late."

"Besides, the orange garden is the place where you two played the most together since you were young. The environment there is also more likely to bring back her good memories of the past and forget the unpleasantness of being ignored by you."

This is someone from here, Nuo Xia glanced at his mother in admiration, and obediently sat down on the sofa again.

About half an hour later.

The limping old Colonel Romanov returned home, and was unsurprisingly scolded by Tulip as soon as he entered the door, "It's just going out to buy vegetables, why is it taking so long? You can climb as far as the vegetable market Climb two back and forth!"

"...Isn't it snowing heavily outside, the road is always difficult..."

A voice clearly lacking confidence.

"Fart, I don't know you yet? You must have been bragging to your friends along the way. I'm afraid that the news that the son of the Romanov family has become a major general has already spread throughout the 16 branches, right?"

"What's the matter." The old man laughed dryly, "How can you insult people's innocence out of thin air..."

Nuo Xia who was holding a teacup on the sofa and drinking quietly, although he didn't look back, he could roughly imagine the embarrassing expression on his father's face at the moment, and he couldn't help laughing.

He can quite understand his father's mentality at the moment, um, he has a heavy sense of sight, just like in his previous life, when every household was eagerly awaiting the results of the college entrance examination, and suddenly learned that his son had entered Qingbei, he was ecstatic and excited Under the circumstances, it is good to shout all over the world without a loudspeaker.

Whose parents don't want their children to be successful?
Especially for older people, the future of their children is the biggest topic of conversation. It is inevitable to be elated when chatting with outsiders, and they are happier than what they have achieved.

And for me, becoming stronger, having greater ability to protect my family, and giving them face is also one of the biggest sources of motivation for hard work on weekdays, right?
Nuo Xia was thinking so silently, the tea had bottomed out before she knew it.

It was snowing heavily outside, and the house was silent, only the bonfire in the opposite fireplace was still crackling.


Dinner was very good.

Tulip's beef stew with potatoes is still a must, but Nuo Xia has been craving it for a long time, and he ate at least seven or eight catties in one sitting before stopping, which left the old man across the table stunned.

Then it was inevitable to chat after dinner for a while, and the parents who had been holding back for a long time asked Nuo Xia for a while, but the focus of the two was completely different.

The old captain Romanov was very curious about the battle with William Shichibukai, he picked up the small bench like a child, and listened to Nuo Xia's narration with relish;
And Tulip is more concerned about how Nuo Xia's daily life in the headquarters is.

Because her son is obviously much more handsome than when he left home, she is especially concerned about whether there are any girls in the headquarters who are chasing after her, whether there are any girls who are so beautiful that her son is tempted, how is the relationship developing, etc. .

Nuo Xia answered in detail one by one.

Of course, there are some things that don't need to be said for the time being.

I won't mention the matter of Momotu and Shia, and it won't be too late to talk about it when the time comes.

As for the rest of the questions, Eemmm, he can't boast to his mother, saying that he is a real heartthrob now, and the girls who want to pursue him can be ranked from Marin Vanduo to Marie Gioia, right?

The next morning, half past five.

After pressing the alarm clock, Nuo Xia got up on time.

After a brief wash, he went out refreshed, followed Tulip's reminder, and went to the shopping street to pick out gifts for Bermer.

After all, he was born in Si and grew up in Si's hometown. Even though he wore sunglasses and kept his whereabouts as low-key as possible, he was recognized by many shop owners with surprise on his face.

"Hey, look, it's Nuo Xia, Nuo Xia is back!"

"I haven't seen you in almost two years. My God, I've grown so tall!"

The enthusiasm from his hometown overwhelmed Nuo Xia in an instant. Finally, when he walked out of the shopping street in a daze, he found that instead of spending a penny, there were gifts piled up in his arms like a hill...

Simply outrageous.

Fortunately, there were quite a few that Bermer liked, so Nuo Xia picked a few and kept them with her, and Ding Chun took the rest home on her back, and then went straight to her orange orchard on the outskirts of the town.

Winter is the season when oranges are harvested in abundance.

In the huge orange grove, there are big plump fruits everywhere, which are so bright and eye-catching. Nuo Xia has always liked oranges very much, so she couldn't help breaking one off when she saw it.

It was sweet in the mouth, with just the right amount of sourness, and he quickly ate the whole thing, smacking his lips with a look of satisfaction.

Throwing away the peeled orange peel, Nuo Xia was about to reach for the second one when he heard an angry shout from behind:
"Hey! What are you doing, stranger! How dare you come to my place to steal oranges in broad daylight?!"

Such a familiar voice.

Nuo Xia's raised arm suddenly froze in place.

Is it such a coincidence that she stepped into the orange orchard right after she arrived?

"Long time no see, Bell..."

He took a deep breath to calm his beating heart, and turned around with a smile on his face.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he happened to see a hatchet whizzing towards him, and it kept zooming in in his sight...

 I have to go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow, but it won't affect the update, don't worry~
(End of this chapter)

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