Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 288 Misty Rain

Chapter 288 Misty Rain
There were two 89 tanks blocking the guns, and the 94 armored vehicles located further behind finally escaped the catastrophe.

The reason is also that Xiaodouding is flexible enough. When he saw the Chinese anti-war bombardment, he didn't say anything, and he didn't even have the thought of resisting, so he burrowed into the ruins.

But there are also those with inflexible heads, such as the infantry artillery squad. As soon as the battle started, they set up their guns and cooperated with the 89 tanks to blast hundreds of meters away.

But when they found out that the 89 tank had been beaten directly, it was too late for them to withdraw.

A row of shells from the Oerlikon machine gun swept over, and they would die if they touched it, and they would die if they touched it. At least six Japanese artillerymen who couldn't dodge were beaten to blood and lay on Zhongshan Road Street. The stone road adds a touch of blood.

The rest of the Japanese artillery, who were smarter, hid in the ruins, but it was not much better. Most of the impact points of the 150 heavy mortar shells were around the long street. Even if they couldn't kill people, they could blow up houses.

Hiding there is a gamble of luck, but the luck of many Japanese artillerymen seems to be not very good. With the soaring flames ignited by the tanks as a guide, several artillery observation posts concentrated in the fortifications of the city wall kept sending fire to their respective artillery positions. Report the trimmed coordinates.

As a result, 16 mortars shelled an area with a radius of 89 meters around the 50 tanks that were still violently exploding and bursting into the sky. Those Japanese artillerymen who hid in the ruins were either killed or buried alive by the collapsed houses.

The infantry artillery squad, which was originally full of personnel, directly reduced its staff by 50.00%.

After more than ten minutes, the heavy mortars in Songjiang City seemed to have exhausted enough and gradually stopped.

The Japanese infantry who were still alive in the surrounding area gathered here under the loud orders of the officers at all levels, and they were also careful not to gather too close together, lest the Chinese come to stop the cannon again.

On the other side of Cangcheng, there was a roar of killing, and the Japanese army's death squad was still launching the last wave of attack.

The angry Kunizaki even directly violated the artillery regulations. When he had more than 200 infantry left and was less than 100 meters away from Cangcheng, he brazenly ordered the artillery brigade to assemble [-] cannons to fire at the Cangcheng position.

Although the 105 howitzer was not used, the power of the 75 mountain cannon should not be underestimated. It should be the biggest loss for the Cangcheng defenders since the defense.

The Japanese infantry was close at hand, and no one dared to go down to hide from the artillery, so they could only hide in the simple trenches and carry it hard.

Four consecutive heavy machine guns were blown up at the head of Cangcheng. Although the infantry was not counted, after three rounds of artillery fire, the number of bullets fired by the Japanese infantry in the daring attack fell by one-third.

However, under Kunizaki's tactics, which almost hurt both sides, the Japanese infantry were not much better. Nearly forty Japanese soldiers at the forefront of Cangcheng were not killed by the scorching bullets shot at them, but were directly killed. Our own artillery fire flew away.

However, the so-called death squad did not dare to die in the end. The remaining more than 100 people, after being hit head-on by the bullets fired from the ruins after the raging artillery fire, finally lost their fighting spirit and retreated in despair.

Half of it was defeated by the terrifying will of the Chinese soldiers, and more of it was because they were afraid that their rear commanders would frantically come to output artillery fire.

Soldiers can be cannon fodder for tactical needs, but no one wants to be cannon fodder for their own artillery.

Kunisaki was stunned and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

It turned out that all the assumptions were just his thoughts. Whether it was the neighborhood or Cangcheng, the Chinese who had been hit by a violent attack never planned to give up.

The long street of Zhongshan Road is convenient for marching, and it is suitable for tanks and armored vehicles, but it is more suitable for treacherous Chinese artillery strikes.

Unless he has the ability to blow up the city walls facing the long street, that long street is destined to become a bloody place for the imperial army.

However, if you don't enter these heavy equipment, is it possible to let the pure infantry attack the Chinese city defense?Is there a hole in his head?
The battle seemed to be a circle, returning from the starting point to the starting point. He still had to wait for the heavy artillery brigade to arrive, and bombard the city wall with heavy artillery of over 200 calibers until it collapsed. 75 mountain cannons, the Chinese fortifications are not the goal.

Shigeru Suematsu, the grandson of the turtle
Facing the Xicheng District of Songjiang, which is like a hedgehog with its thorns spread out all over its body, Kunizaki, who has nearly [-] troops in the air, feels helpless for the first time. , is he so startled that his head is as big as a bucket?

If you continue to wait, you will continue to lose face. Kunisaki can already imagine Sue Matsushigeji's proud face more than 1000 meters away.

He could even imagine that the battle report of the 114th Division headquarters today would record this: at 8:9 a.m., the Kunisaki detachment of our department invested heavily in the block and entered the block, fighting fiercely for nearly an hour, suffering heavy losses and failing to attack the enemy; at 10:[-] a.m. , the major general detachment leader asked for temporary repairs, but the headquarters refused, so he used special ammunition; at [-] o'clock, he deployed heavy troops to wipe out the remnants of the enemy, and encountered obstacles.
His eyes gradually became ferocious, and Kunizaki ordered coldly: "Mr. Qiushi, order the infantry squadron that is searching the block to continue to search the entire block, and report the situation after the search is completed. , from three sides, attack the enemy fortress with all its strength.

I don't need the number of casualties, I just want the result, tell the two majors that if the fortress cannot be conquered before noon, then the two of them will not come to see me.If artillery support is required, I have authorized the Artillery Battalion to take full command of them. "

"Your Excellency, the detachment leader, then our loss is too great." The lieutenant officer of the army had a serious face, and it was rare that he didn't say yes, but suggested in a roundabout way.

"Our loss is great, and the loss of the Chinese will not be small." Kunizaki was startled but seemed to have made up his mind. "I understand what your Excellency Liu Chuanheisuke means. The Chinese in Cangcheng are like an iron nail thrown by the Chinese defenders. With their geographical advantages and extremely tenacious fighting will, they stabbed the Imperial Army into the bone marrow. Then, I The detachment will become a hammer, no matter how bloody it is stabbed, it will smash the nails thrown by the Chinese."

Taking a deep breath and staring at his chief of staff, Kunisaki's staring eyes were extremely firm: "Akimi-kun, don't forget that we are an imperial army known as the 'Steel Army', otherwise, His Excellency Yanagawa Heisuke will Do you entrust us with such a difficult battle task? Even if the blood of the warriors of the Imperial Army is shed, we must win this battle and shatter the confidence of the Chinese in the city.

When the two countries are at war, the competition for wealth and industrial strength is the strategy of the supreme commander, but on the battlefield, it is more about the will of the generals and soldiers.Let's see who can bear a greater sacrifice.

Yours, understand? "

"Hi! I understand." Army Lieutenant Sergeant nodded heavily.

Driven by the Japanese major general, the Japanese infantry began to regroup.

The rain, still unhurried, shrouded the small town in the south of the Yangtze River in a layer of tulle woven by drizzle.

In Cangcheng, smoke is even more lingering. There are white smoke from the burning wood after being wet by the rain, and black smoke from the shelling. All kinds of smoke are intertwined and then dispersed in the air by the rain. .

Looking from a distance, the city wall is broken, misty and rainy, just like a Chinese ink painting, with an indescribable poignancy.

But people who are in it or far away will know that the beauty will be shattered in a short time, leaving only blood and fire.

The Xilin Temple in the residential area also ushered in the search team of the Japanese army.

The crow leaned back against the wall of the stone pagoda and took a few puffs of cigarettes fiercely, with a wolf-like look in his eyes, which made the little bald man beside him couldn't help but sit back.

"Uncle Crow, what do you want to do?" The boy was instinctively afraid of this kind of fierce eyes.

"Nong has the guts to sneak in to beat the old Buddha's autumn wind?" The hostility was slightly subdued, but the crow grinned.

"I'm not afraid of the Japanese, I'm afraid." The little bald head blushed and tried to explain.

"No matter what you are afraid of, you can't be afraid at this time." The crow smiled slightly, pointed out with his hand, and said: "If you want to see your younger brothers and sisters alive, you have to listen to uncle. Uncle is going to kill the devil. Are you enough?" Do you have the guts to put bullets on Uncle? If you don’t have the guts, just roll down two floors for me to hide.”

"Why do you underestimate people? Of course you are brave enough." The little bald man puffed up his chest angrily with a blushing face, reached out and picked up a rifle that was taller than his body, and asked after a long while with a blushing face: "Uncle Crow, how do you load the bullet?"

I don't know whether it's because of disappointment or pity. He shook his head and sighed. Crow, who had already made up his mind, still patiently taught the 13-year-old boy in front of him to load a rifle, a pistol, and a light machine gun.

He had no choice, the boy in front of him was his only helper, and when the fight started, he didn't have time to load bullets.

The boy who was able to steal things from the monastery and took the initiative to shave his head was smart enough, and soon learned to load the three types of guns. Crow put all the bullets and guns he was carrying, including grenades, on the ground, and stretched out his hand to pick up the gun. The Czech-style light machine gun with a good magazine, looked back at the little bald head, "I will fight later, and I will remember it. If you don't ask you to pass the gun to me, just lie on the ground and don't move."

"Whether I can enjoy incense, drink and eat meat in the future depends on you, kid."

Xia Dayu was still thinking about the meaning of the crow's words, but the gunfire had already sounded.

The continuous long bursts of "da da da" made Xia Dayu, who had never heard gunshots so close, involuntarily lie on the ground and tightly covered his ears.

The scorching bullet casings danced wildly on the floor in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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