People are full of pirates

Chapter 30 Meeting Ace

Chapter 30 Meeting Ace
"I didn't recognize her identity."

Nuoxia quickly went through the response she had just thought about, and then showed a stunned expression, "Didn't you say it yourself at that time?"


Zhizi was startled, and found that it was indeed the case, and couldn't help but wonder, "Then you took the photo at that time, what did you want to say?"

"Familiar." Nuoxia said honestly, "I seem to have seen it somewhere, especially those eyes."

"..." Zhizi's eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you mean, where?"

"I can't remember it for a while." Nuoxia scratched her head, feeling that her acting skills seemed to have improved again, "Compared to this, Major General Zhizi, can I ask you a question?"

"Don't change the subject." Zhizi frowned, but still allowed it, "...Tell me, what's the problem?"

"Why are you, and Mr. Karp..." Noxia noticed that Zhizi's face was sinking, so he spoke faster, "That's it, Mr. Karp is not only a hero I respect, but also an elite who led me into the headquarters. Camp promoter."

"It stands to reason that you and him, as comrades-in-arms for many years, should have a very close relationship. Why did it become like this? You don't even want to hear Mr. Karp's name again?"

"Is this kind of thing important?" Zhizi asked.

"Well." Nuoxia nodded seriously, "Please tell me, this may help me remember the owner of those eyes."


Zhizi glanced at Nuoxia meaningfully, and suddenly lowered her head to Tina and said softly, "Go upstairs to sleep, Tina, it's getting late, you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning if you don't rest."

"No, I'm not going."

Although Tina was very sleepy, her attitude this time was unexpectedly firm, "I'm no longer a child, I've heard all this, is Grandma Zhizi hiding everything from me?"

Zhizi touched her little head. After hesitating for a while, he sighed and didn't insist any longer. He let Tina continue to lie in her arms, looked up at Nuoxia and said:
"Do you think that the reason why I left Marin Vando three years ago was related to that guy Kap?"

"Just a little guesswork."

Nuoxia did not deny it.

"Then you guessed right."

Zhizi said lightly, "Whether it's the breakdown of my relationship with Karp or my resignation from the Navy headquarters, there is only one reason for these two incidents, and that is the death of Lu Jiu three years ago."

"Did I mention it to you before? After the execution of Roger, the pirate king, the Navy Headquarters launched a hunt for his family's descendants. At that time, I knew that Lu Jiu was Roger's wife."

"When I found out about this, I took the initiative to ask the headquarters to be responsible for this matter, maybe it was out of selfishness, but in any case, as the only family member in this world, Lu Jiu, I couldn't helplessly watch her being tortured. Captured by the navy, and the scum like Roger fell into the same fate!"

"However, at that time, the golden lion Shiji had just made a big scene in the headquarters. Half of the town of Malin Fando was destroyed. There were many things to do in the reconstruction work, and Sister He was too busy. I had to focus on this first."

Nuoxia nodded silently, he naturally knew about it.

After Roger surrendered, the Golden Lion couldn't believe that Roger, who was recognized as an opponent, would be arrested, so he single-handedly entered the Navy headquarters to question him.

Although he was eventually defeated by Karp Sengoku and was pushed into the advancing city, it still brought unprecedented heavy damage to Marin Fanduo.

"And when I calmed down and finally had time to take over the matter of chasing and killing Lu Jiu."

When Zhizi said this, his mood was a little unstable, and his thin body trembled slightly, "But I heard that Lu Jiu's traces have been exposed in the South China Sea, and Garp has led the fleet to the South China Sea to besiege and recover."

Tina wisely hugged her waist and pressed her face tightly to her chest, which made her feel much better and gradually recovered.

"You are young, and you may not understand the grievance between Garp and Roger. He hates this guy very much, especially when the guy said that before he died, which opened the chaotic era of great pirates and gave the Navy After causing endless trouble."

"So after learning the news of Roger's pregnant wife, this guy didn't even care about staying in the headquarters to recuperate, so he went out in person, in order to completely kill the bloodline of One Piece in the bud."

"He did it." Zhizi looked gloomy, "Just two days later, the headquarters received the news from him that Lu Jiu fell into the deep sea and died under his pursuit, and One Piece's unborn son also died. Hence the stillbirth."

"And this is the answer to the question you want to know."

She looked at the silent Nuoxia and laughed at herself, "Of course Karp did nothing wrong. From the standpoint of the Navy, if it were me, I would not easily let go of a scumbag descendant like Roger, at least It's time to control it and let it grow up under the watchful eye of the Navy."

"But anyway, Lu Jiu died in his hands. I don't think I can face Garp with the attitude I used to face, and I don't have any reason to accuse him of anything. I can only choose to endure it and avoid seeing it. , from now on leave the headquarters and return to the hometown to escape everything."

"So." She glanced at the phone bug that had been hung up and shook her head, "You should now understand that whether it's you or Gion, it's not a good idea to persuade me to return to Marinfando if you want to complete the task assigned by the headquarters. A real thing, right?"


Nuoxia, who had been listening to Zhizi's narration quietly, without interrupting, finally raised her head and looked directly into her eyes:

"Do you really think that Lieutenant General Karp is such a person?"

"What? Chasing the pirate's family?"

Zhizi shook his head, "Of course Garp wouldn't do this kind of thing normally, but Lu Jiu's situation is too special, that's Roger One Piece..."

"Even so, I don't think Lieutenant Karp will do this. You have been with him for so many years, and you should know his character better than me."

Noxia interrupted her, "Also, does Lieutenant General Garp know about your relationship with Lu Jiu?"

"I don't know, neither do Zefa and Sengoku. I never mentioned it in the headquarters."

Zhizi's voice was dry and her eyes were a little confused, "Perhaps I should have let him know in advance. In that case, Lu Jiu wouldn't..."

"What if Lu Jiu wasn't actually dead?"

Nuoxia suddenly said, "Don't you think Mr. Karp's series of actions are too strange? It only took two days to complete the pursuit mission? And he also said that Lu Jiu died in the sea and did not bring back the body? Could it be that in order to protect Lu Jiu, he made such a move on purpose..."

"I've thought about this too."

Zhizi said coldly: "But unfortunately, little guy, this is impossible, my private phone number has not been changed, if Lu Jiu was still alive, she would not have called me once over the years. ."

That's because Lu Jiu, this great mother, in order to protect her son, delayed her delivery for more than a year, and finally died of exhaustion after giving birth to Ace...

Nuoxia sighed inwardly, but he couldn't clarify these words, that would not explain the source of the news at all, so in the face of Zhizi's gaze, he chose to turn the topic back and threw out the deep water that had been prepared for a long time. bomb:

"I said just now that the photos of Lu Jiu when she was a child look familiar, especially her eyes. I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Huh?" Zhizi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Now I remember."

Nuoxia took a deep breath and said calmly, "A year ago, when I took Mr. Karp's boat from the East China Sea to the headquarters, I followed him to stay on an island, and witnessed him take a boat for only a few months. The big baby was handed over to the local residents to raise."

"The baby was very sensible and never cried, so I was very impressed."

Seeing Zhizi whose expression changed suddenly, Nuoxia smiled and said, "And he looks a lot like Miss Lujiu, especially the eyes, which are carved out of the same mold."

 Second, ask for a vote. PS: The protagonist did not lie. All the information provided to Zhizi is well documented. It is no problem to confront Karp. The foreshadowing on the timeline has been buried since Chapter 1. You don’t have to worry about the rationality.

(End of this chapter)

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