Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 252 The unexpected protagonist

Chapter 252 The unexpected protagonist

The sound of guns and guns inside and outside Cangcheng was very loud.

In the field bunker 800 meters away, Moji Suematsu suffered from a headache.

As the commander of the 114th Division and the vanguard of the Tenth Army, he knew very well that his order to attack the city outside the city overnight, although there were elements of venting his anger, most of it was because he had to do so.

Because if the Chinese were given 12 more hours, the Chinese in Huxi could escape tens of thousands. According to the strategy of the base camp, they could have entered the small town of Songjiang tonight, but because of the Jinshanwei tidal flat position and Jinshan The accident in the county seat caused him to lie down in the mud and stare blindly with a telescope.

It's fine if we can't capture Songjiang County, the nails of this city outside the city must be pulled out, otherwise, when Commander Liu Chuanping comes to see this scene tomorrow morning, he will never be so happy.

For this reason, Shigeru Suematsu made up his mind to disregard the darkness and slippery roads, and sent two infantry brigades to attack Cangcheng again.

In fact, the Japanese lieutenant general has another thing to pay attention to. Once the artillery group of the Chinese defenders in the city can't help providing artillery support to the Chinese in Cangcheng, the dozen or so artillery observers he placed in the wilderness will follow the Ballistic calculations gave the approximate orientation of the Chinese artillery group.

At night, the trajectory drawn by the shell in the sky is most clear.

The artillery wing, which has stopped shelling but is waiting in full force, will immediately fight back against the approximate coordinates reported by the artillery observers, blow up the Chinese artillery group, and clear the biggest obstacle for tomorrow's daytime battle.

Killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone, if Shigeru Suematsu's Chief of Staff hadn't had some research on Chinese culture, he wouldn't have known that he would be so wise that he would become a wise general by accident.

The Japanese lieutenant general's trick was exhausted, but he missed one thing.

The Chinese hiding in the folk house had eaten up their hearts and leopards, so he didn't bother them, but took the initiative to trouble him.

The two infantry squadrons that went deep into the residential area and planned to stab the Chinese in Cangcheng from the other side were not only hit with mortars by the Chinese in Cangcheng who seemed to be unable to kill Xiaoqiang, but were also attacked by a group of Tibetans behind. The soil mouse in the dark gnawed several times.

As Zhuang Shisan said, this is Lao Tzu's Songjiang.

What does the Songjiang security group do?In name, it is the security army of the Songjiang area. Its function is similar to that of the armed police force in the future. Generally, all the hooligans and hooligans are handed over to the police station. Only when there are bandits or groups of gangs committing crimes will they be handed over to them.

But the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are not the impoverished places in the north or the southwestern mountainous areas. The land is originally due to the high yield of paddy fields, and the business is still prosperous. Everyone is busy making money. thing?There are not many bandits, and even the gangsters open brothels and opium dens, and the taxes that should be paid are quite a bit.

The security team has no job to do, so why not turn into an armed policeman to maintain law and order?On the surface, law and order are maintained, but in the dark, they often extort merchants to put protection money in their pockets.

Of course, if the protection fee is collected, the law and order will naturally be maintained for you. At least the gangsters will not come to cut you again. It is also a balance. The social environment is stable, and Commissioner Wang will turn a blind eye. one eye.

It's nothing more than merchants and ordinary people swallowing their anger, just being exploited or being bullied a little bit, in this troubled world, it's not bad, isn't it?

If you have money in your hand, you have to spend it naturally. The girls in Songjiang City are the most beautiful, the soup dumplings are the best there, and the fun is the best there. These guys are more familiar with it than anyone else.

They are the well-deserved local snakes in Songjiang City.

Not to mention a group of Japanese who came from the sea and didn't know a single Chinese character, even the residents of Songjiang City, I am afraid that these gangsters are not as familiar with this land.

Just these pitch-black corners became a nightmare for the Japanese infantry.

I'm afraid even Tang Dao didn't expect that they would become supporting roles in the originally extremely tragic night battle in Cangcheng.

The protagonist, on the contrary, is the security forces who are driven to the battlefield by the determined major and battalion commander because of a forced palace incident that failed.

A fully formed infantry squadron, led by its captain, rushed into the pitch-black residential houses.

Flares shot into the sky like no money, illuminating the houses so brightly that the Japanese infantry could use the afterglow of the flares to enter those narrow alleys and houses with white walls and black tiles.

House-to-house and street-to-street searches have yielded some results.

More than a dozen security forces who were too late to run were blocked in a house. After trying to attack with rifles and machine guns to no avail, the Japanese army used several grenades. After a burst of bombardment, they rushed in with superior forces. It took seven and eight minutes of firefighting, but the remnants of the enemy had not yet been wiped out. In the end, they had to be forced to set the whole house ablaze to wipe out the opponent.

However, they obviously forgot one thing. Flares, like bullets, are also available in quantity. They used them a lot for the convenience of entering, and later used a lot to kill the dozen or so opponents. If they want to use them again, But it has to be supplemented.

Otherwise, they have already penetrated 200 meters, and they are surrounded by houses of exactly the same shape like a labyrinth of residential areas, and they are completely blinded here.

I heard that the Japanese came in with a number of one or two hundred people. Zhuang Shisan, who had shocked everyone because he was forced to shoot three of his confidantes, didn't feel hot?
He couldn't control the other two battalions, but his own battalion was still firmly in his hands. Excluding the second company that arrived in this area first, he mobilized three more infantry companies in one breath, with a total of nearly 700 people. Cautiously step into this labyrinth of infantry squadrons to lay siege.

The Japanese flares were gone, and the only light was the not-so-bright moonlight in the sky.

The shit-yellow military uniforms of the Japanese army were extremely conspicuous under the moonlight, while the security forces wore black military uniforms. Darkness became their best protective color.

Rifles, shell guns, light machine guns, grenades, grenades, all kinds of sounds rang out in an area more than 300 meters outside Cangcheng.

The movement almost surpassed the Battle of Cangcheng where infantry artillery, rapid-fire guns, machine guns, mortars and other heavy weapons were used.

The commanders of both China and Japan, who were observing this side with binoculars, couldn't see clearly what happened in the residential area.

Moji Suematsu didn't know how many of his own people were inside, and the two Chinese lieutenant generals with serious faces standing in the fortifications of the city wall also didn't know how many troops the security regiment had invested.

In the telescopes of both sides, only a few magnificent ballistics occasionally drawn by the bullets fired by light machine guns can be captured limitedly.

The specific battle process, because of the darkness, no one knows except the people who participated in it.

It's just that the Japanese army waited until the battle of Cangcheng came to an end, and the gunfire on the main battlefield gradually stopped, and the infantry squadron that entered the residential area did not come out.

And that was almost two hours later.

It is not a trivial matter for an infantry squadron with nearly 200 people to disappear like this. Even a Japanese lieutenant general with a head as big as a bucket cannot easily classify the No. 200 Imperial Army as missing.

November 11th was definitely a bad day for the Japanese lieutenant general. After several battles with insufficient troops, the battle losses reached an astonishing 6 men.

Yes, in Jinshan County during the day, he had already lost nearly a thousand people, but at least it was a bit of an achievement. The landing was successful, the gate to Huxi was successfully opened, and more than 2000 Chinese troops were wiped out.

But what happened next was a complete nightmare. The two infantry squadrons were completely annihilated because of the stupidity of the marine Malu, and a major staff officer was hired. A cavalry squadron and a golden "gui erdai" were almost there. The death of 500 people made a half-infantry brigade gone.

Not to mention Cangcheng, more than 300 people were killed in the afternoon, and another 1600 people were invested in a mad attack at night, and another 500 people were consumed. The fighting has not yet started, and 2300 people can be sent back in small wooden boxes.

Then, another 200 people disappeared into the dark residential houses. What a lie for Moji Suematsu.

It's the same mentality as being raped by a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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