Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 512: Team or Individual?

Chapter 512: Team or Individual?
The rotten gambler really didn't open the market blindly this time.

In fact, what he bet on was not Qian Dazhu, but Tang Dao.

Tang Dao has never disappointed the old abacus. From the Sixing Warehouse all the way to this place, although there are people falling down on the way forward, what Tang Dao brings to them is victory!Keep winning!
Qian Dazhu is the company commander recognized by Tang Dao, so he must have enough ability, this is the careful thinking of the old abacus.

The vast majority of people, including Li Jiujin, are still stuck on Qian Dazhu, but only Yang Xiaoshan and Xia Dayu, who trust Tang Dao to the core, resolutely bet against the two oceans.

Tang Dao also heard about the gambling here and couldn't deny it.

He is not a stubborn person. The soldiers have just experienced continuous battles and walked from the edge of life and death. They have eaten well and slept well to recover from physical fatigue, but they are still mentally tense. It can also be regarded as a kind of relaxation, temporarily forgetting the blood and fire on the battlefield.

It's just that this time, he can't participate in it himself. It's not that as the top officer of the independent battalion, he must do his best not to participate in this kind of poisonous "entertainment", but that if he goes, no matter where he votes, he will change invisibly. the rules of this game.

This is what status brings!The backbone of the independent battalion is all his direct troops, who can argue against him?
There was a lot of excitement on the hillside, and the third company below the hillside had already started their assessment.

The content of the assessment is not surprising, there are three items: cross-country marching, stabbing, and shooting!
The cross-country march is ten li with full armor, that is, five circles around the entire garrison;

Of course, the stabbing cannot be done with real swords and guns. If there is no wooden gun for training, then use a real gun. However, the bayonets of the real guns have been removed, and the muzzle of the gun is tied with a cloth head dipped in white lime, and the cloth head is tied into a fist. Although the size of the poke does not hurt people, it will bruise and bruise when poked;
Shooting is much simpler, a wooden dummy target is tied 200 meters away, and the number of paper rings on the target wins.Although there is no target paper, but there are wooden boards, take white lime to draw a few circles, and then dot a red heart with red paint, it can barely be used as a target.

All these preparations were handed over by Lei Xiong to the health team of the secret service company.

Not everyone in Sanlian participated in the assessment, Qian Dazhu gave everyone a chance to sign up voluntarily.

Armed cross-country and stabbing are combined to calculate the score, each of which accounts for 50.00%, and shooting is calculated separately.

The purpose of doing this is obvious. Positions like squad leader and squad deputy require strength, agility and bravery, but they don't necessarily require their shooting skills. They can be good infantry squad leaders like sharpshooters.

But the most important thing for a precision shooter is of course marksmanship.

Accurate shooters are not a new term. They were set up in infantry squads of various troops at this time. Their role is to hunt down enemy grenadiers, machine gunners, and low-level officers on the battlefield. If they don’t have enough accurate marksmanship, that’s not nonsense. Well!

Therefore, almost all accurate shooters should be selected from the third shooting assessment.

There will not be too many people who dare to sign up for the precision marksman assessment. It is already [-] o'clock in the afternoon. After the cross-country running and the stabbing, it will definitely be after [-]:[-], and the sky has begun to darken at that time.

Even if they are all veterans, not many of them can guarantee that they can hit a target 200 meters away under such lighting conditions. If they miss the target, wouldn’t it become a joke for the entire army?

There were no more than 20 soldiers who were confident to participate in the shooting assessment.

However, there were a total of 90 officers and soldiers of the third company participating in fully armed cross-country and stabbing.

In addition to the veterans of the Sixing Battalion and the Garrison Battalion in the Sanlianli, 18 soldiers from the former Songjiang Security Regiment also signed up.

Obviously, although they used to be militiamen, after fighting several battles, they also looked like soldiers.

So strong to win!What's wrong with the veteran, even if I can't compare, I have to participate, maybe I can do it too?
Qian Dazhu nodded at the result of the registration, which was stronger than he expected. If there were only a few soldiers in the Songjiang security regiment, or even none, then he would really have to deal with the group that accounted for 40.00% of the number. The militiamen were disappointed.

It doesn't matter if you are weak in physical fitness, technique and tactics, but if you are weak in spirit, you will be inferior to others for a lifetime.

"Everyone who doesn't participate in the assessment, stand here for me until all the assessments are over!" Qian Dazhu lowered his face and yelled softly at the soldiers who didn't even dare to sign up. "Think about why you are standing here!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the remaining dozens of soldiers who were ashamed, and turned to arrange the first assessment.

The cross-country running assessment was as many people guessed, 90 people ran together, and then scored according to the order in which they reached the finish line.

Everyone is the same, with 30 minutes as the dividing line, add 1 minutes, subtract 1 point, and decrease [-] minutes to add [-] point.


As for whether there will be worse ones, it is estimated that after the continuous battle, such soldiers have almost been eliminated.

It's just that before the cross-country running, the group for the second stabbing assessment was divided. The 90 people who signed up were divided into ten groups, each with nine people, numbered 1 to 9 for the first group, and 10 to 19 for the second group. The second group, and so on, write the number '1, 2, 3, 490' on each person's back with white lime.

The distribution of personnel in each group is also considered average. Veterans from the Four Lines Battalion and Veterans from the Garrison Battalion account for about 8 people, and the remaining two are soldiers from the security regiment. In this way, there is no problem of who takes advantage of whom.

"We announced the jab groupings before the cross-country run, so there's some know-how here! I think Qian Dazhu still has a lot of money in his stomach!" Pang Dahai said with his eyes narrowed.

"Hey, that's not necessarily the case. Maybe this kid is so suspicious, and in the end he still chooses people based on his personal scores! If you want to be the squad leader, you have to be the strongest person, otherwise how can you suppress the people under you?" ?” Cheng Tieshou replied, curling his lips.

"What both of you said makes sense, but in the end it depends on how the young people make their choices!" Guo Shouzhi interjected as he strode over.

"Deputy Guo Ying thinks that is more reliable?" Guo Shouzhi is in charge of both the artillery company and the fire support company. Pang Dahai and Cheng Tieshou are currently under his direct command, so he naturally understands that Guo Shouzhi came to chat with them because he wanted to chat with each other. familiar meaning.

As long as you become an official, you can learn many skills without a teacher.

"Me! This time I can stand by the company commander of Haihai. How about it? Let's bet against each other, Company Commander Iron Head? Whoever loses will treat guests to canned meat. I know that your fire support company will be the first to go to collect supplies. It's gone." Guo Shouzhi laughed.

"Don't gamble, don't gamble, old Abacus is still a big soldier, Deputy Guo Ying, please don't hurt me." Cheng Tie shook his head.

"Haha!" Both Guo Shouzhi and Pang Dahai laughed.

Speaking of which, Cheng Tietou is still guilty, and he is a company commander. Of course, his vision and pattern are different from those of the past. It's not just as simple as seeing who can run better.

It's just that it's slightly different from what they imagined.

The assessment was in full swing. Qian Dazhu borrowed a communications platoon of sixteen people from the battalion department. He was so busy sweating profusely that he recorded the scores of nearly a hundred people. The panting soldiers were still tired after running five laps with a catty bag of grain.

As a result, Qian Dazhu himself was as fierce as a tiger in one pass, but in the end he held it high and lightly. He just looked at the scores of everyone who took a full 50 minutes to complete the assessment, and then announced: "The assessment of the stabbing has begun. Come in groups, one group For two groups, three groups for four groups, the person with white ash on the chest and abdomen will be judged as a loser and quit! After 3 minutes, the person with the most remaining players will win. The loser who has no injuries will score [-] points. Those who have injuries but do not need to quit will score [-] points. The winning group In the same way, each person will get an extra five points!"

No matter the veterans or the soldiers of the security regiment, they all wailed!
It doesn't matter how the score is scored, the important thing is that after running five laps in full gear, I feel like I'm dying, so I still have the strength to fight?
Perhaps only those officers with serious eyes knew that this was an assessment close to actual combat.

This is the case in actual combat, not to mention marching ten miles in a hurry, even if you are tired and vomiting blood for twenty miles, the battle has already begun, so you have to fight, the enemy will not give you any rest time.

The young recruit Danzi Company Commander has a big heart. He not only passed the assessment to select the squad leader, but also wanted to test the combat strength of the veteran recruits under his command.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I recommend a new historical article "Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms Begins with Chicken Raising" by the same group of authors. The main character is reborn as a tenant of Zhang Fei. The starting point is relatively novel. Interested readers can read it.Also, the subscription suddenly declined, everyone come to Qidian Chinese website to support the genuine version!grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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