People are full of pirates

Chapter 180 Encounter with Robin

Chapter 180 Encounter with Robin
Puff, puff.

The fat female pirate fell down, and then, as if a chain reaction had been triggered, the pirates on the deck passed out one after another.

Robin was also dizzy for a while, his right hand trembled, and he took out a bag of powder from his arms, and before flushing, he swallowed it dryly.

After taking the antidote, the previous symptoms gradually eased.


Looking at the fainted pirates on the ship, his thin body leaned on the wall, and returned to the cabin with difficulty, found the phone bug, and dialed a number that he had just contacted not long ago.

"It's been resolved, the coordinates are... please hurry over here."

After doing all this.

Little Robin sat leaning against the railing with blank eyes, quietly blowing the cold sea breeze.

The turbid waves emptied, and the surroundings were dead silent. The singing of "Binks' Wine" that was still resounding in the sea just now seemed to be isolated in another world.

She didn't notice.

In the sky above the head, a fat white pigeon is soaring through the clouds at an astonishing speed that is not commensurate with its size. Its eyes are sharp, and it has a panoramic view of everything below.


after an hour.

Somewhere in the ocean not far away.

"Colonel Bako, do you want to go alone again this time?"

"It's too dangerous, Colonel, let us go with you!"

On the deck of the warship, many sailors from the 329 Branch looked at Bako who was jumping into the speedboat along the rope with worried faces.

"Don't worry, it's okay, boys!"

Bako skillfully started the speedboat, raised his head and said to them:
"According to the informant's internal report, those guys are holding a banquet at sea. I took advantage of the chaos and sneaked up on them. Killing them by surprise is the best choice! If the warship approaches, it will alarm them instead."


He suddenly grinned and laughed loudly, "Don't worry about me, don't forget my previous brilliant achievements, I am the invincible Lord Bako!"

"Colonel Bacow..."

Watching Bako wave goodbye to them and leave, everyone on the warship was full of enthusiasm, and their faces were full of excitement and admiration.

Yes, that's Mr. Bacow!
In the past six months, he has killed pirates with tens of millions of bounties several times, and will soon become the colonel of the headquarters. Such a strong man, how can they worry about it!
But there are exceptions among the crowd.

At the corner of the warship, T. Penn took a deep look at Bako's back, quietly hid in the corner, and dialed the phone again.

"Mr. Nuo Xia."

He was a little nervous and eager, but he lowered his voice as much as possible, "Bako has already set off alone, where are you? If you don't come again, there is no way to catch him on the spot..."

"Huh? He hasn't arrived yet?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, and muttered, "It's really slow, it's more than ten minutes behind me, I'm almost falling asleep after waiting..."

Peng En was taken aback for a moment, had Mr. Nuo Xia already taken his seat ahead of time...

So fast?He scratched his scalp, his face full of confusion, obviously he hadn't had time to report the detailed coordinates further.

How did Mr. Nuo Xia find the location of the pirate ship one step ahead of him?


With a dull crash, the speedboat and the pirate ship leaned together.

Bako threw out the rope, hooked it to the railing above, and then stepped on the hull of the boat with his strength. It only took a few seconds to climb to the bow with ease.

It seems that although I am getting older, my skills have not dropped!
Bako clapped his hands in satisfaction and jumped over the railing.

Looking around the deck and confirming that all the pirates on the ground were in a coma state, he suddenly felt better, and smiled at the thin and silent figure embracing his knees in the corner:

"You did a good job, kid. With the previous few cooperations, you seem to be getting more and more proficient in your hands now!"

Little Robin looked up, looked at him indifferently, and didn't say anything.

Bako didn't take it seriously either, humming a ditty, while wandering around on the deck, he gave the pirates some extra swords, and from time to time deliberately stained himself with blood, creating the illusion of a bloody battle.

"Three offer a reward of [-] million, and seven or eight offer a reward of several million. Well, although there are not many people, the quality is quite high..."

It seems that the target this time was carefully selected by Mr. Corleone. The bounty is suitable, the difficulty of attack is low, and the probability of overturning is eliminated as much as possible.

"Oh, and this guy."

Arriving in front of the fat female pirate in a blink of an eye, Bako stretched out his hand and patted her face, laughing:

"Samya, the crying girl with a bounty of [-] million Baileys, the biggest gain this time, tsk tsk, she is so big and fat like a sow, if I really fight face to face, I can't handle this monster... "

Not finished.

The fat female pirate on the ground suddenly opened her eyes, staring at Bako with bloodshot eyes, suddenly burst into a backhand, and easily squeezed the latter's neck tightly.

"Hey, Navy..."

She raised Bako, who was full of horror, with a ferocious expression, and a hint of sarcasm in her tone, "Just now... who did you call a sow?!"

Throwing it violently with his right hand, Bako was thrown out like a cannonball, fell heavily to the corner, and spewed out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

In the corner, Little Robin was startled, subconsciously put his hands together and crossed them in front of his chest, but after hesitating for a second, he slowly put them down again.

There is no need to save this kind of person.

She quietly watched the sturdy figure like a hill, stepping towards Bako step by step, but there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

"Don't, don't come here..."

As the threat of death approached, Bako panicked and even changed his voice, "I work for the Corleone family! You... you bastard, how dare you do anything to me?"

The Corleone family?
The fat female pirate named Ghost Crying Girl frowned. Isn't this stupid pig an officer of the navy? How did she get involved with the largest underground gangster family in the West Sea?
who cares!
The fat female pirate sneered, disapproving.

For the pirates like them wandering in the West Sea, the Corleone family is indeed an existence that cannot be provoked more than the navy, but in this vast sea, who would know if they killed each other by themselves?

With a cold expression on her face, she pulled out the giant ax behind her, and continued to walk towards Bako. Seeing that her words had no effect, the latter closed his eyes in despair.

But right now.

There was a sudden sound of breaking wind, as if something was coming from the sky, and the footsteps that were already approaching stopped suddenly.

Afterwards, there was only a muffled sound, and a heavy body pressed against Bako's heels.

Bako shrank back subconsciously in fright, and only dared to open his eyes tremblingly after four or five seconds.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, he opened his mouth slightly, showing a hint of disbelief.

I saw that the fat female pirate, as strong as a hill, was cut off at the waist, bleeding all over the ground, and her upper body fell between her legs. On her fat face, her eyes were wide open, full of horror .

The Ghost Crying Girl who offered a reward of 3200 million Baileys was instantly killed just like that?
Who saved himself?

Bako turned his head to look in a daze, and happened to see a familiar figure descending from mid-air on moon steps, stepping on the railing, and smiling gently at him:
"See you again, Baco."

Major General Nuo Xia?

The sunlight fell on that handsome and extraordinary face, adding a bit of charm, Bako lost his mind for a while, and then suddenly woke up after a few seconds, and jumped up from the ground happily:

"Major General! Why are you here? What a coincidence... If it weren't for you, I would have already..."

"Hey, don't say that."

Nuo Xia raised his hand, interrupted his words, and then said with a smile, "What a coincidence, I came here just for you, Mr. Colonel who works for the Corleone family..."

These words were like a lightning strike on the top of his head in a drought, making Bako's face instantly pale and bloodless.

"Small, major general..."

He realized that it might be what he said just now, and when Nuo Xia heard it, he immediately stammered and defended, "You misunderstood, I just wanted to save my life, and made that pirate feel scruples and dare not treat me..."

"Oh? It's really interesting, Bako, our navy's admiral..."

Nuo Xia was still smiling one second, but the next moment his face darkened suddenly, "When will we need to rely on the name of a gangster family to suppress pirates!"

He slammed on the ground with all his strength, and a few meters away, the wooden board under Bako's feet suddenly lifted, and the latter, who was caught off guard, flew high and screamed, just in time to fall into Nuo Xia's hands.

Bako is only [-] meters tall, and in front of Nuo Xia who is close to [-] meters, he is as small as a little chicken.

His face flushed red when his neck was pinched, and before he had time to protest and argue, he heard Nuo Xia's faint voice again:
"By the way, I've been waiting here for almost half an hour, and I was getting impatient, so you came here."

"People who do things slowly, uncle, I hate them the most..."


Pinching his right hand around the neck, he exerted a half-strength. Bako felt his eyes go dark, lost consciousness instantly, and passed out.


In the corner, the little Robin, who saw all the twists and turns in his eyes, kept his mouth tightly covered to prevent himself from screaming.

Before the guy put Bako down, Robin turned around quietly, lying on the ground, and crept to the other side of the cabin under the cover of corpses all over the floor.

Gotta escape!
She didn't know who the guy whose back was facing her was, but the white cloak of justice and the cry that came out of Bako's mouth just now clearly showed his identity.


And it's a rear general in the navy, an absolute high-ranking officer!
She has no way to fight against such a strong man, she has to escape from the deck before the other party notices her!


Before she could hide in the cabin in the future, she felt a blur in front of her eyes, and a tall figure like a mountain stood in front of her. At the same time, a leisurely voice came:

"Little guy, you...where do you want to run?"

Robin's pupils shrank, and he counterattacked subconsciously to activate the fruit ability, but before he could free his hand, a hand knife had already lightly patted the back of her head, making her unconscious in an instant.


Darkness, endless darkness.

In the chaos, Robin seemed to have a long, long dream.

O'Hara in the dream hadn't turned into a sea of ​​flames, neither had her mother and her friends passed away, the sun was bright and warm, and even slightly hot;

She happily held the doctorate certificate she had just obtained, shouted with a smile, jumped up and down behind the familiar archaeologists, and prepared to explore a mysterious forest with few people.

As she walked, she and her team members got separated for some reason, and the surroundings became dark, surrounded by wild beasts, it was so dark that she couldn't see her fingers, and she could faintly hear howling wolves in the distance.

She was alone, and she folded her hands on her chest in horror, trying to protect herself with Huahuaguo's ability.

But in the next moment, her feet were empty and she fell into the sea. The endless sea water engulfed her like an abyss. Bubbles floated up, and her body gradually suffocated...

Robin was awakened by a loud noise.

She opened her eyes suddenly, like a drowning person who has just been rescued from the shore, she breathed heavily, and it took a long time before she gradually recovered.

Looking around vigilantly, he found himself in a spacious office, alone on the carpet next to the sofa.

Not far away, two figures were sitting opposite each other across a luxurious desk. The one with his back to her was Bako. He couldn't see his expression clearly, and he could only hear the voice of the conversation between the two:

"Bucky Usopp."

"...The effect seems a bit outrageous, a position in the navy?"

"Headquarters general."


I use a lie spray, not an ambition spray, right?

Nuo Xia looked at Bako who was beaten into a pig's head in a daze by himself, and then shook his head after a pause, and continued to ask:

"The one you secretly contacted with an encrypted phone bug was the biggest underworld family in Xihai?"


"In the past six months, those brilliant military exploits were also arranged by the Corleone family for you?"


"Do you think you can beat a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions head-on?"


"So why did the Corleone family help you?"

No echo.

"To make you a spy? Um... like Virgo, do you know Virgo?"

"No, I know."

have to.

Nuo Xia finally understood that when it comes to more complicated and long answers, the effect of the lying spray is sometimes ineffective.

But when you only need to answer the binary question of "yes" or "no", no matter whether the other party is willing to take the initiative to answer, you can 100% get the answer you want because of the coercive effect of the lying spray.

What an interrogation artifact.

When he found this item in the item store, he thought it was a tasteless item, but this time he finally found the correct posture to use it.

After some cross-examination.

Soon, Nuo Xia probably figured out Bako's details.

To put it simply, this guy was captured by members of the Corleone family during a battle more than half a year ago, and was brought before "Mr. Corleone" who founded the family.

But the other party did not kill him, but saw the weak and easy-to-control nature of this guy, and after some coercion and lure, he turned him into his own person who was placed in the navy.

 I just found out that starting on the 28th, there will be a double monthly ticket event, so it’s too late to ask for a monthly ticket, oh!

  Let's continue to ask for it here. By the end of the month, the monthly votes you cast will be doubled directly. The requirements are not high. If you have a thousand votes, you will be satisfied...

(End of this chapter)

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