Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 287 The Unknown Hero

Chapter 287 The Unknown Hero

Regardless of whether it is a tank or an armored vehicle, because of its size, it can only go forward through Zhongshan Street.

As for Zhongshan Street, it is facing the city gate opposite the moat.

Although separated by a distance of more than 600 meters, from the telescope, the wide and tightly closed city gate can already be clearly seen.

No matter where the 89mm muzzle of the 57 tank is pointing, if the boss has not ordered to attack the main city of Songjiang, the tank gunner has full confidence to blast open the seemingly solid city gate.

However, the Japanese did not expect that the gates of the city would open on their own initiative.

The Japanese army, who was a little stunned, did not expect that the Chinese played tricks again.

Inside the city gate that opened suddenly, a bunker was actually built.

It was a semi-permanent blockhouse supported by sandbags and thick logs.

The bunker has a total of two shooting holes.

A 37mm anti-aircraft gun is hidden in one shooting hole, and a 20mm Oerlikon cannon is hidden in the other shooting hole.

The 37mm anti-aircraft gun is naturally designed to fight 89 tanks. Even at a distance of hundreds of meters, the relatively thick frontal armor of the 89 tank is not enough in front of the 37mm anti-aircraft gun.

The single-barreled 20mm machine gun is more like a little brother who helps the tyrant. The anti-aircraft machine gun with 20 rounds of ammunition is more terrifying than the scythe of death.

If we just use these two types of artillery to attack through the relatively straight Zhongshan Street, maybe except for the Japanese tank soldiers in a few tanks who are [-] grass and mud horses trampling past in their hearts, the infantry are not too serious. Much to fear.

After all, there are houses on both sides of the long street that have not been completely burned down. If you hide inside, no matter how powerful the cannon is, it is impossible to hit them through several walls in a row.

However, the Chinese who had designed all this long ago would let the infantry go so easily?

In addition to anti-tank artillery and machine guns, the Chinese also have 150 heavy mortars.

In the city that the Japanese couldn't see, the Chinese gathered 16 mortars in a "crazy" manner, and delivered the shells to Zhongshan Road Street or the houses on both sides with great precision.

This kind of large-caliber mortar with a weight of 20 kilograms alone, not to mention penetrating fragile residential buildings, even ordinary bunkers, can also smash through and explode with the huge kinetic energy roaring down. Inside, its lethality is no less powerful than that of a 2500mm howitzer.

Otherwise, the boss would not have seen the mortar used by the Northeast Army drooling enviously during the Central Plains War, and ordered the military factory to copy it.

That is to say, the 150mm mortar is really heavy, and the range is too short. After all, the cost performance still does not meet the needs of modern warfare, so it has not been used on a large scale.

But in this kind of city offensive and defensive battle, the 150mm mortar is definitely a magic weapon. No matter where the artillery positions are placed in the city, they can almost cover and attack enemy positions 800 meters away from the city wall.

Although the mountain artillery and field artillery of the 67th Army were still hidden and did not speak, the 16 mortars alone had caused the Japanese infantry to suffer terribly.

They could only retreat deeper into the dwellings.

As for the 89 tanks and armored vehicles stranded on Zhongshan Street, they can only ask for blessings.

The first 89 tank in the lead was caught off guard by a shell. Fortunately, the shell hit the edge of the steel plate and was bounced off without being penetrated. The startled Japanese tank soldiers tenaciously controlled the 57mm tank gun Bombard any bunker that dares to fire at it.

The infantry artillery carried by the Japanese army leaned against the edge of the long street and fired forward under the command of the officer.

According to common sense, a bunker made of sandbags and wood is nothing but slag in front of 57mm tank guns and infantry guns.

But first, the bunker is located under the thick city gate. Unless the Japanese army mobilized 105 howitzers to bombard this area continuously until the entire city wall collapsed, it would not be afraid of threats from the sky at all.

Second, the bunkers in front of each city gate were carefully designed by Tang Dao, a special soldier from the future.The entire front of the bunker is composed of three layers. A large number of sandbags are piled up to form the first protective surface, and behind it are two 30mm thick steel plates sandwiched by sandbags and logs rammed into the ground. The logs are followed by sandbags.

The depth of the firing holes alone has reached 1.5 meters.

This can ensure that whether it is a 57mm tank gun or a 70mm infantry gun, when the shell penetrates the sandbag and explodes, the shrapnel cannot penetrate the 30mm steel plate to protect the artillery behind it.

Unless the Japanese artillery shells can be accurately shot into the shooting hole with a width of 100 cm and a height of 30 cm.

However, at a distance of 600 meters, the Japanese artillery can accurately drop the shells to an area of ​​0.3 square meters, so I am afraid that there will be no Songjiang blockade. In the Songhu battle, the Japanese army won a big victory.

The Japanese tank soldiers were very heroic. Two consecutive artillery fires blasted the thick Songjiang city wall into mottled areas, but what followed was a more resolute attack from the two artillery guns inside the bunker. One terrifying bullet hole after another.

After the shells of the 37mm anti-aircraft artillery missed three more rounds in a row, one round finally hit the front of the Japanese 89 tank directly and broke it with one blow.

The bullet hole the size of a baby's fist on the front of the tank shows the excellent armor-piercing ability of this artillery produced by excellent German mechanical technology.

As for the members of the tank, the moment the armor-piercing projectile broke through the steel plate and entered, it was doomed to a tragic end.

The broken shrapnel blasted the tank driver into a sieve together with the commander and ammunition man behind him.


The lying nest of an 89 tank frightened the 89 tanks that followed closely behind, and the speed of admitting cowardice was very fast.

Of course, you can't do it by kneeling on the ground and licking, so running away is still no problem.

Steering the rudder straight, crashing headlong into the steaming houses with only broken walls and ruins on one side.

Hitting several brick walls in succession, the Japanese tank soldiers who felt that the Chinese shells were constantly hitting the ruins but could not keep up with the rhythm of the tanks were finally relieved.

If you are buried by bricks, you will not die, but if you stay on the street, you must die. The Japanese tank soldiers are like a mirror in their hearts.

The Chinese mortars were still firing desperately, and the Japanese tank soldiers did not have the courage to get out of the tanks. They could only look at the world through the observation holes. You can see that there are still several corpses in the ruins. The Chinese in black military uniforms, There are also khaki Japanese.

Obviously, this was also the main battlefield where the last round of fighting broke out between the Chinese and the Japanese, but the imperial artillery bombardment came too fast, and the Chinese didn't have much time to clean up the battlefield, and they didn't even have time to drag away their own corpses.

Then wait here, wait for the Chinese to take the initiative to end the shelling, and then we will leave. The Japanese tank soldiers are also bachelors at this time.

It's just that they didn't see that the corpse in black military uniform just one meter away from the tank was miraculously still breathing even though it was burnt to black.

Yes, the pigskin is still alive.

It's just that it's better to die than to live.

Nicknamed Pigpi, formerly known as Zhu Dachang, a soldier from the First Battalion of the Security Regiment was shot twice in the body and was blown up by a grenade thrown into the room by the Japanese and fell down the first floor. No one thought he was still alive.

But he happened to be alive.

Originally, he fell into a severe coma and entered a state of suspended animation after being hit by the shock wave of the grenade. Just because of the bleeding from the two gunshot wounds, the suspended animation would become a real one. The torso was severely burned, but the high temperature scorched the wound and miraculously helped him stop the bleeding, and his extremely weak breathing prevented him from inhaling much smoke and poisonous gas at all.

Therefore, although this ordinary security soldier woke up from a coma and then fell into a coma again, he was still weaker than Xiaoqiang, but he was not completely finished.

Although this time, Zhupi, who woke up from the coma again, knew that he was absolutely dead.

Not because of the Japanese tanks close at hand.

Instead, he felt half-baked.

The skin and flesh on his chest and legs were all scorched, his lips were chapped and bleeding due to a large amount of dehydration, his lungs were still so hot that he couldn't breathe, but now he can't feel it anymore, and the wound that was once painful no longer hurts.

Pigpi knew very well that it didn't mean he was healed, but that he had entered the countdown to his life.

Finally he was going to die, and he didn't have to suffer from these tortures anymore. Pigpi closed his eyes and quietly waited for the darkness to come.

Then a tank just smashed through the wall, almost brushing his arm, and came to a stop in front of him.

Pigpi's ears should also be deaf. He couldn't hear the roar of the tank at all, but he knew that there were Japanese in the tank.

Pigskin laughed.

Although he didn't know it, his face was almost scorched. With this smile, the scorched skin split instantly, revealing fresh flesh and blood. If the Japanese saw it, he didn't need to do anything. kill them.

The soldier of the security regiment, who was like a ghost, no longer felt the pain. He smiled and pulled a grenade cable tied to the general's uniform. Then, with the last of his strength, he rolled over and fell under the Japanese tank.

Around his waist, there are 6 densely packed grenades.He likes to be cheap by nature, so in order to increase his chances of saving his life, he secretly took more grenades.

Unexpectedly, his life was not saved, but a few more people were buried with him.

Worth it!

In the last stage of his life, no one knows what the soldier of the security regiment was thinking.

Even, no one knows how the Japanese 89 tank that had fled to safety exploded.

It was not until many years later that the Japanese army's battle report was released that the Chinese knew that a wounded Chinese soldier who was stranded in a Songjiang residence had blown up a tank.

Use your body as a bomb!

However, no one knew who he was, not even Zhuang Shisan, the commander of the first battalion of the security regiment.

But Songjiang people have not forgotten the unknown soldier.

The wreckage of the 89 tank that exploded into an empty shell due to the breakdown of the bottom steel plate caused dozens of shells, was pushed into the moat by the humiliated Japanese. After the war, the people of Songjiang salvaged it from the moat and brought it A faceless statue of a security corps soldier was erected next to the wreckage of the tank.

In memory of this!

Every Ching Ming Festival, there must be clusters of flowers around the statue.

There are also white wine, rice wine, cigarettes, meat, steamed buns, etc. Songjiang people think that although they don't know who he is, there is always something he likes here.

However, no one knows that Zhu Dachang's favorite is really a pig's large intestine!

The hero has no name, and no one can understand him.

"Did you see that? The Japanese are here, so let's do this!" Crow said to the little bald head, looking at the fire and the huge explosion that was more than 300 meters away.

The little bald head seemed to understand, but nodded fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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