People are full of pirates

Chapter 181 There is no second time, Robin

Chapter 181 No Second Time, Robin

The Corleone family is a underworld family that has not been rising for a long time.

The founder, Corleone Vito, was able to develop into the largest underground force in the West Sea in just over ten years.

This blond man in his thirties at the time was extremely ambitious and far-sighted, trying to use various means to promote Bako to the throne of the base chief of the first branch of the West Sea.

Since then, black and white have colluded to ensure that the Corleone family can remain evergreen and secure in the West Sea.

"The root of the relationship has something to do with me?"

Nuo Xia murmured in his heart.

The Corleone family became the tycoon of the underground forces in Xihai more than half a year ago. Before that, they had been suppressed by the behemoth of the Capone family and could not stand up for a long time.

Well, that's right.

It was the Capone family that he ran into when he first came to Xihai to participate in the actual combat assessment.

In that battle, the West Sea Underground Alliance organized by the Capone family suffered heavy losses, and many pirate captains who offered a reward of tens of millions were arrested and killed.

The number one thug with the highest combat power in the alliance, "Bear" Sano, was even beheaded by Nuo Xia's sword on the spot.

The Corleone family was able to take the opportunity to enter, took the opportunity to destroy the Capone family, and succeeded in ascending to power.

In addition, among the direct descendants of the Capone family, only the nephew of the head of the family survived, escaped the siege, and is still missing.

His name was Capone Becky.

"If I don't come to Xihai to take up the post, then the history of the development of the underground forces in Xihai in the next ten years will be a story of the vicissitudes of Monte Cristo, right?"

Nuo Xia thought to himself, it's just that since he's here, there's nothing wrong with Kapenbeki.

The malignant tumor of the Corleone family must be cleaned up as soon as possible after he completes the escort mission and frees himself up.

He shook his head slightly, and glanced at Bako across the desk.

The effective time of the lying spray has passed, Bako is at a loss at this moment, and he doesn't understand why he couldn't help answering so many questions just now.

Looking at Nuo Xia at this moment, he suddenly showed panic, and he couldn't even speak fluently:

"Major...Major General, I was coerced by the Corleone family back then, so I did this out of necessity..."

"It's useless to tell me these nonsense. After I report to the headquarters, you go and explain to the military court."

Nuo Xia was too lazy to talk to this guy, and turned his gaze to the thin figure in the corner, and said coldly:
"However, before I send you into the city, I still have some questions. I want to ask this little girl named Annie..."

He was actually a little curious.

This little girl looks very weak, only eight or nine years old, right?

He has been able to drug a ship of pirates without changing his face. Could it be that he is a killer who has been specially trained by the Sopranos since he was a child?
Since he is a member of the Corleone family, those who should be interrogated should be interrogated clearly.

If this little girl had done something outrageous, he would not spare her just because she was still young.

Robin was carefully observing the surrounding situation, especially the orientation of the windows and the exit of the door.

Seeing Nuo Xia's icy eyes on her at this moment, she who had recovered some strength immediately gritted her teeth and made a decision——

Gotta escape!
Although I know in my heart that I will never be an opponent of a navy with the rank of major general.

But no matter what, she has to try her best. With her special status, she must never fall into the hands of the navy. She must find a way to escape from this base!


The Huahua fruit ability was activated, and on the wall behind Nuo Xia, two slender arms suddenly grew out.

Quietly, it entangled towards Nuo Xia's neck, and the moment it touched it, it tightened suddenly.

And she herself seized the opportunity at this moment of lightning and flint, leaped out suddenly, and rushed towards the half-opened window on the southernmost side of the wall!

Got it!

Seeing that he hadn't been stopped when he rushed to the window, little Robin was overjoyed, and was about to jump off, when out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a chubby pigeon on the window sill, tilting its head, without blinking looking at himself.

Seeing her rushing, the white dove suddenly cooed, flew up, caught her hair with its claws, and flung it out violently.

Robin felt an irresistible force coming from him, and his eyes were blurred.

When his vision became clear again, he had already been thrown onto the table of the desk.

How can a pigeon have so much strength?

Shocked in her heart, she turned her head and saw that the rear admiral was less than [-] centimeters away from her, and she was looking at her in surprise at the moment, even though those two tender arms strangled his neck desperately, she remained motionless...

"And this kind of windfall?"

Nuo Xia didn't pay attention to those tickling arms at all.

He looked up and down at the little girl in front of him, and suddenly frowned, stretched out a hand, pinched Robin's cheek tightly, and rubbed it slightly vigorously.

It hurts so much... Little Robin was about to shed tears, and before he understood the meaning of the other party's actions, he felt the powder on his face falling like paint.

Her true face, which was covered by the disguise powder, was gradually revealed in front of Nuo Xia.

"It's really you."

Only then did Nuo Xia let go of her hand, looked at the little black-haired girl with frightened eyes, and said softly:
"The son of the devil with a reward of 7900 million Baileys, Nicole Robin..."

These words instantly exploded in Robin's heart like a bolt from the blue.

Was it finally recognized?

He definitely couldn't run away, Little Robin looked at Nuo Xia blankly, then lowered his head slightly, bit his lower lip tightly, and remained silent.

"A mere underground force in the West Sea actually has such a miraculous medicinal powder. After applying it, there are basically two people."

She heard Nuo Xia's sighing sound coming from her ear.

"I should have used the detector if I knew it earlier, little guy, if you hadn't used your fruit ability to resist, I really wouldn't have recognized it at all..."

what is this?
I have caught myself, and I am humiliating myself by saying such a lot of words?
Or are you celebrating the military exploits you picked up in vain?
The look in Robin's eyes gradually dimmed, and he stared blankly at the desk in front of him.

First, he fled desperately for several months, finally reunited with his family, and was controlled and threatened by the underworld family, struggling in the endless darkness...

I have had enough of these days.

Let’s just leave it at that, whether it’s death at the hands of the navy, or being imprisoned in the dark city of Advancing City, it’s better than continuing to be tortured by Corleone’s hands...

She doesn't want to live anymore.

"No wonder you can bring down so many pirates at such a young age. If it were you, I wouldn't be so surprised..."

Nuo Xia's voice was still ringing, Robin didn't care for a long time, he listened vaguely, suddenly saw the former clapping his hands, and changed the topic:
"Okay, let's go, pay attention next time, don't let me catch you again."

Robin's body trembled, and he raised his head in disbelief, and saw that handsome young face looking at him with a smile:

"Why, why don't you leave, what are you doing here? Do you want me to send you out of the base gate in person?"

Did you hear me right?
This rear admiral actually intends to let him go?
"Yes, but..."

She was full of confusion, and was about to ask what happened, when Nuo Xia suddenly came over and asked in a low voice:
"Hey, by the way, tell me the truth. You have done business for the Corleone family. You should have only dealt with pirates, and you haven't done anything to harm civilians, have you?"


Robin subconsciously replied, then raised his head in a daze, and said hoarsely, "But I am a wanted bounty criminal, you, why do you want to..."

"The one who said you destroyed the warship is CP9, and the one who issued the reward order is the world government. What does it have to do with me as a navy?"

Nuo Xia shrugged, leaned lazily on the sofa chair, raised her legs and said leisurely:
"I'm not interested in helping people from the world government. Besides, I'm not the first navy to let you go. You should get used to this..."

The black-haired girl showed astonished eyes, Nuo Xia blinked at her and smiled slightly:
"Ah, you guessed it right. That guy Kuzan and I are barely friends. I know what happened back then."

"However, as that guy said, it doesn't mean that he is your friend when he lets you go,"

Nuo Xia waved her hand, the smile on her face faded, and she said lightly:

"So, don't do things for this kind of underworld family in the future, no matter if you want to survive, hide your identity, or something else... Kuzan said that if you do something bad, he will be the first to catch you. "

"However, since I have come to Xihai, I will definitely arrive one step faster than him. At that time, don't expect me to let you off like today."

After saying this, he pointed to the half-open door, and threw back the disguise powder that he found in her pocket, and said no more.

Did you really let yourself go like this?
Also mentioned Kuzan...

The man who once froze her only friend Sauro in front of her with his own hands, and prepared a boat for her, allowing her to escape from O'Hara in a sea of ​​flames.

Robin's mind was a little confused, she moved to the door almost under the subconscious control of her body, then turned her head and glanced blankly at Nuo Xia behind the desk.

Do you want to tell this guy that you don't want to work for the Corleone family, but that you were coerced because your relatives were imprisoned?

No, after all, the opponent is still the Navy.

The painful memories of Tu Moling were engraved in her heart and were indelible. Even if the other party let her go, she couldn't trust Nuo Xia when she met for the first time.

Robin turned her head away and laughed at herself. What was she thinking just now? Could it be that the other party's friendly and warm smile messed up her mind?
Counting on a navy traveling thousands of miles to help her rescue her relatives... How is this possible?


The black-haired girl finally stopped hesitating, and after smearing the little face-changing powder on her face, she strode out the door and gently closed the wooden door of the office.

Before leaving, Nuo Xia heard a low voice coming from the crack of the door:
"Thank you."

This little guy... Nuo Xia passed through the gap, silently watching that little thin figure go away.

It is inevitable for people to have a heart of compassion, let alone Robin who suffered a miserable life experience.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about it just now, thinking of using some means to make Robin stay by his side.

In that way, little Robin can at least live a life without worrying about food and clothing, and won't be hiding everywhere, struggling to survive in endless betrayal and darkness like in the original timeline.

But this is not going to work after all.

Not to mention how to cover up the identity of the son of the devil, Robin himself, is he willing to live with a navy?

O'Hara's painful memories are a hurdle that cannot be crossed. Nuo Xia is not a person with the fruit of face ability. He has not yet felt that his face can be big enough to make Robin forget the resentment and knots in his heart at that time.

What's more, this was the first time the two met. This girl, who was far more mature than her peers, was obviously vigilant, and she couldn't build up much trust in him in a short period of time.

"Nuo, Major General Nuo Xia..."

Just when Nuo Xia was silent, a cautious voice suddenly came from the side of his ear.

He turned his head and saw Colonel Bako looking at him in disbelief:

"You, just let that girl go?"

That is the devil's son who was offered a huge reward by the world government, Nicole Robin!
It is simply a huge amount of credit given to him for nothing. If it were him, he would definitely tie up the girl and report to the superior immediately...

In fact, in his plans with Corleone Vito.

When he has accumulated a certain level of military exploits, he will kill the donkey and regard Nicole Robin as the last important bargaining chip for promotion to the major general of the Xihai branch.

Bako couldn't understand Nuo Xia's thoughts, but he always felt as if he had heard some terrible secret, and it seemed to be related to another big boss of the headquarters, then Lieutenant General Kuzan...

Just thinking of this, Bako suddenly saw that, after looking him up and down, Nuo Xia suddenly shook his head, and said with some regret:

"Tell me, why is your mind so dull? It would be nice to just pretend to be stupid and fainted from fear. You have to hear everything you shouldn't have heard, and you even jumped out to remind me..."

What does this mean?
An icy chill shot up the back of his head in an instant, and Bako was so terrified that he couldn't sit still anymore, and he lost his composure and screamed:
"You...what do you want to do! I am also a captain of the navy, even if I do something I shouldn't do, it should be ruled by military law..."


Before he finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly.

Bako, whose neck was broken, fell to the ground stiffly, while Nuo Xia walked out of the window as if he didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, frowning slightly.

A traitor is always more hateful than an enemy, and to deal with Bako casually, there will be no psychological burden on him at all.

"The Corleone family..."

Nuo Xia looked at the small figure faintly visible in the wind and snow, talking to herself.

It doesn't feel good to be counted on.

Although Bako is a complete idiot, he is still quite upset that a mere underground underworld family from all over the world has extended his hand under his command and tried to get his hands on the control of the first branch of Xihai.

Perhaps, I should change my itinerary slightly.

Before going to the new world of Lot Kingdom, I took some time to go straight to the lair, and pulled out all the mice that were nesting in the ground, and cleaned them all in one go!

PS: Double the monthly ticket, only a hundred tickets away from 1K, please ask for it.

In addition, once again, everyone, I seem to be a salted fish, but in fact I am a standard two-shift beast, but I am too lazy to separate them every day, so the two chapters are published together~
But it did take a month, and May is ready to stand up and work hard.
(End of this chapter)

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