Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 251 The Security Regiment That Actively Participated in the War

Chapter 251 The Security Regiment That Actively Participated in the War
A bullet hole the size of a pinky finger appeared in the captain's forehead.

Only the soldiers standing behind him could see the terrifying scalp that had been lifted from the back of his head.

The shell gun bullet that penetrated the hard frontal bone was deformed after all, turning the back of the captain's head into an extremely terrifying blood flower.

Death came so fast that the frightened face was still emerging, and it was frozen forever.

It was the squad leader of the security squad who followed closely behind Zhuang Shisan, and the gun was still smoking.

"Battalion Commander!" The other three officers who spoke the most actively were scared to pee.

Although they were also fully armed, with a slight intention of forcing the palace, they never expected that their boss would be so cruel. They just made a suggestion, and they killed them so hard. They were caught off guard and the long-term coercion of their boss made them They didn't have the slightest intention of committing crimes.

"Battalion Commander, have mercy!" One of the lieutenant platoon leaders even knelt on the ground with a plop.

Zhuang Shisan's eyes were no longer cold, but looked at the other two panicked subordinates with a bit of tyranny.

"Bang! Bang!" Several shots fired, and the two officers who hadn't had time to beg for mercy were directly smashed into a sieve.

There was chaos.

Those who can be in the security regiment are generally not good birds, and some can't help touching the rifles on their backs.

"Those who move in disorder, die!" Zhuang Shisan roared.

From the four sides of the house, at least two infantry squads gathered around, and two light machine guns had already been set up on the wall, which showed that the battalion commander was not unprepared when he heard that someone was coming to plead for his life.

The restless soldiers fell silent for a moment.

Two machine guns with their bolts pulled reminded them that the battalion commander of the major who had killed three lieutenants was by no means a merciless person.

When the scene was quiet, Master Zhuang dispersed to a captain of the security regiment who had been shot several times and his body was still twitching slightly, and his eyes were still wide open.

"Why?" The captain, who had to die on the ground for a while and was struggling for his life, stared fiercely at the officer who suddenly turned his face and refused to recognize him, asked with difficulty.

As a confidant, he helped him deal with a lot of big troubles. It was common for him to forcibly collect protection money from the merchant to help him pay off his gambling debts. Money still uses guns, which is why he dared to bring a group of people to find this person.

"Why?" Master Zhuang looked coldly at his former confidants and subordinates, and said coldly. "It's not your fault that you're afraid of death, because I'm also afraid of death. Otherwise, why would I lead someone to raid my brother-in-law's house? Isn't it just that I hope Songjiang can hold it!"

Then, he no longer looked at his confidants who were still waiting for the answer on the ground, and turned his eyes to the soldiers of the security regiment who were trembling under the guns: "But no matter how afraid of death, so what, when it's time to die, a man can't coax you!" .

I also know that I am not a good person. He is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. From time to time, he even teases the big girl and the little wife. It is commonplace to collect protection fees and extort businessmen. Same week.

I don't want to care about any country or nation, or broken mountains and rivers. I only know that Songjiang is my home. My parents, my wife and children are all here. Whoever wants their lives must first ask Laozi and Master Zhuang to disperse. life. "

Pointing to Cangcheng, which was still on fire a few hundred meters away, he roared sharply: "But you bastards, why do you judge the situation for me, shift your strategy, and let the regular army shrink into the city? Cannon fodder. Could it be that the Cangcheng side is not a regular army? Fucking dogs, gangsters, even if they want to be deserters, they don’t dare to say it clearly, do you think they deserve to die or not.”

The soldiers were silent, and no one dared to answer.

"I'll ask you one last time, is there anyone who wants to judge the situation, and stand up if you have any, and don't need Commander Wang to waste bullets. I will kill you for your parents first, so as not to record in the Songjiang county annals in the 26th year of the Republic of China. If you let go of deserters, you will shame your ancestors. Liang’s coins are gone, but the ancestral hall is gone, but your ancestor’s memorial tablet is still there!" Master Zhuang's eyes were red, and his tongue was open and he roared in an extremely crazy manner.

"What the hell do you say!" Zhuang Shisan immediately kicked over the second lieutenant platoon leader who was the first to kneel down and begged for mercy, seeing that a group of soldiers who were about to retreat were stunned, and asked angrily.

"Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, give me a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. If I die, I will also die under the guns of the Japanese. Don't let my parents know that I want to be a deserter." The second lieutenant begged for mercy in tears.

"Okay, what you said sounds like human words." Master Zhuang nodded loosely. "Then I will give you a chance. The commander of your second company has been enforced by me. From now on, you are the commander of the second company. From now on, if I see another deserter from the second company, you will die." It’s fine on the battlefield, and I don’t need to see Lao Tzu anymore.”

"Yes, yes, I promise." The second lieutenant nodded.

"And you, for the sake of employing people during the war, and being bewitched by some people, I have the right to pretend that I don't know about it today. If you commit another crime, I will kill you and report your names. To Commander Wang, after the war, we will post your names and where you live at the entrances of the four city gates of Songjiang for a year, have you heard that?" Zhuang Shisan turned his attention to the soldiers again.

The soldiers all lowered their heads, not daring to look at the crazy battalion commander.

It is really that Zhuang Shisan's move is too venomous. If he wants to be a deserter again, he will not only kill his head, but also make the name of the deserter known in the whole city.

This is the Chinese people, regardless of whether they have read books or not, they all have a good reputation.

If it was a Westerner who advocated freedom and the right to life, Major Zhuang's move might not work, but at least here, the effect is leveraged.

Facts have also proved that after this vicious incident, the soldiers of the security regiment, who were frightened by the Japanese artillery fire but had no way out, exploded with unprecedented potential.

Even the Japanese military history has made a special description of the battle in this residential area in the east of Songjiang City, a description of the battle of an irregular Chinese army.

Watching dozens of soldiers whose legs were limp and feet frightened by the artillery fire being taken away by the officers again, Zhuang Shisan turned his attention to the three dead people on the ground again, the coldness in his eyes disappeared, he sighed softly, waved He waved his hand and ordered the guards around him: "Take the three of them down and bury them. Also, let's pretend that what happened today never happened. The three of them will all be considered dead in battle."

Then he looked at Cangcheng, a few hundred meters away, with a flash of determination in his eyes: "The Japanese are so impatient, and they don't stop at night. I'm sorry for them just looking at it like this! Pass my order and let the two Even entering the battlefield, as long as there are Japanese dare to come in, they will shoot their black guns, kill one by one, and if they have the ability, they will also send a wave of shells to the old man, I don’t believe that their shells can’t run out.”

Cangcheng was half-wrapped by residential areas, and only two sides were in the wilderness. If the Japanese army wanted to attack on three sides, one part must go deep into the residential areas.

The soldiers of the security regiment, who were driven by the furious Zhuang Shisan, took the initiative to participate in the battle, and Moji Suematsu, who personally commanded the front line, also had a headache.

Those who live outside the city have poorer economic conditions and limited land. The houses are built one after another. Some alleys are even half a meter wide and only one person can pass through. If you hold a gun, you have to put the gun upright first. Only then can you turn around.

When I look at it during the day, my scalp feels numb. At night, the houses without any lights are naturally creepy. Walking in it alone feels creepy, let alone how many people are hiding in it and pointing guns at it. is you.

And don't say that the Songjiang Security Corps is not a regular army, but Jiangnan is already rich, and Commissioner Wang is willing to invest in it. The Songjiang Security Corps is made in Hanyang except for sergeants, and the rest of the posts are purely imported. The [-]-ring speed machine is a shell gun with a [-]-round magazine that has a huge number of fans in China.

If this thing is put in the field, it is not very powerful. In addition to the powerful firepower output due to its continuous firing function, its effective range of only 100 meters determines that it cannot become a light weapon that dominates the battlefield.

But if it is used in street fighting, it is simply a big killer.

In such an area, even 30 meters and [-] meters are far away.

In many cases, opening the window and facing the outside is a wave of shooting, and then running away with a gun, which is not much more convenient than a rifle that is more than one meter long.

This caused the Japanese infantry who had planned to attack from three sides to be very miserable. Let alone forming an attack formation against Cangcheng, the bullets that might be shot from the rear at any time made them dare not straighten their waists.

After being ravaged by artillery for more than 40 minutes, many houses were set ablaze, like piles of large bonfires, which fully illuminated the Japanese soldiers who entered it, making them the best targets for neutron bullets in the dark.

As a last resort, the two infantry squadrons that were supposed to attack Cangcheng from the residential area had to allocate at least half of them to wipe out the Chinese hiding in the residential area behind them.

But they didn't know that their opponent was just an infantry company at first, but as the exchange of fire continued, more and more security regiment soldiers were sent over, it was almost endless.

The gunshots inside and outside Cangcheng, and the explosion of grenades were even more lively than the simultaneous setting off of fireworks and firecrackers throughout the city on New Year's Eve.

The Japanese infantrymen who were forced to fight in the streets at night were really crying.

Here, any excellent shooting skills and excellent positioning are useless, and what is there is fear and death.

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Today is a special day, July 6000 Incident!Don't forget the national humiliation!Fengyue's abilities are limited, and cannot be updated!But the two chapters are also close to [-] words, which can be regarded as a big chapter.

Also, I hope that book friends who like this book will support genuine subscriptions. Whether Fengyue can add two taels of pickles when drinking porridge and eating steamed buns depends on readers who pay for the genuine version. Starting point reading, Fengyue is waiting for you on the starting point Chinese website.

(End of this chapter)

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