People are full of pirates

Chapter 285 The Gamble with Fujitora

Chapter 285 The Gamble with Fujitora
Nuo Xia grinned, what level of lethality is it?
That is the kind that kills both men and women, regardless of camp, and even hostile pirate captains may take the lead in defecting.

But at this moment, even wearing sunglasses, most of his face was covered.

The entire noodle restaurant and the guests at the surrounding tables were still in this smile, and they all fell into a sluggish state. They stared blankly at the side face. They didn't recover for a long time. Even the noodles held by the chopsticks slipped under the table. Did not notice.

But for a blind uncle who can't see anything, it's obviously useless.


Fujitora almost didn't even think about it, so he directly refused, "Sorry, although I admire the strength and character of Your Excellency Nuoxia, I'm sorry that I won't consider this proposal."


Bermer on the side couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Yixiao, you have outstanding strength and great ambitions. Isn't it better to stretch your ambitions in the navy than just being a little knight-errant swordsman? That way you can save more people, and..."

"Besides, after I improve my status, I won't be like today. I can only endure being ridden on the face by that kind of clown." Momotu finished the second half of the sentence for her with a smile.

"I'm used to being alone, wandering around in clouds and wild cranes, freely."

Fujitora shook his head slightly, "After joining the navy, the constraints I have been subjected to are unbearable to me, not to mention, I really can't agree with some of the navy's decisions over the past few years..."

"Brother Yixiao is referring to the Qiwuhai system?"

Nuo Xia's eyes flashed, and he suddenly spoke.

"There are other aspects, too."

Fujitora was slightly taken aback, obviously not expecting what Nuo Xia said, but he still nodded and admitted frankly:
"However, those are all corners. What I despise the most is indeed the introduction of the Qiwuhai system."

"In order to strengthen the power and maintain the balance of the so-called great route, we win over dissidents and allow the pirates to plunder legally. I don't know how many ordinary people have been ruined by those Qibukai, but the world government and the navy have nowhere to cry. Civilians, turn a blind eye..."

"How is this behavior different from those pirates!"

Fujitora sighed, looked up at Nuoxia again, and said with emotion:

"Two years ago, when you had a conflict with Shichibukai William, I happened to be traveling in a small city near the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"Perhaps you don't know how many civilians in that city wept with joy after William was killed by you on the spot. At the bonfire meeting at night, they cried and sang around the fire, celebrating until dawn..."

Not everyone has the guts to defy the military order and attack Qi Wuhai.

What's more, the other party is a descendant of the Tianlong people, who is also the noble blood of the royal families of the two countries.

Taotu and the others looked at Nuo Xia with a little pride in their eyes.

"Your Excellency Nuoxia, it is a blessing for the common people and the navy to have you in the Navy, but it is far from enough to have only one Romanov Norsha..."

Nuo Xia remained silent for a while, then suddenly raised her head after a while, and said seriously:
"The Shichibukai system will definitely be ended in my hands. The order of the world and the justice of the navy don't need a group of pirates to help maintain it."

The words were so loud that Fujitora was stunned. Before he could recover, he saw Nuo Xia suddenly laughed:
"Brother Yixiao, let's make a bet, how about we make an agreement?"


Fujitora raised his eyebrows, his interest was aroused, "I would like to hear the details."

"Within ten years!"

Nuo Xia raised a finger, "I am not a lieutenant general who can decide many things about the navy right now, but within ten years, I bet that I can become an admiral of the navy, hold the power in my hand, and eradicate all the ills of the navy bit by bit. , and at that time, the abolition of Qibuhai will be the first step!"

"If I can't do this after ten years, then I will lose this bet."

"But if within ten years, one day Mr. Yixiao suddenly sees the bounties of the seven pirates being listed again on the headlines of the newspaper, it will be the opposite, and it means that I have won the bet."

Nuo Xia smiled slightly:
"And by that time, I hope I don't need to invite you again, brother Yixiao, you have already boarded the boat to Marlin Fanduo by yourself."

This seems to be a gamble that no matter whether you win or lose, neither side will be punished...

The few people around were thoughtful, no wonder Nuo Xia said that the agreement was actually made in the form of a bet...

in ten years?

Fujitora looked at Nuo Xia quietly with the whites of his eyes without pupils. After a long silence, he stroked his sword and smiled: "Of course it's no problem."

"When the time comes, Your Excellency Nuo Xia, just don't dislike me for being old and useless."

Old and useless?

Nuo Xia couldn't help laughing, Fujitora will only be less than fifty years old by then, and he will be in the prime of life, what kind of old age?
In the headquarters, there are grey-haired old men who are still in good spirits, eat delicious food, and burp so loudly that they can shake the entire Marin Fando, but there are still several of them!


The white-haired old man boarded the boat with the cash box in his arms, and thankfully waved goodbye to Fujitora, Nuo Xia and others who came to see him off.

The village urgently needs the life-saving money of more than 8000 million Baileys, but letting the old blind man send it back alone is naturally uneasy, so at this moment, the guard and guide on the ship...

That's right, it's Xiao Luo.

With a flying speed comparable to that of a fighter jet, it will take at most one or two hours to return to the city of the Queen of Spring after arriving at the destination at dawn.

As for Dingchun...

At the moment, the big white dog was lying on the bow of the boat, wagging its tail, happily hugging the meaty bones that Nuo Xia had brought back, chewing them deliciously, which was regarded as a reward for it being alone on the boat all day.

Smiling and waving, after seeing the blind man and the pigeons go away, Nuo Xia stayed in Dingchun, continued to undertake the important task of watching the boat, and then returned to the city with the rest of the people.

It was late at night, and the moon was high in the sky.

But the real life of Spring Queen, the city that never sleeps, has just begun.

Fireworks are blooming in the night sky, bright and dazzling. The streets of the city are full of passionate music and dance performances. The streets are full of people, and the level of excitement is several times higher than that during the day.

"It's beautiful."

The girls stopped and watched, admiring the fireworks in full bloom in the sky. Momotu looked at Fujitora, who was quietly watching the sky, with a regretful expression.

Nuo Xia looked at a street intersection, and after glancing at the words written on the road sign, his expression was a little strange.

If he remembers correctly, 9 years later, CP-[-] Kalifa Bruno and his group were doing business next to this road sign, raising medical expenses for Rob Lucci...

And right now.

A trembling voice suddenly came from the side:

"All right, adults, I...I haven't eaten for two days..."

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a little boy who looked to be about ten years old at the street corner, holding a broken bowl and looking at them pitifully.

Ragged and emaciated, he looked pitiful.

 I will add more tomorrow, about [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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