Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 513 The Veteran's Stubbornness

Chapter 513 The Veteran's Stubbornness
Said it was an immediate assessment, but Qian Dazhu still gave each group 3 minutes to recuperate.

It can also be regarded as giving each group a time to integrate with each other, although this time is too short.

Fighting and stabbing is one of the necessary skills for the Japanese army to train hard. As their opponents, the Chinese soldiers naturally dare not neglect it.

However, compared with the Japanese army, the Chinese soldiers are still insufficiently trained. Usually, the army mostly eats cabbage and potatoes, and their nutrition is far inferior to that of the Japanese army. The Badagai were more than ten centimeters shorter, so every time a hand-to-hand battle, the Chinese army was at a disadvantage.

But now the 90 people who are divided into five groups fighting in the arena are different. Most of them have experienced the bloodiest battlefields, and some have even experienced hand-to-hand combat several times.

Teams with such soldiers have different formations.

Just like 3 groups of 9 people, facing their opponents, from the beginning, they put up a frontal formation, with a veteran as the front, and the other two veterans followed closely on both sides, forming a small triangle, and the remaining 6 People are also grouped into threes and threes, and they are located on the rear wing of the previous three. From a distance, it looks like a big triangle composed of three small triangles.

"This is the three-three system tactic that the officer mentioned last time!" Li Jiujin gasped. "This is definitely done by the veterans of our Four Elements Battalion."

"The one who takes the lead is Sesame!" Old Abacus pouted. "Feng Laoliu and Wu Laoer are following behind him!"

"Company commander, can you tell me what is the three-three system? I have never heard of this term!" A soldier who was new to Li Jiujin's second company asked curiously.

This guy originally belonged to the 43rd Army, but was later poached by Tang Dao and transferred to the Garrison Battalion. This time, he was transferred to the Second Company of the Independent Battalion, and was selected by Li Jiujin as the squad leader. Li Jiujin meant to join in the show.

People, isn't that how they gradually become familiar with and understand it!Chinese people have their own unique way of socializing.

"What is the three-three system? We have been on the battlefield, and the officer didn't make it too clear. Basically, as we saw, three people formed a triangle group, and the other six people also formed two groups on their flanks and rear wings." One, nine people form a "pin" shape, so that the six people behind can support the front, and if they encounter attacks from the two wings, they can also help their own forwards fight back.

Enlarged from an infantry squad to an infantry platoon, that is, three infantry squads are arranged like this, and if it is an infantry company, three infantry platoons are arranged like this!As for the infantry battalion, I don't understand, it is probably arranged in a similar way! "Li Jiujin searched his brains and scratched his head, and finally gave a general idea of ​​the three-three system that Tang Dao once said.

"Understood! Understood!" The sergeant squad leader pointed his head in the field. "Isn't it better to put on such a formation?"

"Of course, you see that the opponents in Group 3 and Group 4 are using a two-two formation. I hope that two people will use two guns to kill the opponent's leader Zhimai first, and then eat the opponents one by one. Unfortunately, they don't know that Zhimai is a single It was not so easy to kill a Japanese soldier who had been stabbed to death by himself. If he hadn't been killed, Feng Lao Liu and Wu Lao Er who followed him would not be vegetarians either.

Moreover, they want to protect their two weakest people and put them at the back, but as long as the two groups in the front can't resist a retreat and let others move forward, the two weakest people may be the first Bad luck! "

Sure enough, as Li Jiujin said, when the 3rd group came running with all their strength, the sergeant named 'Sesame' at the front fought hard to parry a 'bayonet' that was stabbing at him, and was stabbed with one arm After paying the price, the two guns behind him shot out suddenly, and directly hit an opponent's chest. The severe pain and the white mark on the chest reminded the soldier that he had been sentenced to withdraw, and the other opponent had to retreat to protect himself.

In the first contact, the strongest 'arrows' were injured in 3 groups, but the opponent lost one person, and what's more, he retreated.

The three arrows continued to move forward with great strides, and several opponents in groups of two and two had to choose to confront the two small triangles behind them, but they didn't know that the two security regiment soldiers hidden by them at the end had already faced their opponents The strongest trio.

The soldiers of the security regiment have never engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Even if they have experienced street and field battles, they mostly shoot with short guns. Do they have experience in stabbing opponents with rifles?

Panicked, he could only stab with a rifle, so where are the opponents of the three experienced veterans?Even though Zhima, the leader, could only hold a gun in one hand according to regulations, he calmly pushed aside the stabbing rifle, while the other two strode forward, mercilessly sending the two stunned opponents out of the game.

So far, the battle has only lasted 30 seconds, and there are still two and a half minutes before the stipulated 3 minutes. There are only 4 people in the 6th group, and 3 people in the 9rd group.

One side has a large number of people and high morale, and the other side has a small number of people and low morale, and the outcome is almost self-evident.

"There are veterans from your original Four Elements Battalion! Why can the third group form this formation, but they can't?" The sergeant squad leader was dumbfounded, and asked again after a while.

Don't look at his headache just now, he understands it, but he doesn't have an intuitive impression of how powerful the three-three system is.

Logically speaking, when they were divided into groups just now, they were evenly distributed, and the strengths of the two sides were not much different. How could such a one-sided situation occur?
Could it be that this is all due to the three-three system?If this is the case, we have to study this three-three system carefully. Our infantry squad does the same, and the sergeant squad leader quickly enters the role.

"Hehe, that's not easy. The people in Group 3 should be more obedient, or their luck should be better. They should be assigned one more veteran from our Four Lines Battalion. The higher the support rate, you understand." Li Jiu Jin smiled warmly.

The speaker may be unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Not to mention that the sergeant squad leader who got closer had a slight shudder in his eyes, and the sergeant squad leader beside him was also thinking that he should have more heart-to-heart communication with the veterans of the Four Elements Battalion in his squad. The three-three system that came will be of great use.

The scene in front of you is the best battle example.

The strength of the 3 groups is entirely in the formation, not just in the leading three.

There are many people versus few people. The 3 groups are basically 3 vs. 2 in each group. Although the 4 groups immediately changed their formation after losing three people in a row, under the leadership of the leader who should be a veteran of the Four Elements Battalion, six people The three groups form a triangle to resist the opponent's attack.

However, it was already too late, the three groups with an absolute numerical advantage 'killed' three people in a row, while only one person was lost.

Under the ebb and flow, the form of the 4th group is naturally worse. After 2 minutes, there are still 7 people in the [-]rd group, and as their opponent, there is only one person.

7VS1, there is no suspense anymore.

"Bronze Hammer, admit defeat! Your team has already lost." Sesame, the leader of the 3rd team, sighed as he looked at the soldiers who were surrounded in the center, still holding their guns tightly, with firm eyes.

The leader of the 4th group, the veteran from the Four Elements Battalion, already had white spots on his body. As a comrade in arms who once fought side by side, he already gave the other party a lot of face by saying so.

What's more, with a pair of sevens, what else can he do besides getting a few more bruises on his body?
"We lost, we lost, but I'm still here, so I haven't lost yet!" The soldier holding the gun tightly had a grim look on his face, and with a slight shake of the tip of the gun, he answered forcefully. "Let's fight!"

"Veteran, I've already shot you in the ribs. If it were a battlefield, you'd already be dead. Don't be silly!" A young soldier in the third group pointed to the white spots on the veteran's ribs with a bit of resentment.

"Dead?" The old soldier's eyes became sharp, and he put away his gun suddenly.

He reached out and unbuttoned his military uniform.

Not to mention the inside of the field, even the people outside the field looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what this stubborn soldier was going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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