Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1002 Starfall War

The Chinese are gone.

Not just Chinese soldiers, but all Chinese.

Even, not only the people disappeared, but also all the livestock disappeared.

If it weren't for the breath of life left in the empty stone houses that could not be moved, it seemed that the place where the two divisions of the 108th Division passed was the legendary no-man's land.

The 108th Division made great efforts to enter the depths of the mountain, as if it was a 2-level demolition team. The only capable job was to burn down houses.

He punched hard, but smashed into the pile of cotton, no matter how he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable.

Xia Xiongyuan and the [-] Japanese troops may never have dreamed of it. As early as half a month ago, at the staff meeting of the Southeast Shanxi Region held by the boss of the [-]th Army Group, the general who was temporarily serving as the chief of staff proposed a genius strategic concept and won the award. The unanimous approval of all the generals present.

'Peripheral harassment, shrinking battle to the death, the people fortify the wall and clear the field! ' These are the three major principles of this strategic conception.

Regardless of the army's combat methods, all the people in the anti-Japanese base area took all the living materials they could take away and hid in the mountains without people. Man bullets and bayonets come down well.

Among them, the implementation of the 921 division is thorough.

This caused the Second Mixed Brigade to pull out these hilltop positions like nails.

The dilemma encountered by the second mixed brigade was different from that of the 108th division. The three master regiments of the Japanese army and a mixed brigade were divided into ten routes and four directions. The soldiers of the 108th division were divided into two groups and punched into the air from south to north. The division is divided into four routes from east to west, but the 16th Division is divided into three routes from west to east, and the last direction from north to south is of course the second mixed brigade's Shanxia Department.

The only thing the defenders can do is to empty all their bullets and throw all the grenades before their own lives are over, just because it is not so bad to die for themselves.

Of course, he is not the only Japanese general who has the same depressed attitude as Xiaxiong Yuan.

In this case, the Artillery Battalion of the 17th Division he has just completed plus the previous ones will have 12 mountain cannons, 15 mortars, plus 18 mortars for the three infantry regiments fully equipped, the 17th Division It has a total of 45 artillery pieces, and its combat power even exceeds that before the Niangziguan Battle.

One day after the battle was over, looking at the vast mountains in the twilight, Major General Shan Xiashi, who was past the age of knowing his destiny, only felt the veins on his temples bulge, as if blood would rush out of them in the next moment.

The situation at this time is that it is difficult to move forward, and it is impossible to retreat.

In two days, the three-way army of the 109th Division only advanced less than 6 kilometers, but the battle damage has already exceeded a thousand people.

Through cruel means, although the anti-Japanese armed forces in the two places are still active, their destructive power is not as good as before. Yamashita's name has even become famous inside the Japanese army headquarters, and he is cited as a late bloomer.

There is no such thing as evacuation, whether you want to or not, you must live and die with the position, because the enemy will surround you and give you no way of escape.

In fact, in the past time and space, Yamashita's ambitions were realized in the war.

But they held the line and achieved a strategic victory.

When General Baitou said this, he was not talking nonsense, he also had a certain amount of confidence.

The attacking side is also distressed, they have to fight one position at a time, if they don't conquer these small but contiguous positions, they will never reach the position they want to reach.

The 16th Division fought extremely terribly, and the 109th Division in the other direction was also having a hard time. The department planned to attack the 16th Division back and forth, defeating the main force of the 16th Army that was blocking the [-]th Division. Not all the strength of the [-]th Army.

Under the guidance of such tactical thinking, all defenders are like thrown stars, where they fall, there is a position.

Yamashita, who won such a victory, gained the reputation of "Malay Tiger" and was promoted to general in July of that year. At this time, it was only three years before he was promoted to lieutenant general. This was also the brightest moment of Yamashita .

They also have guns.

Due to his outstanding performance in the North China War, after Saburo Okamoto was transferred, Yamashita was promoted from major general to lieutenant general, and served as the chief of staff of the North China Front Army. The chief of staff of the Japanese North China Front massacred tens of thousands of anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians in an extremely brutal way, causing countless tragedies.

"Damn it, what kind of tactics is this?" The Second Mixed Brigade, from the head of the brigade, Yamashita, to the captain of the captain-level infantry squadron, was stunned by this completely exchange-style tactics.

When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, Yamashita, who was 56 years old at the time, was transferred to Japan's No.20 Fifth Army as the commander, in charge of the Southeast Asian War. In just 70 days, he swept across 650 miles of the Malay Peninsula. The general led 13 defenders to surrender to the army commander, thus creating the largest land battle victory in the history of the Japanese army.

It took two days to uproot nearly ten highlands and kill more than a thousand Chinese soldiers, but the result was that the Second Mixed Brigade suffered over a thousand casualties.

As a young general who has won a lot of praise in the Japanese army base camp, his ambition is much greater than his current military position. He is eager to show his talent in this war. The lieutenant general also But it's just a transition, the general or even the marshal is what he really wants.

Although Yamashita knew that it was very likely that this big man had drawn himself a cake, but this cake was very attractive to him. He has served as a major general for three years, and if he is not promoted to a lieutenant general, I am afraid he will not be able to do so by the end of the war. There is no way to be promoted to the rank of general, and he must seize this opportunity.

If the Japanese commander can know the number of the opponent's artillery in advance, it is really unknown whether he can attack with all his life as soon as he comes up like this.

The 16th Division and the 109th Division belonged to hitting the iron plate, and they encountered the main force of the No.80 Army and a part of the Jinsui Army respectively.

A nice name, but an extremely cruel method of warfare for both the enemy and us.

"Baga! Damn Chinese, I want to kill you all." Shan Xiamo angrily drew out his saber, and slashed at a small tree as thick as a human arm beside him.


In the end, the defender wiped out 2.1 enemies at the cost of nearly [-] battle losses, and completed the military order of the headquarters to defend for half a month.

Just in this mountainous area where 80 troops have been scattered, the two divisions deployed a total of more than [-] artillery pieces of large and small calibers.

Falling Star Tactics!

It stands to reason that the Chinese army, which has allocated at least half of its troops, will not cause too many obstacles to the Second Mixed Brigade, especially since the 108th Division has entered the No. 80 Group Army's 921st Division's garrison, and it can't burn down houses. Thirty villages were not seen to be harassed by many Chinese troops.

In order to seize this opportunity, one must obtain enough military exploits in this battle. Shan Xia is very clear, don't look at what Shan Shanyuan said to him, I am afraid that this old fox has said the same thing to several people.

In addition, of the 100 mortars, the 17th Division also divided up to 25 mortars. Basically, each of the three infantry regiments can be equipped with 6 mortars, and it can also ensure that the artillery battalion directly under the division adds 7 mortars.

To put it bluntly, the Second Mixed Brigade was the weakest of the four major offensive directions of the Japanese army, but it was also the one with the strongest overall strength, because they were the only ones that did not divide their forces.

Then the two divisions and one regiment can only be responsible for this job, otherwise, Tang Dao would not have been forced to come up with the "Starfall Tactic" that Chinese soldiers fought to the death on the northern ice sheet.

Now in the mountains surrounding the main roads that can pass through carts, the Chinese army has put this deadly tactic up in advance.

There was not even half a grain of rice and a handful of noodles left at home. The entire retreat took more than ten days.

But can he retreat?Major General Yamashita recalled the encouragement given to him by His Excellency Commander Sushimoto before his departure: "Okamoto-kun was originally an elite of the Kwantung Army, and he also intends to return to the original army. If there is no accident, in two or three months, North China The position of Chief of Staff of the Front Army will be vacant.”

Anyway, after two days of fighting, the two infantry divisions that did not exert their full strength used a total of more than half of the mortars and nearly half of the mountain artillery, and they had already beaten the second mixed brigade to the brim.

But it also happened that because the battle was too fierce, the Chinese soldiers on the hill surrounded by an infantry brigade fired desperately for 6 hours and then ran out of bullets.

In the past six months, the 921 Division has gotten along well with the local people. At least [-] new recruits are from the young and strong in the garrison, and they have also trained a large number of garrison soldiers.

For example, the 16th Division was confronted by the main force of the 4th Army. The defense line was said to be three infantry brigades, but in fact it had nearly [-] troops, which was comparable to an infantry army.

If they can live for more than ten years, they will know the name of the tactics they are currently facing when they see the battlefield called "Iron Yuan Blocking War" on the Northland Ice Field.

In that desperate scene, Yamashita was really drunk.

When the military order was issued, the people around the garrison no longer wanted to leave their homes, and they resolutely carried out the military order. From eighty-year-old women to infant children, including chickens, ducks, dogs, sheep, pigs, and donkeys, all evacuated to the remote area with the assistance of the militiamen. People are deep in the mountains.

The reason why he didn't reveal all his strength was because the big pie thrown by Tang Dao was too tempting.

These actions fully showed that Shan Xiaxia hadn't completely lost his mind at this time. At least he knew how to choose a thinner tree and cut down a big tree that was as thick as a person's waist. The tree was fine, but his knife was about to break.

And this is not their last desperate blow.

In the First Battle of Xuzhou, the fifth war zone, which had laid out the overall situation for nearly two months, used this trick to surround and kill two detachments of the Japanese army.It is said that the medals of the troops participating in the war are all carried in boxes, and they are all from the Chinese army. If others can do it, why can't they?
But the plan is not as fast as the change. Originally, the total strength of the two divisions, one brigade and one regiment exceeded 4, which could completely block the enemy from one direction and severely injure it. However, at the military meeting of the theater staff, the 683rd brigade was entrusted with an important task by the commander. , will be the main force to resist the enemy from the direction where the Japanese army has invested the most troops.

What shocked the Japanese army was that the moment before the position fell, the Chinese soldiers were still fighting back with everything they could use, including primitive weapons such as stones.

I can't guarantee how many brothers will survive this battle, but I can guarantee that, in this battle, no matter how many brothers the Japanese killed me, we will pay back twice as much. "

The famous "Wang Xinzhuang Massacre" killed more than 200 people with poison gas at one time, which was inspired by him.

However, to Shan Xiawen's expectation, the Chinese seemed to have used all their forces to deal with him. There were actually two Chinese infantry divisions with nearly 3 people fighting him on the defense line.

If you continue to fight like this, let alone invade the hinterland of the Chinese and join forces with the 109th Division, the original 7000 infantry under him will be wiped out after another five days of fighting. If there is another new force from the Chinese army, His Second Mixed Brigade might be wiped out in this mountain.

How tragic the trauma of the battle was to the infantry army, you can get a glimpse from the fact that there were only 2760 infantry regiments with 266 soldiers plus cooks, cooks, and messengers left before the war.

Yes, China does not only have pure infantry. Under the cover of the densely populated hilltop positions, there are still an unknown number of mortars and mountain artillery hidden in the mountains. Whenever the hilltop positions fire red signal flares, artillery fire will cover the hilltop positions. .

On the Chinese battlefield, there were no less than ten battles between the two sides with more than 60 troops, but the Japanese army had never had such a brilliant victory.

Although the Chinese army with more than 109 troops has no advantage in strength, it relies on these heavy weapons to hold back the [-]th Division in the mountains. Every step forward has to pay a sufficient price.

Just like what General Zhao Shoushan of the 17th Division said in front of his 8000 soldiers who had regrouped before setting off on the expedition: "The danger of this battlefield is no less than that of Paluling. If you want to survive, you want to be more Many Chinese survived, and the Japanese did not need to kill us. We put our lives under the knife first.

The 24 mountain cannons on Tang Dao's ammunition list were divided into six just for him in the 17th division. In addition, 3000 rounds of shells were allocated, and each gun was equipped with 500 rounds of ammunition. Even if one cannon only killed one devil, It can also kill 3000 Japanese devils.

The Japanese army may not be able to kill too many people when they conquer the mountain, but it is this kind of tactic of their own people signaling and then covered by artillery fire, which made the Second Mixed Brigade suffer a lot.

The 12th Group Army still has more than 20 troops scattered in the mountains, and has a large number of mortars and a small number of mountain artillery, while the Jinsui Army, which is also close to [-] troops, also has more than [-] mountain artillery and [-] mortars. Shotgun.

The two infantry divisions had to show the courage to block and consume the Japanese army for at least five days.

The Japanese troops on both sides of the East and West fell into a bitter battle.

Just on that ice sheet, a heroic Chinese infantry army of 24000 people covered a 25-kilometer-long defense line like scattered stars, and withstood the attack of 4.7 coalition forces headed by the beautiful country.

Those lieutenant generals and division heads may not be interested in this transitional position, but they also have major general brigade heads under their command, and no one does not want their hardcore subordinates to take a step forward.

The Chinese used hills to build positions, and then formed a criss-cross line of defense. Basically, there was an infantry company stationed on each hill. It seemed that there were not many soldiers, but if the Japanese army wanted to pass through its range, it had to be Conquer this mountain.

"The Japanese army's attack must be based on tens of thousands of people. The last time was 8000 to [-] people. Even if they gathered heavy troops to surround them, but the Japanese have planes, they must do their best to cover their evacuation. Tens of thousands of people are desperate. Our troops are insufficient. We can’t hold them back. But a troop whose strength has been gradually consumed, a troop whose ammunition and food have been severely depleted, several officers, how sure are we of being able to eat them?” When Tang Dao threw out the bait, no one else I can resist this temptation.

However, the combat effectiveness of a 100-man position is really limited, but they are also fully armed soldiers, especially after two consecutive ammunition replenishments, the average amount of ammunition carried by each soldier in China is also close to [-] rounds, and ammunition is no longer scarce, at least in their Before dying in battle.

Now, two days have passed, and there are still three days left before the task is successfully completed.

The mentality of Major General Yamashita of the Second Mixed Brigade at that time was about to explode.

Because, Shan Xiawen actually knew very well in his heart that he had already made a decision.

For the sake of the future, he must advance. No matter how many soldiers are killed or injured, the Second Mixed Brigade must continue to fight.

As for the final result, he can only pray for the blessing of God Amaterasu. The other three armies successfully completed the pre-war deployment, especially the nearly 108 people of the 2th Division that have not been blocked so far. Finding a way in the middle of the road and detouring behind the enemy's rear can also solve his current predicament.

But it can only be said that he thought too much.

The unlucky boy of the 108th Division suffered a terrible "biochemical warfare" attack.

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