Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 219 Message from Jinshan

Chapter 219 Message from Jinshan

Big teardrops flowed down from the first class soldier's face blackened by the gunpowder smoke, making the ugly face that was already swollen due to friction even more shocking.

Big teardrops slid across his face and dripped onto his clothes, soaking his dirty military uniform.

He was so sad that there were still a lot of snot bubbles coming out, just like a poor child.

But no one laughed at him.

The two generals looked serious, Tang Dao looked dignified, and Tantai Mingyue had tears in his eyes. They were both soldiers, and they could all feel the intense sadness in the heart of the senior soldier.

No one persuaded him, everyone was waiting, waiting for a little soldier to finish crying.

After crying for an incense stick of kung fu in one breath, the senior soldier who had vented his sorrow wiped his face muddy with tears and snot with his sleeve, tried his best to stand up, stood upright, and saluted the two generals and Tang Dao.

"Report sir, Qiang Sanwa, an orderly soldier of the 62th Regiment of the 367nd Division, was ordered to report the battle report of Jinshan County to Songjiang County."

"Hmm! Say it!" General Wu raised his hand to return the salute.

"Jinshan County has fallen in the evening of November 11th! Please prepare to face the Japanese invaders, sirs." Sanwa, the top soldier, continued to report.

The two lieutenant generals and Tang Dao looked at each other in surprise. This information was not only unexpected but also too important to them.

The defenders of Jinshan County held on for an afternoon before falling?

You must know that the defense of the tidal flats lasted all morning because the Japanese army could not invest a large amount of troops, and the landing battle was originally beneficial to the defenders.

But when the Japanese army won the landing battle, at least a brigade or even more Japanese troops who went ashore would rush to Jinshan County not far away.

Jinshan County is located in a remote place, and the protection of the city walls cannot be compared with that of Songjiang, which used to be a city.

The regiment has lost contact with its division headquarters since it sent out the telegram of the failure of the Jinshanwei tidal flat defense battle in the afternoon, so the theater command was unable to report the military situation in the direction of Jinshan on the afternoon of November 11 to the Songjiang front line.

Everyone can only think that they were already defeated at that time, and the regiment headquarters lost its communication ability. Unexpectedly, they persisted until the evening before being breached. This battle report brought by the oral message is really surprising.

Of course, accidents are far less important than this battle report to China.

Tang Dao began to calculate frantically in his mind.

If Jinshan County only fell in the evening, it meant that the main force of the Japanese army would never have time to march to Songjiang overnight.

There is only one simple road from Jinshan County to Songjiang County by land. Once the army marches at night and encounters an ambush, they will undoubtedly give away their own heads.

If you want to send troops quickly, you can only go by water, but the Huangpu River does not have such a large amount of water at this time. It is impossible for large ships with a draft of several meters to break into it. At most, only small gunboats or light destroyers can enter. Huangpu River waterway.

The troops that can be projected in that way are also limited.

Perhaps, this point can also be used to make a fuss on both sides of the Huangpu River.

Of course, using the waterway to make a fuss is only second. The most important thing is that if the main force of the Japanese army dare not march at night, it means that Songjiang has won another day. The Chinese officers and soldiers who built the fortifications are beneficial, and it is also a life-saving straw for the hundreds of thousands of troops who have already flocked to the only road.

Tang Dao had almost seen the flashes of light in the eyes of the two lieutenant generals at the same time.

What Tang Dao can think of, veteran soldiers who have been in the army for more than [-] years can naturally think of it even more.

Perhaps this sudden extra twelve hours could save the lives of tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers.

Although Tang Dao knew that in the previous time and space, the Japanese army and the 6th Army almost arrived in Songjiang on the evening of the 67th, but the 67th Army, which arrived too late, could not have informed the theater headquarters of the specific arrival time of the Japanese army on the night of the 5th.

The Huxi army, who didn't know the situation on the Songjiang front line, could only retreat regardless. As a result, during the daytime on November 11, the entire highway was blocked into a pot of porridge. Japanese fighter planes dropped bombs almost recklessly. A tragic scene happened.

But it was different now. The Songjiang Frontline Command, which had learned of the Jinshanwei frontline battle report, could have telegraphed to the theater headquarters that the landing Japanese troops were blocked by Jinshanwei all day long on the 5th. Even if they marched urgently, they would not reach Songjiang until the afternoon of the 6th at the earliest.

The sudden 12 hours longer than the generals in panic imagined, should make them feel a little more at ease, so they won't throw away their heavy equipment, abandon their wounded soldiers and run away like before!

Of course, the premise of all this is that this frontline battle report from Jinshan County is absolutely true, and it is related to the time point of the safety of hundreds of thousands of people, and there is no room for omissions.

Even the authenticity of the Hunan Army soldier in front of him is as high as 90.00% in terms of his identity certificate and performance.

"Since Jinshan County has fallen, in which direction are your regiment headquarters and the retreating troops retreating? Why don't you use the field radio to report the situation to the division headquarters? How will our army respond to them?" , the first class soldier who was still trembling slightly continued to ask questions.

"The radio station was hit by heavy shelling when the Japanese army began to attack the county. Chief of Staff Zheng and the communication platoon were all killed. I followed the regiment to the front line and survived." The swollen face of the corporal twitched violently. Difficult answer.

There was silence in the house.

"Also, sir, you don't have to bother to respond." The first class soldier gritted his back molars, his face twisted to the point of ferocity, and he was able to answer the last question asked by Lieutenant General Guo. "When I left Jinshan County, I saw from a distance that the regiment headquarters in Jinshan County was blown up. Before I left, the regiment asked me to prepare three boxes of grenades for him."

Silence, there was a silence in the headquarters.

The meaning of Qiang Sanwa was naturally very clear to the three soldiers.

Don't bother responding, that will naturally destroy the whole regiment.

"Before I left, in order to prove my identity and to leave a memory for Mrs. Tuanza, the group gave this to me." Qiang Sanwa took out a small bag wrapped in a sweat-soaked red cloth from her arms. Small parcel.

Tantai Mingyue took it.

Gently unravel, layer by layer.

Inside are two colonel collar badges, and a piece of letterhead that should be written temporarily.

The colonel's collar badge was naturally a relic of the colonel's head who was determined to live and die with the position. With the two lieutenant generals' familiarity with military ranks, they knew at a glance that it would definitely not be forged.

But this still doesn't prove anything.

Perhaps, that handwritten letter is the key.

When Tantai Mingyue was instructed by General Wu to open the messy folded letter paper, a bloody smell came out, and the characters that had dried up to dark brown clearly showed the original material of 'ink'.

Tantai Mingyue's hand trembled slightly.

It was a blood book.

A letter written in blood.

There are a lot of words, but it seems a bit messy, which shows to the people who read this letter that the writer is trying to keep calm but fails in the end.

Come to think of it, knowing that the position was about to be breached, the colonel, who had already decided to stay and fight to the death, thought about the person he wanted to share with, his mood was still uncontrollably agitated.

"Read!" Lieutenant General Wu roared in a low voice.

"Dear He, this is the book of farewell!" Tantai Mingyue, who was holding the blood book, trembled slightly again.

(End of this chapter)

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