Chapter 230
You can dodge bullets by lying on your stomach, but you can't dodge shells.

What is the result of a grenade weighing 22 kg exploding on the sand?
The Chinese soldiers on the ground only saw balls of flames, and then they were thrown away by the air waves along with bushes and human bodies.

But in fact, for the Japanese army suffering from hell-level artillery fire, the most terrifying thing was not the air waves.

After all, the big guys are all obediently lying on their stomachs. As long as the shells don't just fall within seven or eight meters of their sides, their lives are still guaranteed.

But the sand formed and piled up after thousands of years of river scouring has become an accomplice to the explosive energy explosion. After being stimulated by the explosive energy, it is like countless sharp arrows, more terrifying than the shrapnel flying around.

When a piece of accelerated yellow sand hits the human body, it is a blood hole.

But here, nothing else, is full of yellow sand.

This is equivalent to adding to the attack power of these big mortar shells again, increasing the power by at least 20.00%.

Once the shells after the bonus were fired, they often took away several lives, but the Japanese soldiers who suffered from this kind of pain had no way to hide, no way to avoid it, and could only suffer.

Because there are countless guns staring at them, as long as they dare to jump up and run, the ferocious stream of bullets will make them lie down in the grass again.

Lying on the sand and waiting, waiting for the god of death to ignore him, or to come and chat with them kindly.

The Chinese artillery, on the other hand, was extremely regular, like plowing, sweeping across the sandbar from the left side to the right side.

The Japanese army could only watch as the scythe of death was harvested, and then was torn into pieces by the artillery fire, or, survived the rest of the artillery fire, and before they had time to rejoice, they saw that the mortar that had been blasted for a round was shot from another round. Fry on one side.

The fear of waiting for death is even more painful than being directly bombarded to death by a cannonball.

But the Chinese are extremely patient, and they seem to have no shortage of ammunition reserves, and they have no intention of using infantry to launch a charge attack.

Finally, when the artillery fire shifted to one side regularly again, the remaining Japanese soldiers who were still lying in the grass couldn't help it.

Jump up and run like crazy.

Of course, they didn't want to play charge.

The artillery of the Chinese even extinguished the three gunboats of the navy. Their infantry is nothing in front of others!
The sandbar is not too wide, only tens of meters, which allows the artillery fire to rage well, and at the same time gives the Japanese army a very short escape distance. As long as they run fast enough, they can jump into the river. Relying on their proficient water skills, Swim all the way back to the sea.
All right!In fact, no Japanese army wanted to go so far away.

They just want to escape from this purgatory, they just don't want to watch themselves being bombed to the sky, they just want to live.

Live in this moment.

As for their water quality and whether they can escape from birth, they really didn't think too much about it.

The machine guns and rifles that had been waiting in full battle were waiting for this moment, waiting for the Japanese infantry who could no longer withstand the shelling to show up.

The blazing gunfire was no less than the sound of artillery.

I don't know how many Japanese troops were swept down by bullets at the moment they just started.

However, because the entire sandbar is shrouded in thick gunpowder smoke, the distance of 300 meters is still too far for infantry. This is not a shooting range. There are still many lucky ones who escaped the splash of shrapnel and the torrent of bullets .

At least more than 60 Japanese soldiers jumped into the Huangpu River.

That scene was spectacular.

As a veteran who lived to the end of the war told his great-grandson who had just put on a red scarf the story of him beating devils:
The Japanese were so anxious that they just lined up and jumped into the river with your grandpa and my guns on their shoulders. I only pulled the bolt of the gun twice and fired two shots in total. I watched a dozen Japanese devils helplessly. Jump into the river, and then they disappear.

"Master, they all dived and swam away?" The little boy was full of regret.

"Silly boy, they have big leather boots on their feet, magazines on their bodies, grenades hanging on their bodies, and sapper shovels in their waists. It's probably okay to dive, but it's not certain whether they can swim or not." The veteran smiled. said.

The veteran can't give his little grandson the most accurate answer, but he who has lived into the future knows very well that even an elite special soldier will have to practice for years and years.

As for whether the Japanese infantry had this practice, the veterans are 100% sure that they did not.

According to the cavalry company sent people to the sandbar to count after the battle. After more than 20 minutes of fighting and shelling, the Japanese army who stepped on the wrong place left 330 corpses on the sandbar. Some of them may have been alive, but they may have been boarded on the sandbar. The murderous Chinese soldiers sweeping the battlefield were frightened.

Murderous, really scary.

So, on the sandbar, there were only corpses.

As for the number of Japanese troops who jumped into the river in a panic and tried to return to the sea by swimming, the cavalry company could not count.

Because their diving skills are good, they will disappear if they jump off.

In the future, everyone has the potential to be a diver.

Maybe only the Japanese side knows about it.

The Tenth Army battle report after the war described the losses caused by the reconnaissance squadron because of the wrong choice of the landing site: The reconnaissance squadron of the 114th Division, including Major Hideyuki Koyama, landed 396 people, 330 people died in battle, and 65 people were missing. 1 person was injured.

The so-called disappearance on the battlefield is naturally the kind that can never come back.

The Huangpu River is not the small rivers on small Japanese islands. In such a cold and cold late autumn, not to mention the rapids of the river, even the rapid drop in body temperature can kill a person with good water quality.

It is not difficult to land on the sandbar and clean the battlefield. A few guys who can swim across the sandbar with ropes, nailed wooden stakes, and formed a rope bridge on the river bank and the sandbar. A cavalry company climbed the rope and entered the sandbar.

It's not for the sake of counting the casualties of the Japanese army, but the spoils of war are indispensable. There are hundreds of rifles with light machine guns and grenades, enough to arm an infantry battalion.

As for mending the knife or prisoners of war, Tang Dao, as the commander, is commanding the artillery unit to dismantle the cannon and put it on horseback. He believes that the northeast cavalry who have dealt with the Japanese army a lot will make the right choice.

It took about half an hour to clean up the battlefield, and the artillerymen also mounted their horses and retreated under the protection of two infantry companies with all the spoils.

Tang Dao's prediction was very accurate. The four Japanese fighter planes arrived at the battlefield about 30 minutes after Tang Dao led the crowd away. In the deserted battlefield, the legendary Chinese with artillery did not even see a shadow.

30 minutes is enough for the cavalry to run seven or eight kilometers.And Tang Dao ordered the cavalry company to move separately early on, and after staying away from the battlefield, they hid in the woods for a while.

Unreconciled, the Japanese fighter planes simply flew to Songjiang City not far away, thinking that they would come anyway, and as long as they dropped the bomb on the Chinese people's heads, they would not lose money.

It's a pity that Songjiang City is not Jinshanwei, and the 67th Army is not the impoverished Sichuan Army and Hunan Army. There is an air defense battalion in the city, and the remaining 6 Oerlikon single-barreled machine guns may not be as agile as Su Luotong. , but air defense is its strong point.

The six tongues of fire that shot out suddenly startled the four Japanese planes. Before they could reach the sky above Songjiang City, they shook their wings and dropped their bombs and flew away.

However, several large pits were left in the mud outside the city, so this trip was not in vain.

As for the three gunboats, they had already been bombed to the point of being riddled with holes. Although they were not sunk, they had completely lost power and were drifting downstream along the river.

The tactical goal has been achieved, and it doesn't matter whether the gunboat can be completely destroyed. When Tang Dao ordered the artillery to turn to attack the Japanese infantry, he had already given up three iron bumps.

That is probably the only thing the Japanese navy can be proud of when the Japanese navy and army are arguing with each other about their defeat in this battle.

None of Lao Tzu's three gunboats was lost. The blood and countless bullet holes on the ship all proved the bravery of the Imperial Navy, and there are still 43 people alive on Lao Tzu's three gunboats. What about your army millipedes?How many survived?Pull it out for Grandpa to take a look at.

This kind of shameless remarks almost didn't drive the senior generals of the Tenth Army headed by Yanagawa Heisuke crazy.

Dare to love, do you still have dozens of people alive?When the infantry was being bombarded wildly by the Chinese, why did you keep silent as if you were all killed?Are your three 80mm naval guns blocked by horse manure?

Japanese Navy: In order to protect the heavy weapons of the empire from being destroyed, our navy warriors endured humiliation.
Japanese Army: Even pretending to be dead is said to be so noble by you, and you are the only ones in the navy.

Japanese Navy: I have fewer people who died.

Japanese Army: Nima coins.

(End of this chapter)

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