Chapter 169 Belmer

The hatchet collided with the neck, sparks flew everywhere, and there was a sound like metal clashing, and then the curling blade cracked and flew backwards.


Nuo Xia was taken aback, touched the unscathed neck, and couldn't help shouting to the opposite side, "It's too dangerous... Hey! What are you doing, Bermel!"

The one who appeared at the gate of the Orangery was a pretty girl.

The long chestnut red hair was tied into a single ponytail, neat and tidy, her sleeves were rolled up high, revealing her white and tender arms like lotus root, she was holding a basket of oranges, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, obviously just finished working.

At this moment, she was standing there in a daze, staring blankly at Nuo Xia who was glaring at her.


The basket fell to the ground, and the oranges in it rolled around.


She was at a loss, stuttering, and couldn't say Nuo Xia's name all of a sudden.


Seeing Bermel's appearance, Nuo Xia's anger about being accidentally injured just now disappeared without a trace.

He sighed softly, bent down to pick up the orange that rolled down to his feet, and said with a warm smile:
"It's me, long time no see, Bermel..."

The sound of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded, and Nuo Xia raised his head, and saw the girl with the maroon ponytail, who had already thrown all the farm tools in her hand aside, and rushed towards her.

The movement was like a ferocious beast coming out of its cage.

Are you so excited?

Looking at Bermer, who seemed to have tears in his eyes, Nuo Xia felt guilty.

He sighed softly, stood up straight, opened his arms, with a smile on his face, ready to welcome the hug from his childhood sweetheart.


Soon, he felt that something was wrong.

It was obvious that Bermer was about to rush to him, but he didn't intend to slow down at all.

"you still--"

The girl clenched her teeth, clenched her right fist, made an uppercut from bottom to top, and threw it towards Nuo Xia's chin, whistling.

"Come back with a face, bastard!"

In the orange grove, there was a dull loud noise.


What followed was the girl's painful cry.

"It hurts!!!!!!"


Nuo Xia stood there speechless, motionless, looking at Bermel who was curled up at her feet, clutching her right fist and tears were about to fall, the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitch.

It shouldn't be his fault, right?
Firstly, I didn't use the iron block, and secondly, I didn't use my arms to look domineering. I can't blame him for saying that his jaw moved first...

But a smart man should decisively take all the responsibility on himself at this time.

"Are you all right, Bermer?"

Nuo Xia squatted down, held Bermer's right fist with both hands, stroked the swelling on it, and said softly:
"I'm sorry, I wasn't ready, I couldn't make you angry, why don't you punch me again? I promise to fly several meters away for you to see."

He lowered his head and blew lightly on the red and swollen area.


Ahhh, Bermer almost got goosebumps, he shook off his handwriting, pushed him away in disgust, and said angrily:
"It doesn't hurt that much... Don't be disgusting here, hey, no, you bastard, why did you go out like a different person, when did you know how to coax people so gently?"

"Nonsense, when did it change?"

Nuo Xia snorted, "Think about it carefully, when did you make you cry and annoyed before, and I didn't take the initiative to coax you in the end?"

"Fart! Do you really think I don't remember?"

Bermer glared at him viciously, "Obviously no one would obey anyone every time, hitting from tree to tree, the oranges rolled all over the ground, and finally stopped by Aunt Tulip with a punch... "

She stopped suddenly and didn't continue.

At that moment, just like this moment, Nuo Xia looked at the scattered oranges all around him, and then looked up at the sunlight leaking from the gaps between the branches and leaves of the orange trees.

Turning his head involuntarily, he exchanged a glance with Bellemel, and the two pursed their lips together, and smiled tacitly at the same time.

The slight sense of alienation and strangeness brought about by the separation of nearly two years suddenly burst like a bubble under the sun at this moment, without a trace.

"When did you come back?"

Bermel patted the dirt on his body, stood up neatly, and glanced at Nuo Xia, "You don't want to tell me?"

"I just came back last night. I heard from my mother that you are taking a day off today and will come to the orange orchard to help with care, so I hurried over at dawn today."

Nuo Xia pouted at the gift she had piled under the orange tree, "Here, I brought you a lot of gifts from Marin Fando."

Bermer walked over and looked through them carefully, and found that they were all his favorite things. Obviously, they were all carefully selected by Nuo Xia.

She was overjoyed in her heart, but she still had that icy look on her face, and snorted, "It's not too bad, tell me, why didn't you reply to my letter before? I sent four letters!"

"I replied to the previous one. It was sent together with the one from Mom and Dad. You should all have received replies."

Nuo Xia blinked innocently, "I really didn't receive the next three letters, or I would have replied, and when you called, I was on a mission outside, and no one followed me when I returned to the headquarters." Said, after all, one person is wandering alone in the headquarters, and there is no backer and no one to care about. It was only after hearing my mother mention it last night that I knew there was such a thing..."

This wave, this wave is called turning from fiction to reality, and the topic is smoothly and normally transitioned to something that both parties know clearly, so as to increase the credibility of the previously fabricated reasons.

Bermer's attention was indeed drawn to the back.

Her complexion calmed down, and she stopped asking about the reply to the letter. After staring at Nuo Xia for a moment, she suddenly reached out and skillfully opened the collar of the latter's shirt.

"There are more wounds..."

Touching her chest covered with scars, she sighed softly, "Nuo Xia... I saw your news in the newspaper some time ago, you have become so strong now, you must have suffered a lot in the headquarters. ?”

"It's okay, haha, you know, I've been used to being drilled by my father since I was a child, why haven't I suffered?"

Nuo Xia scratched her head, "It's because you are like this all of a sudden, I'm not used to it, I feel like the hairs on my back are almost standing on end..."

Bermer pinched his chest angrily, and the latter let out a sigh of relief.

Well, this is the right taste.

"You've grown a lot taller, too."

Belmer stood on tiptoe again, and compared the latter with his hands flat on top of his head, "I used to be only half a head shorter than you, but now I can only reach your chest."

"Tell me about you in the past two years?" She looked up at Nuo Xia and said with a smile.

"I could talk all day if you wanted to."

Nuo Xia shrugged, "That would delay things too much, how about I clean up the orchard for you and talk while walking?"

"What do you mean you can help me?" Bermer gave him a blank look, "Is this your orchard for cutting?"

"Is there a difference?"

Nuo Xia looked at her innocently, "Besides, after all these years, the oranges you eat are at least ten times as much as mine, right?"

The girl's love for oranges was extraordinary. Nuo Xia remembered that when she was a child, Bellmer had a toothache from eating too many oranges several times, and she was sent to the dental clinic in a panic.


Belmer was too lazy to answer, picked up the scattered oranges one by one, threw a large pile of farm tools into Nuo Xia's arms, ignored the latter's wailing, and took the lead to walk deep into the orange orchard.

The two stood in front of each other, and the morning light was sifted by the shade of the forest into countless fine light spots, which fell on them.

Occasionally, the sound of laughing and talking, accompanied by a faint refreshing orange fragrance, spread to the surroundings.

This scene, like an orange peel under the sun, is warm and bright.

It's like an old photo with yellowing, it's the same as it was many years ago.


East China Sea, Kingdom of Oiket.

It was raining lightly at the port, and a middle-aged man dressed like a businessman in a brown windbreaker was standing at the pier holding a black umbrella, pacing back and forth anxiously.

"Here we come, sir!"

The servant suddenly reminded, "There is a passenger ship coming, so it should be the ship Madam is on?"

The middle-aged man suddenly looked back, and after seeing the flag flying on the passenger ship, his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't suppress his excitement and joy, "The flag of the Bills caravan... is absolutely right, it is this ship!"

When the passenger ship entered the port, he took a few servants and greeted him happily. Sure enough, among the passengers who disembarked, he saw a slim figure with blue shoulder-length short hair, who was holding a baby in his arms, and waved to him with a smile... …

It was the newlywed wife who had been separated from him for more than half a year and had stayed in her hometown to raise her baby.


The middle-aged businessman wept with joy. After kissing his wife passionately, the two separated. He took the swaddle and looked down. The little baby girl inside also had short blue hair. She looked cute and was sleeping soundly.

This was the first time he saw his daughter with his own eyes, and felt the faint blood connection between father and daughter. The middle-aged businessman felt that his heart was about to melt at this moment.

"Have you chosen a name, Marilyn?" I don't know if he stayed in the heavy rain for a long time, his voice was a little hoarse.

"No, I want to make a decision together after meeting you." The blue-haired lady smiled gently, "But there is a good alternative. I plan to call her Nuo Qigao. What do you think?"

"Nuoqigao, Nuoqigao..."

The middle-aged businessman repeated twice, "Good name! That's all..." He couldn't help laughing, and stretched out his hand to tease the sleeping baby girl's face, "Baby, from now on your name will be Nuo Qigao , wait until you grow up..."


He hadn't finished speaking when a panicked voice suddenly came from his ears.

what happened?
The middle-aged businessman turned his head in confusion, and looked in the direction he was pointing at. His whole body was shocked and his face turned pale.

In the misty rain and mist, a huge ship, like a crawling monster, slowly sailed towards the port.

above the mast.

The black pirate flag with a skull painted on it is fluttering in the wind...


Meanwhile, the other end.

In the afternoon sun, they were cruising wantonly on Chai Li Island. The two of Nuo Xia, who had been busy all morning, were walking on the street at the moment, chatting and laughing while looking for a suitable restaurant.

"Aren't you going home for dinner?" Bermer asked, "You're back, Tulip must have made a lot of goulash again? I haven't eaten it for a long time, and I really want to eat it."

"There are still more than ten catties left to eat. I will take you there in the evening, and I promise to fill you up."

Nuo Xia yawned lazily, "But Dad has to go to work at noon and can't go home. It's not good to leave him alone. Let's have a simple meal outside to make do."

"Well, that's fine too."

Bermer nodded approvingly, "Mr. Romanov must not be forgotten."

She is not from Chaili Island, but was born in Cocosia Village less than [-] kilometers away from here. She was orphaned in a sea disaster when she was a child, and she was wandering alone on the sea. It was Nuo Xia's father who happened to rescue her when she was on a mission. .

From then on, he was brought to Chai Li Island to live, and grew up with Nuo Xia, who was the same age.

Therefore, for Bermer, Tulip and the old Captain Romanov are actually like half parents, the only relatives and elders in her world.

The two walked around for a while, Nuo Xia seemed to have noticed something suddenly, stopped, and looked at the direction of the street strangely, "JATT Unlimited Barbecue Buffet... Strange, I don't remember this place, what? When did it open?"

"It seems that it only opened at the beginning of the year. You had already gone to the headquarters at that time."

Bermer also turned his head and glanced, "Why don't we go there for lunch? His business has always been booming. It seems that the taste has a good reputation, and the price is not too high. It costs [-] Berries per person. "

Fifteen Baileys?

Nuo Xia was really surprised now. What is the concept of this number? The price of the [-] catties of beef that my father bought last night cost more than [-] Baileys!
This is the world of pirates, big eaters can be seen everywhere, even if you dare to open a self-service barbecue restaurant, the price is so low...

Is this boss really not afraid of someone teaching him a good lesson?
"It's a miracle it didn't go bankrupt."

He was amazed, took Bermer's hand and went straight to the door, "Come on, this is the place, I want to see what the origin of this owner is, to have money to do charity here!"


The two waitresses at the door greeted them with habitual smiles.

As a result, after seeing Nuo Xia's face head-on, it was as if roots had taken root under his feet, and he stood there in a daze, unable to move, even forgetting the responsibility of welcoming guests into the door.

Nuo Xia glanced at Bermel guiltily, who glared over angrily, and pushed him into the door.

The two sat down by the window on the second floor, and a male gentleman brought the menu. Nuo Xia briefly asked a few words, and then he roughly figured out the rules.

This self-service barbecue is not self-service, but after paying the head fee, you can order unlimited dishes according to the menu. The back kitchen will deliver the barbecue continuously, as long as the meal time is controlled within one hour.

"This, this, and this, let's get three catties each, um, that's all for now..."

He picked for a while, and handed the menu to Bermer who was opposite.

The girl suddenly seemed to have been triggered by the muscle memory of the two fighting each other when they were young, not to be outdone, and according to Nuo Xia's choice, each brought four catties.

When the waiter left, she felt a little regretful and worried for a while, "It seems to add up to more than [-] catties... Nuo Xia, what should I do if I can't finish eating, you are not allowed to take it home here, if there is too much left, You have to pay a fine.”

"Don't worry." Nuo Xia laughed, "No matter how much you order, I'm here."

Of course, he is not a big eater, and he is only as tall as a mountain in front of Lu Fei, but his physique is here after all, if he really let his stomach open and eat, dozens of catties of meat will not be a problem.

"Really? I don't remember you being so edible?"

Bermel glanced at him suspiciously, and began to count with his fingers, "I see that there is an announcement written on the wall that every [-] grams of leftover food will be charged an additional [-] Baileys. Be careful if you have ten catties left... My God! That's [-] Baileys, and the money I've saved this year is not enough to pay!"

"Why not enough?"

Nuo Xia looked a little funny when she saw how serious she was, "I've been in the army for so long. Although the salaries of the sailors in the branch are not high, they still have [-] to [-] Berries a month. You said you saved for a year, how could you even pay [-]? Can't even take it out?"

"Because I only keep [-] Berries for myself every month." Bermer said, "I have deposited the rest in the bank for three years on a regular basis..."

"Three-year fixed term?" Nuo Xia frowned, "Why keep things for so long? You couldn't be deceived by the bank's salesman, right?"

"How could I be deceived?"

Bermer snorted, "Of course I save money because I have something to do, and this matter is very important, and it is related to someone who is sitting here now..."

Nuo Xia's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition flashed across.

Something is wrong... something is wrong!

It seemed that I was on fire, and I took the initiative to deliver it to my door!
 Do you think it is better to update separately as before, or two in one, three in one, so that it is better to update it as one chapter every day?

(End of this chapter)

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