Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1089 Special Training Camp

Chapter 1089 Special Training Camp (Double ask for monthly tickets!)
"I say you trash, not because you put down your arms, not because you were forced to surrender to the enemy.

One general's incompetence killed the three armies, and the 29th army rushed to the battle. 10 people faced nearly 20 Japanese invaders. If they can win the battle, it is wishful thinking.

That is a crime other than war, and it cannot be changed by you and me. "Tang Dao's voice continued to resound throughout the audience.

The muscles on Shangguan Yun's face twitched slightly. In fact, if Tang Dao's words were spread by someone with a heart, some people would definitely make a big fuss. He has been in the army for a long time, but he knows the danger of people's hearts.

Glancing around from the corner of the eye, the surrounding officers of the Four Elements Regiment did not change their expressions. Shangguan Yun felt relieved. Tang Dao's control over the Four Elements Regiment far surpassed his imagination, otherwise he would not be able to leave the entire infantry regiment behind. Go to Songhu alone to rescue them.

Thinking about how Tang Dao and Lei Xiong even disobeyed the military order of the command headquarters that day, and even tore off their military ranks, it is really normal to call them incompetent now.

What's more, what Tang Dao said was the truth.

Someone was mentally prepared for the full-scale invasion of Japan but had no plan, which objectively caused a series of passive actions in the Great Patriotic War.

"It's about your performance in the special training camp.

You resisted the cruelty of the Japanese invaders and all kinds of temptations in the prisoner-of-war camp, but during the training period, you gathered a crowd to make trouble just because lunch was late. mutiny.

Then I want to ask you, would you do this in a prisoner of war camp?No, you won't, you know those beasts will show their fangs at you without hesitation, and punish you with blood and death.

And your clansmen don't know, that's why you act recklessly. Tell me, isn't this a typical example of being confident?
To cruel enemies, you can be as gentle as kittens, but to your own people, you are as irritable as male lions in heat on the grassland, isn't it ridiculous? " Tang Dao showed a strong disdain on his face.

The officers and soldiers of the special training camp showed shame on their faces.

"In the Battle of Southeast Shanxi, our second war zone won a big victory, killed and wounded more than 1.3 Japanese invaders, and wiped out a mixed brigade of Japanese invaders. What was the price? The lives of more than 3 soldiers were glorious in the Taihang Mountains, yes The blood of a total of [-] officers and soldiers stained the entire mountain and river red.

How many Iron Soldiers carried the remains of their comrades on their backs and cried with red eyes. No one else could comfort them, only the lives of the Japanese, who paid their debts with blood. This has been the case since ancient times.

But we let them go, why?First, although you were defeated and captured, our northern army has never forgotten you comrades who raised swords and guns against the Japanese army that day.

Everyone here hopes to see that you can pick up your guns and fight with us again, to prove to the Japanese devils that as long as we are here, they will never want to be arrogant on the land left by our ancestors to the Chinese nation.

Second, when the Battle of Southeast Shanxi was over, a brother from the 59th Army sent me a congratulatory message from the Four Elements Regiment. "

Tang Dao took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket, and read: "This time the great victory in the southeast of Shanxi, although the elder brother is far away, he is also cheering for the younger brother's victory. When he is happy, he is especially sad and sad!

My brother joined the army at the age of 20. He has gone through countless battlefields, and his mind is magnanimous. Only the 39 soldiers of the [-]th Independent Brigade were trapped in Pingbei due to his wrong judgment.
If prisoners of war are captured and the Japanese invaders want to exchange them, brother Wang will remember the friendship between you and my brother Pengcheng at the first sight, and save the 39 soldiers of the 29th Independent Brigade from the fire and water, so that they can return to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. No fall for the heroic name of our [-]th Army who has carried the enemy on the front line for several years!
Brother Zhang Jinchen weeps and salutes again! "

After reading a telegram, the ranks of officers and soldiers in the special training camp were like waves and undercurrents. Many people had tears in their eyes. Us, he didn't forget about us!"

yes!At the beginning, they stayed with the old chief, and they might not have the idea of ​​being loyal to the country together, but who would have thought that the current situation would change too fast, and the Japanese army took advantage of the so-called negotiation opportunity, and the original 2 troops surged to a very short period of time. 10,000+, the mantis arm is not enough to describe the disparity in strength between the two sides at that time.

In the end, they had no choice but to let the whole brigade become prisoners of war. Not only were they physically and mentally humiliated, but they also had a suspicion of being betrayed. all doubts.

Their old chief, even if he is in a high position again, he has never forgotten them, his comrades who fought side by side with him.

This is undoubtedly a booster for these former "prisoners of war" whose self-esteem has been extremely frustrated.

"However, I am very disappointed. Even if you did not choose to submit in the POW camp, it only proves that you have not forgotten that you are Chinese, but your behavior at this time is like a group of broken soldiers with lax military discipline. You have already lost The pride when he stood on the Great Wall defense line! Brother Zhang, he has forgotten that some people's will may not be as strong as he imagined!" Tang Dao shook his head slightly, his face was full of awe.

"You are no longer worthy to pick up your guns and fight side by side with me and my brothers!
As Tang Dao, I have lived up to my promise to my eldest brother, and I have exchanged you back as he wished.But as the supreme commander of the Four Elements Regiment, I regretted it a little. I regretted returning to a group of stragglers who regarded military discipline as nothing.

I order, disband the special training camp!
You all go home!Going back alive, it is also a good choice for the wife and children to heat the kang. "

Ye Chenghuan was shocked!
He knew too well how important these officers and soldiers were to the current Four Elements Regiment.

Artillery battalions, cavalry battalions, engineering companies, communications companies, and health companies are all in urgent need of supplementary technical arms.The newly formed 4th Infantry Battalion needs a large number of veterans who are ready to fight. Otherwise, with only 270 people and 1000 recruits, the combat effectiveness may not be as good as one-third of the other infantry battalions.

Shangguan Yun almost asked Tang Dao to take back the order. Of course he knew the purpose of Tang Dao bringing him here. There will be at least 500 people under his command here. Belonging to the elite soldiers of the 29th Army, it will be more convenient to command in the future.

In the end, the face was exposed, but Tang Tuanzuo drove everyone away, so there is a ball for showing his face?

However, they are all the most orthodox soldiers. Although it is still impossible to judge Tang Dao's original intention, Tang Dao is the supreme commander of the Four Elements Regiment. Once his military orders are issued, the whole regiment will obey them unconditionally.

"From here, you can go south along the southwest of Shanxi, and you can reach Shaanxi. If you want to enter Sichuan, you can also go south along the Han River to reach Central China. You can go anywhere in the world.

Don't worry, since I've already called you trash, I won't call you cowards again, even if it's not for Brother Zhang's sake, you have already experienced life and death once, and you have the right to choose your future life. "

Pointing to the mountains in the distance, before the officers and soldiers of the special training camp responded, Tang Dao turned his head and shouted: "Director Ye, give each person in the special training camp five yuan for the ocean road fee, and each person prepares food for three days. Regimental route! Battalion Commander Shangguan and Company Commander Cai, you two are responsible for cooperating with Director Ye to disband the special training camp!"

After Ye Chenghuan, Shangguan Yun, and Cai Yongguan stepped out of the queue and shouted their orders, Tang Dao put on his military uniform and led the rest of the officers to leave with their heads held high.

The three officers looked at Tang Dao's back and smiled wryly at each other. They more or less understood what Tang Dao meant. They understand that since they have come to the Four Elements Group, they must be ordered and prohibited, and they can raise their opinions, but they must not use this method of gathering people.

Otherwise, although Tang Dao, the supreme commander, can't punish them all with military law for violating military discipline, it is completely possible to just flip the table and slap them in two.

The countless 'medals' on his body have already told all the officers and soldiers of the special training camp here that he is a tough commander and will never leave a group of unstable elements in the army.

It's just that people's hearts are the most difficult to grasp.If the drug is too aggressive and the person really runs away, where will he cry?

It's just that the matter has come to this point, since Tang Dao has made a decision, the two can only choose to support Tang Dao's decision.

"Come on, Battalion Commander Shangguan, Company Commander Cai, I'll inform Director Zhuang of the Military Supplies Department and ask him to prepare the supplies. Please trouble the two of you to accompany me on this errand." Ye Chenghuan was also a decisive person, and said to his two subordinates.

"Director Ye is serious!" Shangguan Yun was also very polite.

He already knows the power structure of the Four Elements Group very well. He has seen Gong Shaoxun, the chief of staff of the group, at the big construction site in HD, and knows that he will stay there to preside over the construction of the factory, and the focus of work will be on that side. This political The director of the department is the well-deserved third in command of the Four Elements Group.

Even if he, Tang Dao and Lei Xiong are old comrades-in-arms, he must not be domineering because of this, and don't take the dignified third hand in his eyes. It is his quality to be polite to you. If you take politeness for granted, that is He's out of question.

Besides, this person is in charge of the special training camp. If his newly formed fourth battalion wants some elite soldiers, he still has to rely on help from others, doesn't he?

Tang Dao deliberately kept him here, nothing more than wanting him to have a relationship with the director of the political department first.

It can only be said that the world of adults is not easy, and any action has a lot of meaning!
But Tang Tuanzuo can assure you that he didn't think it would be so complicated. He just hoped that Shangguan Yun and others could integrate into the big group of the Four Elements Group as soon as possible, including the short but warm welcome ceremony in the morning.

He hoped that the elite soldiers of the 542nd Regiment would regard the Four Elements Regiment as their home, rather than a guest army. After all, the war was imminent, and there was not so much time for them to get used to it.

But obviously, Shangguan Yun's attitude made Ye Chenghuan very satisfied. The white-faced scholar in front of him didn't have the lofty attitude of those officers from the national army system. He was very humble and had enough awareness and wisdom. After discussing with him, he decided on this position.

Ye Chenghuan has been in the Four Elements Regiment for a long time, but Ye Chenghuan knows how strong the combat effectiveness of a battalion of the Four Elements Regiment is now, which is almost equivalent to the combat effectiveness of the 772nd and 771st Regiments
The two also turned and left.

Only more than 2000 officers and soldiers of the special training camp were left looking at each other in the valley.

This ending was completely beyond their expectations. Originally, it was only because of their fragile self-esteem that they united to fight against these vain ideological and political studies. However, they did not expect that after the extremely powerful commander reprimanded them, They are about to drive people away.

But to be honest, the Four Elements Group treated them very well. Except for the disgusting amount of ideological and political studies, the food and the attitude of the officers and soldiers in the barracks were very good, especially when Tang Dao finished reading the telegram from Commander Zhang. The group has an inexplicable sense of belonging.

The establishment of the 29th Army was revoked and reorganized into the First Army. They were told during the special training camp that they could not return to the old army.

But now they turned the poker table over and stopped playing, which really made people a little dumbfounded.

What kind of trick is this?

The Quartermaster Division of the Four Elements Regiment obviously had sufficient supplies. Although they were notified temporarily, they were quickly sent over in a carriage with two large boxes and white flour buns packed in baskets.

Two whole boxes of white flowers were placed in front of the officers and soldiers of the special training camp!
"Brothers, if you want to go home, come and get the money! Five yuan per person and one road ticket. In addition, there are white flour buns, 6 per person. Take them and you can go home." Political Office One of the second lieutenant officers shouted from a tin bullhorn.

More than 1 white-faced steamed buns are still steaming. Presumably, these white-faced steamed buns were originally prepared by the regiment headquarters of the Four Elements for dinner for several battalions directly under them. They were moved here as soon as they were ready.

The steamed buns in the army are the real thing. One white flour steamed bun is less to say, and two of them can last for a day. There is absolutely no problem.

But after hesitating for a long time, no one came forward.

"Damn it, you are still not convinced by the leader of the regiment that you are trash, and now you have to take money, clothes, and steamed buns to go home, so you are so fucking afraid.

Who is the head of the four-element group of Lao Tzu?He is the hero who dared to fight a decisive battle with the Japanese infantry regiment with hundreds of brothers, and the hero who led us thousands of people to fight all the way from Songhu. Every mouthful and a nail, what we say will definitely mean what we say .

I gave you money and clothes to open the way home because you didn't become second devils, and you are still Chinese. Hurry up, come and collect the money, and get out. " Cai Yongguan stared at a pair of bull's eyes, and his roar resounded throughout the valley.

Not to mention, the subordinates that Tang Dao arranged to help Ye Chenghuan are very distinctive. Cai Yongguan himself was born as a bandit leader, with a pair of bull's eyes and Zhang Fei's calm prestige. Although the roar was broken, it was definitely like a thunderclap , which is very suitable for this occasion.

You want to make Ye Chenghuan and Shangguan Yun pale, even though their voices are not low, but their aura is far inferior to Cai Yongguan, a rough guy. It's because this guy didn't carry his mountain-opening thick-backed knife .

Li Jiujin made fun of Cai Yongguan, who often carried a machete, not like a regular army company commander, but like a bandit leader. Cai Yongguan dressed formally this time because he was coming to welcome Shangguan Yun and others, and finally let go of that. Where is the Kaishan thick back knife.

After being scolded by Cai Yongguan for a while, someone finally came out, walked to the front with his head down, counted five yuan from the cash box, and took the pass from the contemptuous Four Elements Regiment Military Supply Officer. , With a flushed face, he took 6 white-faced buns out of the basket with his clothes, and left the barracks.

Someone took the lead, and everything went as the fierce army captain said, and no one stopped him.

The officers and soldiers in the special training camp gradually became bolder, came out in groups of three and four, took money and passes and left with steamed buns.

"Bah, rubbish! You bastards!" The second lieutenant at the gate of the garrison spat heavily into the special training camp and waved his hand, "Brothers, line up over there and stay away from these bastards , don’t get infected by them.”

The big man from the north, who had been standing silently aside, had endless shame on his face, but he was helpless in the face of groups of former colleagues who walked out and wanted to go home.

It wasn't until not far away from him that two people came out of the company that belonged to him. They kept their heads down and walked towards the cash box without looking at him. Then the big man in the north suddenly became angry, "Zhou Mingxuan, Sun Danian, You bastards also want to leave? Brothers, you don’t want to take revenge.”

"Company Commander, I don't want to die! I still have three children and an old woman to feed me. I don't want to die, let alone starve to death." A soldier suddenly knelt down towards the big man from the north. , howling.

The big northern man was seized as if struck by lightning, his chest heaved violently, but he couldn't speak a word.

"Company Commander, I'm sorry, brothers can only avenge him in the next life. I want to go back alive and die for my parents." Another soldier also knelt down and kowtowed several times to the frightened Beibei with a distorted expression. With a heavy bang of his head, he stood up resolutely and walked away without looking back.

Amidst the lonely and desperate figures of the big men in the north, officers and soldiers of the special training camp walked out of the queue one after another, walked to the cash box, picked up the steamed buns, and left.

However, almost everyone chose to leave behind him, or avoid him as far as possible.

Even if they were cowardly after staying in the prisoner-of-war camp for a long time, they couldn't bear to see the pride that this scarred northern man once had was being shattered by his colleagues with cowardice.

But within 10 minutes, nearly 200 people left!

In the distance, several eyes silently looked at this place through the binoculars, watching the physically and mentally wounded soldiers who were devastated by the prisoner-of-war camp make their own choices.

"Sir, smoke a cigarette!" Qin Ruoyu handed a cigarette to Tang Dao, whose eyes were squinting, with a bitter face.

. . . . . . . .

ps: Today, a book friend left a message saying that the plot is similar to the old book. That’s how it is. The old book was sealed for 3 years, but now it’s released, but it’s changed beyond recognition. In the story, Fengyue has always been unwilling. In addition, Fengyue has completely reinterpreted the selected plots, which should be better than the previous ones.

In addition, Fengyue guarantees that the battle between Jindong and East that is about to break out this time, except for the same location, but the battle process and tactical arrangements are completely different.

Thank you very much for the support of the book friends who left comments and criticized Fengyue. Fengyue hopes to work hard to give you and other book friends a wonderful anti-Japanese story!
(End of this chapter)

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