Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1088 Special Training Camp

This is not the first time these Chinese officers and soldiers who have been captured have faced the chief who lectured. The last time it was an army colonel, and the last time it was a lieutenant general and division commander.

However, standing in front of them, standing as straight as a green pine, and Eagle Gulang staring at them, the colonel leader of the army was obviously completely different from what they had imagined.

As soon as he came, he had no intention of comforting him at all, and was completely tough, not only in words, but also the infantry platoon behind him quietly aimed their guns at the valley.

They are all soldiers who have experienced the battlefield, and they can clearly perceive whether there is any murderous intent. At this moment, with the tough attitude of the colonel in front of him, the battlefield is also full of murderous intent.

They believed that as long as the person in front of them gave an order, those rifles, light machine guns, and two heavy machine guns would definitely fire at them.

However, the captured soldiers are also soldiers, how can they endure being humiliated like this?

Therefore, although no one spoke, the eyes of more than two thousand pairs were already full of anger.

Tang Dao was looking at them, and they were also staring at Tang Dao.

"No one talks, right! Then I'll wait!"

One person vs 2000 people, Tang Dao had no expression on his face, and he didn't speak any more, just standing straight in a very standard military posture.

Perhaps Tang Dao's imposing manner was too strong. The prisoners of war who had been soldiers responded with what they believed to be the most standard military posture from a little lazy at the beginning to the end.

Regardless of whether he was a police officer or a pacesetter, an officer or a recruit, almost all prisoners of war responded to Tang Dao's cold but standard military posture provocation.It's the language that comes from soldiers, even if you just spend a day in the barracks.

There are more than 2000 people standing in a huge valley, but the air is almost stagnant in silence.

You can even hear the fierce heartbeat in the chest of the last soldier in the queue and his increasingly heavy snort.

This stop lasted for an entire hour.

Even if Ye Chenghuan was worried about what would happen if Tang Dao was too tough, and deliberately brought Tantai Mingyue, Zhao Daqiang, Qian Dazhu and a guard to line up, Tang Dao never turned his head back.

He and more than 2000 officers and soldiers of the special training camp stood up in a military posture, like eagles, staring at each other with big eyes to see who would give in first.

Standing in a military posture is not only a technical job, but also a physical job. For these officers and soldiers who have just come out of the prisoner-of-war camp and have not fully resumed their training intensity, the burden is also great.

In fact, even Shangguan Yun, who was standing behind Tang Dao, felt a little unbearable. He had no problems before, but during the long 9 months of being "imprisoned" in the Western military camp, because of the confusion ahead, he was psychologically confused. It is inevitable that there will be slack, which will naturally lead to the lack of some daily training. It is really uncomfortable to stand for more than an hour.

Not even Shangguan Yun, let alone the prisoners who couldn’t even drink a few sips of gruel in the prisoner-of-war camp that day, if they hadn’t been well-nourished for a month in the special training camp, they would hardly have survived for more than an hour. People can stand down completely.

Finally, someone on the opposite side couldn't help but quietly moved his legs and ankles.

The corners of Tang Dao's tightly pursed lips raised slightly, and a metallic voice spread throughout the audience: "Very well, it seems that you hard-ass farts have almost lost their last bit of spanking, why don't you hurry up?" Yes, come up and beat me!"

The corners of the mouths of the row of school officers and lieutenants standing behind Tang Dao could not help but twitch, sir, what are you trying to do?Why, I want 1VS2000!Standing in a military posture, but punching to the flesh is really not good, even if we are all added.

Tantai Mingyue lowered her head and sighed slightly. Her future husband is good at everything, but he is a bit too steely and straight. Regardless of men or women, he wants to use his fists to solve problems.

But it's good, at least very few silly women like her fall in love with him, let's keep this quality!

Women in the new era focus on exclusive enjoyment!
It's a pity that there are very few, but it doesn't mean that there are none. Reporter Tantai is doomed to miscalculate.A straight man of steel doesn't talk too much about love, but 'Steel' mainly focuses on being tough. How many women can reject a man who is always 'Shi Geng'?
"Yes, although none of you bastards spoke, your eyes told me that whether I am the supreme commander here or not, the moment I scolded you assholes, I was the bastard in your eyes and hearts.

If you can, you have already started thinking about how to slap me in the face and even kill me with a black gun on the battlefield.Because, since you arrived here, although you think that there are many strange eyes looking at you, but I am the first to say that you are soft-headed or cowardly! "Tang Dao continued to roar loudly.

"So, when I'm standing here, even if your legs and feet are sore and you wish you could lie down instead of sitting, you still stand like me. You just want to tell me, you fucking bastard, wait for me!" I mean, one day this old man Qiu will take revenge."

The officers and soldiers of the special training camp continued to remain silent.

I have to say that although the self-proclaimed bastard in front of him is very annoying, he really understands people's hearts.

That's what they seem to think!

"Then I might as well pierce your hearts again. I really regret it. If I came back more than ten days earlier, I wouldn't have to waste so much food." Tang Dao's voice suddenly raised at least two degrees. In people's astonished eyes.

"I shouldn't have allowed Director Ye and the others to set up this so-called special training camp for sons of bitches. What qualifications do you guys have to join my four-element group? The most suitable place for you should be a woman's bed, listen Watch them call your uncle mighty!"

With a bang, the prisoners of war were in an uproar.

This bastard leader is really, beyond the limit of their imagination.

Not only that they are garbage wasting food, but also that they are only worthy of being called uncles by women.

This is not only an insult to soldiers like them, it is not even worthy of the male gender.

That's too damn much to open the door--too much home.

Tang Dao didn't continue to speak, but looked coldly at the agitated prisoners of war.Until their voices are slightly quieter.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "What? You are not convinced that you are garbage?"

"Sir, we are not rubbish." A prisoner of war in the queue also roared in response.

"Sir, I don't accept it. I participated in the Great Wall War! The big knife in my hand cut off the heads of three Japanese!" A rather burly prisoner of war who looked like a northern man separated from the crowd and strode away. come out, shouted loudly.

Moreover, he casually took off the dark green summer undershirt issued by the special training camp, facing Tang Dao, showing a somewhat thin chest, pointing to the layers of scars on his chest, his face and eyes full of pride:

"I still don't accept it. The Japanese used various methods in the prisoner-of-war camp to make us look like second devils, but we didn't surrender.

They stipulated that anyone who did not take the initiative to bow when seeing the guards would be given five lashes first. In three months, I received more than 100 lashes. "

Pointing his hand at the queue, he roared angrily, "The brothers from the 29rd Company of the Guard Battalion of the 39th Independent Brigade of the 3th Army come out and let me see if you are all rubbish like Chief Tang said."

Following the roar of the prisoners of war, a hundred or so people walked out from various queues, looked at each other excitedly, and then formed a neat queue and trotted all the way to the prisoners of war who were bare-chested.

"Report to the company commander, there should be 3 people in the 154rd company of the guard battalion, but there are actually 127 people!" A second lieutenant raised his hand to salute the big man.

Although this number has been confirmed after being exchanged back to the second war zone, and 17 people died in the prisoner-of-war camp, the big man in the north still looked sad again. After a little silence, he roared: "All turn back and take off your clothes."

The prisoners of war all took off their jackets.

They were all very thin, and under the raised shoulder blades were almost clearly visible rib bone marks. Obviously, hunger alone had almost tortured these once strong men.

Of course, in addition to the common feature of emaciation, there are also various scars covering the shoulders and backs, and almost no one is spared.

The burly man in his late thirties showed pride again in his sad eyes, and suddenly turned back to face Tang Dao, stared at Tang Dao fiercely, and roared almost word by word: "Report sir, I don't know about others. , my 3rd company of the guard battalion, there are no cowards, they are all good, they are not rubbish. Did not have the opportunity to report to you here, nor did they surrender because of the obvious bayonet wounds and He was wounded by a gunshot and was forced to death by Japanese guards."

Tang Dao's face became stern, and said: "Captain, you and your soldiers have killed the enemy in battle, and you have been tenacious and unyielding in a difficult environment. These are all very good, and the scars are the best proof, I admit it.

But, sorry, I can't take my words back.In my eyes, you are still trash. "

There was a sudden silence.

Including a row of school officers and lieutenants behind Tang Dao.

The captain and the soldiers under him have already shown their unyielding in the prisoner-of-war camp with their emaciated bodies and scars, which is already good enough.

Even, it is too good to be good.

In the environment where life and death were seized by the Japanese army, they might die at any time. Even if they were replaced by themselves, they couldn't do better than these ordinary officers and soldiers.

The high raised shoulder blades, skinny ribs and layers of scars due to extreme malnutrition are the best medals for a soldier's unyielding.

The eyes of the big man in the north burst out with overwhelming anger, his thin chest heaved violently, and even his fists were clenched.

Obviously, if Tang Dao can't give him a satisfactory answer, he will find Tang Dao desperately, even if Tang Dao is a colonel, the highest commander of this place, and the leader of the legendary hero, but he is just a little-known The captain is a prisoner of war who was once looked down upon by others, and there are guns around him that can spit out deadly flames at any time.

so what?The humiliation from the same clan and fellow robes is definitely a more unacceptable shame than death.

"Your non-surrender performance in the prisoner-of-war camp is worthy of respect, but the soldier's medal should not be just a whip mark.

The blood of soldiers should not just stay in the enemy's prisoner-of-war camps, but flow on the ground under your and my feet.

This land is the land left to us by our ancestors. It is you and us who let the land groan under the iron hooves of the Japanese army. This is the shame of every Chinese soldier.Whether it's you or me! " Tang Dao roared coldly.

"If you want to wash away the shame, there is only blood and sacrifice. But where should our sacrifice be? You tell me with your scars that it is your unyielding medal. Then, I will let you take a good look at what is the true meaning of a soldier. medal."

"Shangguanyun, Zhao Daqiang, Qian Dazhu, Cai Yongguan, Lao Abacus." Following Tang Dao's roll call, the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment, regardless of whether they were majors, captains or sergeants on their collar badges, trotted and quickly gathered in front of Tang Dao.

"All of them, except the coat." Tang Dao let out a snarl.

Including himself, a row of officers and soldiers standing neatly took off their military uniforms, exposing their strong chests.

Everyone's eyes froze.

None of the mid-level and low-level officers and soldiers who are the cornerstone of the army are intact.

The dark red wound the size of the baby's fist is obviously a gunshot wound, and the red stitched wound like a centipede is naturally a bayonet wound. Such terrible wounds have been seen on the lieutenant colonels and majors.

Tantai Mingyue's gaze was a little erratic.

She doesn't want to see it, she doesn't want to see it at all. After serving Tang Dao in a coma for so long, she won't know how many scars there are on the strong body of her future husband. No one here will know better than her that's it.

Every time she thinks about it, it hurts her heart.

She is not proud at all, even if the man she loves proves to everyone with the medal on his body that he is the best soldier of this era, and he is worthy of the medal hanging on his chest.

She was just distressed, uncontrollably distressed.

Those honors that belonged to soldiers seemed to be cut in her heart one by one.

Now, those horrible scars came into view again, and tears welled up in her eyes again.

That's her husband!
At this moment, she is just an ordinary woman, an ordinary wife.

However, her husband is also an army of China. From the moment he put on the uniform, his life and body no longer belong to that small family, but to this country.

The officers and soldiers of the special training camp were also stunned. That bastard colonel had so many scars that it was frightening. His legendary military exploits and the title of genius iron-blooded regiment leader all came in exchange for these.

"Shangguan Yun, the former company commander of the 88st Company of the 542nd Regiment of the 1th Division, is now the commander of the 4th Battalion of our Four Elements Regiment. The Battle of Songhu entered the battlefield on August 8. He fought bloody battles with the Japanese invaders for two months. He has gone through dozens of battlefields, large and small. Later, he was ordered to lead his troops to the Jedi Four Lines Warehouse, and fought hard for 18 days and nights, until he was ordered to withdraw into the concession."

"Cai Yongguan, the commander of the Iron and Steel Company of our Four Elements Regiment, was originally a certain unit of the Sichuan Army. He joined our Four Elements Regiment in the Battle of Guangde, led the entire company's army to garrison on high ground, and fought until the last soldier was killed. I reinforced the army that night. When collecting the remains of our army, he found them and was rescued. After recovering from his injuries, he led a newly formed infantry company to participate in the ambush at Shentouling, the ambush at Xiangtangpu, and the southeast Shanxi campaign.”

"Old Abacus, the former upper class soldier of the 88nd Regiment of the 542th Division, moved to Songjiang, Guangde, Zhengcheng, and Taihang with our troops after the battle of the Sixing Warehouse, and participated in all the battles since the formation of our Fouring Regiment. With the strength of three people, we stopped an infantry squad of the Japanese army and wiped them all out. All three of them suffered dozens of wounds and were seriously injured and dying. If the reinforcements did not arrive in time, we should be remembering him in the martyr's cemetery now, and his scars are no one. You can see it again."

"Qian Dazhu, a senior soldier of the 43rd Army of the former Sichuan Army. In the Battle of Songjiang, our Songjiang defenders had [-] soldiers against [-] Japanese invaders. Only him and a messenger soldier survived in the whole company. After joining the Four Elements Regiment, he was ordered to rebuild his infantry company. A senior soldier He has held the rank of company commander so far.”

Tang Dao pointed to one by one and continued, with endless pride in his eyes, "My soldiers, whether they are alive or dead, they are all worthy of this uniform, including myself."

The northern big man and more than 2000 officers and soldiers of the special training camp looked solemn, but they couldn't utter a word of rebuttal.

Indeed, they have already admitted in their hearts that with the blessing of such a 'medal', this bastard officer in front of him has the capital to say that anyone is rubbish.

However, they are still unwilling to admit that they are rubbish. They also want to be like the soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment with their heads up and chests proudly showing off their "medals", shedding blood on the ground. If they don't die, they can use the scars on their chests Prove to everyone that they deserve the uniform.

Their jealousy is red, but their chests are also raised high!

They are not proud, they just want to tell this bastard officer who is about to become their highest officer in front of them that they can also be a member of these excellent soldiers.

As long as they are treated as normal soldiers, give them guns!
That is also the purpose of their hustle and bustle this time!

. . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: Double the monthly pass, I asked for a monthly pass, I almost forgot about it, brothers, please give me a monthly pass!

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