Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1001 A must-lose game?

Chapter 1001 A must-lose game? (1000 chapter commemoration)
Many years later!

Zhao Shoushan, who has already achieved great success, was invited to speak at a graduation ceremony of a certain army university in China.

The young people in the audience who were about to step into the barracks had the courage to ask the general who participated in the Great Patriotic War: "Chief, what are the most memorable battles in your life?"

Zhao Shoushan pondered for a moment and replied solemnly: "Just saying that the memory is the deepest is probably not accurate enough. I, Zhao, have been in the army for nearly 30 years. The most heartbreaking battle was Niangziguan and Lvling. In that battle, my Northwest Army's 17th The division lost more than 8000 people in the battle, and the essence was completely lost. It took half a year to participate in the southeast Shanxi campaign and still did not recover!
But if we talk about the wise things that Zhao has done in his life, in 1938, I led 8000 people from the whole division to participate in the battle in the southeast of Shanxi, definitely ranked in the top two! "

This made the young soldiers in the audience very curious. Zhao Shoushan was originally a member of the Northwest Army, and he joined the Eightieth Army after the victory of the Great Patriotic War. Why did the battle in the southeast go hand in hand with such an important decision?
"Chief, which battle did you make the most outstanding achievements?" Someone couldn't help asking curiously.

"Haha! No, it was in that battle that I was actually persuaded by a young soldier who was about your age, made a decision that I couldn't even believe myself, and carried out that seemingly impossible tactical plan.

However, it turns out that the young man was right.That's why I said in my speech just now that you young people are the future of my China and the future of my Chinese army. "Zhao Shoushan replied with a smile.

After hearing Zhao Shoushan's words, the young soldiers in the audience were dumbfounded. If they hadn't been strictly disciplined, they would have been talking in a mess.

You know, the person in front of them was already a lieutenant general and division commander at that time, a young man who was about their age, even in the war years, he was at best a platoon leader or company commander!Is it possible that the general will be persuaded by a lieutenant to carry out his tactical plan?

"However, what he convinced me was not really his unconstrained tactics and promise to help our division's equipment. Here, I will throw a question he once asked me to everyone to see if everyone can give the correct answer. "Zhao Shoushan didn't say the young soldier's name, but continued with a smile.

"Can any of you tell me what is the basis for us China to win this war?"

Many young people at the scene raised their hands.

"A strong military defense!"


"Industrial level improvement!"






Faced with a series of enthusiastic answers, Zhao Shoushan shook his head again and again, but the smile on his face did not diminish.

These young people are about the same age as that young man, but their experience cannot be compared with that young man. At their age, that young man is already the leader of a regiment and wiped out nearly ten thousand Japanese pirates. No, since that day After the war, the figure has been rewritten.

Who can have his knowledge and pattern at this age?At least in Zhao Shoushan's military career, he never saw it.

"The vast land area is the basis for us to win this long Patriotic War." Zhao Shoushan stood upright and replied with a serious face.

The scene was silent.

"In our neighboring country, the American soldiers who landed advanced two hundred kilometers in only three days. The speed of the mechanized march was astonishingly fast, but this is not important. In a few days, they can cross their country and reach the border of our country.

The so-called strategic depth is a textbook term for a country with a land area of ​​only 12 square kilometers.

In the Lion City on the edge of the South China Sea, the capital is the country, and the country is the capital. It only took three days for the Japanese army to capture it.

And our China has a land of 960 million square kilometers. The Japanese army used more than 200 million troops and 80.00% of the national power. It took eight years to occupy only 5.00% of the land. The southwest and northwest are all in our hands. It also provides the possibility for our country to accumulate strength and continue to counterattack and stop supply.

So, students and comrades-in-arms, are you proud of having such a vast country?Can you defend him to the death like your ancestors did?Do you stand up to die like them when you give an order? "The silver-haired general stood on the stage with sharp eyes and a loud voice.

"Chief, we are willing!"

"Chief, this is the duty of Chinese soldiers!"

"Chief, please believe in the promise of your comrades!"

The young soldiers who had not yet been awarded the ranks stood up in unison and saluted the old generals on the stage.

There were no shouts of tsunami, but Zhao Shoushan got the answer he wanted from the determined eyes of the young soldiers.

Rows of figures standing upright like green pines made him seem to have returned to 20 years ago.

The same is true for his subordinate soldiers, who solemnly saluted in front of him, and then rushed to the battlefield with their guns on their backs without looking back.

I don't know how many familiar faces, never see again!

It was the day before the Battle of Southeast Shanxi was about to start.

October 1938, 5!
With the arrival of Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingshi, then commander of the First Army of the Japanese North China Front Army, in Lucheng, the battle that will be named the Battle of Southeast Shanxi in the future officially started.

Similar to what Tang Dao expected, the Japanese North China Front Army attacked the southeast of Shanxi from roughly ten directions, but beyond Tang Dao's prediction, the Japanese army mobilized about 108 troops this time in addition to the 109th, 16th, and [-]th divisions. In addition to the troops, a second mixed brigade with more than [-] troops was transferred from Pingbei City to join the battle.

In addition to the approximately [-] Japanese troops staying in the counties, the total Japanese army in charge of the attack was as high as [-], a figure that was almost equal to the Chinese troops in the Taihang Mountains.

Some people may think, your Chinese side is defensive, and the Japanese side is offensive. China has absolute geographical advantages, so what's so great about similar military strength?

People who think this way must not understand how big the equipment gap between China and Japan is.

In terms of light weapons equipment, the Chinese main force is equipped with Hanyang-made rifles. Although the range is slightly shorter than the 300-type rifles mainly equipped by Japan, the range of 400 meters and [-] meters does not constitute the so-called difference between the times. To be honest The difference is that there is a slight gap in the training of the soldiers on both sides.

At present, most of the Japanese are veterans with accurate marksmanship. After continuous battles on the Chinese side, many troops are like the 17th Division. Only a dozen rounds were fired with live ammunition.

But in general, there is a gap, but it is not enough to be hanged.

To really widen the gap between the combat power of the Chinese and Japanese armies, it must be heavy weapons.

For an ordinary Chinese infantry division, if it has seven or eight mortars or four mountain cannons, it has good heavy firepower. However, an infantry brigade in the Japanese army that can compete with infantry divisions often has more than 4 artillery pieces. , This is not counting the artillery wing directly under the division. If half of it is assigned to the brigade for combat, the number of artillery that the infantry brigade can have will reach a terrifying nearly 20 pieces.

As far as artillery alone is concerned, the Chinese army can also hide by digging trenches. After all, 40 artillery pieces cannot achieve carpet-like coverage attacks, and at least two-thirds of them can survive the artillery fire.

But the Japanese army still has fighter planes to help out, and the shadow of the Chinese fighter planes has long since disappeared in the northern sky. They can drop bombs at low altitudes without any scruples. If an aerial bomb weighing more than 200 pounds hits the position, it means that an infantry platoon or even It was the infantry company that disappeared.

Dozens of strong and strong men!Parents spent 18 years raising them to grow up. As a result, when a bomb fell, it was completely wiped out.

This is not the most painful thing. The Chinese side can bear with human life and bombs from the Japanese army. One-on-one is not enough, we are ten-on-one, but the Japanese still have tanks.

The Japanese tanks are not like the big guys in the West. The main battle tank Type 89 tank is only a dozen tons. It is a scum on the Western battlefield. But in the Chinese battlefield, facing the Chinese army that is extremely lacking in anti-tank guns, they There are almost no natural enemies.

However, the 30mm thick armor is enough to withstand any bullets, and the 57mm short-barreled gun can destroy almost all field fortifications. Facing this steel behemoth, the only countermeasure for the Chinese army is to blast it manually.

But the Japanese tanks will easily give you a chance to get close?The two 7.7mm machine guns have an extremely wide field of fire, and there are Japanese infantry behind them. If you are not fighting in the streets of the city, if you want to blow up a tank with explosives, you must have the courage to die, and you must have the courage to die. Enough luck.

At this time, the Japanese army already had a nearly three-dimensional attack method in the air and on the ground, which was a dimensionality reduction strike for the Chinese army.

This is also the main reason why in the Battle of Xinkou, the Chinese gathered more than 30 troops and even more than 300 artillery pieces, but they still couldn't stop the 7 troops under Itagaki Shiro's command.

Under normal circumstances, even in a defensive battle, the ratio of forces between China and Japan must be four to one or even five to one to ensure that the loss will not be too ugly.

This is almost a consensus reached by the senior generals of China and Japan after half a year of war.

Therefore, when he learned that the Japanese army had invested [-] troops to besiege the southeast of Shanxi, the Shanxi old man in the operational conference room of the Second Theater Command in Linfen City looked ashamed and devastated on the spot.

Although reminded by Tang Dao, he still underestimated the determination of the Japanese North China Front Army Command. Originally, in his idea, it would be good if the Japanese army could invest 3 people. One's strength comparison, coupled with the danger of the Taihang Mountains, even if they can't win, can still consume part of the strength of the Japanese army, and then he can justifiably transfer the elite Jinsui Army under his command to the Taihang Mountains.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese army would act like a thunderbolt if it didn't move, and they threw in three divisions plus a mixed brigade like crazy, and their strength was almost the same as that of the Chinese troops in the southeast of Shanxi.

If Jindongnan is lost, Linfen City will lose an important barrier, and breaking the city is almost inevitable.

The key is that the more than 20 troops he deployed on another line of defense did not dare to move. The Japanese 20th Division, 5th Division, 114th Division, and 10th Division moved one after another. Coming from west to southeast, that is an army of up to 10.

Although no attack was launched, it was like a dark cloud pressing down on the city, making the Chinese generals feel as if they were facing a big enemy.

This time, the Japanese North China Front Army used more than half of its troops for a small southeast of Shanxi.

"Order all the ministries of the Theater Command and all the government ministries to tidy up and evacuate Linfen secretly in batches!" The old Shanxi man who had been sitting withered until late at night finally spoke.

Although he knew that the secret evacuation of the theater command might shake the morale of the army at the time of the war, the old man in Shanxi had to make this decision painfully.

For this boss, this not only means that he, the commander of the war zone, has lost confidence in the war, but also means that he has accepted that 'good intention'.

The so-called good intentions are to keep him alive, but if the Jin province is lost, he, the commander of the theater, cannot absolve himself of the blame, and his resignation is a certainty.The headquarters of Jin Province is gone, and the official position is gone. It is conceivable that the glory of the past will also leave him. From then on, it will be his daily life to hang up a job and be a rich man.

It is self-evident how painful this is for a big man who has been No. 1 in a province for more than [-] years.

But even so, this person still made this decision after a long period of ideological struggle.

To live is the most important thing.

Something in this guy made him make what he thought was the best decision.

In fact, in the face of the decision made by the old man, the headquarters did not even have a voice of opposition.

The Military and Political Department far away in Jiangxia also fell silent after the arrival of the information on the mobilization of Japanese troops, and did not raise any objection to the decision of the Second Theater Command to evacuate supplies and key personnel to the Yellow River.

Obviously, for these high-ranking generals, the battle in the southeast of Shanxi was inevitable.

They are even ready to swallow the bitter fruit of the defeat in the southeast of Shanxi, and even the fall of Linfen, and the loss of the entire Jin province.

At the beginning of the battle, Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingshi, the commander of the First Army of the Japanese North China Front Army and the commander of the East Route Army who arrived in Lucheng, said: "It is said that China's Taihang Mountain is steep, but what I want to say is that Under the iron boots of the warriors of the empire, mountains and seas can be flattened! In this battle, our Eastern Route Army can defeat the enemy in just seven days!"

The Japanese army marching into southeast Shanxi from ten directions conquered the first line of defense on the first day, and the Chinese troops deployed on the outskirts abandoned the trenches that took several days to build after only one day of fierce fighting.

On the second day, the Japanese army was still not hindered too much. There were only small-scale troops to harass along the way, but they were quickly driven into the mountains by thousands of Japanese troops.

On the third day, the Japanese army approached the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains, especially in Liao County, Yushe, Wuxiang and other places, and achieved brilliant results. That was the main force of the 921st Division of the [-]th Group Army, the biggest enemy of the Japanese army on this trip.

The ten-way army, in these three days, can be said to be overwhelming.

"Yo Xi!" Lieutenant General Xia Xiong Yuan, the commander of the 108th Division who personally sits in Licheng as the front-line commander, is also beaming with joy after receiving the front-line battle report.

For this man, this battle in Southeast Shanxi is first of all his opportunity to avenge his shame.

The 921st Division is an old opponent of the Japanese army in the southeast of Shanxi. In the battle of Niangziguan half a year ago, the 20th Division, which was responsible for assisting the 109th Division in attacking Niangziguan, beat two sap sticks in Qigen Village. The war even beat up the 108th Division.

However, the 108th Division is a second-line division, and its main forces are used to defend the county town of nearly 200 kilometers along the Hanchang Line. It is difficult to gather all the main forces to fight a decisive battle with the 921st Division.

This time, under the determination of the commander of the front army, he, the commander of the division, gathered for the first time the four main infantry regiments under his command. Confidently wrestle with Division 921.

Secondly, and more importantly, this battle is also his last chance to redeem himself.

When the new commander of the Japanese North China Front Army, Sushi Moto, warned him with a frosty face, since the army headquarters can replace a general, it is even easier for a lieutenant general to resign.

He hopes and must save the reputation of himself and the 108th Division!
The Japanese army looked like a ten-way army, but in fact it was divided into four main roads, east, west, north and south. The 108th Division was responsible for the South Road. The South Road was dominated by the four infantry regiments under the 108th Division. Changzhi attacked Liao County via Xiangyuan, and attacked Wuxiang from Tunliu via Bi County along the way.

In order to ensure the strength of the troops, the Japanese army on each route is composed of two infantry regiments and some auxiliary troops, with a strength of up to [-].

With such a force, let alone an infantry division on the Chinese side, even an infantry army, the Japanese army would not be afraid at all.

The strong military strength and firepower guarantee made the early stage of the battle just as the Japanese generals expected. All the resistance of the Chinese army was defeated like boiling soup and snow. It took only three days to break into the core garrison of the 921 Division.

Even if Division 921 flees, the Chinese mountain people in these places will not be able to escape!Destroying their homes, destroying their living supplies, and even exterminating the entire population on the spot, it is already close at hand to turn these afflictions into a wasteland.

Both strategically and tactically, the 109th Division is close to victory.

You said, why is the Japanese lieutenant general Xiong Yuan not happy?
However, after only 24 hours of joy, Xia Xiong Yuan's face turned gloomy.

His army from the South Route was in a state of strength, but the other three routes encountered trouble on the afternoon of the third day. The Chinese deployed a second line of defense based on the mountains.

And this time, they never backed down.

As elite as the 16th Division, one of the troops along the way used more than 50 artillery pieces and 12 fighter planes to help out. It took a day and only traveled 3 kilometers.

The Chinese, who had been retreating continuously, played a deadly battle. Even though more than 3000 corpses were left behind on the breached defense line, there was still a second and third line of defense behind.

The ferocious artillery fire never stopped, the whole mountain was burning, but I don't know how many Chinese were still shooting in it, and shooting until they died.

The Department of the 16th Division also had more than 1500 officers and soldiers in this battle, and the loss ratio of one to two was shocking.

Compared with the slow progress of friendly forces when they encountered tenacious resistance, the 108th Division encountered more headaches than tenacious resistance.

. . . . . . . . . . .


(End of this chapter)

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