Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1004 Blood-sucking mosquitoes are not just annoying!

Chapter 1004 Blood-sucking mosquitoes are not just annoying!

Diarrhea cannot kill people, but diarrhea requires hydration.

But the front-line commander said again that it is not necessary to go to fetch water from the mountains.

Then you say that people are going to collapse, is this necessary or not?
Therefore, fetching water is imperative.

But at this time, the Chinese hiding in the mountains changed their tactics, stopped poisoning, and started dropping bombs.

They just hid on the mountain ridge in twos and threes, took a few shots and then ran away. The terrible thing is that this shot was extremely accurate. The hit rate was as high as 400% at a distance of more than 80.00 meters, which was a level that even Japanese veterans could not reach.

In one afternoon, more than 90 people were killed or injured by the water and supply soldiers sent out by various departments of the Japanese army. What is the concept?The main force of the 108th Division defeated the Chinese defenders on the first line of defense, and this was the number of casualties.

Faced with this kind of attack that is more of a harassment interest, they have also made corresponding counterattacks. Often, it is not a small unit that fetches water, but dozens of people, and there are even regular infantry regiments. A squadron or a squadron was dispatched, and the machine guns and grenade grenades were spared ammunition, but there was no result at all. The enemies all ran away.

If we compare them to an elephant, the Chinese soldiers hidden in the mountains are like mosquitoes flying around. The elephant's vigorously flapping ears and tail are almost a symbolic resistance to the mosquitoes that keep sucking a mouthful of blood. The blood sucked by mosquitoes is real.

Dozens of casualties a day, for the two armies each with a strength of [-] people, although it will not hurt the muscles and bones, it is extremely annoying.

And, at night, the harassment became more frequent.

Take the 25th Infantry Brigade stationed in Wuxiang as an example. This department governs two infantry regiments plus a divisional artillery regiment and a logistics regiment, with a total strength of 1.2. Naturally, such a large force cannot The big guys will sleep together.

Under the order of Nakano Xiaosan, then Major General of the 25th Infantry Brigade, the two infantry regiments were on the periphery, one on the left and one on the right, while the interior consisted of the brigade headquarters, the guard squadron directly under it, the artillery regiment, and the logistics regiment.

The formation of the infantry regiment is to form a semi-arc with the infantry brigade as the unit to protect its own regiment headquarters. Since this is a mountainous area, the infantry brigade basically deploys defense lines in the open space below the mountain along the mountain.

The field camp of an infantry regiment is often protected by trenches as long as 3000 meters. At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of the field camp, there are generally barbed wire tens of meters outside the trenches, and human patrols.

Because after the cold gun incident in the afternoon, Nakano Xiaosan once again increased the intensity of vigilance. Under the protection of the barbed wire, there were as many as 40 patrol teams patrolling according to the regulations. The team has as many as 600 people participating in night patrols.

One round every two hours, according to this intensity, almost every regular infantryman in the infantry brigade needs to participate in one patrol.

Such a strict and high-intensity patrol mechanism is extremely rare, whether it is the Japanese army or the Chinese army.

Because human beings are not steel machines, they need sleep to repair the tiredness of the body. Let alone sleepless days and nights, even if they don't sleep for one night, they will feel ashamed when they wake up the next morning.

Ensuring the necessary rest for soldiers is a link that all commanders must consider.

Like Nakano Xiaosan, it can almost be called 'drinking poison to quench thirst'.

But Nakano Xiaosan, who was under pressure up and down, might be the type of "the baby is suffering, but the baby doesn't say it." No matter who persuaded him, he issued a strict military order.

But that's it, the Chinese attack is still coming.

In order to ensure the line of sight, the Japanese army lit bonfires outside the barbed wire, and set up searchlights in some key positions, so the Japanese infantry exposed to the bright light became live targets for Chinese soldiers hundreds of meters away.

The enemy is clearly visible in the dark, of course the Japanese would not be so stupid. When the gunshots sounded, they quickly lay down and blew up the bonfire with grenades, and used searchlight lampposts to find the enemy hiding in the dark. Accurate marksmanship is hidden 400 meters away. This kind of field searchlight has limited power and cannot illuminate that far at all.

The night in the mountainous area was so dark that it made people palpitate, but the Japanese army was still brave enough. Seeing that there were not many Chinese people who liked to hide, and they liked to harass them, they couldn't bear it there, and sent nearly three or more troops in a row. The infantry squadron was the largest Japanese army and went to the mountains to pursue them with wolf and green dogs.

An infantry formation of 200 is already the limit of small-scale battles. If a few cold shots stimulate an infantry brigade to fight, then the army will not need to sleep tonight.I couldn't sleep well for several days in a row, and there were still many people who had diarrhea and couldn't eat well. Many soldiers were listless, and if they stayed up all night, how much fighting power would they have?

The commanders of the Japanese army were clever little ghosts. They had already concluded that this was the dosage of harassment that the Chinese tried their best, and they must not be easily fooled.

As for the strength of 200 people, even if the Chinese hide hundreds of people in the vast mountains and play any ambushes, they will not be able to swallow them all at once. The Chinese army crushed to the point that not even scum was left.

If it is in the normal combat mode, it is no problem for the Japanese commanders to think so, but now it is special operations.

Although most of the current 200 people in the reconnaissance company are 'newcomers', even these newcomers are selected from the best of the battalions and companies of the Four Elements Regiment. With the addition of actual combat training, whether it is individual combat effectiveness or combat experience, it far surpasses the second-line soldiers of the 108th Division.

This is also one of the main reasons why Tang Dao brought the reconnaissance company to trouble the 108th Division.

Don't you have to pick the soft persimmons?
Switching to the Second Mixed Brigade or the 16th Division, Tang Tuanzuo's special operations mode of harassment and harassment is not necessarily the same.

The wolf green dog bred by the Japanese with great efforts is indeed an excellent search dog, with a good sense of smell, and those who are blind will rush to the area where the special forces are hiding. An infantry squadron follows behind, and the aggressive ones rush over.

400 meters on the flat road, even if it is fully armed, it takes four to five minutes, but in this mountain, it is a lot of work, but this is not a problem for the brave and strong officers and soldiers of the Japanese Empire.

Panting and running wildly, under the light of the flares, you can clearly see the traces of the broken bushes, which means that the Chinese have been hiding in this area just now, and as long as they chase, they will definitely be able to catch up.

As everyone knows, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company have all been infected with a "bad habit" under the teaching of a certain regiment, that is, whenever they hide to kill, they will plant booby traps 20 meters around their hiding places.

One is to prevent oneself from being attacked by the enemy from the side and rear, and the other is to have an extra barrier to block the enemy when retreating.

The German long-handled grenade has the function of delaying five seconds after the fuze is fired. Therefore, in order to meet the special needs of the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance company, the explosives expert who was bought by Tang Dao from Linfen at a cost of 2.5 oceans wanted to show that he had something to offer. Value', the first job I did was to modify the special-purpose grenade and change its delay to [-] seconds.

If this kind of grenade is used in field combat, once the fuze is fired, it must be thrown out immediately. Most of the grenades will not fall on the ground and explode, but will explode in the air, which is slightly less practical.

But this kind of grenade is used to set booby traps, which is perfect. When kicking the cable, blue smoke comes out. Most people have a process of shock, reaction, and dodge. After 2.5 seconds, the shrapnel fan formed by the explosion is enough to wrap the person who triggered it. in it.

Greatly enhanced the lethality of booby traps.

Therefore, the first to bear the brunt was a small detachment of Japanese troops following Langqinggou.

Because, the first booby trap was triggered by the wolf and blue dog running wildly with the dog handler.

The dog was very clever, but he didn't know what trouble it would be if he bumped into that thin vine.

The sky was already pitch black, and the afterglow of the flares could not easily see the blue smoke slowly rising from the grass. The hissing fuse burning sound was even more drowned out by the footsteps caused by the heavy military boots embedded with iron sheets.

The ignorant wolfhounds and dog handlers were still striding forward, and an infantry squad striding forward behind them just stepped into the explosion point of the tripping mine.

A brilliant flame flashed out from a thick bush. After a huge roar, the soldiers of the Japanese infantry squad, which was more than ten meters across, fell to the ground one after another. Although there were wailing sounds, there were not many.

That's not to say that the Japanese army is full of tough guys, and they can't bear to scream even after being hit by shrapnel, but there is really no chance to scream again.

The reconnaissance company participated in the attack this time. The main participants were several reconnaissance squads. A reconnaissance squad consisted of 16 people. They were basically divided into 4 groups. Each group consisted of 3 people. The sniper was a Czech semi-automatic rifle, and the fireman was a submachine gun. The other is the ammunition hand, who is responsible for the laying of booby traps and the carrying of ammunition, while the remaining two Type 4 light machine guns and grenades are at a high point 200 meters away from the four attacking teams. When the attack team was bitten by the Japanese army, it was responsible for covering fire.

The amount of booby traps deployed here is obviously a bit large, especially when watching the one or two hundred Japanese soldiers rushing over in a mighty manner.

The ammunition hand who sent the 'Black Egg' actually left half of the 10 grenades he carried in this one booby trap.

The five grenades are not necessary, they are obviously a cluster bomb, not to mention the fragile human body, even the pure steel tracks of the Type [-] tank can be blown apart.

You said, there are 15 people in this Japanese army squad, and the furthest from this cluster bomb is only about 10 meters away. How many people can survive?
Under the loud sound, even the wolf green dog who was used to hearing the explosion of explosives was startled and howled with fear at this moment.

The Japanese soldiers in other positions were even more frightened by the protruding thunder, and they all lay on the ground. They didn't get up to check the comrades over there until they were sure that they were overshadowed by the tripping thunder left by the enemy instead of being attacked by artillery. their situation.

It didn't matter, and it almost made the captain of the Japanese infantry squadron grit his molars in anger.

15 soldiers together with the sergeant found 21 yuan in total, mainly because two of them were close together, their thighs and arms were blown off, and only 8 pieces were found out of these two, not more than 20 yuan !
Seven of them died on the spot, and the other eight were either seriously injured and unconscious, or bleeding from their bodies, howling like dead parents and dead mothers.

If we stop here, the Japanese infantry squadron may also lose this infantry unit in battle, and the battle loss rate is less than [-]%, which is a routine operation.

But "death before leaving the army will make the hero burst into tears", even the wise representative of the top students, Mr. Kong Ming, can't get over this hurdle, let alone a little Japanese army captain?
"Send a small infantry unit to carry the wounded back, ignore the dead for now, and keep chasing after me for the rest." The Japanese army captain stared at his big eyes and continued his mistake.

In any case, he didn't know that on a hill 600 meters away, a certain regiment had dug a grave for this Japanese infantry squadron whose strength had been sharply reduced to more than 160.

There, all the heavy firepower of the entire reconnaissance company and more than 100 elite infantrymen were gathered.

It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers!
Tang Dao had already expected that the Japanese army would definitely not admit defeat, and would send at least infantry squadron-level infantry to search and attack once attacked.

Even if you know that you may not be able to catch up, but this gesture must be done, otherwise how will it be written in the battle report in the future?
"The enemy sent a small group of troops to attack and harass at night. To prevent accidents, our department couldn't hold on. In the end, dozens of patrolling officers and soldiers were lost?"

If this battle report gets out, not to mention the humiliation of the 108th Division, even the Chinese will not see it.

The main force of the 108th Division is all there. Even if it is divided into two divisions, each division has [-] people. As a result, it was attacked by a small group of Chinese troops, and was beaten passively.
Perhaps, even the biggest joke in the Japanese army, the famous "hawker division" would not do this!

To put it bluntly, the real purpose of sending troops to search and pursue is not to kill the Chinese, but for the honor of the division.

Therefore, it is inevitable to attack, and it is also inevitable for Tang Dao to take the opportunity to give him a vote.

The reconnaissance company is not like the special squadrons that were hastily formed in the past. They basically use squads and small groups to reconnaissance, harass, and assassinate the enemy.

The current reconnaissance company can not only complete the previous special squadron functions with three reconnaissance platoons and nine reconnaissance squads, but also because of the addition of a machine gun platoon, it has an 9mm mortar, two MG82 machine guns, and a Maxim heavy machine gun. There are 34, 3 of the 18-type light machine guns. In addition, among the light firepower of the whole crew, there are 45 Czech-style semi-automatic rifles and more than 60 submachine guns.

Moreover, with this firepower configuration, if you hit a Japanese infantry squadron and don't let them be stunned for an instant, that is simply trampling on the so-called "elite".

Tang Dao sent out two reconnaissance platoons and 6 reconnaissance squads to harass the huge Japanese camp, but left behind a reconnaissance platoon, 3 reconnaissance squads, machine gun platoons and guard squads, plus a guard platoon beside him , with a total strength of 150 people.

But the firepower is almost comparable to an ordinary infantry battalion of 600 people.

The ambush position set up by Tang Dao is about 1200 meters away from the main camp of the Japanese army. Unexpectedly, someone would be so bold as to dig a grave for his own search team at such a close distance.

But this terrain is a bit special. There is a hill in front of it, which just blocks the trajectory of the Japanese artillery, so that the trajectory of the Japanese artillery fire is forced to be raised, and most of it will fall on the top of the mountain behind the hill.

According to this geographical feature, Tang Dao distributed its troops under the mountainside to avoid the threat of mountain cannons.

The force of 150 people is distributed in a character shape according to the terrain. On the main position, Lu Sanjiang's reconnaissance platoon is in the front, and Lu Sanjiang is the commander. Hei personally commanded, and Tang Dao himself led the guard platoon and the reconnaissance company guard squad on the other side.

Just wait for the Japanese search team to chase into this death trap by themselves.

In order for the Japanese to come, Tang Dao also made sufficient preparations. From time to time on the way, the scouts who were retreating sprinkled some fresh blood cut from the caught pheasants, so as to point the way to the wolf green dog in charge of the Japanese army. He also ordered the soldiers not to plant landmines near the blood, so as not to blow up the little baby.

But for landmines to be planted in other places, it depends on the scouts' own wishes.

This time, Tang Dao bought infantry mines from Linfen in such a large quantity that the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment felt their scalps tingle. The Jin-made infantry mines were all imitated from Germany. But not small.

One shot can't make the infantry enter the soul, it can also make the infantry's legs fly into the sky.

On the battlefield, there is no such thing as pity, and there is no such long-term idea that the mountain people will lose their arms and legs when they step on landmines.

However, at a distance of several hundred meters, Heidan insisted on planting five infantry mines during the retreat, which was already the limit of infantry mines that their reconnaissance team could carry.

After burying everything, it is estimated that there is a mentality of 'if there is no date, hit two poles first'.

He succeeded, because the captain of the Japanese army, whose squad was almost wiped out, had a broken mentality, and he had to put his head on his head when he was caught by a thunderstorm.

Therefore, when the Japanese infantry squadron, which was relying on human legs and slamming five mines along the way, stepped into the shape of death, its strength was actually less than 140 people.

It’s really that the infantry mine is too bad. The amount of explosives is not as much as that of the hand grenade. Basically, it only blows up the leg. The wound surface is basically dead, but if it doesn’t die for a while, the wounded soldier has to send 2 Even 3 people were sent back, five wounded soldiers, about 20 people were sent back, and [-] people were gone again.

However, this Japanese army captain who has been completely in charge is lucky. Otherwise, his infantry squadron would lose even these 30 people, and the establishment might be cancelled.

"Boom! Boom!" Two muffled sounds came from the two grenadiers on the opposite hill.

However, instead of grenades, flares were fired.

The two flares, like two small suns that suddenly jumped into the sky, clearly and variablely illuminated the figures of more than 100 Japanese infantrymen who were trekking through the bushes at the foot of the mountain.

300 meters away, the reconnaissance of the brainless sergeants in the squads could almost see the stiff face of the Japanese second lieutenant in the front because of the great fright, and the neatly trimmed mustache because of the involuntary movement of his lips. Trembling, especially ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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