Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 201 The gap between reality and imagination

Chapter 201 The gap between reality and imagination
The chief officer was stunned by the unfamiliar number. The major and adjutant who was standing beside him was not stupid. He searched through the list and finally found out the 43rd Army.

The disappointment in the major general's eyes is obvious in the famous 'beggar army', but at least it is an army, no matter how poor its combat effectiveness is, it is better than nothing.

Looking back with some difficulty, "Regimental Commander Wang, right! I wonder when the main force of your army will arrive?"

As for Tang Dao, the so-called battalion commander of the Four Elements Battalion, he was actively ignored by this major general-level inspector who did more administrative work than military affairs.

Although the name of the Four Elements Battalion is a bit familiar, even a battalion with a special name represents meritorious service, but there is not only one battalion, is it?

Lao Wang was probably annoyed because this man didn't know his own designation. When he heard this question, he grinned and replied seriously: "The remaining four infantry companies of our army are in three Arrive in Songjiang in an hour, and, before coming, the military seat asked me to say hello to Major General Wang, and hoped that Songjiang County could provide the six infantry companies of our army with supplies for three days."

"How many infantry companies?" Major General Wang opened his mouth in disbelief as if struck by lightning.

"Two have already come, and there are four more!" Old Wang was so bad that he decisively extended three fingers.

"Aren't there four?" Major General Wang's eyes were almost out of focus, but he still subconsciously asked about the mistake of the three fingers.

"There is one more thing, to stay behind and guard my retreat." Old Wang smiled lightly.

"What retreat is there to defend! With this little force, everyone will die when the Japanese come, all of them will die." Major General Wang's face became completely ashamed, and he turned his head to the side while muttering to himself. At first glance, Tang Dao looked like a strong soldier. "Where is your four-element battalion, Battalion Commander Tang? How many infantry companies?"

One infantry army came with six infantry companies and one had to guard the retreat. The cruel reality has obviously refreshed the bottom line of the commander of the security regiment. When the bottom line is infinitely lowered, some people who were once despised can become the last ones. Life-saving straw.

Although the Four Elements Camp is just one camp, the camp that can be named will be a little different!At least at this moment, this is what this major general Wang and the major and adjutant who had been stunned beside him thought so.

Unfortunately, reality dealt him another heavy blow.

"My Four Elements Battalion has 103 officers and soldiers, five of them were injured, and there are still 98 who can fight!" Lei Xiong, who was standing behind Tang Dao, also sang together with Lao Wang.

The two officers who were underestimated were afraid that the provoking Major General Wang, who had lost his mind, would not be enough.

The major general with an administrative background couldn't bear the blow at all, and when he closed his eyes, he fainted.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

The commander of the major general's security regiment has been in a state of confusion since he received a telegram two hours ago that the Japanese army was landing at Jinshanwei. He would lead the Songjiang security regiment and reinforcements to defend Songjiang County.

Songjiang belongs to the land of Wu, and it has been a prosperous place since ancient times. The personnel and equipment of the Songjiang Security Corps are naturally considered good, but there are only 2000 people in it, and if they are used to fight tens of thousands of Japanese troops, isn't that an egg hitting a stone?

The psychological support that supported the major general-level commissioner to wait in the city gate instead of abandoning the city was the reinforcements that were about to arrive in the telegram.

Who knew that looking forward to the autumn water, I only hoped for a few infantry companies to come, you think this guy can't be anxious!
If he wasn't still young, he would have suffered a myocardial infarction from Lao Wang and Lei Xiong, who felt slighted, even though they were telling the truth.

"Commissioner Wang, don't get excited. Our Sixing Battalion and the 43rd Army are just forwards, and there are still troops following up. If there are no problems, we will arrive in the evening." Tang Dao glared at Lei Xiong, and rushed forward to hold him down. Hukou, the head of the security regiment of the major general who was about to faint, conveniently sent a 'Healing Pill'.

And reinforcements?This "Jiuxin Pill" is obviously more effective than the "Suxiao Jiuxin Pill" in the future. The major general's face improved greatly, and he looked earnestly: "You didn't lie to me? There are [-] folks in Songjiang City!"

"Didn't lie to you?" Tang Dao nodded. "The reason why the 43rd Army only came to five infantry companies is because they had only 700 soldiers left in the Songhu battle half a month ago, and our Sixing Battalion is the same. 98 soldiers capable of fighting are all here."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

The major general and the officers and soldiers of the security regiment behind him, who were already disappointed to the extreme, looked in disbelief at the small group of soldiers in front of them who were busy preparing weapons and equipment beside the truck with the smell of gunpowder all over their bodies.

In a big battle, there are only 700 infantry troops left, and all the remaining soldiers will come to this place where they must die. Is it true?
"I remembered, the Sixing Battalion, is it the battalion that fought bloody battles with the Japanese army at the Sixing Warehouse a few days ago?" The major's adjutant suddenly pointed at Tang Dao and shouted: "You are Tang Dao, Tang Dao, who was ordered by the theater command to send a telegram to reward you." Commander Dao Tang?"

"It seems so! It's just that I haven't received any explicit power-on rewards, I just listened to what you said." Tang Dao smiled.

"It turns out they are the Four Elements Battalion!"

"Haha, even elites like the Four Elements Battalion have been sent here, Songjiang is saved."

"Brother Chuanjun is not bad."

After the atmosphere of the scene was extremely shocked, the officers and soldiers of the security regiment who were originally serious and stiff suddenly became enthusiastic.

Anyone can't help but get emotional when they hear that these are two armies that have been scarred by bloody battles and have come to live and die with them.

At least at this time, they ignored the fact that the 43rd Army and the Four Lines Battalion had a total strength of only six or seven hundred troops.

These two heroic troops have used the ratio of casualties to explain their bravery.

When you are with brave people, you will not be timid.

This is the power of fearlessness.

Wang Gongyu also regained some courage a little bit, and took the initiative to take the hands of Lao Wang and Tang Dao very ashamedly: "Gongyu just lost his composure, please forgive me, brothers from the Sichuan Army and the Four Elements Camp risked their lives to support Songjiang, Gongyu is really grateful, the provision is easy to talk about, and it will be delivered before noon, now please enter the city, please!"

"Commander Wang doesn't need to be so polite! Please!"

"People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot." Lao Wang, who was upset just now, has become more polite now.

Tang Dao naturally has no opinion on this major general of the security regiment who has not left much history.

Because, in the previous time and space, the 67th Army and the security regiment fought bloody battles in Songjiang for three days and nights. This person can be regarded as persevering to the end, and he is stronger than those county magistrates who fled [-] miles after hearing the news.

The army entered the city, but Tang Dao refused Wang Gongyu's invitation to drink tea in his office and discuss matters. Instead, he asked the commander of the security regiment to order the entire Songjiang security regiment, which was already on standby, to gather. Some of the whole army immediately built fortifications.

This is what reinforcements should look like. Wang Gongyu didn't feel abrupt, but felt more at ease.

He just wondered why Tang Dao was the one who made the request instead of Lao Wang with a higher rank.

Is it true that the Central Army is better?A major general who has been in officialdom for decades can only find such a reasonable reason.

But the commissioner didn't know that before he set off, the military order of the 43rd Army's military department said: Establish a front enemy headquarters, and Lieutenant Colonel Tang Dao will be in command.

This is not just how much Lieutenant General Guo values ​​Tang Dao, but also contains enough wisdom in life. The military order he issued shows that he did not treat the 88th Division badly, even if there was only one infantry battalion, he did not say that the general He deployed it at will, and specially appointed a former enemy commander to match Tang Dao, even though the command power was only for more than three hours.

What's even more wonderful is that it was Pharaoh who came with Tang Dao.

If it were someone else, it would definitely be uncomfortable to be crushed by a lieutenant colonel who is a head shorter than him, but the relationship between Tang Dao and Lao Wang is different, and Lao Wang just doesn't need to bother with that brain.

It can only be said that for a superior person, his brains are too happy.

Huan was so happy that even Tang Dao, who had been a man for two generations, was a little overwhelmed.

It's just that Tang Dao doesn't care about thinking about the twists and turns in the big man's head now.

They arrived at Songjiang first, not just to An Songjiang's army and civilians first, observing the terrain and building fortifications was the top priority.

Tang Dao's head hurts.

Songjiang will not be very famous in China in the future.

Tang Dao has been to Jiangnan countless times, and he is even more familiar with several famous cities, but this is the first time he has visited Songjiang in his past and present lives.

On the way here, Tang Dao had already conceived countless times in his mind how to deploy defenses in Songjiang, but when he came to Songjiang City in person, Tang Dao knew that those imaginations outlined in his mind could be thrown into the trash.

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: There is only one chapter today. In order to control the number of words, it will be updated on the day it is released.

(End of this chapter)

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