Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 261 Has nothing to do with tactics

Chapter 261 Has nothing to do with tactics

In the dark night, there are not so many tactical skills.

Tang Dao used the simplest firepower to suppress, beating half of the Japanese squad that lost their light machine guns until they couldn't lift their heads.

When the army captain approached from the other side, the battle could have been declared over.

When Tang Dao threw the last three grenades on his body, amidst the miserable cries of the Japanese infantry, the two killing gods with shell guns smashed several Japanese soldiers who jumped out of the thick smoke into a sieve.

Major Watanabe Junichi and his lieutenant staff, who were wounded by the grenade and retreated back to the headquarters, waited in the dark for a short time. Tang Dao, who wiped out the Japanese squad, took off the Japanese army's corpse before throwing it out. I took the melon grenade, took a bag of clothes, stuffed a long-handled grenade from the captain in it, pulled the fuse, waited for three seconds, and threw it in through the door opening of the headquarters.

The loud noise of "Boom!", and the collapse of the field headquarters, which could withstand the bombardment of 75-caliber artillery from the outside, proved the truth that "no matter how strong a fortress is, it is often breached from the inside".

The unlucky Major Watanabe Junichi naturally went directly to his Amaterasu to complain why he was abandoned by the boss.

Tang Dao was not interested in knowing who he killed. His purpose of this night attack was just to stab the body of his self-righteous opponent.

I don't want to kill the Japanese at once, but I also want to make you grin your teeth in pain.

After dealing with all the Japanese in the field command who looked a bit "pretty", Tang Dao put it away as soon as he saw it, and waved at the army captain.

The army captain who followed him nodded, took out the flare gun, and fired the green flare.

That was the signal for all to retreat.

It has been more than 10 minutes since we entered the battlefield. Although there are sporadic Japanese resistance on the ground, that is not important anymore. What is important is that if the main force of the Japanese army reacts and is surrounded by Hu Lala, the big guys will be too late to run. .

Yes, 3 minutes ago, Moji Suematsu, who kept receiving information from various positions that he had not found the main force of the Chinese, finally came to the conclusion that the Chinese did not play any crazy all-army attack, but only sent a small group of troops to attack and harass at night.

This is too much not to use bean buns as dry food. The Japanese Army Lieutenant General, who had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, quickly mobilized several infantry squadrons around the attacked area to gather in the direction of the 1st Infantry Brigade that was being attacked.

It also takes time from ordering to assembly to arrival.

In fact, the Japanese army was already well-trained, and they rushed to the battlefield in less than 6 minutes.

However, what greeted them was corpses everywhere and the wailing of the undead and wounded. The Chinese who could still hear fierce shooting on the road just now were like a cunning hungry wolf, as if they had smelled the danger in advance and slipped away in advance. .

In the afterglow of the flares that were continuously fired into the distance, the shadows of the Chinese people running wildly can still be vaguely seen.

The Japanese army is about to go crazy, this Baga guy just wants to run away after beating someone up!How can there be such an easy thing in this world?

It is obviously a bit stupid to use a big cannon to bombard it. After passing the approximate coordinates to the Artillery Wing, and then waiting for the guys in the Artillery Wing to set up the cannon and fire, the Chinese may go where.

At a distance of nearly 300 meters, and in such a dark night, just holding a heavy machine gun is just a salute to send the Chinese off, as if they are still welcome to come again.

Isn't that the legendary 'welcome contributions'?

However, no matter how fast the Chinese can slide, they only have two legs, while the Japanese are semi-mechanized troops, and their three-wheeled motorcycles are equipped with a lot of people.

Several angry infantry squadron leaders each sent a small team to ride three-wheeled motorcycles, break away from their own positions, and chase after the back of the Chinese.

Of course, in order to prevent the Chinese from coming back with carbine guns, each has a pure infantry squad to follow the motorcycle to eat ashes.

The pursuit team of more than 300 people can not only guarantee the annihilation of the Chinese, but also ensure their own safety.

The relatively flat wilderness of Songjiang gave the three-wheeled motorcycle the possibility to run wild. Although the speed could not be as fast as on the main road, it was faster than running on two legs.

The heavily armed soldiers left the battlefield at high speed after fighting with all their strength, almost exhausting all their energy. Even the elite guard company had to stop before the Japanese pursuers arrived and gasped for breath to recover their energy.

If there is no accident, the Japanese infantry squad on motorcycles will catch up with them in 5 minutes, and they are still one mile away from the Cangcheng position.

Don't look at only 500 meters, it may become a natural moat.

In order not to be bombarded by the Japanese army, the retreat route chosen by Tang Dao was not a simple straight line to Cangcheng, but to go further south in the wilderness, and then turn back to Cangcheng.

The Japanese army chasing aggressively behind them had light machine guns and grenades. As long as the distance was more than 100 meters, the shell guns and submachine guns were not as sharp as in close combat.

The roar of the Japanese motorcycle and the bright lampposts were like the approaching footsteps of the god of death in the dark night, which made the captain and the commander of the guard look extremely solemn, and directly suggested to Tang Dao whether he should lead ten people to stay behind.

The so-called cutting off the tail is naturally the gecko's tail cutting to survive. This is the most commonly used method when the army encounters a major threat, otherwise everyone will be finished.

Tang Dao didn't answer immediately, but his eyes slid over the remaining 40 people, and then turned his eyes to Cangcheng, where only black shadows could be seen in the distance, and refused in a deep voice: "No, everything is going according to the original plan!"

Yes, no matter how superior the firepower was, the hundreds of Japanese soldiers in nearly two infantry squadrons were not pigs. Their resistance before death also caused casualties to the soldiers of the guard company who broke into the position.

60 people, 6 people were killed on the spot, 8 people were seriously injured, and several people were slightly injured. When they evacuated, they did not use Tang Dao to order. Carried away together.

They knew that the stimulated Japanese would not be able to catch the living, and they might use the remains of the war dead to make trouble.

They must not allow the remains of their dead brothers to be insulted.

This is also the most important reason why these elites left a few minutes earlier and were still seen by the Japanese army retreating.

The dead are already dead, and the living have to live. From a tactical point of view, it is extremely stupid to implicate the living for the sake of the dead.

But Tang Dao, as the commander, did not stop them.

War is one of the most inhuman acts of intelligent beings like humans.

But it is doomed to be wrong to rely on a group of dehumanized people to win a war that should not have humanity.

It's contradictory, but it's true.

Throughout the thousands of years of Chinese history, an army that has lost its humanity may rule the roost for a while, whether it is the Jie family who used women as "two-legged sheep" in the era of the Five Husbands, or the powerful Mongolian Yuan Empire on the banks of the Danube River, relying on transcendence The ferocity imagined by human beings has made hundreds of clans fall, but what is the final outcome?
The Jie clan was completely wiped out. If it weren't for the records in historical books, almost no one would know their clan names. The Mongolian Yuan, who created the largest empire in human history, shrank in a corner of the grassland and still couldn't recover its vitality for hundreds of years.

A battlefield without humanity is the best touchstone of humanity.

These Chinese soldiers are the Chinese soldiers Tang Dao needs.

He can be ruthless to the enemy, but never abandons his comrades.

Even if you are dead.

The same is true for future Chinese soldiers. In the southern country with high mountains and dense forests, even if I just bring back your head, I will take you home.

Tang Dao's team leader carried the heads of his comrades on his back like that, without navigation or military maps, walked for half a month in the tropical rainforest, and finally returned to the motherland.

What kind of tactics to go to Terian, I only know that I will be with my comrades who fight side by side, regardless of life or death.

Perhaps one day when Tang Dao becomes a general, he must choose to be ruthless and learn to choose, but he is not yet, no matter the future or the present, his blood is boiling.

Therefore, there will be people who will sacrifice to protect them.

The Japanese pursuers approached a distance of about 150 meters, and the Japanese began to fire flares desperately.

More than a dozen flares illuminated the wilderness with a radius of several kilometers like daylight.

The backs of dozens of dark blue soldiers walking in the wilderness with their comrades on their backs are clearly visible.

The mouth of the captain of the second lieutenant led by the Japanese army twitched ferociously.

For him, the Chinese who don't give up the wounded and slow down the marching speed are like a group of lambs about to be slaughtered.

The light machine gun mounted on the tricycle body can shoot at any time to suppress them in the wilderness. When all the grenadiers are in place and the heavy troops gather, they can be killed in the wilderness.

Even if the Chinese have artillery, it is useless. The night blocks the eyes of their artillery, unless they have the ruthlessness to blow their own people into the sky.

Besides, is it worth exposing one's artillery position for such a small force?
From a tactical standpoint, it's not worth it.

It's a pity that there is a group of Chinese people who don't like to talk about tactics at every turn.

My brother's life, entrusted to me to protect.

In Cangcheng, 600 meters away, two brilliant sparks erupted.

. . . . . . . .

PS: In the afternoon, the best-selling selections are recommended, so let me recommend the books of two author friends, one is "Strange Agent" by Ye Risheng, which is a sci-fi book written by a fifth-level boss. The new book Seedling, I like this type Book lovers can go to collect and have a look, and it is also possible to invest and make a little money.There is also a military book, "Martial Arts Agents in Spy War Dramas", which can be regarded as fanfiction. It is said that there are beauties who burn their brains and pretend to be aggressive.

(End of this chapter)

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