Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1517 The Moon Over the River

Chapter 1517: Thousand Rivers Have Thousand Moons

"A magical cannon! This is a magical cannon!"

At around 9 o'clock in the evening of the 8th, after the Japanese army completely stopped its attack, the commander of the 10th Reserve Division, Ge Youcai, immediately ran back to Hengyang City and finally saw the Baofeng 3 rocket launcher covered by a gun cover in the air-raid shelter.

A lieutenant general of the army stroked the still slightly hot gun barrel with a frighteningly gentle look in his eyes, and tears almost fell from the corners of his mouth.

"With such a magical cannon, if the Japanese dare to come, we will have to blow them to the ground." Ge Youcai looked at Tang Dao with anticipation in his eyes.

Not to mention Ge Youcai who thought so, in fact, several big players standing aside, including Fang Xianjue, Zhao Zili, Zhao Junmai, Sun Mingyu and others thought so.

Today, with just four rounds of salvos from nine rocket launchers, the two Japanese divisions in the south of the city were forced to retreat back. This was beyond everyone's imagination.

  Does this mean that in the future, whenever the situation there is critical, the problem can be solved by using this artillery to provide fire support?

"The nine Storm rocket launchers and a total of 9 rockets that our unit has received from the Taihang Arsenal are the limit of what the arsenal can produce due to the shortage of materials. Moreover, the aid experts invited from the Bear Country have already returned home, and all the drawings have been burned. Our technicians cannot imitate them even if they want to." Tang Dao shook his head slightly, completely wiping out the ambitions of the generals of the 972th Army.

"Assuming that 108 shells can be fired in one salvo, the Storm rocket launcher can fire nine salvos. Four rounds have been fired so far. That means that with the current storage capacity of rockets, it can fire five more salvos at most. This is assuming there are no losses." Zhao Zili frowned and quickly and accurately calculated the sustained combat capability of the Storm rocket launcher.

"If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the case." Tang Dao sighed slightly.

It’s not that the arsenal far away in Taihang Mountains can no longer produce rockets, but Tang Dao is very clear that this kind of rocket launcher and rocket should not appear in this era.

Unlike the various types of light weapons that the Four Ranks Regiment is now equipped with, the Storm Rocket Launcher is already considered a heavy weapon, and is even enough to change the course of a battle.

It would have been fine if the Storm Rocket Launcher had not shown its power before, but now all the generals in Hengyang City have seen it, and the news is bound to reach that person's ears.

Tang Dao knows too well the manufacturing capabilities of the United States, this modern industrial behemoth, and he must make certain trade-offs between the present and the future.

Before arriving at Hengyang City, Tang Dao had thought it through. These nine cannons were considered "disposable" consumables. At least before the Japanese surrendered, they would never appear on the battlefield again.

If the Americans copy and develop it, it will cause even more terrible losses to the future Chinese military.

Therefore, the Taihang Arsenal is destined not to provide subsequent rockets to Hengyang.

"What a pity! If I had a few more of these magical cannons and enough shells, I could blow the 11th Army back to its grandmother's house." Ge Youcai's mood was unusually low.

"Yes! God really doesn't bless Hengyang!" Zhao Junmai's face was also heavy and he was very discouraged.

Although Zhao Junmai is a scholar-manager who studied abroad, he has been suffering in the war for several years and has rich military knowledge. He knows that although Hengyang has held off the Japanese army for 40 days, the Japanese army has not made up its mind to attack Hengyang with all its strength. Their main force has been waiting around Hengyang, attempting to engage in a decisive battle with the main Chinese military force that came to rescue Hengyang.

It was not until July 7.9 that the Japanese troops besieging the city launched an all-out attack. If it hadn't been for the Storm rocket launcher, I don't know how many positions in the south of the city would have been lost.

  The loss of thousands of lives in battle might be a huge disaster for the Hengyang defenders, but it was not a serious blow to the Japanese army, which had 10 troops besieging the city. What would they do if the Japanese army made a comeback one day?

"You people are typical of those who are greedy. Director Tang has taken out the best equipment in his regiment to help us solve a big problem in Hengyang, but you are still not satisfied. You hope to blow the Japanese away with just a few cannons. Nothing is that simple in this world. If that were the case, how could we have allowed the Japanese to plunder our China for so many years?" Fang Xianjue raised his eyebrows.

"These rocket launchers can also fire five rounds at a time, which is a great help to our defense. If we use this kind of steel on the blade, and don't use it normally, and wait until the critical moment to give the Japanese a hard blow, it will definitely hurt Yokoyama Isamu so much that his liver will tremble!

By the way, I am here to announce an order. No one is allowed to reveal the existence of the Storm rocket to the outside world, so as to avoid being noticed by the Japanese's ubiquitous intelligence personnel. We are already struggling hard, and if we let the Japanese make this kind of rocket, then how can we soldiers survive?

If I know who leaked this information, no matter who it is, no matter how high his military rank is, or how deep our comradeship is, for the sake of the Chinese nation, I will definitely enforce wartime military law on him!"

Fang Xianjue's somewhat gloomy gaze passed across the faces of the four lieutenant generals present. Including Ge Youcai, the four of them stood up straight and clearly understood his orders.

Fang Xian was indeed worthy of being the supreme commander of Hengyang. When several of his subordinates were complaining about the insufficient artillery shell reserves, he saw the value of the few remaining rockets that could be utilized on the battlefield.

And perhaps only Tang Dao knew the military order he had just announced. This was the return of a favor from the highest commander of Hengyang.

Everyone knows that his 4th Regiment and the 80th Army have close contacts, but no one knows to what extent. But today, Tang Dao bluntly said that the rocket launcher came from the Taihang Arsenal and was manufactured under the guidance of experts from the Bear Country. This has actually put the relationship between the two armies in front of him, a Whampoa general.

Under normal circumstances, he would have immediately reported the matter of Tang Dao to his teacher. It would be difficult for Tang Dao and the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment to return to North China in their lifetime.

But at this time, with 10 Japanese troops besieging the city, there was no dispute between the two parties, only the battlefield where the Chinese and the Japanese were fighting. Fang Xianjue was also using this military order to tell Tang Dao that this matter would only stay in Hengyang and would never be spread outside.

Fang Xianjue is from the Whampoa clique, but he is also a relatively pure soldier, which is what Tang Dao was betting on when he ordered the rocket launchers to be transferred to Hengyang.

Now it seems that he made the right bet.

"Commander Fang is right. Even though we don't have many rockets, they can still be of great use as long as they are used well." Tang Dao showed a bright smile on his face.

"Like, we could beat them up a few more times and then use the 'wait for the other shoe to drop' story."

"What's this story? Brother Tang, tell us the story quickly." Ge Youcai no longer called Tang Daojun by his given name, but instead called him brother with such an affectionate name.

This included expressing gratitude to Tang Dao for helping him a lot with the 10th Reserve Division, but also telling Tang Dao directly that from now on they are brothers, and the things you worry about will never happen to you. At the same time, it was also to tell Fang Xianjue that I will never disobey your military orders, commander.

The people who were trying to deceive Zhang Fei had a lot of tricks in their minds!

"Yes! Director Tang, please don't keep us in suspense. Tell us quickly so that we can all hear it. Director Tang and the Four-Line Regiment should bear the main credit for repelling the full-scale attack of the Japanese army today. Mayor Zhao may not be able to do anything else, but he can still set up a celebratory banquet to invite Chief Fang and colleagues to enjoy the full moon together." Zhao Junmai also smiled and continued.

  Zhao Junmai was not stupid either, and he quickly came to his senses. The Tang Dao could even be used as the secret weapon of the 80th Army Group, so what was the relationship between them? Was there any need to explain!

Looking around, Fang Xianjue and Ge Youcai had already made their attitudes clear, of course; the 9th War Zone Chief of Staff Zhao Zili had a close personal relationship with Tang Dao; the 10th Army Chief of Staff Sun Mingyu was a young general promoted by Fang Xianjue. As a result, he, the mayor of HY, was the only outsider left.

If he doesn't make his attitude clear, once the matter is leaked in the future, it will all be Mayor Zhao's fault.

If it were any other time, he wouldn't be afraid, but now everyone is in the same city, sharing weal and woe, and if he asks others to be on guard against him, how can he stay in the city?

It would be better for him to join alone. This moon-viewing supper after a small victory is his token of allegiance as Mayor HY. If anything happens to Tang Dao in the future, given his extremely suspicious nature, those of them who have been in the same trench with Tang Dao for a long time will certainly not end up well!

"Haha! Well, since Mayor Zhao is such a stingy person, let him invite us to a table and notify Commander Rong and Commander Zhou to come over, just to celebrate today's victory." Fang Xianjue was in a good mood and laughed heartily. Today was the 19th day of the lunar calendar, and the full moon had just passed the 15th day. At this time, the full moon was in the sky, and the watery moonlight sprinkled on the ground. Even without lighting, the visibility was more than ten meters.

The crowd walked towards the central bank under the escort of guards.

"There are two tenants living in an apartment in Moscow. Every night the upstairs tenant would slam his shoes heavily on the floor, and the two "dong dong" sounds became a "compulsory lesson every night" for the downstairs tenant. Every time the downstairs tenant heard the two "dong dong" sounds, he would fall asleep peacefully.

Until one night, after the gentleman upstairs threw off one shoe, he suddenly felt guilty and did not throw off the second one; as a result, the poor gentleman downstairs did not sleep well that night because he was waiting for the second shoe to be thrown off all night. " On the way, Tang Dao began to tell the story he had told earlier.

"This is what my professor often calls inertial thinking! Once this inertial thinking is formed and suddenly broken, there is a feeling of being at a loss." Zhao Junmai, who had just returned from studying in the West, sighed slightly.

"Hehe! Mayor Zhao, you are very knowledgeable. I am not as good as you in this respect, but I understand what Captain Tang wanted to express by telling this story just now in combination with our Hengyang battlefield. This rocket launcher can bombard the devils a few more times, and then keep it without firing. It can not only save shells, but also deter the devils, making them hesitant and afraid to deploy infantry on a large scale. When they finally come to their senses, it is because our army's reserves of such shells are insufficient, and several days have passed.

Even though our reinforcements haven't arrived in the past few days, at least we have made some arrangements, right?" The young major general chief of staff, who rarely expressed his opinions, shook his head and said.

"That's right. Chief of Staff Sun and I think the same thing." Zhao Zili also nodded, looking at Tang Dao with burning eyes.

"When I was in Tanzhou, Commander Xue mentioned you, Captain Tang, to me several times. He said that there are more than a thousand generals in China, but only a few of them are worthy of his attention. Although you, Captain Tang, are only a colonel, once you are promoted to a general, your brilliant achievements will be on par with or even surpass those of these people.

This is also the main reason why I went there immediately when I heard Zhongmin said he wanted to introduce you to me last fall. I was really curious about what kind of person could be praised so highly by someone as arrogant as Commander Xue.

I really have to thank my curiosity! Otherwise, I, Zhao Zili, would have missed the opportunity to meet you, the future shining star, Captain Tang.

Of course, I have to thank you, Commander Tang, for your analysis of the domestic and international war situation, which allowed me to more clearly understand the final struggle of the declining Japanese Empire. Although Commander Xue was unhappy, I was able to fight side by side with you in Hengyang, and I am very happy! "

  As soon as these words were spoken, several generals were all shocked!

They knew roughly that Zhao Zili and Commander Xue had a big quarrel at Yuelu Mountain and parted unhappily, and were eventually exiled to Hengyang, but they did not expect that the ultimate root of the problem was the Tang sword.

  Moreover, he was able to predict half a year in advance that the Japanese army would launch a large-scale campaign against Henan, Hunan and Guangxi. What kind of outstanding military talent did this require?

They already thought they knew Tang Dao very well and were well aware of his military talent, but they didn't expect that was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Brother Zili, you can praise others, but if you praise me like this, it will make me die. Think about it, if the Japanese knew that there was a super fortune teller in the enemy camp, they would kill him no matter what. I personally have an immature suggestion. When you praise others in the future, especially when you praise me, please be appropriately reserved, so that my wife will not become proud after hearing it." Tang Dao blinked.

"Why is Dean Tan Tai so proud?" Ge Youcai was slightly stunned.

"Because this proves that she has an unmatched eye! Among thousands of scumbags, she chose only me."

"What is a scumbag?" The young Sun Mingyu was stunned.

"Including but not limited to not doing housework, not spending enough time with his wife, and thinking that turning in military pay is fulfilling his responsibilities as a husband and father, etc." Tang Dao answered seriously.

"In that case, such a man is indeed abominable and can be called a scumbag." Fang Xianjue said with a wry smile. "Then I can be considered an old scumbag."

"Haha!" Several generals couldn't help but burst into laughter.

  It is really hard to be unhappy chatting with a young man like Tang Dao. I don’t know what those who are his enemies think. Anyway, they hope to be friends with such a person, not only because he is interesting enough, but also because he is terrible!

. . . . . . . . .

Several people went onto the platform of the Central Bank. The dishes on the table were ready, but not as rich as they had imagined. There were only a few cans of beef and fish. The biggest dish was a steamed and air-dried chicken, and the wine was Hengyang's local famous wine "Hu Zi Wine".

It is said to be a famous wine, but in fact it is just rice wine brewed from glutinous rice. It tastes sweet, but has a strong aftertaste. Almost every farmer in Hengyang area brews it.

Walk up to the platform, climb the tower and look into the distance. Under the watery moonlight, the entire city of Hengyang is in sight.

After 40 days of bombing and shelling in Hengyang, more than 4 houses had been reduced to ruins. Only less than ten buildings made of reinforced concrete, such as the Central Bank, were still intact.

In this huge ruin, with a waning moon over the painted building, a gentle breeze blowing, and total silence, it feels like the ancient and silent city of Rome in a European black-and-white movie.

  Tang Dao's eyes were firm and calm!

Because the little butterfly from the future knows that his nation and country will eventually rise again from the ruins ravaged by war.

"There is a moon in Chang'an, and the sound of clothes pounding can be heard in thousands of households. The autumn wind never blows away, but the love for Yuguan remains. When will the barbarians be pacified, and my beloved will return from the long expedition?" Looking at the Xiangjiang River in the distance, Fang Xianjue could not help but recite.

Looking at the bright moon reflected in the river, this famous iron-blooded general couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

As the saying goes, there are thousands of rivers and thousands of moons in them!

Tonight, the stars and the moon are bright, and the Milky Way is in the sky. At this moment, are his wife and children far away in Guilin also gazing at the same bright moon like him?

Fang Xianjue, who seldom reveals his inner emotions, may be very clear that in the days ahead, he will never be as "leisurely" as he was tonight.

As the supreme commander of Hengyang, he will have to face mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

More than 6 soldiers and civilians inside and outside Hengyang City, including him and the officers present, will each become a piece on the chessboard until the end of this defensive battle.

Regardless of whether the Japanese army breaks into the city or they successfully hold on, most of these chess pieces will be swept out of the game by the flames of war.

He didn't want to be the kind of scumbag defined by Tang Dao, but the country and nation in war needed him more.

That beautiful face reappeared in Fang Xianjue's mind, although that was 15 years ago.

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I would like to recommend Feng Yue's new book "The Great Trial of the Dead Officials". It is a fantasy theme, but it follows the path of suspense and mystery. Book lovers who like Lao Bai's style should not miss it! The reason for opening two books is that Ba Bai will finish the book at the beginning of this month at the latest.

(End of this chapter)

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