Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1025 Brilliant Fireworks!

During the 10 minutes when the artillery battalion continued to attack the Japanese artillery positions under the command of Ming Xin, the Four Elements Regiment, from the head of the regiment Tang Dao to the ordinary infantry at the forefront, undoubtedly suffered extremely.

Due to insufficient preparation, the front-line troops were insufficient. If a large number of troops were rashly invested, the losses might be even greater under the crazy bombardment of the Japanese army.

However, these 10 minutes were the torment of the Four Elements Group, and the Japanese army may not be rejoicing.

They underestimated the firepower output of the infantry of the Four-row Regiment, and the large number of submachine guns and shell guns equipped with them became sharp weapons for dozens of infantrymen on the front line of the Four-row Regiment to withstand ten times the Japanese charge.

As a result, the Japanese army had to stay in front of their target for nearly 10 minutes. Although they took advantage of their large numbers and caused a lot of casualties to the front line of the Four Elements Regiment, they had no chance to move forward.

So, when Pang Hai adjusted the muzzle angle of a mountain cannon according to the data provided by Ming Xin again and combined with his own experience, and ordered to fire.

A cloud of gunpowder smoke rose from an open space in the Japanese artillery position.

The Japanese army did not suffer losses, and the explosion of gunpowder smoke was more than 40 meters away from the nearest gun, but the Japanese artillery lieutenant who witnessed all this hundreds of meters away felt as if struck by lightning, and his whole body was icy cold!

As an artilleryman, he knew all too well what that meant.

That means that the Chinese artillery group, which is by no means weaker than them, will throw shells overwhelmingly on his position in the next moment.

One shell is not terrible, what is terrible is the dozens or even hundreds of rounds that follow.

How did the Chinese determine the specific coordinates of his artillery positions thousands of meters away?The artillery lieutenant in panic looked around blankly, and the soldier's intuition told him that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him right beside him.

"Hit it, tell Deputy Battalion Commander Pang that the impact point is within the area of ​​the Japanese artillery position, and ask him to focus the fire for 10 minutes, no, 10 minutes." Ming Xin was very happy.

As a member of the infantry, Mingxin understood the power of these artillery hidden in the hilly area a thousand meters away. Once a cannon hit it, I don't know how many brothers turned into flying ash before they even saw the devil's face.

Being able to kill these artillery pieces will relieve the infantry from a serious problem.

"Excellent!" Shen Laoliu also grinned.

In the past two days, he has suffered enough.

The uncanny workmanship of nature is really terrifying, even surpassing the bloody battlefield.

In the past two days, he has climbed 50 cliffs with a height of more than 4 meters and almost [-] degrees.

Of course, most of the credit for this belongs to that super hunk Ming Xin.

Holding a lancet in one hand, Ming Xin relied on the strength of the lancet inserted into the rock crevice to forcibly climb up the rock cliff, and then dropped the rope to pull Shen Laoliu up the mountain.

However, don't think that it is easy to have a rope. The longest rope carried by the two is only 35 meters, which means that the two are like two grasshoppers climbing on the cliff. A string of two.

There are very few places where the fingers can exert their strength, leaving Shen Lao Liukong with nowhere to use his strength. The soles of his feet are stepping on dry rocks that may collapse at any time. grinning.

This kind of fear that almost collapses, one time is not enough, but it has to happen several times, Shen Laoliu's nerves have not been tempered on the battlefield, I am afraid that he would have cried a long time ago.

He is a warrior, but not a monkey!
Fortunately, all these difficulties disappeared in an instant as the shells bloomed on the Japanese artillery positions.

Everything is worth it.

"On behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment, we will watch the fireworks set off by the brave officers and soldiers of the Artillery Battalion for the whole army of the Four Elements Regiment on the mountain, and congratulate the Artillery Battalion!" , and added a sentence very literary.

This telegram will also be included in the Chinese Military Museum in the future, becoming an extremely important witness of the Battle of Southeast Shanxi.

Because, it was this round of shelling that created the foundation for the 683rd Brigade and the Four-row Regiment to defeat the Second Mixed Brigade.

"Stop the bombardment and evacuate quickly!" The dumbfounded Japanese artillery lieutenant also reacted very quickly, and quickly ordered the artillery to move.

But his orders were not transmitted as fast as the radio waves. After three shots, Pang Dahai finally received the target telegram from the special forces team.

"Each artillery position, according to the coordinates just communicated, make some adjustments on your own, a base, 15 minutes to prepare!" Pang Dahai finally showed a little smile on his always stern face.

It took him 10 minutes to determine the position of the Japanese artillery, which meant that the Japanese artillery fired on his own infantry for 10 minutes. He probably had already been scolded by Li Jiujin, Cai Yongguan and other bad-tempered guys.

But that doesn't matter, I'm afraid that the infantry have persisted for 10 minutes, and his artillery battalion has not made any achievements. After the war, no one needs to scold him, just looking at the morgue covered in white cloth can make his artillery battalion Up and down to die of shame.

Fortunately, he finally found it.

"Let go!" Accompanied by Pang Dahai's roar.

The 16 mountain artillery fired one by one, and the 6 150 heavy pressures that had moved their positions forward also fired.

From the perspective of Mingxin and Shen Laoliu, they could only see the hills where the Japanese artillery positions were located. First there was a puff of gunpowder smoke, and then several dozen or so puffs, like flowers blooming in full bloom, which couldn’t wait to bloom their beautiful petals one after another. , Showing his incomparably beautiful stamens to the Japanese army.

It's just that this beauty is cruel.

Dull explosions came one by one, like a big drum being beaten intensively, and then, it seemed that the whole world was filled with this thunderous bang.

The Artillery Battalion of the Four Elements Regiment once again opened its mouth full of fangs, but this time, it was aimed at the Japanese artillery.

The last time this was done, the Japanese infantry still had a trench to hide in. As long as they were not particularly unlucky, there was still a great chance of survival.

But the Japanese artillery would not have much time to build an anti-gun bunker for themselves.After all, the artillery is thousands of meters behind one's own infantry, and the possibility of artillery confrontation between the two sides is even more negligible on the North China battlefield.

Therefore, when the waves of shells fell, the Japanese artillery was miserable, especially when the 150-weight projectiles weighing 18 kg fell on the position, within a radius of 15 meters of the point of impact, humans and animals were killed. Annihilation, the crazy air wave can even roll out a mountain cannon 40 meters away from the impact point, which is simply inhumane.

If it is simply killing the human body, it will be fine. Anyway, this is a hilly area, and the artillery position is huge. Even 22 artillery pieces can't cover the entire area in a short time. But don't forget, the artillery has shells in addition to the artillery. .

The artillery shells generally keep a considerable distance from the artillery. This is written in the artillery safety rules to prevent the artillery shells from exploding and causing heavy casualties. Violating this rule, the shells are stored not only too close to the artillery, but even boxes of shells are piled on the ground like that.

Therefore, when a heavy mortar shell fell on one of the shell piles, the martyrdom caused by more than 30 shells was absolutely catastrophic.

The loud sound of "Boom!" even overwhelmed the endless sound of shell explosions, and a blood-red mushroom cloud visible to the naked eye rose tens of meters high, even the battlefield where China and Japan were fighting 3000 meters away can be seen above.

And that is just a terrifying scene seen by people from afar!
On the artillery positions of the Japanese army, shock waves that cannot be seen by the naked eye dissipated to the surroundings. Whether it was the Japanese artillery who was running wildly or the 800-type 75 mountain artillery weighing [-] kilograms, they all seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer. Fly out ten meters.

Even the bushes facing this side on a small hill 300 meters away fell to the ground collectively, as if worshiping the powerful air waves.

No one survived within a radius of 200 meters from the impact point, and at least more than 100 Japanese artillerymen were killed in this wave of terrible shell explosions.

You know, this reinforced Japanese artillery brigade has a total of only 1500 people, and this killed one-fifteenth of them.

But this was not the real climax of the shelling. A mountain cannon shell just landed in the rear area of ​​the position, which was the stocking area for nearly 500 pack horses of the Japanese Artillery Brigade.

The Japanese army is still some distance away from mechanization, and the artillery is no exception. The artillery, shells, and many supplies are carried by pack horses. A large number of pack horses is also a great spectacle in the Japanese army.

Otherwise, the Four Elements Regiment would be able to seize a large amount of horse feed no matter which Japanese army they fought against?That stuff is equivalent to fuel for mechanized troops.

The pack horses are not the war horses used by the cavalry, but they have also undergone special training. The sound of ordinary guns will not blow them up, but when a shell falls on the horses, several pack horses are split into four or five in an instant, and their flesh and blood are flying. If you can still keep the horse in a normal state, then the world is simply abnormal.

The pack horse neighed in fear, and instinctively ran in the opposite direction of the shell explosion.

Hundreds of pack horses galloped wildly, and the momentum was actually quite terrifying, especially for the Japanese artillery who had just left the barrage area.

Not to mention the mortal body, it is steel and iron, and it is nothing in front of the completely crazy horses.

The horses, stimulated by the blood of their companions and the violent explosions, have completely lost their sense of direction. They are completely acting on biological instinct. They rampage under the artillery fire. Wherever they go, the bushes are flattened, people are trampled to death, and the artillery Knocked down until they were killed by flying shrapnel or shot dead by desperate Japanese artillery.

It is impossible to calculate how much damage the hundreds of crazy horses caused to the Japanese artillery, because the Japanese soldiers who were trampled to death by the horses basically turned into broken and incomplete corpses, which is similar to being swept to death by the shell blast. The Japanese artillery who were fleeing for their lives would not have time to distinguish this, and the soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment who occupied this place later would not be so bored to this point.

They will only count how many Japanese soldiers were killed based on the corpses.

According to the battle report reported by the Four Elements Regiment to the headquarters, in this battle, the Four Elements Regiment killed and wounded 300 Japanese artillerymen, more than 16 horses, and destroyed [-] artillery pieces of various types.

Yes, in just 15 minutes of shelling, the artillerymen of the Four Elements Regiment blasted out more than 800 shells, causing two ammunition explosions. The two big explosions took away almost 7 Japanese artillerymen and destroyed [-] mountain artillery pieces, occupying A small half of the victory ratio.

In fact, most of the packhorses who had been frightened were not killed by shells, but after they trampled to death at least a hundred of their companions, they finally found a way out, which was the infantry position responsible for defending the artillery.

The frenzied horses rushed to the trench regardless, and the commander of the Japanese army finally refused to issue a shooting order for self-protection.

Under the vigorous strafing of light and heavy machine guns, even the giant beasts of hundreds of kilograms could not resist. After finally choosing to divert, there were only more than 100 horses left in the original huge herd, and they were basically scattered in various areas of the battlefield.

Even if the remaining artillerymen of the Japanese army wanted to drag away the remaining few cannons, they could only rely on manpower.

The picture of dragging heavy artillery through the hills by human power is sad enough just thinking about it.

The [-]th Army, which was about to move thousands of miles back then, decisively abandoned these steels that might slow down the marching speed, and completely turned itself into a light infantry. The entire army has been reduced by as much as nine-tenths, but it has to be said that if it does not have enough marching speed, it may have been overtaken by the regiment and wiped out.

But the Japanese army really did this, so that its remnants could not catch up with the footsteps of the infantry and were surrounded by the two infantry companies of the third battalion who followed closely. In the end, the artillery was not kept, and no one ran away.

Of course, even though Boss Cao and the young corporal and other officers and soldiers of the third battalion hated these Japanese artillerymen, but seeing them dragging several artillery pieces for such a long distance after being exhausted and exhausted, and still in the mountains, it was only a matter of time. I can express my admiration for their 'Grantai'-like perseverance.

Therefore, when killing them, they were very straightforward. No grenades and mortars were used, and all of them were shot with submachine guns.

Probably because they were afraid of breaking the mountain artillery that the Japanese army was trying to protect. Even if the regiment didn’t want it, the brigade commander who personally called the regiment made a request. Why did he seize a few cannons from the 683 brigade and go back, otherwise, more than 300 The commanders and fighters of the 683 brigade died in peace.

The brigade commander of the dignified major general said this, how could the battalion and company commanders of the Four Elements Regiment not sell face?

"Little devil! That's a bunch of heartless people! It's this time, and they are still dragging their cannons and running away. Isn't everyone throwing away their cannons!

The sea, you have to learn from them, you can't learn from them. After Tang Tuanzuo received the telegram of the good news from the three battalions in front, he curled his lips in disdain and looked at Pang Dahai who was following him.

"If, as I said, if one day your artillery battalion encounters this kind of situation, you f--- will immediately blow up the cannons for me, and the whole army will run away with nothing. I can buy cannons if I have money, but the lives of the brothers are not worth it." It’s something money can’t buy.”

"Yes, sir, all the brothers in the Artillery Battalion are guaranteed to be smarter than the devils, and they don't need money!" Pang Dahai straightened his back and answered straightforwardly.

Tang Dao frowned slightly, he heard the little trick played by Pang Pang Hai, but he was also a little helpless.The Chinese army has suffered enough from the lack of heavy firepower. The guns are the lifeblood of his Pang Hai. If he were to change his life for guns, he would probably not blink. The concept that people are more important than equipment cannot be cultivated overnight. That takes enough time.

To make a complete change, Tang Dao can only get more guns and let his brothers understand that this thing is just a pile of rotten cabbage. At that time, who will work hard for some cabbage?
Of course, that's all for later.

When the Artillery Battalion of the Four Elements Group aimed at the position of the Japanese Artillery Brigade, Yin Fujiyota's face turned pale in an instant, and he muttered to himself: "It's over!"

What he said was over, not that the two infantry squadrons still in front of the Chinese position were over, but that the entire battle was over.

The lieutenant officer of the Japanese Army knew very well that without the cover of heavy firepower, the Second Mixed Brigade could no longer fight back and could only be beaten passively. , to see how much casualties they are willing to bear.

And the heart is more desolate than the heart of the army lieutenant, than the more than [-] Japanese soldiers who are still shooting at the Chinese side on the ground.

Our own shells are firing well, but suddenly cease fire, what the hell is this?

"Damn it, it's finally our turn. Order the firepower platoon to prepare. The second platoon will go to the front line with me. I can't kill them." Li Jiujin jumped up directly.

"Brother Cao, take a break." The young corporal Tu Yunsheng pulled Boss Cao, who had thrown 30 grenades in a row, to sit down against the trench.

"I still have energy, I can do it." Boss Cao probably voted at the moment, panting heavily but still full of energy.

"Two minutes, only two minutes, wait for the company commander to bring the brothers, and then you will be a devil." The young corporal panted and pointed outside. "The little devil is now unable to enter and cannot retreat, and he cannot retreat. Gou Ri is doomed."

It really only took 2 minutes, and the dark blue military uniform rushed towards Boss Cao's position like a tide through the traffic trench.

The three major infantry companies of the third battalion have invested as many as 560 infantry. If the firepower platoons of each company and the firepower company of the battalion are added, the strength is nearly a thousand.

Fighting more than 200 Japanese troops without artillery support and no trenches, isn't that the old silver stick meets the little crotch woman, and it is easy to use various positions?

Wa was bitter in her heart, but she had nowhere to say it. Hearing the long hiss of the withdrawal siren, the more than two hundred Japanese soldiers in front of the position felt chilled.

This is not a vegetable market, so you can just go as soon as you say it?

I don't know how many Chinese infantry came up, but just looking at the light and heavy machine guns used to suppress them used more than 30, you can know how much the Chinese on the opposite side want to kill them.

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