Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1039 Smile at Death!

The few young and strong members of the Yang family who had died in battle, perhaps no one thought that their cowardly little brother who survived to the end would become the protagonist of the battlefield.

In the history of the four-element regiment battle, such a small battlefield with a total of no more than 50 people was recorded in quite a long space. Because of its tragic degree, it definitely belongs to the top ten of the hundreds of battlefields that the four-element regiment has experienced since its birth.

When the figure of the first Japanese soldier jumped out, Yang Bicheng's fingers were ready to pull the trigger.

But, he forcibly held back.

He is betting on humanity, betting on the humanity of the Japanese.

Tang Tuanzuo once said in the lecture of the precision shooter training class that to be a good sniper is not only to have the precise shooting skills that can only be achieved through hard training, but also to keep a calm enough heart at all times. It doesn't depend on how well you can observe the terrain and camouflage of the environment. The most important thing is that you have to learn to know what your enemy is thinking.

Counting!When masters of the same level fight each other, the one with the last laugh must not be the one with the stronger body, but the one with the sharper mind, which is the reliance of human beings as the spirit of all things.

As a veteran, the Japanese soldier would never easily expose himself to danger.When the Japanese army test-fired two grenades in a row and both exploded more than ten meters away from him, Yang Bicheng knew that he was right.

Such a loose grenade shooting level is by no means the level of that veteran grenade shooter.

The prey has not yet appeared.

Therefore, the Japanese grenade shooter who had exhausted all the organs died.

In order to eliminate the biggest threat to the mountain top, Yang Bicheng took the risk and shot him twice to kill him completely.But the slightly inferior Japanese ammunition hand is definitely not a display. Through test firing, the Japanese soldier can almost guarantee the accuracy of 2 meters, which is enough for a grenade with an attack range of several square meters.

Yang Bicheng, who finished shooting, did not sit still. After pulling the trigger, he jumped out of the bunker with his gun in hand without even checking his results, and got into a bush three or four meters away from the position on the top of the mountain.

It was a very dangerous position, not only the Japanese infantry could shoot, but machine guns could also shoot, but that was the most effective position to avoid the grenade. Instead of waiting to be killed by the grenade, it is better to take a gamble.

Sure enough, in the next second, the place where Yang Bicheng was staying was covered by gunpowder smoke, and the deputy shooter of the Japanese army fired three grenades in a row in retaliation, blowing up the surrounding ten square meters of earth, rocks, branches and leaves.

The Japanese machine gunners and infantry over there looked at the Chinese soldier who jumped out of the bunker, and they were naturally not polite. The crazy bullets hit the bushes here like a storm.

"My uncle!" The eyes of the old abacus who witnessed all this were instantly bloodshot, lying on the sandbag with a submachine gun and shooting at the Japanese infantry down the mountain, in order to suppress the Japanese infantry's crazy shooting retaliation.

"Brother Chengzi, how are you doing!" Tudou over there hissed, while also taking a huge risk to put a semi-automatic rifle on the sandbag and shoot at the firepower of the Japanese machine gun.

The two Chinese soldiers were also crazy. They didn't care about the green smoke billowing from the machine gun bullets on the opposite side. The nearest one to them was not even half a meter away.

The ferocious firepower of the MP28 submachine gun is within a range of 120 meters, and it is even stronger than the Type 96 light machine gun. It only took five or six seconds to empty all 32 bullets, and successfully knocked down the Japanese army shooting on the hillside.

And Tudou's semi-automatic rifle with excellent performance, range, accuracy, and continuous firing speed also posed a little threat to the firepower of the Japanese machine gun. Riflemen preparing for fire.

A light machine gun fired only one long burst, then misfired, not being killed, but apparently slipping away.

In the duel of courage, two Chinese soldiers defeated the Japanese army with more troops.

This kind of psychology may also be similar to the psychological composition of "three monks have no water to eat" spread in China. The more people there are, the more they will think about making each other sacrifice to achieve themselves.

Unlike the three Chinese soldiers on the battlefield, they have nothing to worry about after killing more than a dozen Japanese soldiers. They have returned a long time ago, and killing one more devil is a net profit!
"Bang" sounded a familiar gunshot.

One of the Japanese machine guns, which was still firing violently, suddenly went out.

The precise shooter who has eliminated the greatest threat shows that he is not just running for his life with the end of the life of the Japanese soldier. His gun is more threatening than the poisonous snake in the bushes.

What's more, the Japanese shooter with a Type 30 machine gun with a machine gun mount over [-] cm high really erected his chest too high, which was more conspicuous than a paper target, and then he shot wildly. Who would die if he didn't die?

"Chengzi is fine, Tudou, don't be impulsive, you suppress the devil's machine gun, and take Chengzi back to the position." Old Abacus yelled at Tudou while pressing the bullets into the long magazine as fast as possible.

In a battle, the MP28 submachine gun issued by the infantry squad of the Four-row Regiment is equipped with a 32-round long magazine and four 20-round short magazines, and 120 rounds of bullets.

The old abacus carried three long magazines, four short magazines and 150 rounds of ammunition this time, which was seriously exceeded, but in just a few minutes of firefights, he had already dried up the three long magazines and three Short magazines, only the last 20 rounds of magazines are left, which is not enough to support a Japanese infantry charge.

He must and can only press the bullets into the long magazine at the fastest speed, otherwise, without the suppressing firepower of the submachine gun, Tudou's semi-automatic rifle and Yang Bicheng's single-shot rifle alone cannot completely suppress the Japanese army's charge. Both are probably close to being able to throw a grenade.

At that time, it will be the end of the three of them!
For at least half a minute, he couldn't fire anymore. During this half minute, Yang Bicheng was not only in danger among the rocks and grass under the formation, but also the most dangerous time on the entire formation.

Tudou didn't answer, but the continuous gunfire had already answered for him.

At this time, the semi-automatic rifle showed the power of its rate of fire. It fired ten bullets in ten seconds, so that the Japanese army did not dare to play any "onboard charge". An offensive opportunity.

If they were willing to pay the price of more than five people being shot, the position on the top of the hill would be full of gunpowder without having to light a fire at this time, and the grenades thrown by a dozen people would be enough to blow up the small position on the top of the hill into a mess.

However, even so, as the firepower of the position on the top of the mountain suddenly weakened, the Japanese army fought back and climbed up desperately. The Japanese army closest to the position was no more than 30 meters away.

Yang Bicheng's gun fired again, and another Japanese machine gunner fell to the ground, but what followed was a pouring of bullets hitting his hiding place.

Whether it was the deputy shooter who took over the machine gun from the shooter who was killed, or the last two grenadier players, they all shot and bombarded Yang Bicheng desperately.

The Japanese army was not only out for revenge, but also to save their own lives. They knew very well in their hearts that the biggest threat to them on the battlefield was not the submachine gunman, but the sharpshooter with precise marksmanship.

In just a few minutes, the sharpshooter fired no more than 6 shots, but including the noble lieutenant officer, four were killed and one wounded, with a hit rate of 100%. They may lose their lives just like their companions.

Killing him not only saves his life, but also allows him to attack the battlefield faster, so that the big guys can escape.

Driven by this kind of psychology, 80.00% of the firepower of the Japanese army was aimed at the area where Yang Bicheng was located, and branches, leaves, soil, and gravel were scattered!It was so difficult for the Chinese soldiers hiding in it. I don't know what tactics to use to avoid this wave of bullets.

But Yang Bicheng didn't move.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't move.

His body was already bleeding all over the ground.

Although he jumped out of the bunker before the grenade exploded, only Yang Bicheng knew that the Japanese deputy shooter was not an idiot after all, although his third grenade was not useless.

A grenade shrapnel was embedded in his back.

But this was not the main injury that made him lose his mobility. What really kept him stuck here was a blood hole in his thigh, which was a masterpiece of Japanese machine guns. The caliber of the 6.5mm bullet is not large, but the damage value is full.

The most frightening thing about a wound as big as a small wine glass is not the piercing pain and loss of mobility. Instant massive blood loss can quickly take a person's life away.

The explosion of the grenade was just six or seven meters away, and the pouring bullets hit the surrounding gravel. After firing a shot, Yang Bicheng was forced to curl up behind the temporary bunker. He put on a hemostatic bag, shook his dizzy head from the sudden massive blood loss, and tried his best to look down the mountain.

Only Tudou's semi-automatic rifle was firing on the ground. Although the submachine gun of the squad leader Lao Abacus had fierce firepower, a large number of empty magazines had to be filled with bullets, resulting in a short-term firepower vacuum.

The Japanese army was getting closer and closer to the position, and even Yang Bicheng could clearly see the ferocious eyebrows under his helmet.

The three light machine guns of the Japanese army, which has already killed the two main shooters, are still roaring, and the two grenades are still firing. Don't look at them being restrained by themselves, but once the Japanese army approaches 20 meters, they can throw grenades upwards. Even if the elders of the old Yang family in the sky bless them with all their strength, their marksmanship is as good as gods, and their bullets do not miss, they can only kill ten people at most, and the remaining seven or eight Japanese soldiers are the time for everyone to die.

After all, someone has to die first!
Once again, the figure of my cousin walking out of the queue and walking towards the cab of the truck appeared in my mind, and a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the once cowardly young man.

Finally, he could catch up with his brother's back, and when he met his brother on that road, he could say to him, "Brother, little brother didn't disgrace you guys."

The only regret is that uncles, aunts, parents, and others have no one to take care of them. The sparkle in Yang Bicheng's eyes slipped down and flowed down his cheeks to the corners of his mouth. It was salty, a bit like the blood that he bleeds when he carried his brother's body on his back. smell.

Just remembering the soft eyes of parents became firm.

"Squad leader, remember to record for me, and see how many I can kill." Yang Bicheng let out a roar, put the gun on the stone, and aimed his eyes at the scope.

When the three machine guns were sweeping at his combat position, this precise shooter, who had always been lurking and shooting cold shots, chose to confront them head-on, facing the three machine guns.

There is no time, no time for the position he wants to hold on to, and no time for him who is gradually weakening from his bleeding body.

What he can do now is to see who kills who first, whether he is hit by the machine gun bullets first, or he blows the enemy's head off with a single shot.

Just like the duel between ancient European knights, if death is inevitable, then you must die on the way of charge, and you must also insert a sharp spear point into the enemy's chest before dying.

Perhaps, a precision shooter is not as mighty and mighty as the king of the forest, whose legs are softened by the roar of a tiger. A soldier crouching on a hill is more like a lone wolf guarding his companions, facing powerful enemies around him, He still bared his bloodshot fangs defiantly.

At that moment, the precision shooter seemed to have forgotten the bullets flying by his ears. A bullet even passed by the sideburns that were not covered by his steel helmet. His earlobe felt the heat of the metal bullet, and his nose smelled of burnt hair.

Death seems to be the next moment, and the hideous face of the god of death seems to be close at hand.

But all of this failed to prevent the precision shooter from staying still, looking at the scope, putting the Japanese machine gunner's head on the sight, and pulling the trigger.

His eyes were brighter than ever, and his hands were more stable than ever.

One shot, one dead.

Two shots, the machine gun stops.

One after another, blood flowers bloomed in the valley, and at the same time, they also bloomed on Yang Bicheng's body.

The 6.5mm bullet hit his arm, blasting his flesh and blood, exposing white bone stubble.

As if it wasn't his own body, the precision shooter was like a sculpture being dismantled, still motionless.

One arm could not move, so he clamped the butt of the gun with his cheek and shoulder socket, moved the muzzle of the gun, the only good arm, pulled the bolt with difficulty, turned to the next target, and fired again firmly.

Five shots in a row emptied Yang Bicheng's magazine.

All three machine guns of the Japanese army misfired, and all four shooters died. The only deputy shooter escaped without dying. Before Yang Bicheng aimed at him, he dropped the machine gun and fled, crazily fleeing to the forest behind him. , leaving his companion behind.

He had never seen such a crazy infantryman, who dared to face three machine guns firing at them, and killed four people in a row.

Five shots, four men!
What frightened the Japanese army was not only the extremely accurate marksmanship, but also, would he not die?When the three machine guns fired at each other, at least 60 rounds were fired. How did he avoid the bullets?
60 bullets!Even if it only hits one-tenth of the hit, that's 6 bullets. Could it be that the power of the Empire's 6.5mm bullets is already so unbearable?
But obviously they have experimented in the countryside of China, not to mention humans, even a strong buffalo will collapse after being shot several times.

But why, the Chinese shooter was not only still alive, but even successfully shot and killed several of his companions.

At that moment, under the shadow of death, the Japanese shooter who gave up the dignity of the Imperial Japanese Army had almost a hundred thousand reasons in his mind.

He can't figure it out!
The distance of more than 200 meters made the Japanese shooter unable to see the opponent's appearance clearly. If he could see clearly, he would not be so confused.

Their opponents also couldn't avoid bullets.

Or to be more precise, he didn't intend to avoid it either.

At this time, the Chinese soldier was already a blood man.

The estimation of the escaped Japanese army was not a big mistake. Not counting the grenade shrapnel and penetrating wounds hit earlier, Yang Bicheng was shot four times in total.

He was shot in the head, and the rounded corners of the helmet fortunately helped him to bounce off, leaving only deep bullet marks on the helmet. The looser chinstrap allowed enough cushioning to protect the cervical spine, leaving only the dizziness caused by the severe impact. It is the lightest injury.

The left arm was shot once, and the kinetic energy of the 6.5mm bullet severed the arm bone, exposing the white bone stubble, which can only be regarded as a serious injury, at least it will not cause death in a short time.

But the two blood holes in the right chest showed that if the bleeding was not stopped quickly, even if the aorta was not hit, the bleeding alone could kill him.

After emptying all the bullets in the gun, Yang Bicheng, who could hardly see anything clearly, heard the roar of the Japanese-style light machine gun he was no longer familiar with due to the severe pain from his whole body. In his arms, his whole body softened and he fell on his back.

"Chengzi! Where are you bastards? Hurry up and climb up for me." The roar of the old abacus resounded on the battlefield, and the voice of the MP28 submachine gun also roared again.

The familiar sound of Liao-made thirteen-bolt rifle firing no longer sounded like before, which made the veteran feel panicked.

'Squad leader!I'm sorry, I can't attend your wedding, but I can still afford the children's red envelopes. If possible, my pension and bonus should be enough, no matter how many children you have
Auntie, Xiao Chengzi was wrong. At that time, I didn’t try my best to protect you, but now, I will take the lives of ten little devils and Xiao Chengzi together to make amends to you. Don’t cry, please stay on my grave Smile before me, let me see your beauty again! '

Looking up to the sky, Yang Bicheng, who felt that his eyes were getting darker and darker, showed a relieved smile on his face.

No one knew that for so many years, the nightmare of that day had never disappeared from his life.

But now, he finally redeemed with his own life and the life of the devil.

I never thought that death would be so beautiful.

Perhaps, all his previous bravery was waiting for this day!

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