Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 489 Murder and Overcome!

Chapter 489 Murder and Overcome!
"28000 cans of meat!" General Guo Zhongjiang nodded noncommittally after recovering from his joy.

Seemingly casual, he continued to ask: "According to the calculation of a heavy artillery brigade of the Japanese army with more than [-] troops, the average storage capacity of three or four cans per person is reasonable! But, the Japanese can't just eat cans, right?"

"Reporting sir, our department has also seized some medicines, about two cars. Our advance team probably won't need them, and they have already prepared to hand them over to the headquarters. If the headquarters needs them urgently, they can send medical personnel to receive them now." . " Tang Dao continued to hold his head high and his chest high, with awe-inspiring righteousness ready to come out.

No, it should be atmosphere!That appearance is definitely so atmospheric that it explodes, the kind that is more awesome than a dozen grenades tied together.

"Your boy" Guo Zhong raised his brows and couldn't help being a little angry.

He was asking if there was any other food, grass and supplies, but Tang Dao turned out to be good, so he directly came to point out the deer as a horse.

Especially the 'magnificence' on that face, really, so good that I want to beat someone up.

Of course, it’s not that he’s not happy with the medicines. The number of wounded is increasing day after day after the war. The medical team of the 43rd Army directly followed the advance regiment. The medicines brought by the 67th Army have long been unable to make ends meet. In short supply of medical supplies, didn't you see that Wu Keren, the supreme commander, had to exchange the dried meat hidden by the guards if he wanted to get a jar of wine and invite Tang Dao to eat?
The two carts of medicine that Tang Dao mentioned were definitely a timely help, and their importance was no less than the more than 20,000 canned meat he just mentioned.

No matter how stubborn he is at the moment, the bearded uncle reckons that he has come back to it, dare to say, the young man Tang Dao is fighting with two old foxes, bargaining with each other.

On the one hand, the two old guys regretted it and wanted to scrape off a layer of fat from the young man to supplement the military supplies, and on the other hand, they didn't see the rabbits and didn't scatter the eagles, and wanted to get supplies and give benefits!

No wonder Tang Dao was able to become a colonel at such a young age. Just the courage to challenge the chief is already impressive. At this age, he was still eating, drinking and having fun with a bunch of stupid sons of local rich men in his hometown Woolen cloth!
But what does it matter to us?For a Tiehanhan lieutenant general whose mind is only on how to kill the Japanese so that he and the local soldiers can return to their hometown, he can eat the meat scraped from Tangdao, and if Tangdao can get some On the plus side, he is also happy to see the results. He can fool this brave young man into a niece and son-in-law at any time, right?
The bearded uncle didn't intend to participate in this 'secret battle' at all. Facing an opened can of beef, he buried his head in his mouth and munched. He hadn't eaten meat for half a month, but he was so greedy for Lao Gu, who is usually used to big fish and big meat. .

"The establishment of the Independent Battalion is up to you. The Songjiang Garrison Battalion was originally disbanded after the Battle of Songjiang. Now, due to the emergency situation in Jiashan, the headquarters has decided to merge the Garrison Battalion and the Four Elements Battalion into the Independent Battalion." Sitting upright Lieutenant General Wu finally spoke with a painful expression on his face.

Can it hurt?The 800th member of the Songjiang Garrison Battalion formed during the Battle of Songjiang was nominally drawn from the 67th Army, the 43rd Army, and the Songjiang Security Regiment, but the 43rd Army only had a few hundred big cats and kittens. How many people could they give?Although the Songjiang security group has good equipment and performance, they are still based on scum. How many people can a picky Tang Dao choose?

After all, aren't most of them selected from his 67th Army?

But this time, it was not a temporary force.

Tang Dao's Four Elements Battalion has its own number, and based on this, it serves as an independent battalion of the 43rd Army, which means that this is a battalion-level force recognized by the theater command and even the military and political department. Well, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs also has to allocate military salaries.

To put it bluntly, with this transfer, there is nothing to return to the construction, and the hundreds of elites have nothing to do with him from the 67th Army.

Thinking of those regiment and brigade commanders under his command coming to him sooner or later, the lieutenant general's head hurts.

Fortunately, Tang Dao has a panacea for headaches.

"In addition to medicines, our department also seized some military supplies such as rice, salt, and soybeans. If the headquarters needs it, our department is willing to hand over [-]%!" Tang Dao answered calmly with his head held high.

With Wu Zhongjiang's remarks, Tang Dao's long-hanging heart was completely let go.

Don't look at the two big guys who just told him that the Four Lines Battalion was transferred to the 43rd Army, which was a big worry, and the mother-in-law who was hundreds of miles away from the headquarters of the 88th Division was removed, and the name of the Independent Battalion sounded like a joke. He is quite capable of fooling people, and his organization is more flexible than ordinary infantry battalions, but he must have people first!
How many people are there in total in the Four Elements Battalion belonging to his direct lineage?When joining forces with the 43rd Army, there were still nearly a hundred people. They have been fighting continuously for half a month, and they are still able to fight until now. There are only about [-] people at full strength.

more than 70 independent battalions?Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it an independent platoon!At this point, Lei Xiong is still complaining that he is the sad lieutenant colonel and deputy battalion commander, so where is he, the colonel and platoon leader, going to reason?

Now, General Wu Zhong said that all the temporarily established garrison battalions will be filled into the Four Elements Battalion, which means that from now on, Tang Dao really has the foundation of an infantry battalion.

It's not that Tang Dao is greedy for power, but that in such an era, no matter how good he is, he cannot decide the battlefield by himself.

He needs comrades-in-arms, comrades-in-arms who have the same ideals as him, shoulder to shoulder, do their best, and do the little people's efforts for this country and nation that are in dire straits.

Is the wheel of history really so stubborn?Whenever Tang Dao thought of those heart-wrenching griefs, he always wanted to try.

If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work?

Effort does not necessarily lead to success, but without effort, it will never succeed.

"What? Seventy percent?" Wu Zhong raised his eyebrows.

If it wasn't for Tantai Mingyue's presence, Comrade Old Wu might have pointed at this bastard Tang Dao and scolded him. I gave you hundreds of elites, and you're still playing tricks on me.

20,000% of the outstanding ones, how much can you have in total?Feed more than [-] people!It's a breakup meal, isn't it!
"Eighty percent, eighty percent, just now!" Tang Dao lowered his eyebrows and gave Comrade Wu some face.

"Ninety percent! I will give you half of the 43rd Army Medical Team!" General Guo said with a final word. "Ok, deal!"

"Then, let's do it!" Tang Dao looked resentful, as if he had suffered a lot.

"Ah bah! You're just pretending to be me, you're so happy, aren't you?" As calm as Lieutenant General Guo, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of phlegm on Tang Dao's forehead. "Hurry up, how much is the amount?"

Of course Tang Dao was overjoyed!With these professionals, the establishment of his independent battalion is finally complete.

Who said soldiers shed blood but not tears?That means he must not have been hit by a bullet.Not everyone is qualified to be Guan Erye, who can scrape bones while drinking a little wine.

Every time he thought of the wounded being bandaged up in such a rude way by those strong men that they would call their fathers and mothers, and he might be one of them, Tang Dao's brain ached.

It's all right now, give him half of it, and at least two or three female guards. Whether those "animals" will be shot on purpose may be a headache for Tang Dao in the future.

"There is about [-] catties of salt. I haven't weighed the rice yet, but according to Zhuang Shisan's estimate, it will not be less than [-] catties! There is still some soybean fodder, but that stuff is mainly for horses. .” Tang Dao replied lightly.

There was a sudden silence in the headquarters.

a long time!

"Is your baby from Xiangxi?" The Tiehanhan bearded uncle opened his mouth wide enough to swallow the whole can of beef in front of him.

After Tang Dao said this jaw-dropping number, he was definitely more like a bandit than all the bandits that Uncle Tiehanhan with a beard had ever seen.

What do you mean by killing people and taking goods, this is it!
Fuck the Japanese, kill them all, rob them all!You don't have to eat potatoes every day.

This is the sound of Tie Hanhan's frantic cry in the depths of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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