Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1027 The general attack begins

Chapter 1027 The general attack begins
Yes, the trenches were dug to an area about [-] meters in front of the Japanese defense line, not for blasting or infantry charges.

All of this is what Tang Dao learned from the future Eighty Group Army.

In the three major battles, the [-]th Army was able to defeat an opponent with more troops and better equipment than its own. In addition to fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the working people at the bottom, the genius-like invention of the "conscience cannon" was definitely one of the important factors.

This inaccurate super cannon with an outrageously short range is nothing more than a pile of rubbish to any military expert, but its only feature of being able to throw ten kilograms or more explosives on the opponent's position is nothing more than Like a dancing sledgehammer, in the era without heavy artillery, it can tear apart the opponent's carefully arranged defensive positions.

Regardless of whether it is the Chinese or the Japanese, if there is no permanent fortification, once the opponent is allowed to set up this kind of artillery a hundred meters away from his position, it will be the end of his life.

As for the accuracy, the huge energy generated by the explosion of ten kilograms of explosives can shock and kill creatures with a radius of hundreds of meters. Is it important to be accurate?

A small half of the 18 explosive packages thrown from the third battalion did not land on the Japanese positions at all, but landed in the open space on the positions of the two armies.

Explosive packs are different from artillery shells. Take a 150-weight shell that weighs 18 kilograms. The metal body alone accounts for more than half of the weight. In terms of damage to objects, the second is air waves; and explosive packs are explosives besides explosives. The amount of explosives in a 10 kg explosive pack is several times that of an 18 kg shell, and the air wave formed by the explosion is naturally far stronger than an 18 kg shell. Strength is even more self-evident.

The remaining Japanese infantry in the open space are taking advantage of the gap in the reduction of the density of Chinese bullets to crawl towards their positions, which is a good example.

Facing the presence of this large explosive package of "I am an air wave maker", they only had time to scream, and they were easily blown more than ten meters away in this air wave that could sweep everything.

You can imagine the person who was hit by a car and flew more than ten meters, what would happen to him?So what are these remaining Japanese infantrymen like?

Regardless of the large area of ​​the open space, but only the first wave of bombardment by Hong Tianlei, not many Japanese troops could survive this wave of explosions. Boss Cao's initial worries were completely unnecessary.

Of course, Hong Tianlei didn't just bomb one wave. Boss Cao could clearly see a Hong Tianlei launch point 30 meters away from him, and at least 8 explosive packets were 'bombed' out.

That means only one shelling point, like the Japanese army's position throwing 80 kilograms of explosives, 18, that is more than 1000 kilograms, which is definitely a creepy figure.

On the day when the Four Elements Regiment arrived, an artillery battalion bombarded for 6 hours and almost made the chief of the military supply department cry. Only 5000 rounds of shells were blasted out, and the charge was not much larger than this.

According to post-war statistics, the four-element regiment that launched the general offensive dropped a total of more than 5000 kilograms of explosives on the Japanese positions to be attacked this morning, and all of them were close-range.

Yin Tengyoutai really didn't know what he missed. If he knew that if he could break through the first line of defense of the Four Elements Regiment by preemptive strikes, he could use the dozens of excavated by the Four Elements Regiment's engineering company yesterday for display. If he wants to destroy the area of ​​'Booming Thunder', so as to avoid such a terrible incident of explosive package flying in his position, then he would rather invest all the infantry on his rear flank, not just more than 1000 people.

Losing and winning are within a hair's breadth!

It's just that Yota Yin Teng didn't have the courage to burn everything together. Thanks to the tenacity of his infantry on the front line, the Four Elements Group survived until the moment when the artillery battalion showed its power.

Otherwise, the final result is really hard to say.

In this way, hundreds of explosive packets were thrown onto the Japanese positions amidst the fear of Boss Cao and the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment.

No one knows what kind of mental journey the Japanese infantry in the trenches had in such a horrible explosion, because there were no survivors of the Japanese infantry at the center of the explosion.

Before the battle started, the commanders of the three infantry battalions of the Four Elements Regiment who were in charge of attacking the Japanese defense line gave the commanders of the infantry companies under his command a very simple order: our army is already short of food, and we cannot afford food for anyone other than our army!
However, in fact, there are not many opportunities for the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment who charged with rifles and submachine guns to be compassionate.

The terrifying explosion had actually killed most of the Japanese infantry in the frontline trenches, and a small number of those who were still alive were also stunned and stunned by the terrible explosion. Facing the charging Chinese soldiers, they did not dodge or dodge. Still holding a gun, it's no wonder that the Chinese soldiers who responded quickly were not killed.

On the battlefield, as long as it is not the color of their own uniform, the soldier's instinctive reaction is to kill him. Only in this way can he keep himself alive.

The so-called human nature must first have talents!
This is the battlefield, everyone is forced to become a beast!
Of course, at the moment when the outcome of the battlefield has been decided, standing on the devastated land, the smell of blood and gunpowder fills the whole nostrils, perhaps the lost humanity will return to the body.

The new recruit, Boss Cao, was taught another lesson by reality.

Accompanied by the last explosive package was fired.

"Tick-tick!" The voice of the charge sounded.

"Kill!" A deafening cry of killing erupted from the long 1800-meter position. It was the shout of more than 700 infantrymen from the third battalion.

Then, more than 700 figures as agile as cheetahs rushed out of the trench and strode towards the battlefield that was still smoldering with gunpowder [-] meters away.

"Kill!" Boss Cao, who had just joined the Seventh Company, was also infected. With a loud roar, he carried the shoulder pole he used to pick up steamed buns and broth, and was about to rush over.

It was a jujube pole that he brought from home. It is said that it was passed down from his great-grandfather’s generation. The jujube pole that has been used for almost 80 years is still strong, and it is probably not difficult to smash people’s heads.

"Old Cao, are you stupid? War is not about doing farm work. What's the matter with you carrying a pole? Take this as an envoy!" Li Jiujin grabbed the corner of the wall he had just dug from the cooking class, and directly threw himself The pistol was handed to him. "However, you have done a good job today, you don't need to participate in the next combat mission, just follow me and be my reserve team."

Li Jiujin can't take good care of this straight-hearted and simple-minded big brother!One-handed bomb throwing skills, not to mention the seventh company, is probably considered top-notch in the entire third battalion. If he can train more carefully, he may have a shooting range of [-] meters.

But this one is really a recruit, a recruit. On such a battlefield, the casualty rate is much higher than that of veterans.

The 683 Brigade has internal statistics. The ratio of recruits who want to become sergeant-level veterans is only one-third, which means that two-thirds of the recruits either died in battle or had to withdraw from the front line due to trauma and disability. force.

The price of a soldier's growth is life and blood!This is cruel, but it is reality.

Li Jiujin didn't want the treasure he had just dug up to be lost on this battlefield that was destined to win.

"Sir, I don't know how to use this, but I can use that." Boss Cao was a little ashamed, and returned the battering gun to Commander Li Dalian, but after looking around, he saw a rifle.

There was still fresh blood on the rifle, which should have been left by a wounded or sacrificed soldier.

Looking at the middle-aged man who picked up the rifle bolt to check the bullets but did not forget to insert the jujube pole diagonally behind his back, Li Jiujin couldn't help laughing, and patted Boss Cao on the shoulder: "Let's go, let's kill devils together with me!" go."

That's really killing devils.

Because the officers and soldiers of the seventh company in the charge hardly encountered any resistance. The terrifying explosion not only destroyed the large and small firepower points of the Japanese army, but even the infantry had not yet recovered from the aftermath of the explosion.

It wasn't until the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Company jumped into the trenches that the Japanese soldiers, who were covered in dust and almost turned into natives, realized that they rushed over with their guns screaming, and were shot down mercilessly.

Even if there were some hand-to-hand combat, facing the strict three-man team on the Seventh Company's side, the Japanese infantry could not get the chance to fight as they did in the past.

Because, in a group of three, even if two of them are long guns, one of them must be a submachine gun or a semi-automatic rifle. Sufficient ammunition magazines and the advantage of being able to pull the trigger without pulling the bolt make it impossible for the Japanese army to rush to the ground. The distance at which the advantages of the [-]-type rifle can be used.

The trenches less than 1.5 meters wide restricted the use of Japanese [-]-style rifles. A slight swing of the bayonet would cause friction with the trench walls, which greatly delayed the use of guns.

What's more terrible is that at this time, in terms of the comparison of military strength, the remaining Japanese troops on the ground are no more than 200 people, and only less than one-third of the infantry used by the entire third battalion.

Whether it is stupid, dizzy or fierce, it will eventually be futile in the face of the ferocious bullet rain.

It took only 10 minutes on the entire battlefield, from the screams of gunfire to the screams of the health workers except the Seventh Company's own people to rescue the wounded.

A line of defense armed with light and heavy machine guns and infantry artillery of the thousand-man class took only 10 minutes from the launch of the attack to the complete capture. If this is said, no one will believe it.

But it's true.

However, this is also caused by multiple factors.

What determines victory is both luck and sufficient strength, both of which are indispensable.

Obviously, the Japanese army at this time lacked both, especially the god of fate, it was more like playing a big joke with them.

The Japanese army’s preemptive strike was correct. Originally, if they invested more sufficient troops and worked hard enough, they would have had a chance to capture the first trench of the third battalion, but they did not. 400 people died in vain outside the trenches.

The remaining 600 people were blown up by thousands of kilograms of explosives from the third battalion. Not to mention the heavy machine gun fortifications on the exposed surface, the infantry lost two-thirds, and only 200 people remained, relying on the [-] Type rifles, can they compete with three battalions of infantry three times their size equipped with semi-automatic and submachine guns?

A stretcher team that had been following closely behind the Seventh Company rushed over amidst roars, and quickly lifted the soldiers lying moaning in a pool of blood onto the stretcher and carried them away. Following the stretcher team, some doctors and nurses wore red cross cuffs. nurse.

They were responsible for checking whether the wounded were dead or alive. As long as they were still alive, they would be carried away. Those who died could only be temporarily placed in place until all the wounded were rescued before they could carry away the remains.

This is not a military rule of the medical company, but a military order directly issued by the regiment headquarters!The Chinese place great emphasis on the dead, but on the battlefield, soldiers do their best to kill the enemy, and the medical company needs to do its best to rescue the wounded soldiers from the scythe of death. All medical resources must be used on the living.

Cruel and almost cruel, but this is the only way to keep more people alive.

Therefore, Boss Cao saw many such scenes. The young soldier wanted to kneel on the ground, begging the stretcher of the medical and nursing company to take away his comrade who was covered in blood and had stopped breathing, but the nurse of the medical and nursing company listened with the receiver. After measuring the breathing and pulse of the heartbeat, he could only refuse in tears, even if the officers with blue veins on their foreheads pressed the butt of the pistol with their hands, it would not work.

"Neighboring Mala, they don't save them, I save them myself! Order each platoon to come out in one shift, and carry the brother they said dead to the back of me so that they can find someone to rescue. Who the hell said no, I'm not right This company commander is going to kill him too." Li Jiujin slammed his helmet on the trench. "The third row and the second row continue to move forward, the fire support row keeps up, and the first row cleans the battlefield."

Boss Cao, who received the order to clean up the battlefield, did not stay with Li Jiujin any longer. He put down his rifle, carried his shoulder pole, and picked up the rifle that was still in good condition in the trench, and tied it up with the rope he found. Just like when I cut firewood in the mountains, I used a pole to pick it up.

He alone can pick up a dozen rifles, and the efficiency is absolutely leveraged.

This has caused many soldiers to follow suit, but the 'carrying poles' they use are rifles, which are straight and stiff, but far less resilient than jujube wooden poles. Grinning.

Boss Cao, who picked up a load of rifles and went back to his own position, continued to return to the occupied Japanese positions. The rifles and machine guns that could be found were basically found by the soldiers in the platoon. The somewhat unwilling Boss Cao's eyes lit up.

There must be something hidden under the bulging body of a killed Japanese soldier. According to Boss Cao's most sincere thoughts, what people still have to hide before they die must be the most precious thing he thinks.

The task of cleaning the battlefield in a row is not only to search for all the guns, but also the property on the corpses of the Japanese soldiers.

Searching for belongings on dead bodies is actually a taboo for soldiers from rural areas, but Tang Tuanzuo shattered this taboo with one sentence, and even the stubborn and naive Boss Cao thought it was true.

"The Japanese devils have adopted the three-all policy of killing, robbing, and burning all of China. Their citizens are not the same as they eat and drink spicy food on the Japanese island, and they have not seen their so-called Amaterasu punish them? Why, it’s my turn to die? If our Jade Emperor and Sanqing Buddha are not happy because of this, then I will bombard their heavenly palace and Buddhist gate, even my own people God, it doesn't matter if you don't respect it!
I not only want to kill the devils, but also take back the gold and silver they robbed us, and let them go to see their Amaterasu naked, this money!Use it to raise our children, let them grow up healthy and healthy, and then kill more devils, a way of a virtuous circle. "

Tang Tuanzuo sometimes likes to talk about some big truths, but such a crude, simple and direct truth also made the soldiers standing in front of him applaud like thunder.

What is wrong with snatching back property that belongs to the Chinese themselves?God dares to say no, then such an unreasonable God, why not.

"If you want to settle the score, go to your goddamn emperor to settle the score. Who told him to let you go to our country to rob and kill people."

Although the psychological burden is not too great, as a mountain person who grew up under the influence of feudalism for more than 2000 years, Boss Cao looked at the blood-stained but still young foreign face, and still subconsciously turned it over for himself. The dead thing made an excuse.

However, just as Boss Cao stretched out his hand, the Japanese soldier with his eyes tightly closed suddenly moved his eyelids slightly, and opened them to look straight at him.

The hair on Boss Cao's back suddenly stood up. Is this a corpse fraud?
"I'll give you something, don't kill me!" The young Japanese soldier begged in his eyes, and said softly in Japanese.

Boss Cao instantly understood that the Japanese soldier was pretending to be dead. Even if he couldn't understand what the Japanese soldier said, he could basically guess that the Japanese soldier wanted to survive.

Looking at the young face of the Japanese soldier, Boss Cao somehow thought of the young machine gun shooter dying in his arms. He probably didn't want to die the moment he closed his eyes!
But according to the military order issued by the company commander earlier, the only ones who can survive on this battlefield are Chinese soldiers. Boss Cao showed hesitation in his eyes.

"Bang bang bang!" There were three consecutive gunshots, and because of the kinetic energy of the bullets, the body of the Japanese soldier shook again and again, and several blood stains appeared on his chest.

Perhaps because of the pain, the Japanese soldier's begging eyes turned fierce and ferocious in an instant, staring at Boss Cao who was still a little at a loss.

Boss Cao suddenly turned his head and looked at the young corporal who shot five meters away, feeling an indescribable anger in his heart.

Perhaps, it was because a fresh life disappeared before his eyes, even if it was a devil.

Or maybe it was the begging from young life, but the relentless gunshots shattered it?

Boss Cao himself couldn't explain the feelings that surged at that moment, but there is no doubt that he was very dissatisfied at that time.

"Uncle, do you know why the battalion commander and the others gave this order?" The young corporal was not at all surprised by Boss Cao's reaction.

Walking forward slowly, he said, "You just need to open his body and see what's hidden under his body."

"What else can it be?" Boss Cao almost turned over in anger, but couldn't say a word.

What was pressed under the dead Japanese soldier was not any treasure, but his left arm, and in his left hand, he was holding a [-] bayonet tightly.

If Boss Cao had really listened to the Japanese infantry just now, and went to get some property, and was caught off guard, the bayonet should have been inserted in his belly by now.

"What kind of bullshit warrior spirit do devils have? They would rather die than be captured. They are already bewildered, so let's send them to meet the devil." The young corporal pointed to the distance. "In our camp, there are brothers who are lying in the martyr's cemetery because of the same thoughts as you, uncle. Tell me, if you encounter such a person, should you send them to die, or should we brothers go to see Lord Hades?"

"Fucking hell!" Boss Cao pulled out the [-]th Army thorn from the corpse of the Japanese army, but cursed fiercely.

I don't know whether to scold this Japanese infantry soldier who is dying to pull his back, or scold myself for having a hole in his head, why are you still soft-hearted towards the devil?Or scold this ghost world and turn people into wild beasts.

But Boss Cao undoubtedly learned a lot from this battle, including his heart, which also hardened a little bit.

This is also a necessary process for the gradual transformation from recruits to veterans. Kindness and softness can only be given to one's own comrades, but to the enemy, there is only coldness!
Boss Cao is a recruit with good luck. I don’t know how many recruits have no chance to comprehend and learn in this battle and gradually grow into veterans.

According to statistics after the war, the three infantry battalions lost 179 officers and soldiers in the early morning general offensive launched by the Japanese army and finally launched by the Chinese side, half of whom died in the Japanese artillery fire and active attacks.

However, the proportion of sacrifices occupied by recruits was as high as three quarters.

But their blood was not in vain. In three battlefields, the three major infantry battalions all broke through the Japanese defense lines, and the rear wing defense area of ​​the second mixed brigade had completely disappeared.

Of the Japanese invaders who were killed, the number of corpses that could be counted was as high as 3100!
Yin Fujiyota, the commander of the rear wing, was almost turned into a bare-bones commander.

"The defense line of the rear wing has completely collapsed!" Shan Xiaxia, who received a message from the chief of staff of his brigade before the retreat, fell down on the wooden chair of the temporary brigade headquarters in despair.

The defeat is set!

But what is more frightening is not the battle situation that has been completely defeated, but the tactics currently used by the Chinese side.

(End of this chapter)

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