Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 289 When the Wolves Meet Brother Flathead

Chapter 289 When the Wolves Meet Brother Flathead
Xiong Yi, a Japanese army soldier who was only 30 meters away from Xilin Temple, raised his head in horror.

Seven or eight rounds of bullets surged from high above, knocking down a 15-person team that was marching in the narrow alley to the ground.

They are all veterans. This group of Japanese soldiers quickly judged that the bullets that hit the wall and the ground in front of them were shot obliquely from the sky. The bullets shot from this angle are terrible. It is not safe to lie on the ground without being hit by bullets. , is also likely to be hit by a ricochet that redirects as it hits a wall.

It's just that the alleys of the damn Chinese are too narrow, and there is no place to hide around, unless they stand against the wall and become a mural.

Don't tell me, after discovering that one of the unlucky comrades was not directly shot by the Chinese, but was hit by a ricochet, some Japanese soldiers really did this.

Jumped up from the prostrate state, pressed against the wall, and moved forward slowly. As for the silent recitation of "Amaterasu" or "I can't see me" or "I can't hit me", I don't know up.

Anyway, after the unforgettable hide-and-seek battle in the alleys of Chinese houses in the early morning, the Japanese infantry have long stopped shouting "Long Live the Emperor". The Chinese who shot black guns in every corner has become the consensus of all Japanese officers and soldiers.

And let's go!In order to cheer themselves up, those unlucky children who like to shout "Long Live the Emperor" and then rush in, often because their voices expose their targets, they may be thrown a grenade by the Chinese they cannot see.

In such an environment, the ones who yelled were naive critics. Not to mention ordinary Japanese soldiers learned to keep their mouths shut, even Komura Kuma, who needed to issue military orders, used gestures to remind his subordinates to leave this dangerous area as soon as possible.

If a Chinese shoots, there may be a Chinese throwing a grenade nearby.

Perhaps, the only thing that should make this Japanese team feel lucky is that the opponent's marksmanship is bad enough. At least [-] bullets were swept out, but only one person was injured by the ricochet, and the injury was not an arm or a leg, and the action was still no problem. .

"Ca Nirambi, what a broken gun, how did you adjust the sight?" The crow on the top of the pagoda cursed angrily.

It's a typical crow that can't complain about the toilet, and the crow is still a crow in the rivers and lakes. At least his marksmanship didn't become stronger because he participated in two scuffles.

My Uncle Crow is a scumbag?
The bald young man with his forehead scalded by bullet casings watched from the hole in the tower wall a large number of Japanese soldiers carrying guns and jumping out of the small alley without any damage. Can be dumbfounded.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you miss it, at least there are houses blocking it across the street.

That is to say, this no-win ending contrasts too much with the heroic and stalwart image of a shirtless, strong man holding a gun and flying bullet casings in an instant.

This is the reason why people are afraid of comparison.

Crow was not defeated by his bad marksmanship, and after scolding the bad gun, he quickly returned the empty magazine and threw it to Xia Dayu: "Don't be in a daze, load me with bullets, as long as I don't run out of bullets, I will always kill some of you." The devil showed you."

This also seems to make sense.

No matter how blind the cat is, it didn't starve to death, did it?As long as you don't want to sleep at night, you will always catch a few dead mice.

It's a pity that the Japanese army is not a dead mouse.They were so deadly, they hid themselves very well after judging the direction of the ballistic trajectory.

Even though the crow kept yelling, the Czech light machine gun in his hand was still the same, and all three magazines were empty with 60 rounds of ammunition, and the Japanese soldier still missed one.

Moreover, through careful observation, Komura Kumaichi finally found out that the specific location where the bullet was fired turned out to be the top floor of the tall Buddhist pagoda a straight line away.

Chinese marksmanship sucks!The Japanese squad, which was attacked by dozens of bullets in a row, but was only injured by a ricochet, finally came to this conclusion.

The veterans of the Japanese army were very courageous. After discovering that although the opponent's geographical position was condescending, they were not good at marksmanship, several Japanese soldiers climbed up to the attic that had not been burned down, and quietly shot at the top of the tower.

Their marksmanship is very good, let alone tens of meters, even if the distance is extended seven or eight times, they can almost guarantee a hit rate of more than 80.00%.

If it weren't for the fact that the outer layer of the pagoda is all made of bluestones quarried from deep mountains to ensure the strength of the pagoda, and the crows are also hiding in the pagoda and shooting holes specially dug out of the bluestones, I am afraid that five consecutive Six rounds of sharp-tipped bullets around the bowl-sized hole wouldn't give the crow the chance to fire long bursts in a row.

Komura Kumaichi's team was the closest to Xilin Temple, and was hit by machine gun fire from the crows who wanted to attack him and kill him first. It doesn't mean that the other Japanese search teams couldn't hear the gunshots.

Like a school of sharks smelling blood, two Japanese search teams about 200 meters away also followed the sound.

"Uncle Crow, there are also devils coming over there." Xia Dayu, who saw all this from the hole, reminded the crow who was still fighting with this group of Japanese troops anxiously.

The pagoda, which is equivalent to an aerial watchtower, provides the crow with a 360-degree attack surface without dead angles. No matter which side the Japanese attack from, he has enough shooting angles and ranges.

So, if we can't beat this wave of rabbits, let's change to another wave, in case a lame rabbit is hit by us!
The crow, whose mentality has not been broken by his poor marksmanship, quickly turned his gun, and slammed into the Japanese army following the sound.

Five magazines and one hundred bullets were poured out amidst the crow's roar.

However, the good luck of the Crow, who killed four Japanese soldiers and burned a 94 armored vehicle in total, seemed to have been used up.

In the eager anticipation of the bald boy, the Japanese army timidly approached.

But no one became the result of the crow.

This is so terribly painful.

The brows of both the big and the small were furrowed.

It's just that it's not just the two Chinese people, one big and one small, who are on the pagoda.

The Japanese soldiers who were not beaten to death or maimed by the Chinese were actually not happy.

They have to make sound judgments before making hard choices.

The light machine gunner on the pagoda was so bad at marksmanship that they couldn't believe it.

But why?
Why would he dare to attack them so blatantly if his marksmanship is so bad?

When things go wrong, they are demons!
The battle in the morning is still fresh in my memory. The Chinese were even cunning enough to sneak into the house you just searched and shoot you in the back.

Don't look at the Chinese light machine gunner's marksmanship so badly. To say that he is a soldier is an insult to soldiers all over the world, but what if this is done on purpose?Maybe his marksmanship is actually very accurate, but it's just because he feels that the position of himself and others is not enough for him to kill a lot.

Also, maybe there are still a large number of Chinese hidden in the house under the pagoda or in the ruins. What if we wait for them to go in, and then there will be another battle like in the morning?
Both possibilities exist.

However, the Japanese army still had to make a choice. The purpose of their entry into the smoking ruins was to search for remnants of the enemy and remove obstacles for the army to enter.

It is their task to wipe out the Chinese who occupy this place.

It's just that you can't lose your life in vain, can you?Therefore, the three Japanese squads of 45 people all stayed 30 meters away from Xilin Temple.

Although the three squads encircling Xilin Temple did not belong to the same infantry squad, as the distance approached, they heard the familiar sounds of 11 Dagai and Taisho [-] years light machine guns returning fire, and they knew each other existed. contact was also made.

Finally, after the discussion of the three sergeants, in order not to waste the blood of the warriors of the Imperial Army, they had to seek help from the Japanese captain who led the team.

Such a decision, I am afraid that not only their top boss, Major General Kunizaki Zhen, will spit out a mouthful of old blood and curse when he hears it: Nima coins!
Even the crow will be dumbfounded when he hears it. Is Lao Tzu so good?
1 vs. 45, it turned out that the Japanese were persuaded in the end.

Of course, the reasons why the three Japanese sergeants decided to ask for help are actually very good, not only the temple that is still smoking under the pagoda gives people a sense of insecurity, they only use light weapons to stay on the top of the pagoda There is nothing the Chinese gunmen with poor marksmanship can do.

Facts have proved that the bullets of rifles and light machine guns cannot penetrate the bluestone wall of the pagoda. The three teams fired more than 300 bullets with dozens of rifles and three light machine guns, making the top of the pagoda visible to the naked eye. The stone chips are flying around, but unfortunately, except for some more mottled, the stone is still the same stone, and the marksmanship of the bad Chinese gunmen is still so messy.

Because, he is still fighting back vigorously.

As for grenades?I also tried, unless the grenade can be thrown into those holes that are no bigger than the mouth of a bowl, otherwise, throwing it up is useless, and it will still roll down and explode, and its power is at most equivalent to a big firecracker.

The Chinese will rely on terrain!
Looking through the gaps in the window, the Japanese infantrymen on the top of the pagoda that shot bullets from time to time, their eggs were swollen.

It felt like a pack of hungry wolves met Brother Pingtou, and nothing happened to him!Brother Pingtou, on the contrary, persevered and launched an attack on the wolves.

Is this courting death?But after such a contest, I found that looking at the thick skin of the stupid flat-headed brother biting it, it was hard not to say, that pair of sharp claws and fangs in his mouth may scratch your face at any time.

Although he didn't scratch it, the grinning and "welcome to do it" gesture made the wolf almost sick to death.

. . . . . . .

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(End of this chapter)

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