Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1516 Making a grand appearance

Chapter 1516: Debut (Part )

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Earth-shaking explosions resounded throughout the battlefield.

  The flames shooting up into the sky almost filled the eyes of the Japanese Army Lieutenant General at that moment!

Before the violent gust of wind swept over a distance of nearly a thousand meters, endless pain and a little loneliness welled up in Ochiai Jinjiurang's eyes!

"Fuck, is this also the artillery of our regiment? This is too scary!" Luo Dahu, who was hiding in the trench, ignored the dust and smoke blowing in his face and still opened his mouth wide.

This earth-shattering scene was no less impressive than the 150-meter-high artillery shells fired by the Japanese army earlier. Or for Luo Dahu, it was even more amazing in terms of visual, auditory, and tactile effects.

After all, when the Japanese artillery bombarded in turns, he and his friends were hiding in the tunnel and eating steamed buns, and at this time he was only more than 200 meters away from the explosion site.

Faced with this devastating covering artillery fire, even squad leader Adong, who was considered fearless, immediately hid himself in a deep trench and curled up in a circle, fearing that he would be affected by the artillery fire after receiving the news that his own artillery fire was about to cover the front of the position.

  As a new recruit, Luo Dahu was a little nonchalant at first. He thought that he was hiding in a trench more than 2 meters deep, with an individual anti-artillery hole behind him to take shelter. What kind of artillery could scare the old soldiers like this?

In fact, it was not only the new recruit Luo Dahu who thought so. Adong also thought so at the beginning. Even a 150-mm heavy mortar would not be so powerful. What kind of new artillery could make Platoon Leader Cao notify all the officers and soldiers on the front line in a very serious manner on the walkie-talkie to prepare to avoid artillery fire?

"The battalion commander said that this is a new type of artillery that the arsenal spent two years developing. It has great power, but its accuracy is a bit lacking. The regimental commander has been reluctant to use it, just waiting for the Japanese to attack with all their strength to teach them a lesson. Whoever fails to manage the people in his squad and lets them poke their heads out to look, causing damage, will go to the battalion commander for military punishment after the war." Boss Cao roared into the walkie-talkie.

When Adong heard that this was a secret weapon specially made by the regiment commander, the alarm in his mind started to sound wildly.

His commander was definitely a god in the eyes of all the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment. It was said that the three-edged bayonet that could leave bloody holes that were difficult to heal and the anti-personnel mines that were specially used to blow up eggs were all from his handiwork. This powerful but poorly accurate artillery piece reminded him of the 'Flying Thunder Cannon'.

Is it possible that this new type of artillery is the "Flying Thunder Cannon" with an extended range? The accuracy of that thing is not just a little bad, but very bad!

Even though Adong had four years of military service, he felt his bladder tighten when he thought about the possibility that a 20-kilogram explosive pack might hit his head.

  Not to mention the fragile human body, even a sturdy bunker can be blown apart by a cannon like this, okay?

Soon, Luo Dahu paid the price for his "irrational" behavior. The wind and sand were swept by the terrible air waves and rushed to the Chinese position. The half-meter thick sandbags were as fragile as eggshells in the face of such a huge force. They were easily rolled into the air and no one knew where they were thrown. Luo Dahu, with his mouth wide open in fear, had his mouth filled with dust and was full.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with eating some soil. On the road of escape, the hungry northern men have eaten everything from leaves to grass roots. Soil is almost included in the diet.

What was terrifying was that the rocks and soft human tissues falling from the sky hit the surrounding areas of the trenches like rain.

Luo Dahu was hit so hard that his teeth were grimacing, but he was lucky enough because a fist-sized stone hit his helmet and made a dent. His head was buzzing, but at least he was not seriously injured.

At this time, he finally understood the purpose of squad leader Adong curling up into a ball. It was just like being beaten up by a group of people, minimizing the area of ​​the body that was beaten.

Fortunately, the front-line position was more than 200 meters away from the shelled area, otherwise the falling rocks would not be the size of fists, but the size of washbasins. The infantrymen of the Fourth Regiment in the front-line trenches would have been badly damaged by their own artillery.

If this is the case in the Huangchaling trenches, what else needs to be said about the Japanese infantry area that was bombarded?

People and various human tissues were flying together, and flames and the setting sun were the same color. This was the normal state of the Japanese infantrymen on the open ground at this time.

"Baga! Damn those bear people!" The Japanese Army Lieutenant General's eyes were filled with grief, but he couldn't help but clench his fists.

  Because he knew that his old rival, the Four Element Group, had evolved again. Damn it, they actually possessed the secret weapon that the Bear People were so proud of - the rocket launcher!

Yes, rocket launchers are not a new term in this era. As early as three years ago in the Battle of Orsha in the Bear Country, the Bear people had used the first generation of rocket launchers to stun the famous German Empire General Guderian, and thus earned the title of "Devil's Cannon".

This artillery, which was eventually named Katyusha rocket launcher, relied on its powerful firepower to fire all 10 rockets within 16 seconds, and eventually became the well-deserved "firepower king" of land warfare during the entire World War II.

The German Empire Army conquered nearly 10 million square kilometers of land and was almost invincible in Europe, but they were afraid of the "devil's artillery".

Because, facing this kind of terrifying artillery that can launch hundreds of rockets in a few seconds and cover tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of square meters of battlefield within its attack range, even the infantry in the trenches can hardly escape the fate of death, not to mention the infantry exposed on the surface.

  In the Ice Field Battle several years later in time and space, the Chinese army engaged in actual combat for the first time after acquiring Katyusha rocket launchers. 24 "devil artillery" fired 389 rockets at once, and the two infantry battalions of the American cowboys in the trench fortifications were directly destroyed, with more than 700 casualties!

At that time, the 3th Regiment was not that powerful. They only had 9 artillery pieces named "Storm 12" transported this time. Each piece had 108 barrels and could only launch rockets in one round of salvo.

A single rocket weighs 18 kilograms and flies at a speed of 370 meters per second, which is as slow as a snail compared to shells fired by traditional artillery. This is why the human eye can see white gas trails in the air. If it were at night, the scene of hundreds of rockets attacking would be truly beautiful.

It was like a meteor shower!

However, those who were fortunate enough to witness the meteor shower with their own eyes did not have the opportunity to record in words the shock that came to their hearts at that time.

Because, they are all dead.

The Taihang Arsenal spent two years developing a rocket that weighs 18 kilograms. The warhead alone weighs 8.5 kilograms. With the support of cyclone explosives, its killing radius reaches a dizzying 16 meters.

Calculated accordingly, the effective killing area is a terrifying 800 square meters, which is close to the area of ​​two standard basketball courts.


Perhaps someone will infer the huge size of this "Storm 3" rocket launcher based on the huge power of the rocket, but the actual situation may shock you.

This rocket launcher, whose design concept and principles were proposed by Tang Tuanzu and jointly developed by future Chinese scientific giants, can be described as "small and exquisite".

The entire cannon is 2.6 meters long, 1.4 meters wide, and only 1.1 meters high. When placed on the ground, it is only the size of a cart.

In addition, in terms of weight, the full weight in marching state is 390 kg, and the full weight in combat state is 620 kg. Not to mention using pack horses to pull it on the march, even the 12 people in the artillery squad can take turns to pull it.

Of course, the Storm rocket launchers located in several launch sites in Hengyang City 4 kilometers away are pulled by assault jeeps. They will be moved immediately after a round of salvos is completed.

There is no way. The biggest shortcoming of the rocket launcher is that it makes too much noise when launched, especially the flame erupting from the tail of the rocket, which is extremely obvious even in broad daylight.

Are these parameters familiar? Yes, this rocket launcher is the future black technology of China's military industry, the Type 63 107mm light towed rocket launcher which is famous on battlefields around the world.

At that time, the Chinese military engineers who just wanted a fire support artillery that could move freely in the mountains probably never dreamed that they would design an artillery that could change the world's war mode.

As the saying goes, "If you are poor, you should move around; if you are rich, you should bomb, bomb, bomb!" Since its establishment until the Ice War, the Chinese army has always used Xiaomi rifles to fight against domestic opponents, Japanese or Americans.

Although they all won in the end, the hardships involved were only known to the Chinese soldiers themselves. They fought with their blood, lives and the enemy's steel flames. Both the first and second generation of Chinese soldiers suffered from a very strong "fear of insufficient firepower."

The pursuit of powerful firepower is something that is engraved in the genes of every generation of Chinese soldiers. It has never been cured by the passage of time. It is a "terminal illness."

The same is true for the 107 rocket launcher. Although it is small in size, its firepower is not weak at all. It can be equipped with up to 12 launch tubes, can complete a salvo in 7 to 9 seconds, and has a maximum range of 8500 meters.

In other words, the 107 rocket launcher, which weighs only one-tenth of the original Katyusha rocket launcher, has great mobility while sacrificing only a quarter of the ammunition in terms of firepower. It can be called a masterpiece of military industry.

While acquiring powerful firepower, Chinese soldiers have never forgotten their original skills. The 107 rocket launcher with strong mobility is also clearly positioned - born for guerrilla warfare.

When it comes to guerrilla warfare, no one in the world understands the tactical essence and equipment pain points better than Chinese soldiers. In guerrilla warfare, all weapons and equipment must meet one premise: portability. Therefore, the entire structure of the 107 rocket launcher is designed to be detachable, from the gun mount, slide to the launch tube, and high and low wheels, all of which can be disassembled and assembled. The weight of a single component does not exceed 30 kilograms, which is only slightly heavier than a bag of rice.

When designing it, the military also clearly stated the requirements: it should not be higher than the neck, lower than the hips, wider than the shoulders, and the center of gravity should be close to the body. Therefore, even if the soldier carries it on his shoulder or by hand, it will not cause too much burden to the soldier.

In addition, a towing ring is reserved on the rocket launcher's towing rod, which is specifically used to connect to vehicles, mules, horses and other means of transportation. This fundamentally distinguishes the 107 rocket launcher from bulky traditional rocket launchers - a 107 rocket launcher can be set up anywhere where people can reach.

These design concepts have been perfectly inherited by the Taihang Military Factory. In the most urgent moments, the "Storm 3" artillery can even be disassembled and fired at the enemy at close range with a single tube and a single rocket.

The launching principle is the same as the "sky rocket" we played in childhood. The muzzle is aimed forward and the rocket is ignited and then left alone. The only difference is that the rocket, which is propelled into a spiral flight state by the tail flame, can maintain a relatively straight trajectory over a long distance, unlike the sky rocket which flies blindly.

The mobility is so amazing, so what is the power of the 107 rocket launcher? After all, firepower is proportional to size in principle.


I'm afraid no one knows the answer to this question better than American cowboys.

Thirty years later, in the Southwest Jungle War, the fledgling 30 rocket launcher was given as aid to the poor Jiaozhi people.

In the eyes of American cowboys who pursue extreme power and violent aesthetics, a "little guy" like the 107 rocket launcher is not worthy of being on the stage. However, the Jiaozhi people soon used practical actions to let the Americans understand what "Chinese products must be high-quality" means.


They fired at the US military base from six different directions. Under the ground-flooding attack of more than 6 rockets, the oil tanks inside the US military base exploded, a B-250 heavy bomber and 52 fighter jets were destroyed, the entire airport was reduced to a sea of ​​fire, and thousands of US soldiers died. Until the final stage of the war, the airport was not fully restored to its original state.

In addition, during China's southwest counterattack against Jiaozhi, the Chinese army also used 107 rocket launchers to teach the Jiaozhi people a lesson.

According to Jiaozhi Colonel Nguyen Shaoxiong, during the Battle of Lang Son, his regiment was ordered to defend Hill 331 and was fiercely attacked by at least 20 107 rocket launchers of the Chinese army.

Under the attack of 107 rocket launchers, only 1450 of Nguyen Shao Hung's 72 soldiers hiding in trenches on the top of the mountain were left.

Perhaps some Jiaozhi people avoided the blast and shrapnel by relying on tunnels and deep trenches, but there is another type of 107 rocket called the phosphorus-aluminum incendiary bomb, which can not only attach to any object and burn, but also consume a large amount of oxygen, causing creatures hiding in narrow spaces to suffocate to death.

  Among the 108 rockets fired by the artillery battalion of the Fourth Regiment, there were as many as 30 incendiary bombs!

The flames scattered like flowers from heaven at the front of the vast Huangchaling position were surprisingly magnificent in the afterglow of the setting sun.

But beneath these short-lived splendor, countless flowers of life have withered!

Countless Japanese infantrymen avoided the surging air waves and shrapnel by sticking to the ground, but when these almost beautiful flames fell on their bodies, they rolled on the ground with howls, and then were swept away or torn into pieces by the next air wave, all depending on the angle of the air wave.

In short, this round of salvos stopped the Japanese troops who had advanced to within 200 meters of the front position of Huangchaling.

According to post-war statistics, this round of firepower output caused more than 27 infantry casualties in the 700th Division on the spot, and almost wiped out an entire infantry battalion.

However, this was by no means the biggest loss suffered by the Japanese army on July 7.9th in front of the "Storm 3" artillery. Lieutenant General Jinkuro Ochiai, who had been waiting for his old rival's trump card, was stunned by a heavy punch from his old rival and immediately became cautious. In the subsequent attacks, he only deployed squadron-level infantry to attack in turns.

This level of troop attack was obviously not taken seriously by the "Storm" rocket launchers. The 9 rocket launchers moved their positions again and aimed their muzzles at the artillery coordinate area sent by the 10th Reserve Division.


After half an hour of hard fighting, the infantry company suffered nearly half of its casualties, and the entire defense line was already shaky. It could not even wait for the arrival of an infantry company from the 10th Reserve Division for emergency support.

The commander of the 10th Reserve Division, Ge Youcai, even had to call Tang Dao again 5 minutes ago, asking him to provide fire support, even if 9 guns only had 9 shells in one salvo.

It can be said that a lieutenant general and division commander was already humble to the core at this time. In order to get the legendary 9 artillery shells, he had to personally call an army colonel.

But even so, the legendary 9 guns did not fire until 5 minutes later.

Because after a salvo of Storm rocket launchers, even the most skilled gunner would need 10 minutes to reload the rockets.

Hearing the earth-shaking explosion and flames from afar, Master Ge's heart, which had been hanging in the air, finally died.

Instead of waiting for the artillery support from Tang Dao, he was met with the terrifying bombardment of 150 heavy artillery from the Japanese army.

With this kind of movement, apart from the 150mm howitzer, what other artillery can do the job?

"Tell Zeng Jing that I will send another company to him. If the position is lost, you must take it back for me. If you fail to take it back, let him die in Wuguiling. I will lead people to take it back myself." Ge Youcai roared with gritted teeth.

This time, there is no need to make up a story in the newspapers about "Commander Ge fighting the Japanese invaders with his bare chest", but it is really going to happen.

Before the divisional operations staff had time to make the call, the 28th Regiment called.

"Commander, Commander, the 9th Company has held its position, it has held it." Zeng Jing's surprised and happy voice on the phone was like a thunderbolt, which even the knowledgeable Master Ge was at a loss.

They were bombarded by 150mm grenades, but they still managed to hold on? Who are they trying to fool?

"You dare to lie about military intelligence? I'll kill you!" Ge Youcai's eyes flashed coldly.

"Commander, it's true. It wasn't the Japanese artillery fire just now. It was our artillery support. It should be the salvo fire from the 9 guns of the 9th Regiment that you mentioned. That's right, the artillery of the 90th Regiment is so powerful and scary. What are they talking about guns? I think it must be at least guns!" Zeng Jing explained hurriedly on the phone.

"Bullshit, with these 90 extra guns, we could have flattened the damn Japs long ago. Now it's their turn to besiege us?" Ge Youcai refused to believe it.

But the position at the southern end of Wuguilin was indeed held. With just one round of artillery fire, the Japanese infantry battalion that was attacking with the slogan "Board Load" was directly wiped out from the battlefield.

According to the battle report of the 116th Division, after that round of shelling, only 830 of the 42 infantrymen involved in the attack were left, with a casualty rate of percent.

It was not until the front position of Zhangjiashan was hit by a salvo of 9 Storm rocket launchers again that Master Ge, who arrived at the 30th Regiment Command in person, realized that the salvo promised by Commander Tang was not 9 shells but more than 100.

In fact, the 6 rounds of salvos were not completed at all, only 3 rounds were fired, and the 116th Division was scared. The original tactical plan was to attack until 12 o'clock, but the battle was called off before 8 o'clock.

The 15 infantry battalions that were deployed were reduced to 11 within these two hours. Three of them could be declared rebuilt, and the infantry battalion in front of the Wuguiling position could even be declared disbanded.

As soon as the Storm 3 rocket launcher appeared, it fired four rounds at the same time, causing the Japanese army to pay the price of more than 4 casualties, and directly stunned the four Japanese army lieutenant generals in front of Hengyang City and Yokoyama Isamu who was far away in Tanzhou.

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