Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 218 The sound of hoofs is like thunder

Chapter 218 The sound of hoofs is like thunder
The grassroots commanders in Songjiang marveled at the perfection and cruelty of the firepower planning in the city.

The rumbling sound of horseshoes sounded like muffled thunder, and suddenly came from outside the city from far to near.

Seeing a cavalry squad rushing towards the headquarters in the city, the faces of the Northeast Army's northern men became serious.

With the rise of hot weapons, the cavalry, the king of the cold weapon era, has actually been marginalized, but it does not mean that it has been completely eliminated.

Looking at the armies of various countries, cavalry units actually exist, not just as a guard of honor for decoration.

Cavalry has super mobility in short distances, and at the beginning of this era of mechanization, it is still an indispensable existence in the army.

And as China's most vast Northeast Plain, how can there be no figures of fast-moving cavalry on the black soil?

The two infantry divisions under the 67th Army are each equipped with a cavalry battalion, plus the cavalry battalion directly under the special service regiment of the military headquarters, a total of three cavalry battalions and six cavalry companies.

Just for the more than a thousand horses used by these cavalry, the 67th Army used the entire army to transport them.

You can know how much these northern men love cavalry from the fact that the cavalry even prefer to hang themselves outside the carriage and make enough space for their beloved horses to be comfortable during long-distance transportation.

The strongest cavalry is mobile combat capability.

At this moment, Songjiang City has become a porcupine in armor under Tang Dao's plan. It is undoubtedly bound to bind the cavalry who are good at mobile combat in the city.

Therefore, since Lieutenant General Wu saw the battle plan of Tang Dao's entire army retreating into the city, he first ordered to scatter all his cavalry troops out of the city.

The three cavalry battalions each carry a field radio station, with Songjiang City as the center and a radius of 30 miles as the active area. Or retreat, do not specify combat tasks.

This is to give full play to the mobility and flexibility of the cavalry. When encountering a small group of Japanese troops or transport troops, they will rush to attack them.

Even if the Japanese army is equipped with motorcycles and cars, it is in vain. China's underdeveloped road network itself is one of the reasons why the Japanese army, which has entered the process of semi-mechanization, cannot advance quickly.

Don’t think that the cavalry is just riding a horse and running faster. Combat is like the era of cold weapons, holding a saber and relying on the high speed of the horse to rush to harvest the opponent’s head. This almost suicidal tactic of saber charge will never be used unless it is a critical moment.

Not only is the Chinese army equipped with cavalry, but the Japanese army has even more cavalry equipment. Almost every division has a dedicated cavalry wing.

The cavalry in the Chinese and Japanese troops are now basically "Lancers", that is, equipped with cavalry guns, light and heavy machine guns, and even light support firepower such as grenades and mortars. To put it bluntly, they are infantry on horseback. Relying on strong mobility to reach the target battlefield, get off the horse and attack the enemy. Once you can't beat it, get on the horse and slip away.

Of course, there is still a huge difference between cavalry and infantry with lances. Once they charge on horseback, the overwhelming posture, just feeling the vibration of the ground, can scare the timid infantry into the urine up.

Once the cavalry who left their lances and sabers rushed into the position, it would be the end of the infantry. They almost didn't need to be hacked with knives, and they were basically crippled if they were hit by a war horse weighing hundreds of catties.

Therefore, the three cavalry battalions that were scattered within dozens of miles around Songjiang City can be regarded as a handful of "barbed thorns" that General Wu planted for the Japanese army. It broke our hearts.

But why, a cavalry squad rushed into the city in such a hurry in the early hours of the morning?Is there any important military situation that cannot be reported on the radio?Could it be that the military situation of the Japanese army has changed?

The more intelligent officers felt a little apprehensive, and they couldn't help urging the soldiers to speed up the construction of the fortifications.

Before sunrise, no matter what, the fortifications that are being formed must be completed.

Under the huge threat to their lives, the whole city of Songjiang, regardless of the military and civilians, almost dug out their last sliver of potential.

Matsue headquarters!
A ragged Chinese soldier covered in bandages was lying on a stretcher. His lips were chapped due to extreme thirst, revealing fresh flesh. Has come a long way.

However, the thought of walking on the ground with bare flesh and blood feet, even the most tenacious soldier, can't help but feel a chill in his heart, it is undoubtedly walking on the tip of a knife.

But this one, it is very likely that he has already walked dozens of kilometers in this way.

The organization on the armband of his military uniform is the 28th Regiment of the 62nd Division of the 367th Army, and the division and the regiment seem to be stationed in the Jinshanwei area [-] kilometers away.

The bandage was tied on him by the cavalry company. In the words of the major cavalry battalion commander who personally sent the Hunan soldier to Songjiang: "When I saw this senior soldier, he was crawling on the road. According to the traces at the scene, he He has climbed at least three miles, and the scars on his body are all rubbed out alive. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that a person would have such willpower. The three miles must have been climbed almost in a coma. .”

Yes, the first class soldier who was still in a coma was actually not because of serious injuries, but was so exhausted that when two cavalrymen brought him back to Songjiang City from ten kilometers away in soft bags, he was in a deep sleep almost in a coma state. He didn't even move when Tantai Mingyue moistened his chapped lips with a wet towel dipped in water.

And the reason why the commander of the cavalry battalion personally escorted this upper class soldier from the Hunan Army to the headquarters was because, before the upper class soldier completely fell into a coma, after confirming the identity of the 67th Army cavalry company as his own, he told them that he was Came from Jinshan County.

Jinshan County was the second pass to the Tenth Army of the Japanese Army, and he might have information about what the officers wanted. The commander of the cavalry battalion dared to be negligent, so he hurriedly personally escorted this live information.

In the headquarters, the two lieutenant generals and Tang Dao were patiently waiting for the exhausted soldier to wake up.

Looking at his bloody feet and hands, no one had the heart to wake up this Hunan soldier.

As for whether he is a spy of the Japanese army, a spy who can make himself so miserable that it is difficult to breathe, that is really a trick.

It was still early in the morning, and the generals had time to wait.

After Tantai Mingyue fed several spoonfuls of rice soup to the unconscious soldier with a spoon, the soldier who finally got some energy supplies gradually opened his eyes. Perhaps it was the bright lights in the room that made him a little startled, so he didn't even look carefully at the soldiers in the house. The figure, in a panic, first knocked down the spoon in Tantai Mingyue's hand, then turned over and rolled off the stretcher, and habitually touched his waist.

But obviously, he would be disappointed. The bayonet that was hanging there was still on the conference table a few meters away.

Tang Dao looked at the senior soldier with a look of despair on his face with some pity, stepped forward, and growled softly: "This is Songjiang Command, soldier, report your number!"

Until then, the first class soldier, who was gradually getting used to the bright lights in the room, finally saw the Chinese military uniform standing on Tang Dao in front of him. Perhaps he also remembered the people he met before he fell into a coma. Looking around, he saw two people who were also wearing Chinese military uniforms. A soldier with a golden star shining on his collar badge, and a female soldier with a gentle expression.

"This is Songjiang? Where are you brothers from?" the soldier asked blankly with a thick Hunan accent.

"Yes, this is Songjiang. This is Lieutenant General Wu Keren, commander of the 67th Army, and Lieutenant General Guo Rudong, commander of the 43rd Army." Tang Dao nodded affirmatively.

"It's really Songjiang! Woohoo! Tuan Zuo, Sanwa promised you, and you did it." The private first class squatted down, and suddenly grinned and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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