Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1003 'Biochemical' Battle!

From a biological point of view, human beings can go without food for three days, but they must not drink water for three days.

The Chinese mountain people in the core area of ​​the 921 Division's garrison can take away all the food at home, so that the Japanese army who is alone can't supply it, but they must not take away the water source, even some villages are really ruthless enough to pass on the inheritance with big stones The centuries-old wells have been filled.

But the running water in the mountains will not work for them!In this way, it solved a small problem for the Japanese commanders. The well water is easy to be poisoned, and at most it is more difficult to get water.

Regardless of whether humans or animals, the drinking water was basically taken from mountain streams, and the Japanese army had strict requirements for drinking water. The raw water had to be boiled for drinking, so as to prevent bacterial infection, dysentery and other diseases from affecting combat effectiveness.

Lieutenant General Xia Xiongyuan, who was still sitting in Licheng, had great expectations for this battle. He held a meeting of officers above the division infantry commander and above in Licheng to encourage everyone and at the same time strictly enforce military discipline. The general idea is: Usually when the big guys want to put some money into their purses, I can turn a blind eye and close my eyes, as long as everyone doesn’t embarrass me as the head of the division, but if this battle is not fought well, I, the head of the division, will I'm afraid that if I have to move my position, I'm going to move my position, so how can I control your life?Not only can't control it, I'm in a bad mood, so I have to get some heads to sacrifice the flag!
The head of the dignified division said that he would make a human head to sacrifice the flag, and the generals did not panic, but a group of major captains panicked. The lieutenant general's saber could not cut off the heads of the majors and major generals, and could not even kill a small major. Well!

Moreover, Xiong Yuandu is more than 50. If he is removed from the position of division commander, his military career will be over, so he must go crazy!

Therefore, the 108th Division has been extremely cautious from top to bottom this time, and all commanders, big and small, have a mentality of 'even if they don't have much military exploits, they can't make mistakes'. one.

Although there is not a single person in sight for tens of miles, the cautious 108th Division has never let down their vigilance. Even if they go to burn an empty village, they are mighty and mighty. The entire infantry brigade is fully armed. .

Thousands of people lit fire to play!
This is also the fear of being beaten in the battle of Shentouling.

However, if you stand from the perspective of the commanders of the 108th Division, you are not afraid of failure!When the Chinese hit the county town, you thought it was a siege to fight for aid, but you didn't know that they were surrounded by a point and then broke, and they fought for aid and then went to aid, and they went to four infantry brigades in one go, and that was still on the territory controlled by their 108th division. .

Good guy, in those few days, the horses had diarrhea, the ewes had diarrhea, and the dogs had diarrhea. A certain group of people almost guarded the door of the toilet all day long. Using Li Jiujin's original words: "Look at the chief of the group, that kabakabai The small face, the deep sunken eye sockets, and the almost dull eyes, I was stunned. Could it be that the head of the delegation did something that he should not have done in his capacity last night? What a beauty! Luckily, my wife is an ugly woman , You can go to sleep after completing the task.”

The Japanese army bombarded with grenadiers, mountain artillery and infantry artillery, and sent infantry to search, but the Chinese who were 500 meters away did not know where they had gone.

But they will destroy!
What's more, what they carried in their big backpacks this time was a strange medicine that Tang Tuanzuo discovered by accident.

However, in order to prevent the pack horses and grooms from being attacked by the Chinese, the commanders of the Japanese army did not dare to drive these large dung making machines out of the field camp surrounded by barbed wire and trenches, and could only watch the pack horses desperately making fertilizer. .

Good guy!
Even in the open mountains and fields, the Japanese army had the illusion that they were living on a horse dung pile.

Lu Sanjiang is also a sincere person. Seeing that the war horse recovered from his illness, he personally brought a few tins of canned food and cigarettes that he had saved on weekdays to thank the old veterinarian. He also knew the function of this wild fruit from the old veterinarian.

It is said that for the sake of the old soldier Youzi's brainless words, the old handsome man Tantai, who has already been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, went to Li Jiujin Company more than 20 times in one afternoon. Sore arms.

These battle reports have led Japanese generals like Yamashita who have never fought on the front lines of Jin Province to take it for granted that the Central Military Department is the elite.

At this time, the 108th Division can be said to be the main force. Not only the four main infantry regiments, but also the cavalry, engineers, artillery, and transport troops are closely following the main force of the infantry. Suddenly, thousands of horses began to loosen collectively. I can't bear the smell in it.

Of course, a small reconnaissance company can't pose any threat to the behemoth of the 108th Division, even if they all have three heads and six arms.

'idiot!vomit! The few rice balls stuffed in by the major general of the Japanese army in a fit of anger hadn't had time to digest them before they were vomited out by the ubiquitous stench.

Is it so awesome?Tang Dao became interested as soon as he heard it, and immediately went to invite the old veterinarian to the regiment headquarters, and began to conduct live experiments based on the dose he provided.

"The whole army can no longer drink mountain streams easily! If you have to drink it, you must filter, settle, and boil the water for half an hour!" The commander of the 108th Infantry Brigade, the commander of the 25th Division's frontline at the time, was very wise. military order.

It can be said that the pack horses have eaten the unclean grass in the mountains, but so many people have stomach problems together, so what else can it be other than a problem with the water source?

After all, among comrades-in-arms, there are still jokes and jokes, but he doesn't know that about the maroon Mongolian horse. He has always only offered grass, beans, corn and other high-quality horse feed with a smile. He himself doesn't like to take a bath, but he is very diligent in bathing the horses. The bay red horses are smooth and fat, and the horses are also very competitive. The 200-meter sprint speed is almost as fast as that captured from the Japanese army. Oriental horse.

As a result, the sporadic gunshots in the surrounding mountains and forests made these Japanese soldiers directly understand what it means to fuck off.

On the first day, the Japanese army did not start large-scale diarrhea like the pack horses. Obviously, it was because the stream was flowing and the dose of medicine was not enough. However, as they continued to fetch water, the quantitative change finally led to a qualitative change. Thousands of people started their diarrhea journey.

Although the weather in May has begun to get hotter, sleeping on the cold ground at night, covered with a thin blanket at most, is uncomfortable in itself, coupled with nervousness and insufficient sleep time, it is uncomfortable Forget about it.

The 104th Division and the 17th Division are fighting hard in the mountains. How can the new force of the Four Elements Regiment be idle?

This made Lu Sanjiang so anxious that he spent the whole day around the sick horse without thinking about food or tea, but this can't be used as medicine!Ma'er's spirit was getting worse day by day. Tang Dao, who had returned, heard about this and immediately ordered the supply camp to send personnel to the surrounding villages to inquire about any reliable old veterinarians.

In addition to the necessary supplies such as guns and bullets, each of the 200 soldiers of the reconnaissance company carried at least 40 kilograms of this fruit powder on their backs.

Basically, they all leave the camp to poop.

There are not many Japanese soldiers who were actually killed by cold guns, but the Japanese soldiers who crawled back basically came back wrapped in their own excrement, almost without exception.

And there are quite a few of them. The two main forces with a distance of less than 8000 meters were checked together, and the number of them was as high as more than 1000. Although the number only accounted for one-twentieth of the total force, this was a dangerous signal.

Moreover, the military order of Nakano Xiaosan was issued a little later, and at noon, another 1000 people started successively.

That's because the bay red horse that Lu Sanjiang was sitting on was sick. Everyone knew that Lu Sanjiang's preciousness to the horse he was sitting on was like a comrade-in-arms existence, no, even surpassed a comrade-in-arms.

Smell is not the same as other things, it has smell factors, this thing will be attached to people, just like you have been in the toilet for a long time, your olfactory cells feel almost adapted, but Once people smell the smell of manure on your body, they can basically tell where you have stayed for a long time.

In addition to leaving a cart company in the supply battalion and a platoon in the guard company in the garrison, the Four Elements Regiment dispatched almost all of the secret service battalion, artillery battalion, cavalry battalion, and three major infantry battalions.

In fact, the Japanese commanders of the 108th, 109th, and even the 5th divisions have long since looked at it differently. The troops of the Central Military Department of China are well equipped, but their combat effectiveness is not necessarily the strongest. The [-]th Army, the Northwest Army, the Sichuan Army, including the Jinsui Army, either had artillery or had the spirit of not fearing death, which left a deep impression on them.

The top and bottom of the 108th Division also want to make military achievements, but their strength does not allow it!Not to mention the nearly 6000 pack horses of the whole division became soft-legged shrimps, and on this morning, people also started to have loose bowels.

Wait until the sixth day, that is, the 108th Division from Shanxiamen, and hope that after they destroy the houses of the Chinese in the existing area, they will immediately march to the area where the Second Mixed Brigade is located, and have a perfect left and right flanking attack to reduce the force Up to 3 Chinese troops are buried in the mountains.

Ordinary medicines have a smell, but this nameless fruit is really tasteless, otherwise, do you think the dog's nose with hammer's sense of smell far surpasses that of ordinary dogs is just a decoration?Moreover, the effect is very good, as long as there is enough amount, it will let you pull three shifts, and never let you last until five shifts, no matter how strong the sphincter is, it can't restrain the crazy peristalsis from the intestines.

Yamashita just said that although the two Chinese armies in front of him don't know their specific formations, they are equipped with dozens of small-caliber artillery pieces. They are definitely the most elite Chinese troops in the north, and they are most likely the Central Army. Being able to annihilate them must be considered a great achievement.

The fruit of this shrub matures in autumn and emits a strange smell. Cattle and sheep do not eat it. After a winter and spring, it will become shriveled at the turn of spring and summer. At this time, there is no more smell, but it becomes a A kind of good medicine, used for stagnation of cold accumulation, moistening intestines and laxative, it is the same for humans and animals.

As the saying goes, "There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief", wait until the fifth day after entering the battlefield, won't something happen?

The hard work paid off, and I really let the logistics camp inquire about an old veterinarian. When he heard about the symptoms, no one came, so he got up and went to the low bushes in the ravine to pull a few dry fruits. The soldiers crushed it and mixed it with water for the horses to drink.

Needless to say, the thinking of this major general of the Japanese army is very active, and he is almost close to the truth.

It can only be said that Tang Tuanzuo is a ruthless person. The so-called living body experiment, he used the big green horse he usually rides, or even the big black sheep of Xiao Shitou, even the hammer and himself .

The pack horse is the most important helper in the Japanese infantry sequence. Whether it is heavy equipment such as artillery, or military supplies such as food, ammunition, and medicine, it depends on the pack horse, especially the 108th Division, which basically has nothing to do with mechanization. The number of pack horses in the second-line division is even more astonishing, as many as several thousand.

First, the pack horses attached to the Japanese infantry brigade, artillery, and heavy soldiers began to loosen wildly. Let’s not talk about the bad smell and environmental sanitation. The key is to pull the strong horses so weak that they can even stand up. Can't get up.

It wasn't because of the distance, maybe it was not seven or eight people who were killed by cold guns, but seven or eighty people.

The body and spirit are already extremely exhausted, and you still have to eat while smelling the smell of horse manure, so you can tell if you still have an appetite!

Execution of the "three lights" policy during the day is tiring, and they are not idle at night. The patrol team at the squad level can almost surround the camping site. On average, each soldier sleeps no more than 6 hours at night.

After all, human beings are not like beasts like pack horses, and they still have a little bit of shame. Even if they are stretched as much as they want, it is not something ordinary people can do if you let him show two big pieces of fat and loose stools in front of everyone.

If there is less food to eat, people will have no energy. It can be seen with the naked eye that the Japanese officers and soldiers of the 108th Division look very haggard when they go to the regular "burning fire" game.

In countless mindless serials, the wife can find out that the evidence of her man's cheating is the smell of perfume left on the suit, which may be the most logical plot in the serials.

"This medicine is amazing!" Tang Tuanzuo, who had been struggling for a week, came to such a conclusion based on his own experience.

The main force was led by Lei Xiong, Ye Chenghuan, and Gong Shaoxun's three-person team, while Tang Dao himself led the reconnaissance company and the main force of the regiment to do the opposite, lurking in the direction of Yushe and Wuxiang.

Therefore, regardless of the fact that the 108th Division has lost more than a hundred people from sending troops to entering the "enemy camp" alone, but because its spirit has been tense, it has not even relaxed its mentality when playing "burning fire", and its exhaustion is a little bit It is also no worse than the 16th Division and the [-]nd Mixed Brigade that are fighting fiercely.

The hammer just couldn't speak. If he knew that the large piece of bacon he accidentally ate that day was mixed with twice the dose of "poison powder" and it was Tang Tuanzuo's idea, he would have blocked the door of a certain group and scolded him all day and night.

It sounds similar to the croton in the traditional Chinese medicine shop, but this thing is slightly different from the croton, that is, the effect is much more domineering than that, just like the huge size of a war horse, and the condition is serious. A few of these fruits can solve the problem, but if the amount is increased, it is likely to cause diarrhea. If the amount is too large, diarrhea alone can dehydrate humans and animals and even kill them.

Otherwise, the 108th Division would not be so frightened as a monkey after going deep into the [-]th Army's garrison alone. At night, almost every soldier would take turns patrolling every four hours. The patrol density created the highest in the history of the Japanese army.

More than half of it was sprinkled on the fertile grass that the Japanese army must pass through, and the other half was waiting for the Japanese army to fetch water. The special forces lurking in the mountains and forests communicated with each other through a unique method, and sprinkled in the upper reaches of the mountain streams.

Now, it is the territory where the [-]th Army has been occupying for less than half a year, and the [-]th Army is an elite that has fought against the million-dollar army led by the current Chinese commander for more than ten years. What's more, it is a group army ah!Just listening to this formation makes people feel hairy, how many troops are there!

Lu Sanjiang is not only Tang Dao's beloved general, but also the war horse that carried his beloved general to death. He is also a hero.

No matter how particular the Japanese army was, they would not set up toilets in the field camps, and they basically settled them outside the camps.

Although the Japanese commander couldn't figure out how the Chinese managed to poison the living water, this was the only possibility.

It can only be said that the special division of the 108th Division is called the second-line division by the standing divisions for no reason. Whether it is equipment or personnel quality, it cannot be compared with the [-] standing divisions.

In less than an hour, it will work.

Even the Japanese major general, who was the head of the brigade, was still hiding in his special field tent, and Baga couldn't swallow the supposedly delicious seaweed rice balls, let alone the canned beef.

But 20 days ago, the horse suddenly fell ill. The veterinarian judged that the food accumulation was caused by the horse’s food being too good.

This is also a misunderstanding of the Japanese general Shan Xiaxia who has been staying in Pingbei City and did not participate in the battle in Jin Province. Since the battle of Songhu, the Japanese army in the southeast has always been head-to-head with the elite of the Central Military Department, and the battle has suffered a lot. .

Think about it, even a strong man like Tang Dao is about to be pulled out of his appearance, let alone the 'short and dainty' Japanese.

It's just that color and soup, it looks like the thing made by the pack horse.

Therefore, even if people in the mountains know that it has medicinal effects, they dare not eat it at will. Old veterinarians who rely on it for a living all the year round can judge the dosage according to the height and weight of people and animals. Otherwise, it will not save but harm. up.

But this is not the worst thing that happened to the more than 108 people of the [-]th Division. The pack horses are thin and smelly at best. Anyway, they don't need to march long distances now, so they don't need to carry those heavy equipment by manpower.

The casualties were not heavy, but the psychological deterrent was too great. More than 2000 lax guys began to excrete in the camp, plus those pack horses.

This is absolutely terrible. It used to be just like a dunghill, but now it is a real dunghill.

Just like that, when a gust of mountain wind blows, the Tang Dao hidden in the bushes 700 meters away feels smoky.

. . . . . . . . .

PS: Some book friends said that they wanted to use the real names of Japanese military officers. Book friends who have read Fengyue's books will know that Fengyue used their real names before, but they were later reviewed and warned, so they can only be changed.

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