Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1026 The general attack begins

Chapter 1026 The general attack begins
When Li Jiujin arrived at the front line with a main platoon, and the main platoon had already been reinforced, the two infantry platoons with nearly 200 men were full of murderous looks.

"Submachine guns, shell guns, and machine guns don't need to save ammunition. Let me crush them to death. All accurate shooters and bombardiers will be in place for me. I will give you the last 10 minutes of shooting time! After 10 minutes, the whole battalion will launch an attack on the Japanese defense line. General attack." As soon as Li Jiujin arrived at the front line, he issued a military order.

The dense gunfire on the battlefield replaced the previous deafening gunfire, which allowed Boss Cao, who had gradually adapted to the battlefield, to gradually recover his hearing.

The young corporal was called by his second lieutenant platoon leader to Li Jiujin, the commander of the Seventh Company who had just arrived. Boss Cao, who had regained some strength in his arms, originally planned to help the frontline infantry throw some grenades to solve some problems. The stubborn Japanese army on the battlefield, to his embarrassment, was out of hand grenades, and the two soldiers who were in charge of assisting him just left.

After all, this is not a time of complete victory. The Japanese army is just at a disadvantage, and the main trench position a hundred meters away is constantly covering them with firepower. There are machine guns, rifles, and heavy machine guns. Occasionally, infantry artillery will come over.

It's just that the mortars belonging to the artillery company of the third battalion are not vegetarians. They just wait for the Japanese infantry artillery to show up. When a target appears, it usually takes more than a dozen shells to hit it. The Japanese 92 infantry artillery did not dare to fire continuously.

It's not that the Japanese artillery is timid, but that the Chinese mortar shells hit them easily, but they have no power to fight back against the Chinese mortar positions surrounded by ring positions.

Although the infantry cannon can be used as a mortar by raising the muzzle, it has a specialization in the field of surgery. The main function of the infantry cannon is to destroy fixed fortifications. They really don't have the ability to do it.

Thanks to the complete suppression of the Japanese infantry artillery by our own mortars, more than 80.00% of the heavy machine guns of the Third Battalion dared to fire unscrupulously to suppress the Japanese infantry in the trenches and on the battlefield.

The Japanese infantry lying in the middle of the battlefield in a dilemma had to risk their lives and shoot at the officers and soldiers of the third battalion and each company under the cover of the trench.

However, the conditions of the two parties are very different.

The large amount of firepower output by the Chinese side just prevented the Japanese army from fleeing the battlefield. It was the precise shooters of each squad that really effectively killed the Japanese infantry who wanted to get their bodies into the soil.

They all hid behind hidden firing holes. Even if the Japanese machine gunners on the opposite side found them, the double-thick sandbags would not be able to penetrate the light machine gun bullets.

Therefore, the precision shooters of the seventh company can put 80.00% of their minds on killing the enemy, unlike the Japanese infantry who have to worry about being swallowed by the stream of bullets pouring in like a tide or being blown into pieces by grenades falling from the sky. honeycomb.

In just one minute, seven or eight Japanese infantrymen were shot and killed by the Seventh Company's precision shooters, but none of them suffered casualties.

At this speed, besides wasting some bullets, the Seventh Company can basically kill nearly a hundred remaining Japanese soldiers in front of the position without paying any price.

This may be one of the reasons why Li Jiujin gave his subordinates 10 minutes!
Another reason may be that the Seventh Company is not yet fully prepared, and is preparing to launch a general attack at the moment.

Who let the Japanese come to strike preemptively, and the entire third battalion hasn't even finished their breakfast yet!
So Boss Cao, who was thinking about going to the trenches to find some grenades, saw such a strange scene.

A group of engineers carried large oil drums and were 'installing' them in the tunnel that should have been dug in the rear. The mouth of the huge oil drums was facing forward obliquely like a cannon barrel, making it look like they were cannons.

Seeing this scene, Boss Cao was dumbfounded!
Boss Cao is a cooking soldier, but he is also a soldier.It’s not that he has never seen what a gun looks like, let alone talk about it, he said that the 82 mortars equipped by the artillery company of the battalion have a muzzle as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and the shells that are fired are already weighing 4 catties.

Using the artillerymen's ostentatious blowing water, regardless of the smallness of the shells, just that "small" shell is enough to send half the people in the cooking class to heaven.

And how thick is this oil barrel?It's more than enough for two adults like him!
If this is considered a cannon, then the cannonball must be as big as someone?What about playing?

Just when Boss Cao was wondering whether he should go up and disturb the busy engineers, a voice came from behind: "Uncle Cao, what are you doing here, come here quickly, our company commander wants to see you."

Just as Boss Cao turned his head, Li Jiujin, who was full of gunpowder, strode over from a corner of the trench, walked straight to Boss Cao, raised his hand and gave a military salute first.

This startled Boss Cao.

Of course he knew Li Jiujin, he was not only the number one general of Battalion Commander Leng Feng, but also Tang Tuanzuo's favorite general.

When he was still a recruit, he heard the veterans who trained the recruits brag about the origin of the name Sixing Regiment. It was Tang Tuanzuo who led a group of brothers to guard the Sixing Warehouse and killed a Japanese infantryman An honor for the captain of the alliance.

Needless to say, Deputy Lei Tuan, he was an awesome figure who used to be the commander of the regiment, Leng Feng, Battalion Commander Leng even competed with the regiment, and now they are regarded as the two giants of the Four Elements regiment, and they have followed closely from the beginning Of the few people behind the group seat, Li Jiujin, a veteran soldier, was the most mentioned.

I heard that it was he and Company Commander Yang of the communications company who "captured" the "deserter" of the Sichuan army in Tuan Zuo and brought them to the Sixing Warehouse, which made Tuan Zuo rise like a comet.

Such an outstanding person, why would you salute him as a little cook as soon as you meet him?

"Brother Cao, right? I heard from Xiaotu that you are thirty-five years old this year, and you are a few years older than me, Lao Li, but my military salute is not because you are a few years older than me, brother." Yes." Li Jiujin looked at the shocked Boss Cao and said with a smile on his face.

"I am thanking the cooking team of the battalion department for my seventh company. Thank you for supporting me in the most dangerous time. You can bear this gift."

"But, Company Commander Li, it seems that our regiment's military regulations say that no military salute is allowed on the battlefield." Boss Cao, who was a little embarrassed by being forced to play such a game by Commander Li Dalian, held back for a while, and came up with this answer.

Not to mention, this honest middle-aged man who was taken aback by the boss really didn't know how to answer.

For a second-class soldier like him, this military salute was really unbearable.

Fuck!The young corporal who followed really wanted to cover his head.

No wonder this old man is so good at throwing bombs and was assigned to the cooking class?There really is a reason for this.

The scene was quiet for a while, and finally Lao Li himself laughed to resolve the embarrassment: "Haha! Brother, it really makes sense for you to go to the cooking class. The buns you make will definitely not be like the doggy old Liu. It’s full of wild vegetables, and you’re licking a piece of green lotus and saying it’s for nutrition, grandma’s, you’re a fool to think of me! Isn’t adding more meat better than anything else?”

"Squad Leader Liu was also forced to do so. You can't blame him. The Military Supplies Department hasn't purchased any meat for several days, and the battalion commander has asked to ensure that all the officers and soldiers of the battalion are fed well." Boss Cao said seriously for his sergeant. The head of the cooking class explained.

He didn't know that his cooking squad leader, who was missing an arm, was one of Li Daliang's men four months ago. During the night attack on Mouse Mountain, one man and one light machine gun rushed to the front. In the end, unfortunately, he was shot in the arm, which caused a large area of ​​infection in the wound. In order to avoid sacrifice, it was Li Daliang himself who brought people to hold him down, and forcibly sawed off the whole arm before he was rescued.

In the end, the disabled machine gunner was beaten to death and refused to leave the front-line troops. Commander Li Dalian blocked Leng Feng's door for several days, and even guarded the door of his latrine, driving the cold-faced battalion commander crazy. The machine gunner in the arm was assigned to the battalion headquarters as the squad leader of the cooking squad, which violated the regiment's military order.

Tang Dao made it clear that disabled soldiers can go to the supply unit, and they can go to the military training office to train recruits, but they cannot stay in the front-line troops.It is also for the safety of disabled soldiers. A healthy person is extremely vulnerable in the face of bullets, let alone a soldier without an arm or a leg?
"Well, I won't go around in circles anymore. I heard Xiaotu say that you killed more than 20 devils just by throwing bombs. It's a pity that such a good bomber stays in the cooking class. I'll go to Lao Liu Say, come to my 7th company, Xiaotu and his squad happen to be short of a bomber, as long as you come, the rank will be promoted to one level!" Li Jiujin is also an old man, and through a few short conversations, he knew that the middle school in front of him Young people are a little bit awkward, and their words are too oblique, so they have to be simple and rude.

"Promote to a higher rank? Get 12 yuan a month?" Boss Cao's eyes lit up instantly.

Does that mean that you can get 2 extra yuan of ocean military pay in January?
"Yes, Lao Li, I won't hide it from you. I'll show you your military achievements today. Regardless of whether you come to my Seventh Company or not, you will be a senior soldier. And according to the rating of your military achievements, you are very likely to get rewards." Li Jiu Jin looked at the simple and honest middle-aged man in front of him who was a little moved by the promotion of his military rank, and he was extremely serious and serious.

He needs talents, but he needs talents who treat the infantry company as his family, not just for military pay.

He hoped that the cooking soldier in front of him who dared to rush into the flames of war was that.

The young corporal also looked at Boss Cao enthusiastically. Company Commander Li didn't know why Boss Cao rushed into the trenches, he knew.

He believed that Boss Cao was no longer a recruit who was only paid for the army.

"Then, can I become the first recruit in the cooking squad to win military exploits? Squad Leader Liu will be happy!" Boss Cao thought for a while, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face covered in black smoke.

"Hey!" Li Jiujin sighed slightly.

This excellent bombardier has gone through a war, but still hasn't ignited the blood of a soldier.

The young corporal was even more disappointed!

He has seen Boss Cao's strength with his own eyes. Within 70 meters, as long as he surrenders, it almost means blowing up wherever. It is more powerful than a grenadier. Attacking fortified defenses will increase combat effectiveness by at least [-]%.

But does he still want to be a cook who only cooks and cooks soup?

"Sir, big brother, I am willing to join the Seventh Company, and I hope the commander will help me report my military exploits to the battalion. I need a bonus." Boss Cao said suddenly after he was happy.

"Okay, this is what you deserve, and neither the battalion nor the regiment will lose you a cent." Li Jiujin frowned slightly, but still replied firmly.

It's only natural to be a soldier and get paid!Didn't he think the same way when he was in the barracks for ten years?It wasn't until he met Tang Dao that he knew what the real responsibility of a soldier was. How could he be harsh on a recruit who had only been in the barracks for a month and a half because of this?
"However, I hope to give this reward to the brother who died in battle. He was too young to drink the mutton soup I fed him before he died." Boss Cao continued with red eyes.

Li Jiujin was taken aback.

"It was Gao Qunshan, the machine gunner of our third squad, who was bombed by the devil's artillery during the counterattack. Uncle Cao was by his side at the time." The young corporal quickly explained.

"Okay! I will fulfill your wish. Moreover, I assure you that all the brothers who died will receive a small amount of pension money to their hometowns, regardless of recruits and veterans." Li Jiujin promised with a heavy heart.

"Yeah!" Boss Cao also nodded fiercely.

"Did you just look at these big oil barrels?" Li Jiujin asked, maybe not wanting to make the topic too heavy, so he changed the subject.

"Yes! Sir, what are these oil barrels for? Tibetans, or as a bunker?" Boss Cao was very curious.

"Haha! How about this! Since you gave the cash reward to brother, then I, the company commander, will give you a new reward and show you a fireworks feast." Li Jiujin said with a smile.

Therefore, the cooking soldiers who turned into bombarders on the battlefield threw more than 20 grenades in front of Li Jiujin in a row.

The fatal number 14 was added to the already brilliant results, making Li Jiujin so happy that the creases on his face could pinch mosquitoes to death.

Killing 38 enemies by one soldier, this should be the record of killing enemies by one soldier in the history of the Sixing Regiment in the history of several months. It is certain that there will be no one who will come later, and there will be no one before. Before that, he still killed 33 enemies single-handedly A person's record, good guy, the humble cooking soldier directly raised this record by 5 people in one go.

Although this is due to the current special terrain and special battle conditions, the Japanese infantry was crushed by the crazy bullets, let alone retreating, and even raising their buttocks a little bit, I am afraid that they would lose two taels of flesh, so they could only hide in despair. In the small pit, I watched grenades fall from the sky, and then my arms and legs flew around, leaving only my strong torso and the land of Taihang Mountain as one.

But the number of kills is real. Qilian is not without good bombers, and some can even throw 80 meters, but the shots are not as far as him, and the shots are not as far as him. Boss Cao The level of pointing to where to hit within 70 meters is really a scorpion shit-the only one!

But at this time, the gunfire on the battlefield was still in full swing.Like the Chinese, the Japanese army did not have the habit of giving up their comrades easily!

The Japanese soldiers in front of the position were not dead, and dozens of people were still alive. For the last remaining force of their own, the Japanese soldiers on the opposite position also tried their best, firing light and heavy machine guns and grenadiers as hard as they could.

Boss Cao, whose arms were so sore that he couldn't lift them, wanted to get the grenade, but was stopped by the young corporal, "Uncle, let's go. The company ordered everyone to retreat 40 meters!"

"What are you doing? Don't kill the devils?" Boss Cao looked up and saw that the soldiers who had been shooting frantically just now were evacuating in batches along the traffic trench with their waists bent, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

It wasn't that he wanted military merit, but that he wanted to help him fulfill his wish when he thought of the young man who looked like his younger brother setting up a machine gun under artillery fire.

The remains of the young machine gunner were just a hundred meters away, and he should still be able to see them after killing all these devils.

But now, they are about to kill them all, and they suddenly want to retreat, what's the matter?
"You forgot, the company commander said that you will be rewarded to watch a firework, let's go! The general offensive will start soon!" The young corporal took his arm, turned and ran.

Boss Cao didn't know what those big oil barrels were for, but he, an army corporal who participated in the battle of the Four Elements Regiment for the Golden Pit, knew it all too well.

The so-called Thunderbolt can throw a pack of more than ten kilograms of explosives a hundred meters away, and its power is even greater than that of 150 heavy loads.

Qilian made a total of 18 doors here, and 18 dynamite packs were thrown together in this way. For Qilian's current defense line of only 600 meters, it can be said to be devastating.

Great power is its greatest advantage, but its disadvantages are also fatal. It is inaccurate at all, and Sharkey's flying around is his own person and his heart is trembling.

Therefore, when it is launched, it is forbidden to have soldiers from our side in front.

Then, at a position about 50 meters away from the front line, Li Jiujin smiled and patted Boss Cao who was inexplicably nervous: "Don't worry, those devils can't escape, not only them, but even the little devils in the trenches. Their own grammar is as good as dead!"

Then, he gave him two lumps of cotton and his own telescope: "Old Li won't break his promise to reward you! This one, plug your ears!"

"Hey, you still have to put on your horses!" The young corporal came over and reminded with a smile.

At this moment, a second lieutenant of the engineering platoon ran over, "Mr. Li, the engineering platoon is ready!"

Li Jiujin took out a dirty pocket watch, looked at the second hand that was about to point to 12 in a few seconds, and nodded: "Start!"

With the small red flag of the engineer platoon leader waving.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A muffled voice sounded.

In Boss Cao's field of vision, nearly 20 black packages suddenly flew up from his own position, rolling in the air and rushing towards the Japanese positions more than 100 meters away or 200 meters away.

Then, Boss Cao was surprised to see that all officers and soldiers of the Seventh Company instinctively lowered their bodies, including Commander Li Dalian.

Holding the binoculars that the company commander had, Boss Cao saw that the Japanese position was directly surrounded by fireballs and thick smoke.

If that's considered fireworks, it's really too big.

"Boom boom boom!" Although he blocked his ears and was mentally prepared, Boss Cao was still dizzy from the loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook for a while, and a gust of wind mixed with an unknown amount of gravel blew across the trench. Even hiding in the trench felt a chill down the spine.

This is still more than 100 meters away, and there are trench protection, the whole person is like standing on a rough boat,
No wonder the deputy Tu Ban said that he had to put on a good horse gait, and Boss Cao, who almost fell off his ass, now knew the power of the big oil barrel leaning towards the sky.

And how miserable the Japanese army's position was bombed, you can know it with your butt.

(End of this chapter)

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