Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 231: Get used to it after being beaten a lot

Chapter 231 Get used to it after being beaten too much (Please subscribe! Monthly ticket at the end of the month!)

Regardless of the fact that the Japanese navy and army were confronted with the Chinese for the first time in the early morning of November 11th, they were slapped with a sap, how to quarrel into a pot of porridge, accuse each other and abuse each other, Songjiang City, a place that must pass through, will still be fought. .

As the biggest victim and the abuser who was vented by Commander Lieutenant General Hirasuke Yanagawa, one of the miscellaneous troops in the Japanese Army, the 114th Division hurried on the road before they had finished their breakfast.

Yes, just as there are Type A divisions and Type B divisions in China, the same is true for the Japanese Army. The 20 standing divisions are Type A divisions, that is, those with numbers up to 100 are Type A, and those with numbers other than [-] are Type B. In the later period of the war, there were more vegetable C divisions.

However, it is by no means to say that the second division is not good. The 114th division is the strongest among the second divisions, and it has become one of the seven divisions that broke into Jinling in time and space and committed heinous crimes.

It's just that this guy's own unlucky attribute is too strong. In the past time and space, he only stayed in China for two years, and his designation was revoked because the head of his division was killed.

But this time, the original unlucky attribute was obviously added because of the arrival of a certain little butterfly.

When they came up, they were slapped and slapped by the Chinese.

The face of the head of the division, Moji Suematsu, has been ashen ever since he received the Yusha telegram from the reconnaissance squadron.

Landing from the Jinshanwei beach, the 114th Division, which was used as the forward of the Tenth Army, began to hit a wall.

In the landing battle on the morning of November 11th, they killed nearly a thousand people from the Chinese side, and nearly a thousand casualties among themselves.

But in the afternoon, a small offensive and defensive battle, with the help of naval guns and the artillery carried by the division, unexpectedly lost hundreds of battles, and was delayed for precious time.

The face is already swollen.

However, when he was bored at sea, he even thought of his wife staying alone in the empty boudoir and wearing a stack of hats for him, but he never thought that his 400-man reconnaissance squadron would be completely destroyed.

The most exaggerated thing is that those idiots died as soon as they died, and they never sent back a ten-cent reconnaissance report.

Are they going to send heads to the Chinese people thousands of miles away?
"Mr. Moji, please send your troops to Songjiang immediately. The honor of the Imperial Army cannot be discredited like this." The wording of Yanagawa Hirasuke's call was not intense, but his anger that had already been fully raised was vivid on the paper.

How could Moji Suematsu, who was reprimanded so mercilessly by the commander of the same rank, not be angry?
Chinese, do you think my 114th division is easy to bully?Or, why is it always me who gets hurt?
After being frustrated three times in a row, the once smug Lieutenant General of the Type B Division sat on his green horse, feeling self-pitying.

To put it bluntly, the base camp formed the Tenth Army in North China, dispatched the 114th Division known as the 'Empire Double B', and the 114th Division known as 'Black Skin, Bright Red Blood', and then felt that the strength was still not enough , additionally caught up with him, a part of the 114th Division who had just entered North China, and he might feel that the combat effectiveness of the [-]th Division was a bit sloppy, so he specially equipped them with a detachment, which was under the control of his [-]th Division in name, but actually came from the fifth division. The Kunisaki Detachment, which has nearly [-] troops in the division, basically ignored him.

They are all awesome Class A divisions, but he is the only Type B division, and he is allowed to play forward. This is using his 114th Division as cannon fodder.

Belittled by his colleagues, and his subordinates do not live up to expectations, Lieutenant General Shigeru Suematsu and nearly [-] people under him will not hold their breath!

The object of venting anger can only be the Chinese.

Quick march all the way.

At noon, the Chinese cavalry, 15 kilometers away from Songjiang City, saw the billowing smoke and dust stirred up by the Japanese vanguard through the binoculars.

The death of nearly 400 people under his command proved that the Chinese defenders in the Songjiang area were much more daring than he imagined. Moji Suematsu has learned his lesson this time. The Chinese dared to release the artillery out of the city to attack the gunboats in the middle of the river. Not to mention infantry.

In the vanguard alone, there are more than half of the cavalry regiment, an infantry brigade carried by motorcycles and trucks, and an engineer regiment. The strength is as high as more than [-] people, and the combat effectiveness can at least match that of a Chinese infantry brigade.

If the Chinese dare to repeat their tricks and sneak attack on this vanguard, then the Chinese have made a mistake. The cavalry and infantry total more than [-] combat soldiers. Even if a Chinese infantry division comes, they can block it for a while. The main force of the infantry who followed quickly followed up and could swallow it in one gulp.

Shigeru Suematsu was right, the Chinese side did not have the guts.

It's not that I'm afraid of the 114th Division. Even in a field battle, the fully equipped 67th Army is not afraid to fight this second division.

It's a pity that the 114th division that was killed was just a forward, and there were two main divisions of the Japanese army in the rear, which really couldn't be beaten.

Therefore, the 114th Division was unimpeded all the way. Even if the engineering unit started to erect pontoon bridges on the selected river bank under the cover of cavalry and infantry, there was no attack on both sides of the Huangpu River.

This made the Japanese lieutenant general, who had a mentality of being beaten, feel a little hairy.

The Chinese, what conspiracy are they brewing?
The terrible inertial thinking made the lieutenant general of the Japanese army look like a child who was used to being beaten. Suddenly one day he was treated with warmth, and his psychology was definitely not moved, but doubted.

Shigeru Suematsu, who was still more than ten kilometers away, ordered the cavalry wing under the command of the cavalry squadron to search along the south bank of the Huangpu River, and the other to cross the north bank through the preliminary pontoon bridge to search, so as not to be caught by the main force when crossing the river. Bold Chinese artillery attack.

The principle of half-crossing strikes, the Japanese lieutenant general still understands a little bit.

What does it mean to find a model by yourself?
Moji Suematsu is.

The Chinese cavalry who had stayed far away were only closely monitoring the movement of the Japanese army, reporting the time and location of the Japanese army's arrival to the headquarters through the field radio they carried, and had no intention of fighting the Japanese army.

The mighty Japanese army marching towards Songjiang was divided into three sections: the front, the middle, and the back. The cavalry, trucks and motorcycles led the way, and their strength was close to that of an infantry regiment.

The middle road is even more fierce. Don’t look at the Chinese cavalry hiding in the woods across a river, but they dare not show their atmosphere. It is an infantry formation of more than 5000 people. Even if there are no people, just move out a few infantry artillery. They can make them doubt life.

The rear road is protected by artillery, heavy soldiers, and accompanying infantry brigades, so the cavalry can only look at it.

But now, what are the Japanese doing?
They even swaggered and sent a cavalry squadron to cross the Huangpu River first and head towards Songjiang.

"Brother, what are the Japanese trying to do?" The obviously younger of the two cavalrymen who were in charge of reconnaissance in this area asked the old soldier with a stubble on his face, biting a grass root in doubt.

"What do you want to do? I was stunned by our artillery in the morning, so come and find our artillery! So that we don't have to do this again when the main force crosses the river." The veteran replied casually, but with a look of admiration. "That deputy director Tang is really amazing. The Japanese actually chose the place where our brothers stayed as their landing point."

Because they were afraid of encountering Japanese fighter planes searching for exposed targets, the main force of the cavalry hid far away from the bank of the Huangpu River. They only left a cavalry similar to an observation post about one kilometer near the river bank. There were two cavalry in a group. If there was any situation, one cavalry could go back and report first. .

Before Tang Dao returned to Songjiang City with the artillery battalion, he deliberately drew a place on the map, saying that the possibility of the Japanese army crossing the river here was extremely high.

Gong Shaoxun, the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion directly under the military headquarters, was a little bit unconvinced, and according to his own ideas, he dropped nearly ten groups of observation posts along the Huangpu River, and the cavalry naturally supported his boss more.

But now it seems that Deputy Director Tang was right again, the Japanese army really chose to land here.

But fortunately, Tang Dao's command in the morning battle wiped out the Japanese landing force and disabled three gunboats. Gong Shaoxun, who was not convinced, finally left two cavalry companies in this area as key areas, and personally took command.

"Then, brother, what should we do now?" The young soldier obviously didn't have time to admire Deputy Director Tang, he cared more about the present.

The cavalry of the Japanese army, more than 100, had already crossed the river and began to form a team.

If they got closer and found the two of them, they would definitely be dead.

The war horses used by the Japanese are all high-headed horses that have been improved by crossbreeding. They can sprint for short distances much faster than the short-legged Mongolian horses they equip.

"Nonsense, get on the horse and run!" The veteran spat out the grass roots in his mouth, pulled the younger brother around and ran wildly, and rode on the horse tied more than 20 meters away.

Urging the war horse, he ran backwards regardless of his care, which seemed to be fleeing in embarrassment.

However, even his little brother didn't see it, but the old soldier's eyes with his back to the Huangpu River shone brightly.

The Japanese cavalry is nothing more than a cavalry squadron, so it is not terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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