Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 260 The Japanese Army Is Caution

Chapter 260 The Japanese Army Is Caution
The heavy footsteps of "dong dong" did not wake up the Japanese soldiers who were still sleeping until the soldiers rushed more than ten meters away from the trenches.


"Enemy attack!"

The sounds of chirping and screaming came and went one after another on the Japanese positions, but they were quickly replaced by "Boom! Boom!" explosions and continuous 'da da da' gunshots.

A few meters away from the Japanese trenches, all officers and soldiers of the guard company had already removed the grenades, pulled the fuses and dropped them into the trenches.

Then, before the smoke cleared, he jumped in and opened fire.

Tang Dao's request is very simple.

Just drop bombs, shoot, shoot.

In a group of five, if three people shoot, two people must be on guard. After the three people empty the magazine to replace the gap in the magazine, the two will shoot again. This is to maintain the continuous output of firepower.

If it was replaced by a rifle, no matter how the firepower continued, there would only be three bullets at most within two seconds. It would not take long for the Japanese army who had just woken up from sleep and was still in a state of confusion to wake up and launch a counterattack.

But unfortunately, the continuous-fire firearms equipped by China's elite did not give them this opportunity.

Whether they wanted to fight back with their bare hands or search for guns, they were destined to be lost in the metallic torrent of bullets.

In fact, there were not many Japanese troops in the trenches. The Chinese soldiers who jumped into the trenches back to back and held burst firearms almost relied on the probability of fierce saturation attacks to make it extremely difficult for them to have a chance of escape.

The Japanese soldiers in the camp behind the trenches were even more miserable. Because they were concerned about the Chinese artillery, they did not light a bonfire, but slept next to each other, and their rifles were habitually piled up near the resting position.

Under the moonlight, the target of the sleeping Japanese army was not obvious, but the piles of rifles became the most conspicuous target for instructing Chinese soldiers to attack.

It's very simple, throw two grenades first, blow up the pile of guns, and then output a firepower to the nearby ground.

More than a dozen fire teams basically operate according to this routine.

Every 40 meters or so, there is a fire team attacking the Japanese troops in the area.

In order to ensure that one's own side is not accidentally killed by the bullets of one's own people, the muzzle of the gun is generally not held flat but slightly downward, reducing the chance of the bullet flying straight tens of meters away.

There were explosions and gunshots on the Japanese position more than 500 meters away, mixed with the heart-piercing howls of the suddenly attacked Japanese infantry.

Farther away, the Japanese positions that had not yet been attacked but were awakened by loud noises did not dare to move rashly. The fierce gunfire could easily make people mistakenly think that the Chinese sent a large number of troops to attack.

"Baga!" Moji Suematsu, who was resting at the headquarters of the division farther away, was also awakened.

Jumping off the simple camp bed, walking out of the headquarters, looking at the unknown battlefield in the dark night, listening to the blazing gunfire, I was shocked and angry.

It was completely beyond his imagination that the weak Chinese dared to go out of the city to attack.

"Order all ministries to stand firm!" Shigeru Sue Matsu issued a military order that he regretted immensely in the future.

Although this is undoubtedly correct at this time, the dark night blocked his sight, and he had no way of knowing how many troops the Chinese sent to sneak up on them. The right choice.

After receiving the order, the various positions of the Japanese army fired flares towards their fronts one after another, but what they saw was a barren wilderness, and no Chinese were found.

But this is even more scary. God knows if the crazy Chinese are lurking, just waiting for their troops to mobilize and start attacking?
Flares can only illuminate an area more than 100 meters in front of the position. Who can guarantee that there are no Chinese troops in the dark?

The organized prudence of the Japanese army pitted the two infantry squadrons that were in dire straits.

They hardly organized a decent attack, and they were beaten to the ground in the continuous shooting of shell guns and submachine guns.

Occasionally an officer took up his southern pistol and fought back, but was quickly sieved by the concentrated fire of the five-man team.

Major Watanabe Junichi is really depressed. He has had a bad day today. Before he could be honored as a division striker, he encountered the cavalry squadron's collective jade fragmentation incident and hit his head full of bags in front of Cangcheng. After finally being able to repair it, he was asked by the division head to take someone into the "dark street" to collect the corpse. If he hadn't been clever enough to enter the armored vehicle at the first time, he would have almost become the first major of the 114th division to die in the line of duty.

When I returned to my own position, I was still in shock and finally had a good night's sleep to suppress my shock. As a result, my own position was targeted by the Chinese again, and a sneak attack came in the dark.

Coming out of the brigade headquarters established in the field, looking at the figures of soldiers under his command running and falling on his own position, the Japanese army major felt that he must have been abandoned by Amaterasu.

If not, why did the Chinese stare at him and beat him like this?

"Your Excellency, Major, please follow us and retreat. The strength of the Chinese attack force is unknown, but the firepower is very fierce." A Japanese lieutenant rushed over and pulled Watanabe Junichi to run back.

"What are you panicking about?" Junichi Watanabe tried his best to keep calm and drink lightly, looking at an infantry unit following behind the Japanese lieutenant.

Your Excellency the Major cannot lose his demeanor, even in such a chaotic moment.

Of course, what Junichi Watanabe hopes more is to stabilize the morale of the army. The two infantry squadrons in this area are under his command. If he just runs away, the infantry who lose their unified command will suffer even greater losses.According to the accountability system in the army, he also belongs to the type of monk who can run away but can't run away from the temple.

"Where are the heavy machine gun squadron and the artillery squadron?" Junichi Watanabe pinned his hopes on his two heavy firepower units that could control the situation.

"Didn't they be transferred by the regiment leader to suppress the Chinese fortress at night? They should be on our flank now, one mile away." Fairly clear.

"Send someone to notify them, immediately move closer to our troops, and suppress the incoming enemy with firepower." Junichi Watanabe ordered sharply.

"But Your Excellency Major!" The Japanese lieutenant still hesitated.

As the staff officer of the brigade, I instinctively thought that in this chaotic moment, the chief officer should be taken away from the battlefield first.

The end result proved that he was right.

It's a pity that the Japanese Major, who had been unlucky for a whole day, might have been stunned by the blow, and he developed a stubborn temper and refused to leave the headquarters.

Perhaps, it was because he didn't want the captain to become the squadron leader, or perhaps it was a small unit that had assembled that gave him courage.

Then, at the moment when the Japanese light machine gunner set up the light machine gun in the fortification in front of the headquarters, a grenade was accurately thrown over.

The imitation German grenade that originally had a five-second delay was calculated in advance. There was no delay at all, and it exploded directly over the light machine gun fortifications without even landing.

At the same time as the two light machine gunners were blown into blood, at least three infantrymen nearby were hit by shrapnel flying around, screaming loudly and rolling on the ground.

Before the rest of the Japanese infantry could react, a black figure with a submachine gun rushed from the side and fired fiercely.

The firepower output of the 32-round submachine gun magazine lasted only three or four seconds. "He's out of bullets!"

"Bah! Bah! Bah!" The two shell guns continued to fire, resuming their firepower.

"Baga!" The Japanese infantrymen who wanted to bury their faces in the soil were about to cry.

It turned out that being suppressed by the superiority of firepower was such an aggrieved thing.

"Bastards! Stand up and kill him!" Junichi Watanabe, who retreated to the command post and fired desperately with the Nanbu pistol, yelled and urged his subordinates.

The Japanese major proved his bravery, but the Japanese lieutenant who was with him was about to cry.

Your Excellency Major, can you stop being so stupid?
People still have grenades, okay?

The staff lieutenant's mind is very bright at the moment, and his judgment is correct, much better than his chief officer.

Behind Tang Dao, two grenades flew towards the headquarters one after the other, blasting the headquarters into smoke.

With the help of Tang Dao's fire suppression and the flames of two grenade explosions, a lean figure approached here at high speed from outside the trench.

(End of this chapter)

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