Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 490 The real scheming BOY

Chapter 490 The real scheming BOY
"Haha, good! Very good!" Zhongzhong Wu, who had stayed for a while, suddenly burst out laughing.

Lifting the wine jar, he filled the bowl in front of Tang Dao himself, and patted Tang Dao on the shoulder: "Okay, don't hold it, I will give you the person you want, and I will exchange these tens of thousands of catties of grain. But , I still have to express my gratitude, counting your great achievements, this bowl belongs to you, I haven’t had a drink for a long time, so I will make an exception to accompany you for a whole bowl, will it work?”

Tang Dao grinned!
It's all about people, it's just a bowl of dry wine.

Those are not two or two small bowls specially used for drinking, but real rice bowls, and the bowls for eating in the army, you can know what the capacity is after holding the heel, otherwise, the lieutenant general would not have prepared wine. It's a five-jin jar of wine.

Although the wine of this period is not as advanced as the brewing technology of the later generations, the alcohol content is not too high, and it is all pure grain brewing, and there will never be any alcohol blended, but it can be used by the medical team as medical supplies to disinfect the wounds of the wounded. They are definitely all high-grade liquors, and there is no one more than 50 degrees.

Although Tang Dao has a good capacity for alcohol in the future, and he once drank a catty or two of 53% Feitian Guojiu in one meal, but at present, this young body, in order to ensure his sensitivity on the battlefield, he has not tried the test of alcohol.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, it's not easy to make a mess on the spot after eating a bowl.

"Sir, you can drink wine, but can I make a suggestion?" Tang Dao said.

"you say!"

"This wine is medical supplies. We should save a little if we can! I have wine here! It's good wine, and it doesn't cost money!" Tang Dao shouted outside again: "Erya, hurry up, prepare me for the officers." Bring the wine here!"

Erya carried a big box, walked in with a smile, saluted several officers, and opened the wooden box.

It was an extremely exquisitely packaged wooden box. When it was opened, there was a yellow silk base inside, two white porcelain vials of half a catty and a few small wine glasses of the same texture. It was not like wine, but a collection. Same.

"Hey! This is Japanese sake! Look at the packaging specifications, only generals can have it." General Wu Zhong has stayed in the Northeast and has dealt with the Japanese a lot, so he still has a discerning eye.

"Hey! I don't know if it was used by the generals, but it was found in a strong enough bunker on a position captured by our army. I think the style is pretty exquisite, so I want to give it to the officers. .However, this is the pose of the Japanese, it looks good, but I don’t know how the wine is.” Tang Dao laughed.

"Bah! You wanted to give us a taste, so why didn't you take it out sooner? You didn't take it out until Commander Wu wanted you to have a drink with you, and you pretended that we didn't know about it. Is it because the conditions are not as good as what you Guawazi wanted, so you just let your messengers go up here and then withdraw?" General Guo looked disdainful, but his subordinates were not slow, and reached out to take out the exquisitely styled vial from the wooden box.

"Junzuo, that can't be done! I've taken so much effort to bring it up here, how can I bring it up again? For the gift of surprises, take them all out at once, and you can't lose your sense of expectation! As for the conditions you mentioned, I personally think that First, the officer will never treat the brothers badly; second, we have to fight the Japanese if we have the conditions, and we have to do it if we don't have the conditions!" Tang Dao's face was full of righteousness again!
If you don't know anything about Tang Dao, you will definitely be fooled by his behavior, especially at the moment when he said, "If you don't have the conditions, you have to create the conditions."

Proper iron-blooded soldier benchmark.

Of course, those who know him well should be able to hear him now.The meaning of what he said is actually nothing more than, you said, yes.As long as you are as stubborn as an iron rooster, you can eat the canned food, but you can't even see the hair of this wine.

Why did you bring it up, why did you bring it back in a hurry.

Guo Zhong twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Haha! I just like your baby, even if it's shameless, it's shameless!" The bearded uncle Tiehanhan laughed loudly, reached out and snatched another bottle, and poured himself a small bowl first. "I'll try the Japanese wine for you guys!"

"Executive Gu, I'm flattered!" Tang Dao grinned and bared his teeth.

That shameless look is really cheap.

Tantai Mingyue covered her mouth and laughed so that the flowers and branches trembled.

Tang Dao showed a somewhat 'ruffian' performance in front of the three officers or the three elders, which formed an extremely strong contrast with his calm and ruthless on the battlefield, but it was precisely this contrast that made Tang Dao There is an indescribable charm.

Just like a sharp knife, the cold blade brings a thrilling and fatal attraction to people, but it will cut people if it is too sharp. For self-protection, you will stay away from him subconsciously, but when there is a scabbard It can hide its deadly sharpness, and even because the scabbard is not gorgeous but its color and style are all your favorite, you will prefer this knife that only reveals its sharp blade when facing the enemy.

The current Tang knife is such a knife.

Don't look at his "full of scheming" asking for treatment conditions with several officers, but everyone knows that it is because he wants you to "see" his scheming, and his enemies will only see these before they die.

Therefore, although they knew that Tang Dao was talking nonsense, none of the officers were angry.

However, this may also be the right of the outstanding.

Try anyone else instead?Don't be called a dog!Not just anyone has the qualifications to bargain with superiors.

What's wrong with the hammer? I want to lay down the gun?Who did the dog mess with?
"Ah bah! Is this wine?" The Tiehanhan bearded uncle who took a sip immediately spit out the wine. "Let's not talk about it, but it has an indescribable taste. That's it, and put it in this box, Tang Dao, tell me honestly, did you cheat, drink wine, and drink some rotten rice soup?" go in."

Tang Dao
The grievance this time is by no means feigned.

He has also drank Japanese sake before. Although it is unpalatable, it is definitely not unacceptable!

"Brother Gu, you have wronged Tang Dao!" Lieutenant General Wu, who took a sip from General Guo and poured himself a small bowl of sake, laughed. "The wine with Longquan Judai on this box is synonymous with good wine in Japan!"

"What's the matter? It's also named after our Chinese Longquan sword." Uncle Tiehanhan with a beard didn't believe it.

"That has nothing to do with Longquan Sword and Sword. This is a wine produced by a winery with a history of 200 years. The eleventh generation is brewed by the No.11 generation heir of this winery. The so-called Longquan is made from the dragon's fall The rice is also grown by the winery itself, and the winery will also decide whether to brew according to the quality of the rice of the year. In Japan, this sake is the top-level sake.

There is even a saying about this wine, if you drink this wine, it is best not to match it with anything, because the quality of the wine itself is comparable to a delicacy. "Wu Zhong will explain.

"That sounds mysterious, I'll try it again!" Tiehanhan the bearded uncle took another sip with a suspicious expression on his face.

Obviously, he didn't think the wine tasted good just because it sounded awesome.

For those who love to drink, anything with an alcohol content of less than 35 degrees is scum. [-]% Japanese sake is no exception.

"No! No! This wine is not to my old Gu's taste, you two guys should keep it in your collection and drink it up!" The Tiehanhan bearded uncle finally admitted helplessly that he could not taste the Japanese taste, and in the spirit of not wasting After swallowing the sake in one gulp, he lifted the wine jar and poured himself a bowl.

Beef with high-grade Chinese liquor is the most correct way for Chinese people to open it.

Seeing Tang Dao's bright smile, he stared at him: "Since the wine your baby gave is not good, you have to drink with me. Come, let's go."

Tang Dao
Calculated the problem.

He calculated the acting skills of the two big shots, and what he had to contribute, but he didn't expect that the most difficult to deal with was not the two old scheming boys, but the bearded man in front of him who seemed to have a whole gut.

That mouthful of stewed wine dripped from his beard as if mocking Tang Dao.

Do you think your baby is awesome just by being shameless?Wrong, the one who can drink is really awesome!
Especially at such a 'negotiation table', the dish is the first to get dizzy.

Chinese cabbage!
Du Teliang is a routine.

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Today I would like to recommend a new book by a military author brother, "Film and Television Begins with the SEALs".

(End of this chapter)

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