Chapter 202
Yes, people who don’t know the history of the city of Songjiang may feel that it must be a small place when they hear this humble name. Even Tang Dao, a little butterfly from the future, subconsciously thinks of this place as into a small town.

But if you know, the history of the construction of the ancient city of Songjiang can even be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period. In the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, it was even called Songjiang Mansion, which governed Songhu County.

To put it bluntly, in history, Songhu, a metropolis that only emerged in modern times, was just a small county under Songjiang City, and Songjiang was the boss with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Songjiang City is not only not small, but also quite large.

Especially when Wang Gongyu came over with the map of Songjiang City, Tang Dao felt a little painful.

Just look at the Zhongshan Road that runs from east to west in Songjiang City, that is, after Mr. Sun visited Songjiang in the first year of the Republic of China, Songjiang people renamed this "Ten-mile Long Street" that runs through the east gate and west gate of the ancient city in memory of Zhongshan Road. Songjiang City is at least 2000 meters long from east to west.

Looking at the north and south gates, the distance between them is probably more than 1000 meters. If calculated in this way, the city wall around Songjiang alone is 6000 meters long.

That also means that just four walls need to be defended by two infantry regiments.

Of course, City University also has the advantages of City University, which means that the strategic depth is greater, and it will be dragged into street fighting if necessary.

But the Japanese army faced Songjiang, no matter how difficult it was to fight, it must be fought.

If the city is not conquered, the road around the city will be less than three or four kilometers away from the small town, and all the marching troops and supplies of the Japanese army will be within the range of the artillery of Songjiang City, unless the Japanese abandon their heavy equipment and go on the road lightly. Otherwise, if the Japanese army wants to attack the left wing of the army, it must first conquer Songjiang.

"Captain Wang, Commander Tang, should we go up to the city wall and take a look?" Wang Gongyu looked at Tang Dao and Old Wang who were frowning, feeling uneasy.

He is the commander of the security regiment, but he usually only has a name. He basically focuses on administrative affairs. Naturally, military affairs are much worse. Seeing that Tang Dao and Lao Wang, the two regular battalion-level chief officers of the regular army, frown , I naturally whispered in my heart.

In terms of everyone present, I'm afraid this is the one who least wants Songjiang to fall.

After all, this is his hometown.

"Go, go up to the city wall and have a look." Old Wang is also a very pragmatic person, he has no right to speak if he doesn't conduct a survey on the ground, just looking at the map and talking about military affairs is not his personality, so he took the lead to walk up the city wall accompanied by Wang Gongyu.

Tang Dao and Lei Xiong, as well as Lao Wang's two infantry majors and battalion commanders, all followed.

Although eager to deploy defenses earlier, the city wall was indeed long enough. Even if a group of people patrolled quickly, they walked for an hour and a half.

However, at this critical juncture, the commissioner didn't complain or feel tired. He even refused the support of the guards, gritted his teeth and trotted along with Tang Dao and the others. More respect than before, not just his major general rank.

Songjiang City has lived up to its historical status. The city wall may not be as tall and majestic as some military fortresses in the north, but it is still five or six meters high.
After countless years of baptism, the bricks on many sections of the city wall have disappeared, leaving only a section of mounds, and even the inner city wall is not vertical, but has a slope, and people can completely Running up the city wall, the exposed wall was covered with miscellaneous trees and weeds.

This embarrasses Wang Gongyu, who is the chief military and political official of Songjiang. This is probably the first time in his life that he has completely walked the entire city wall of Songjiang City.

Tang Dao, Lao Wang and the others didn't care. The defensive power of the mound and the bluestone brick city wall are actually the same in front of thermal weapons. As long as there is a vertical height, it is not so easy for the Japanese to climb up. It is thick enough to withstand bullets Cannonballs.

The defense of the city wall is slightly weak, but what is rare is that there is a moat outside the city wall.

There is no shortage of water in the Jiangnan water town. Songjiang is close to the Huangpu River. It used to be a famous cargo transshipment area in the south of the Yangtze River. The moat has several functions. It can not only protect the city but also serve as a waterway supply ship to transport goods.

The water system in the city and outside the city is connected by four water gates, and the moat that surrounds the city is connected with the Huangpu River several kilometers away. If the water in the moat is to be cut off, unless the Japanese army spends a lot of manpower and material resources to build it upstream. The dam, however, at that time, let alone hit the left wing of the Chinese army directly, the day lily will be cold.

They had to cross the 30-meter-wide moat and break through the Songjiang city wall to achieve their own strategy. Otherwise, the tactical intention of the Japanese base camp to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to transfer troops from the north would all come to naught.

This circle of moat will become the key to the defense of Songjiang City.

For this reason, Tang Dao personally went down into the moat to test the depth of the moat.

Perhaps it is only responsible for the shipping of small cargo ships. The river is not deep, which is the depth of the height of an ordinary Chinese.

However, the depth of about 1.65 meters is just right for most short-legged people to cover their heads.

There are many small boats parked in the moat, which were originally fishing boats that could go fishing in the Huangpu River along the waterway in the early morning, but now it is obviously impossible, and even the curling smoke that should have been rising has disappeared.

Songjiang City itself is not a small city, and the population attached to the entire city is even larger, which more than doubles the outward expansion of the entire city.

Looking around, along the small roads on both sides of the moat on all sides, there are densely packed houses.

Especially Zhongshan Road, known as Zhongshan Road, which passes through the East and West Gates, is full of residential buildings on both sides, and the alleys that are less than one meter wide are criss-crossing, and the houses are next to each other in a row.

The inner city with walls is like a big fruit core, while the flesh outside is as many as seven or eight miles, and as little as three or four miles.

To attack the city, the Japanese first had to go through those intricate alleys.

Tang Dao's eyes narrowed, it seemed that these could be used.

What the soldiers saw was actually the panic of people inside and outside the city.

Although the Songjiang County administrative agency has not yet issued a warning of the impending Japanese invaders, the gathering of the fully armed security team and the arrival of Tang Dao and others have already made the common people who had already been on edge because of the Songhu Battle instinctively feel the danger.

Many people have already started to pack up their belongings, planning to stay away from the city as soon as they have confirmed news.

This is actually a very correct choice. If you stay in the city, you will either die from the raging artillery fire, or you will become the target of the wild beasts who invaded the city to vent their anger.

Tang Dao knows better than everyone in this era the virtues of the beasts of the Japanese Tenth Army. It is precisely because of these culprits that they finally led to the massacre that shocked China and the world.

Songjiang must not be the first.

"Commissioner Wang, Commander Guo hasn't come yet, but some things must be done in advance." Tang Dao said very seriously.

"Tang Battalion Commander, tell me."

"First, Songjiang County must immediately inform all Songjiang residents that due to the attack of the Japanese army, they must leave Songjiang City with their valuables before sunset today, and it is recommended not to go in the direction of Kunshan, but to hide in relatives' homes in the countryside Just two or three months, and then return home after the war has stabilized.

Second, I hope that Songjiang County can recruit 5000 young men to help our army build fortifications from noon to tomorrow morning. "

"Okay!" Wang Gongyu agreed without a word.

As soon as he walked down the city wall, the inspector commissioner of the third administrative region of Jiangsu and Zhejiang issued the highest administrative order in the Songjiang area with the Great Seal.

All the people in Songjiang City, regardless of high-ranking officials or peddlers, all left the city. In order to speed up, everyone could only leave with a certain amount of money and food.

The security team may not have been able to fight well, but they were definitely good at dealing with the common people. Within half an hour, the small town of Songjiang, which was originally restless, was already crying loudly.

No one wants to leave their homes, let alone take away those valuable belongings, especially for those rich and wealthy families, it is simply their rebellion, and some people even organize family armed forces to try to resist.

In troubled times, the magistrate of Songjiang showed a cruelty different from his gentle and elegant appearance at this time. He directly ordered, and those who refused to accept the order could be shot dead on the spot.

Accompanied by the sound of brutal gunshots, seeing that the security team no longer took money to do things as usual, but directly showed their sharp fangs, the rich and rich who took the lead in making troubles suddenly became more honest.

That's not to mention, the recruitment of five thousand young men proposed by Tang Dao earlier, this one is also doing his best to complete it.

. . . . . . . . . .

Ps: Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday!Let me inform you again that it will be on the shelves tomorrow at 12 noon. Book friends who support Fengyue are ready to subscribe. Subscription results are very important to Fengyue, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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