Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1038 Bait and fisherman!

Yes, the initiative lies with the enemy, and this may not be the first time the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment have encountered a situation on the battlefield.

If the Japanese army spared no efforts to suppress the firepower on the top of the mountain with light machine guns and grenade grenades, and more than 20 infantrymen charged without hesitation, it is likely that the three Chinese soldiers on the top of the mountain would not be given too many opportunities.

In fact, the fire suppression of the three soldiers was too limited, and the damage caused by the grenade was too terrible. As long as the Japanese army had the courage to kill half of the infantry, the battle would not end in more than 5 minutes.

The hammer came back, and it sent Japanese troops to the second company. The number 50 written by the old abacus on the dark green vest of the hammer with limestone in a hurry shocked everyone.

The second lieutenant's face was pale at the time.

The battlefield here is not completely over yet, there are still more than a dozen devils hiding in the mountain depression and resisting. Wei Donglai had no expression on his face when he received the news, but people who knew him could sense him through his suddenly tight lips. Silent rage.

The captain company commander was much more decisive than the second lieutenant platoon leader. He immediately called two infantry squads to line up on the other side of the mountain without waiting for the battle to end. There was no mobilization on the battlefield, and he only said: "I have three brothers in the company, Encountered the siege of the Japanese invaders, we need our support!"

The soldiers who threw away all their luggage and ran silently with only their guns and bullets had no time to ask about the details of the battle situation. All they could do was run, desperately running, on the rugged mountain road, towards the area of ​​the three brothers.

During training, the speed of cross-country five kilometers and 24 minutes in full armor is not enough.

There was already a bloody smell in his breath, and his lungs were as dry as a fire burning, but it was still not enough.

The lives of the three brothers may be at their feet, and they could be saved a second earlier.

On that small battlefield, the Japanese took the initiative, but for the Chinese soldiers, never giving up and abandoning is their response to this.

Hammer has also done its best, and the straight-line distance between the two battlefields is 900 meters. However, this is a mountainous area, not a plain. It took 1600 minutes.

Although it can't speak, the animal's keenness can make it feel the nervousness of its companions, which is the nervousness only available in the face of dire threats.

Hammer is an ordinary watchdog, but it is a watchdog reborn in the flames of war. Maybe its intelligence is not high enough, but in its small head, it will never forget that it is tied up by a person wearing a 'shit yellow' suit The moment when he was about to kill and eat meat, but that tall figure rescued it.

The ancestor of the dog was the wolf, one of the most vengeful creatures on this continent.

Watchdogs who have awakened their ancestral genes because of their survival instincts on dangerous battlefields hate 'shit yellow'.

Even if the four claws have been cut by the sharp edge of the stone, even if there is no fishy saliva dripping from the long tongue.

He drank a few gulps of the water that the second lieutenant platoon leader fed it, and before the health guards wanted to disinfect and bandage its paws with alcohol, Hammer suddenly turned around and ran towards the way he came.

Because of exhaustion, or perhaps because of the injury of the four claws, the speed of the hammer was far less than when it was running wildly, but it was extremely resolute, and it turned a deaf ear to the calls of the soldiers, and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Because those companions in blue military uniforms are all companions of tall figures, and it is its duty to protect it.

Dog, always be loyal to your friend, even if the dog's life is lost!
Hammer's thinking is not too complicated.

His partners have indeed reached the moment of life and death.

The Japanese grenadiers were very cunning, and Yota Yoshita was killed by a single shot. It not only brought them pain and despair, but also reminded them.Remind them that there is an enemy on the mountain with unsurpassed marksmanship.

Not everyone has the marksmanship that can hit a person in the head with a single shot at a distance of 250 meters, and the target is still moving, and ordinary veterans of the Empire cannot do it.

The Japanese grenadiers were rarely exposed. They hid themselves behind the rocks, carefully observed the battlefield through the crevices of the rocks, and shot grenades at the position where the Chinese shot.

Yang Bicheng fired twice, only wounding one person, and hit a rock with one shot, allowing the Japanese grenade shooter to dodge narrowly.Without achieving the goal of killing the enemy with one shot, at most it can only be restrained, so that the grenadier who has scruples can't shoot so accurately.

However, this obviously cannot reduce the pressure on the two companions.

At the moment when Lao Abacus and Tudou kept changing positions to avoid the grenade attack, the Japanese army had reached the foot of the mountain and began to attack upwards after paying four more casualties.

However, the three light machine guns of the Japanese army seemed to have discovered the weakness of the Chinese defenders on the top of the mountain, and began to continuously fire at the two points that threatened their infantry the most, in an attempt to continuously suppress the firepower, and the two men were crushed. I can't even lift it up.

If the Japanese army went up more than 20 meters, they would enter the dead corner of the firing hole, and they had to lie down on the fortifications and shoot downwards, which was undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

"Tudou, throw a grenade for me." With the roar of the old abacus, Tudou and the old abacus slammed the grenades placed beside them, and then quickly dropped them.

At least two Japanese soldiers were wounded by the dropped grenades, screaming and rolling down the hill. The Japanese soldiers searched for cover one after another, and the attack speed temporarily slowed down.

However, the two hillsides defended by the two were obviously too wide, and the four grenades dropped by each of them only caused two casualties. This was because the hammer helped them bring a lot of grenades, otherwise the two soldiers would not have dared to attack. so extravagant.

But even with such a luxury, the suppression is still not enough.

"Tudou, give me strength and throw the grenade a little higher." Yang Bicheng, who had not provided fire support to the two of them, suddenly shouted.

"Okay!" Tudou lay on his side behind a sandbag fortification camouflaged with bushes, took out a grenade, pulled the pull ring, raised his grinning hand, and threw the grenade far down the mountain.

Beads of sweat on his forehead flowed down the boy's somewhat dirty cheeks.

It's not because of fatigue, but because of pain.

There was a bright red bloodstain on his thin shoulders.

The grenadiers of the Japanese army fired at least a dozen grenades, and finally achieved results.

The speed of the thrown grenade was not fast enough for the vigilant Japanese soldiers to see its flight trajectory clearly, and the Japanese soldiers around the trajectory were so frightened that they lay down to avoid it. Just watching the grenade fly over their heads, it would fall To the foot of the mountain more than ten meters away.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" gunshot.

Just above their heads, the grenade exploded "suddenly".

There was a scream, and at least three Japanese soldiers rolled on the ground in pain.

It turned out that Yang Bicheng hit the grenade that was still in the air with one shot, and gave the devil an artificial flower.

The shrapnel damage range of airburst bombs has been proven in actual combat, exceeding a radius of 3 meters.

It's just that it is extremely difficult to control the burning speed of the fuse just right. It is not a last resort, and soldiers in the infantry squad are forbidden to keep the grenade in their hands for more than 3 seconds.

But the shot of the precision shooter solved this worry.

"Fuck, brother Chengzi, that's okay too!" Tudou was dumbfounded, then grinned happily in an instant: "Haha, where are you going to hide now? Brother Chengzi, look carefully, I'll throw a few more. "

Tudou was happy, but Lao Abacus frowned quietly.

This is not quite Yang Bicheng's style.

Even if he killed three people with his miraculous shot just now, there are still nearly 20 Japanese infantrymen. After taking precautions, no matter how tacitly the two cooperate, the effect may not be as good as before.

As the precise shooter of the infantry squad, Yang Bicheng's role was never to kill a large number of people, but to lurk and kill the most threatening targets on the battlefield.

Yang Bicheng's exposure of himself in this way may indicate that he has lost confidence in the killing of threatening targets, and turned to killing ordinary targets to support his comrades.

This is not only dangerous, but even more terrifying is that the Japanese grenadiers will continue to pose a threat to the high ground.

There is another possibility that he just wants to expose himself and attract the threat target so that he has a chance.

The possibility of the latter is great!

But that, no doubt, put it in extreme danger, more so than before.

The hook may catch a fish, but the bait is always the one that gets eaten first.

Yes, as the class monitor, Lao Suan knows the brothers in his class very well.

When one of the several grenades dropped by Tudou was exploded again, and a Japanese infantryman was turned into a gourd of blood, Yang Bicheng re-pointed the gun more than 200 meters away, with a cold expression on his face.

He fired two shots in a row. The Japanese grenadier who had been looking for him must have determined his location!And where he was, there were boulders on both sides blocking him, so the grenade had to adjust its position if it wanted to hit him.

He is like a fisherman, the hook has been thrown, and it depends on whether the Japanese army can bite the hook.

It's just that the bait on the hook is himself.

That was what his elder brother had done. The fooled Japanese plane was shot down, and many people survived, but his elder brother died.

This time, it was finally his turn.

At that moment, Yang Bicheng might really understand why his brother was so reckless.

Because, there are some things in his heart that are more important than his own life.

If sacrifice is required, let me do it!I no longer want to bear the pain of looking at the bloody corpses of my loved ones and friends.

For Yang Bicheng, those two damned grenadiers were not just for suppression, especially the grenadier soldier more than 200 meters away, he was definitely a veteran.

He has even basically grasped all the shooting positions on the top of the mountain. Instead of attacking the old abacus who were firing a few times, he tentatively shot at the position where he thought the opponent might move during the interval of not firing. This is how Tudou was injured. of.

If the Japanese grenadier continues to attack like this wantonly, maybe he will shoot straight at that time. I am afraid that without the Japanese infantry attacking up the mountain, the three of them will be finished. If he is left alone, he will naturally not be able to survive. .

The elder brothers are all dead, and Yang Bicheng is already the last member of the younger generation of the old Yang family, but this is not important. After the Yang family is gone, there will be the Liu family and the Zhao family. China's huge population base does not need that family to support it.

Of course, if possible, Yang Bicheng is more willing to live and survive with his comrades in arms. He also wants to give red envelopes to the squad leader who does not know how many dolls there will be in the future!

Just like the class monitor, the dolls he gave birth to must be ugly too!In Tang Tuanzuo's words, it is called ugly and cute. Whenever he thinks of this, Yang Bicheng can't help thinking about it, the happiness that comes from the bottom of his heart.

There is no contradiction between being willing to sacrifice and wanting to live on.

This is especially evident in this completely transformed precision shooter.

He is both the bait and the fisherman.

It's just that the grenade of the biting Japanese veteran killed him first, or he was faster and killed the opponent before the opponent killed him.

The two sides are fighting for speed and luck!It depends on whether Guanyin Bodhisattva takes care of it or not.

As a grenadier who has been in the army for five years, Yamaura Kurasuke, who has accumulated meritorious service to Cao Chang, is also hesitant.

Ever since the sergeant-level grenadier from the 3rd Infantry Battalion was hit in the chest by a bullet from the top of a mountain more than 200 meters away, although he was not dead, he could only lie on the stone and linger on his last breath. Marksman has been watching them.

As long as he dared to leave the bunker that was enough to cover him and his deputy, the other party would definitely shoot, and the possibility of death was as high as 80.00%.

If he wanted to live, he had to find the exact location of the Chinese sharpshooter who was comparable to a cobra, and blow him up first.

Finally, he found the terrible enemy.

In order to support his companions, the terrifying Chinese sharpshooter even used a rifle to shoot grenades, and his marksmanship was more accurate than he imagined.

However, the position he chose was very clever. If Yaowan Kurasuke wanted to blow him up, he had to move five meters to the left to try to pass the trajectory of the grenade over the big rock.

Therefore, Yaowan Kangsuke was hesitating, he was afraid, and the gunman still stared at him, just like he was targeting His Excellency, Chief of Staff Yota Yoshitō, and killed him with one shot.

He didn't want to lie on the icy land of China like the lieutenant officer in the army, and become a spoil of war for the Chinese.

The lieutenant of the army proved to everyone with his nerve-reflex kicks that the noble lieutenant of the army would be as embarrassing as it was when he became a corpse. Stayed for a long time.

However, the sound of guns and artillery that has gradually become silent in the distance is like a gradually tightening shackle, reminding the Japanese commander Cao all the time that those abandoned colleagues are finished, and I don’t know how many Chinese are rushing here Come here, at that time, he and all the compatriots here really have no way to survive.

Perhaps, those Chinese who feel cheated will hang up every big box ethnic group here, let the wind blow and rain, the birds in this mountain forest may not need to get up early for a long time .

Thinking of this, Yaowan Cangsuke's eyes turned cold, and he felt a little overwhelmed.

He had to make a choice in the shortest possible time, whether to take the risk to help his companions get rid of this terrible Chinese sharpshooter to capture the position, or just stay in a stalemate, watching the enemy consume his companions little by little, and then hide behind the stone and be killed The swarming Chinese were shot in the valley like rabbits.

Finally, after more than ten seconds, this clear-headed Japanese commander Cao made a helpless choice, he still wanted to live.

Like Yang Bicheng, if he wanted to survive, he had to kill the enemy in front of him, even if he would take huge risks.

In life, it is difficult to achieve success by lying down. The Chosen One may have it, but it is definitely not the general public.

Therefore, after shooting three grenades in a row behind the big rock that he used as a bunker to divert his sight, under the order of Wanwan Cansuke, the grenadier left behind the backpack full of grenades and carried the grenade , first he lunged forward, turned sideways continuously, and jumped to another bunker he had chosen with a very standard tactical movement.

Like Yang Bicheng, Yaowan Cangjie Cao Chang also used the bait!

However, the bait is his comrades.

The bait was not eaten.

After watching the deputy set up the grenade behind the bunker, and shooting continuously at the target area with the two grenades carried on his body, Yaowan Kurasuke, who was still hiding in the original position, completely let go of his heart.

Not to mention whether the cold shooter's attention is here, even if he is, he will have to risk being attacked by grenades. As long as he dares to shoot, the grenades that have locked his position through test firing will use grenades. Rip him to pieces.

Besides, how did he decide that one was the shooter and the other the ammunitionist?It's not about carrying the banner of "I am the shooter" on my back.

Under normal circumstances, the Chinese sharpshooter who sensed that he was being attacked should have quietly avoided and looked for a new battle position!

Yawan Cangsuke has a strong enough logical analysis, but is still cautious, and uses the same standard tactical actions as his companions, pounce forward and roll sideways
It was a technical movement that lasted ten months and was trained in long-term battlefield combat, and it was hard to be more perfect than this.

Then, half a meter before Yaowan Kurasuke was about to jump into the bunker.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and Yang Bicheng, whose body was covered with mud and grass clippings, shot.

Yaowan Cangsuke's body, which was strong enough, slumped down, his hands and feet trembling weakly, as if he could escape from the sky and jump into the bunker that could block the bullets if he just tried harder.

However, the bullet that pierced his ribs into his chest and took away several lung lobes had made his body weak, making it extremely difficult to advance even a centimeter.

There was another shot with a "bang", and the bullet passed through his neck, bringing up a cloud of blood.

Yaowan Cangsuke's final struggle was completely silent, only the bleak eyes showed all kinds of unwillingness.

Why?Why did he dare to conclude that he was the second instead of the first?Why didn't he run after two grenades were fired in the locked position?Didn't he know that if he dared to shoot, he would be torn apart by the grenade the next moment?

That's because he doesn't understand Chinese soldiers or the soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment.

The soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment never use their comrades as bait.

They will only hand over their backs to their comrades-in-arms, and at the same time guard their comrades' backs with their chests upright.

Or, lie down in the cold soil by yourself, just so that more comrades can continue to live.

The Japanese spent nearly a thousand years stealing the skills of making Tang swords and turning them into samurai swords, stealing the tea ceremony and turning them into tea art, stealing martial arts and turning them into karate, and stole a lot. , but they have never really stolen the Chinese definition of guardianship.

That is something that has been deeply engraved in the bones of every brave Chinese people after 5000 years of wind and rain. They use this concept to protect family, friendship, love, as well as the country and nation.

It's just that, it's all about it!

Yang Bicheng gambled that the Japanese grenade launcher would not turn himself into bait, it was such a simple logic.

He was right. Not everyone has the idea of ​​daring to sacrifice themselves. This is especially true in the highly hierarchical Japanese Army. Even in a small group, the ammunition shooter who is a senior soldier must obey the shooter of a higher rank.

Therefore, pill warehouse only died.

At the moment of death, the Japanese Army Chief Cao, who still didn't understand, could only blame his ancestors. The surname of "To Wan" is really the worst on the battlefield, and there is no luck at all.

Of course, killing the other fisherman, Yang Bicheng, who used himself as a bait here, also felt uncomfortable, and also faced the crisis of being torn apart by grenades.

The only good news is that he killed the biggest threat to the trio on the high ground.

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