People are full of pirates

Chapter 286 Are You Looking For Difference [12]

Chapter 286 Are You Finding Faults? [12]

"Poor little fellow."

Seeing the little boy's dirty face, several people couldn't help feeling compassionate.

Nuo Xia glanced at Taotu, who immediately understood, rummaged in the satchel for a while, and took out several five hundred Bailey banknotes.

Nuo Xia usually doesn't like to carry money with her. Since the honeymoon vacation, the group has been traveling lightly. The deposits of hundreds of millions of Baileys are all placed in the bank card, and they are only withdrawn when needed.

The little money that he carries with him is in charge of Taotu.

"Son, what's your name?"

Momotu took out the handkerchief, wiped the stain on the little boy's forehead, and asked softly.

The little boy with black hair and black eyes subconsciously avoided the handkerchief, glanced at her timidly, and whispered, "Macy, Cooper Macy."

"Messi, a nice name."

Taotu repeated it, and said softly: "Where's your family, Messi, you look completely different from the locals, did you get lost here alone?"


The little boy named Macy nodded, his eyes darkened, "I traveled here with my mother last week, but my mother lost money in the casino, so she mortgaged me here, and ran away secretly by herself. I haven't seen her either."

"It was also today, I just found a free time and sneaked out of the casino while taking advantage of the chaos..."

Tao Tu was startled slightly, and looked at Nuo Xia thoughtfully.

Finally found a chance today to escape from the casino?

Could it be such a coincidence that it happens to be the one opened by that young master Anjie?
"Huh? Is there such a mother?"

On the side, Bermel was so angry that she was already a mother of two girls, and she couldn't understand this kind of bastard who used her children to pay off debts. She rolled up her sleeves angrily:

"Little Messi, tell me, where is your home? We'll take you home, and then help you beat up that bastard mother!"

Nuo Xia stopped her in time, and motioned her not to get too excited, so as not to frighten the child.

"It's far away, over the South China Sea..."

Little Meixi shook her head, bit her lower lip and said sadly: "Before I left for the trip, my mother had already sold all the houses at home, and I will definitely not go back..."

What about your father?
Bermer wanted to ask this question very much, but seeing the little boy's expression, he couldn't bear it anymore, fearing that he would hurt him again, so he gave up with a sigh.

From the beginning to the end, the little guy didn't mention his father. I'm afraid he is a more damned scum than that bastard mother who used her son to pay off his gambling debts, right?
"There are clothing stores and restaurants nearby, go get some food with the money, Macy."

Taotu touched the little boy's head distressedly, and instead of throwing the five hundred Bailey notes into the broken bowl, they stuffed them into his hands.

Looking at the banknotes in his hand, little Messi's eyes lit up, and he thanked him.

"Hey, Mr. Yixiao?" Bermel suddenly found that there seemed to be someone missing around him.

"Over there, come here."

Nuo Xia pursed her lips, and when they turned their heads to look, they saw Fujitora walking around the snack street and bought some steaming beef pies.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and carefully put the pie into the little boy's hands.

"Thank you uncle!"

Seeing the delicious beef pies, the little boy was much more excited than seeing the money just now. He couldn't wait to grab two, one on the left and one on the right, and devoured them at the same time.

"I'm ashamed, I really don't have much money..." Fujitora sighed, and said shamelessly, "Seeing that everyone has generously donated to help, I can only contribute a little bit like this."

Obviously a few hours ago, uncle, you were still a billionaire...

In the end, it was all given to the villagers, and you didn't keep a penny?Nuo Xia looked at him speechlessly, seriously doubting whether the meal of noodles that he invited them to eat in the evening had already emptied out all of Fujitora's savings.

"On the Isle of Mull in the north, I remember that there is a naval welfare home."

Seeing how delicious the little boy's food was, Nuo Xia couldn't help but sighed in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said, "If you don't want to go to your parents anymore, little guy, it's only two days before you get on the boat with us. How about sending you there?"

Navy Welfare Institute?
Probably because he ate too fast, the little boy was taken aback when he heard the words, but he choked when he wanted to speak, and coughed violently.

Seeing this, Nuo Xia immediately went to buy some drinks and came back, patted the little guy on the back, and said with a smile: "Eat slowly, it doesn't matter, don't rush to answer."

Little Messi glanced at him gratefully. After finally recovering, he showed hesitation, and finally shook his head:

"Thank you, but it's not necessary, big brother, I don't want to go to a place like an orphanage. I'd rather stay in the City of Spring Queen. As long as I find a shop that accepts apprentices in the past few days, I can support myself..."

Be a man.

Nuo Xia's eyes showed admiration. He looked at the little boy in shabby clothes but with bright eyes and tenacious eyes. He thought that if he had just escaped from the casino, he was so hungry that he was so hungry that he probably wouldn't come to the street. Begging?
Bermel was a little worried and wanted to say something, but Momotu smiled and held down his hand.

"In that case, it's up to you."

Nuo Xia rubbed his head, and said softly:
"We will visit here for a few more days. If you change your mind and want to ask for help, you can come to the pier in the morning to find me on the boat. The big dog lying on the deck is my boat."

Little Messi looked at him gratefully and nodded vigorously.


In the northern part of the Queen's City in spring, a grand fireworks show began again.

The clusters of exploding fireworks lit up half of the sky, magnificent and gorgeous, enough to make everyone temporarily forget their troubles, and their mood suddenly became comfortable and joyful.

Nuo Xia and the others were no exception. They gradually let go of the negative emotions just now, and walked around happily for a long time.

After more than an hour, it turned back to the starting point of the commercial street.

It was ten o'clock in the middle of the night, and the place was still very lively, but the thin little figure had disappeared.

"I hope that little guy can find a shop to take him in."

Nuo Xia silently blessed in her heart.

Looking at the moonlight, he felt that it was almost time to go shopping tonight. He was about to take a group of people back to the pier to rest on the boat, but Shia behind him let out a light snort.

"what happened?"

Nuo Xia turned around strangely.

"Nuo Xia...over there."

Shia looked a little uncertain, pointing to a dark corner, "Is that..."

Nuo Xia looked in the direction she was pointing at, her expression changed slightly in an instant, she strode over, bent down to pick up something from the corner of the wall, and the rest of the people hurried over.

After seeing what Nuo Xia picked up, everyone's expressions became ugly, including Fujitora.

——It was a beef pie that had been bitten by a few pieces.

"...what, what's going on?"

"That child, something must have happened?"

The hearts of several people were all agitated. Taotu proposed to search separately, and everyone agreed immediately. After a brief discussion, they decided to focus on this street intersection and spread out in all directions to search for the whereabouts of Little Messi.


Just when they were about to search separately, a hand holding a broken bowl suddenly reached out tremblingly.

"Come on, everyone, everyone..."

A blind old man with gray hair and wrinkled face, who must be at least seventy or eighty years old, stood in front of him with a cane, and said pitifully:
"I, I haven't had a full meal for several days, I'm so hungry that I can hardly walk..."

Seeing that everyone looked over, the blind old man shed two lines of tears, and said with a miserable expression:

"I traveled here with my son last month, but that unfilial son lost money in the casino, so he mortgaged the old man here, and ran away secretly, and never saw him again."

"Old man, I also found a free time today, and sneaked out of the casino while taking advantage of the chaos..."

"Right now, I just want to have something to eat first, to scrape together the travel expenses, so that I can take the boat back, please do me a favor, give me some money, great kindness, old man, I will definitely remember it in my heart, and I will repay you a hundred times in the next life..."

at the very beginning.

Nuo Xia and the others looked at the old man with pity in their hearts, subconsciously preparing to pay.

But as he listened, he began to feel that something was wrong, and his expression became a little weird.

——Why is this rhetoric so familiar?
No, it's not familiar enough to describe it. It should be said that it's basically the same set of words with Little Messi, and it was carved out of a template!
Is this a gang of professional beggars?

Several people suddenly felt a little nauseous.

When Nuo Xia came in front of the old man, the blind old man seemed to have noticed the movement of his footsteps, and looked up at him in a dazed but somewhat expectant manner.

But Nuo Xia didn't say anything, just looked up and down, looking carefully at this old man who was over seventy years old.

After a while.

He seemed to have noticed something, and then squatted down, and when he and the old man came to the eye-level position, there was already a half-smile expression on his face.

"This gentleman, you, you can do it..."

The old man closed his eyes tightly, shook the bowl in his hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Just treat it as doing a good deed, oh, even if it's only a hundred Baileys..."

Nuo Xia turned her head and glanced at Taotu. The little rabbit understood immediately, and tacitly took out another stack of banknotes from her purse, and handed it over.

"Nowadays, a long-distance ferry ticket costs thousands of Baileys. What does a hundred Baileys mean?"

Nuo Xia took out two [-] bills, gently put them in the broken bowl, and said with a smile, "Here, here is [-] Baileys, take this money, go eat a good meal first, change clothes, Go home again by boat, old sir."


The blind old man was taken aback for a moment, obviously surprised, and then his voice choked up, and he grabbed Nuo Xia's arm with both hands excitedly, "Thank... thank you... you, you are really a kind person!"

"Where is your home?"

"South, South China Sea..."

"South China Sea? That's too far away. Is this money enough? It doesn't seem to be enough."

Nuo Xia was a little embarrassed again, then sighed, and took out a few large notes of [-] Baileys and put them on them, "That's good, I'll add another [-] Baileys to you, making a total of [-], so that the ship can invite Personal care, after all, you can't see anything, so it's not convenient."

"Five, fifty thousand..."

The old man's voice was already trembling with excitement, he suddenly dropped his crutches, knelt tremblingly, and was about to kowtow to the ground:

"You, your kindness... little old man, I don't know how to repay you in this life, and only in this way can I..."

When my head was almost touching the ground, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Something's wrong, logically speaking, shouldn't such a kind guest help him up immediately? Why is there no movement at all?
His movements froze in place, neither knocking nor knocking.

Nuo Xia squatted in front of him, smiling and watching the old man lying on the ground hesitating.

In the distance, Fujitora, Momotugi and the others had a hard time suppressing their laughter with puffed cheeks, and Bermel almost bit his lip, so he had to turn his head away.

"Oh shit……"

The blind old man cursed secretly, lying on the ground, he couldn't know what Nuo Xia was doing above him, so he had no choice but to be cruel and knocked his head several times.

When he raised his head again, his forehead was flushed red, but he still had to squeeze out a grateful smile.

"Then let's go first." Nuo Xia patted his buttocks and stood up, patted the old man's head again, and said with a smile: "[-] Baileys, take your time, old man."

"Okay, kind sir, please slow down and go..."

The old man also straightened up, and when he heard the sound of footsteps receding, he turned his head and smiled instantly.

[-] Baileys, hey, it's really good money. Today's performance is overfulfilled. After handing in the basics, the remaining money is enough for him to be cool for a while.

That guy, although a little ignorant of etiquette, doesn't even know how to put on a show to help the old man...

But I can't stand people who are stupid and have a lot of money!
It's a pity that it's a one-shot deal, so why don't you just kowtow?If every time he kowtows, he can get [-] Baileys in his hand, he can kowtow all the way from Upside Down Mountain to Ralph Drew.


When he opened his eyes, the smile on his face froze instantly.

Because at this moment, the five ten thousand banknotes in the broken bowl had been exchanged for five one hundred denomination notes at some point.

Hundred-dollar bills.

Calculated, adding one piece is just enough to buy ten newspapers.

what happened?

Obviously, when that guy put money in for the first time, he took a sneak peek, and all he saw were ten thousand yuan bills. When did he sneakily drop the money?
He gritted his teeth, turned his head immediately, and called to Nuo Xia who was walking away: "Sir, isn't the money you gave is not right?"


Nuo Xia turned around in surprise, "What's wrong, [-] Baileys, doesn't the old man think it's enough?"

Fifty thousand farts!
The old blind man was trembling with anger, this guy was either slapping his face to look fat, or he was deliberately trying to make fun of him.

"It's obviously five hundred, think I'm blind!"

In shame, he slammed the broken bowl on the ground and said angrily:
"Are you looking for trouble on purpose, aren't you? Are you going to give it or not!"


(End of this chapter)

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