Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 217 The Mill is about to take shape

Chapter 217 The Mill is about to take shape

The Four Elements Battalion has left!

Songjiang, a large construction site, is still fighting at night.

Those who are tired lie down by the campfire and smoke a cigarette and take a nap for a few minutes, and then get up when they recover some strength.

Everyone in Songjiang City is draining the last bit of energy for their future, because they still want to go home.The chances are slim, but why not give it a try!If you miss tonight, I'm afraid you won't even have the qualifications to fight.

The entire Songjiang City is like an armed fortress, built up visible to the naked eye.

The firepower construction planned by Tang Dao is gradually taking shape.

Numerous trenches connected the houses between the blocks, and then extended to all parts of the city wall.

The six large air-raid shelters are like big spiders. The seven or eight trenches extending from the air-raid shelters are like long spider legs, winding and extending to various parts of the city. The six infantry regiments of the 67th Army will use these six Large-scale air-raid shelters set up their own defense zones for the troop caves and command centers.

The other two infantry regiments act as supplementary regiments. If the infantry regiment on the front line suffers too many casualties, they will go on top, at least to let the infantry regiment on the front line breathe a sigh of relief.

Six firepower points were excavated in each city wall, and the interior was supported by steel plates and logs. The main firepower was an infantry gun or rapid-fire gun, supplemented by two heavy machine guns as secondary firepower.

Above each firepower point, that is, on the battlements, the reinforced sandbag fortifications are also used as infantry bunkers, enough for two infantry squads to enter.In order to prevent the large-scale bombardment of the city wall by the Japanese invaders, traffic trenches were built behind each infantry bunker. Only when the Japanese army stopped bombarding the infantry and began to attack, the infantry would climb the city wall from the traffic trench.

Regardless of the fact that there are as many as six infantry regiments defending the four walls, in fact, the firepower points inside the city wall plus the positions above the wall can only invest six infantry companies at a time.

A defensive war is a war of attrition.

What is consumed is not only weapons and ammunition, but also human life.

Tang Dao's conclusion is cruel, but it is a proof of the final result of several large-scale urban defense battles in World War II.

A few years later, the famous battle of certain Gele broke out in the land of red polar bears. The two sides invested more than 200 million troops, and the death toll exceeded one million. The casualties in a day were tens of thousands, and these were only soldiers.

Of the 85 inhabitants who failed to evacuate that city, only 1500 remained after the war.

Compared with the kind of battlefield where the hairs stand on end just by looking at the numbers, the city attack and defense battle where China and Japan have invested less than a hundred thousand troops is simply a child's play.

However, consuming materials, consuming lives, and consuming all the courage you can think of is the essence of urban defense warfare.

The infantry regiments of the 67th Army are all standard regiments, each regiment has a strength of 2500 people, and the six infantry regiments have more than 15 people. Using the coldest human life formula, it is enough to consume [-] rounds.

If the exchange ratio of the offensive and defensive sides is 1:2, the Japanese army wants to consume all of these more than 10,000 people. I am afraid that they will have to pay an entire division to accompany them. It depends on the 6th division and the title of "Double B of the Empire" The one in the 18th Division has the guts.

As for the scumbags of the 114th Division, Tang Dao didn't count them at all. A division commander who only dared to bring an infantry brigade here is worth paying attention to.

In addition to infantry, the most important thing is of course the artillery that poses the greatest threat to the Japanese army.

The 26th Division contributed its last four infantry cannons, which were filled into the firepower points inside the city wall by General Wu without hesitation, but the two mountain cannons, which were regarded as treasures, did not pay much attention.

The reason is that there is no shortage of mountain artillery in the 67th Army. The proud and high muzzles of the 48 artillery pieces of the three mountain artillery battalions and one field artillery battalion made Commander Guo's eyes green, and he was almost envious.

Naturally, the two mountain cannons were handed over to the Sixing Battalion to take away. The "local tyrant" 67th Army didn't need it, but it didn't mean that the 43rd Army, which had been suffering all the time, didn't want it.

The two heavy mortar battalions were placed around the air-raid shelter not far from the city wall. In the event of Japanese heavy artillery and air threats, these not too heavy artillery artillery could still carry them and avoid them.

But the mountain artillery and field artillery are not good, and there is no fortification. Once the location is detected by the Japanese reconnaissance plane, it will be a dead end.

Because the depth of Songjiang is so great, where can the mountain cannons and wild cannons be transferred?Since you can't run very far, you can only resist hard.

Use stronger fortifications.

In such a short period of time, it is naturally impossible to build that kind of reinforced concrete permanent fortifications, and semi-permanent ones should be okay.

The 3 artillery pieces of 48 mountain artillery battalions and [-] field artillery battalion were placed in semi-permanent fortifications made of logs and sandbags as the main materials. A spire resembling a roof.

That is to avoid being detected by the Japanese aircraft.

More important than camouflage, naturally the fortification itself must be strong enough.

Cut the main material that can be used as roof beams as the top of the fortification, and cover it with one meter thick sand and two layers of sandbags, which can basically withstand the bombardment of 75-caliber mountain artillery, even if it is a 150-caliber heavy artillery, as long as it is not hit directly. The fortifications protecting the artillery will not be completely destroyed.

In order to avoid the terrible explosion caused by the shell being hit, there will be a small basement with a depth of 3 meters in the ground near the fortification. It is said that the basement is actually a simple cave. , Dig a hole deep into the ground, and then support it with wooden pillars removed from the house, and then dig a slope to the ground to facilitate the gunner to move the shells.

And this kind of special fortification for artillery has shooting openings with an area of ​​more than 2 square meters on all sides, which basically ensures that the curved-fire howitzer can project shells to most areas outside Songjiang City.

These were all built according to Tang Dao's fortification construction design drawings. From the beginning, Tang Dao did not intend to let these artillery and Japanese artillery confront each other. They had only one target, the Japanese infantry within five kilometers from the city.

That means, I don't care how you beat me, since I only work as infantry anyway.

That’s because, regardless of the fact that the Liao-made 67th field artillery and mountain artillery equipped by the 75th Army are basically based on the Krupp [-]mm caliber artillery, they are no worse than the [-]-type mountain artillery equipped by the Japanese army in terms of range and power. , but as the attacking side, the more flexible Japanese artillery can shift positions at any time, but at this time there is no anti-battery radar, and the Japanese artillery position can be calculated according to the trajectory.

If there is advanced wireless equipment, Tang Dao can get back to his old job --- special forces, go to lurk outside the city, find artillery positions, and report the target coordinates to his own artillery remotely.

But unfortunately, there is no such thing. The most long-distance communication equipment currently equipped by China and Japan is a heavy field radio.

No matter how awesome Tang Dao is, it's impossible to dangle around with such a big guy on his back!
Instead of wasting ammunition to try their luck and suppress each other with Japanese artillery, it would be better to kill and injure Japanese infantry in large numbers.

The three artillery battalions are located in three directions, which can basically guarantee that at least twelve cannons can kill the Japanese infantry in any direction of the four walls.

As a cannon, field artillery is naturally aimed at farther areas, such as armored targets.

In order to ensure that the four artillery battalions can fire on the designated targets in a timely manner, Tang Dao even placed the positions of the artillery observers on the city wall. For this reason, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower digging out the artillery observation posts on the top of the city walls, and even specially buried them for each observation post. Several telephone lines and several telephones.

Once the telephone line is blown up by artillery fire, not only the communication soldiers will be responsible for repairing it, but the semaphore that is not commonly used will also be used.

For this reason, the four artillery battalions borrowed almost all the telescopes of each infantry battalion except the chief officer, and they needed to be able to obtain the artillery coordinates in the fastest time.

These, before the 67 troops of the [-]th Army, were nothing more than blueprints drawn on blueprints and a pile of ruins, but after five or six hours of work by tens of thousands of people, they gradually began to take shape.

Civilians may not understand it very well, but the officers and soldiers of the 67th Army and the 43rd Army have all experienced wars, so they naturally know how powerful these fortifications are.

Based on this alone, if the Japanese want to fight in, don't even think about it without losing their lives. Even if they enter the city, there will be more brutal street fighting waiting for them.

According to the plan, each regiment, battalion, company, and even squad has its own defensive area, just like a residential house. If you conquer the living room, there will still be resistance in the bedroom and the backyard.

According to Deputy Director Tang of the General Staff Department, every inch of land in Songjiang City will become a battlefield.

It's so ruthless.

This was the first thought that flashed to every battalion-level commander who got the planning map of their respective defensive areas.

They have no doubt that when the wounded Japanese army breaks through the city wall full of joy and breaks into this small city, they will be extremely desperate to find that what awaits them is not a delicious victory, but the real battle has just begun.

They had only just knocked on the door of a great mill.

The big millstones that have already begun to be turned by the officers and soldiers of both sides need to be ground only the flesh and blood of the soldiers of both sides.

. . . . . . .

PS: The update is a bit late, because Fengyue just came back from the high school entrance examination in Hubei today.Ahem, I came back with my little girl who just finished the Chinese exam, I hope her next exam goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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