Chapter 568
It is false!

What is false is true!

These two words invented by the Chinese ancestors look simple, but they are used in ever-changing ways, making it difficult to guess.

The bad old man on the opposite side is really bad, and Ushishima Sadao has learned again.

After consuming the lives of nearly 1500 infantrymen.

The entire battlefield lasted for nearly 3 hours. After the three heavy mortar battalions almost emptied four-fifths of their shell reserves, the Japanese finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Abandoned the first-line trenches that had been occupied, and retreated across the board.

Even if the infantry regiment captains from Ushishima Sadao to the following have firmly believed that the Chinese are shelling desperately, perhaps soon, they will empty their shell reserves.

However, they couldn't hold on anymore.

Because what the Chinese consume is shells, but what they pay is their lives. The battle loss ratio is close to 20.00%, which has brought morale to the bottom.

Since then, the Japanese army has not organized such a large-scale attack.

Even though Ushishima Sadao received information from the Songhu dispatched army headquarters in the afternoon, according to the report of the spies lurking in the high-level Jinling, the Chinese troops on the Jiaxing defense line have been ordered to retreat.

What if they come to 'tactical deception' again?That bad old man opposite is no ordinary person!Ushishima Sadao, who was almost beaten into a unicorn by the Chinese army with a stick on his forehead, no longer believed the nonsense of those so-called senior spies.

Maybe he didn't even notice it himself. Subconsciously, he even hoped that the Chinese army would leave as soon as possible, as far as possible. He really didn't want to fight them again.

In the battle of Songjiang, he was the reserve team and didn't lose a few people, and he watched the other main attacking troops being beaten into dogs in anger; in the battle of Jiashan, he finally felt the helplessness of Hisao Tani, Shigeru Suematsu, and Kenizaki. Not to mention that a heavy artillery brigade was stolen, and my own division also lost more than 4000 in battle; when it came to Jiaxing, it was just a start, and another 1000 people had to be packed into small boxes.

If the fight continues, will his ad hoc division, which has just been rebuilt not long ago, be reorganized into an ad hoc brigade?
Even Ushijima Sadao, who was rushing to Jiaxing and was 100 kilometers away from here, did not have much hope.

Didn't those idiots also get beaten in the head under Songjiang City?What's the matter, go to the east and make a circle to become awesome?In the end, don't you have to fight to the death with these Chinese 'desperadoes'?

At this time, Ushijima Sadao was like a child in the rebellious period. He had never believed in evil and hated the air. After being beaten by the cruel society and reality, he fell into a deep inferiority complex and began to doubt himself. Life.

But Lieutenant General Wu didn't care about his opponent's emotions. As soon as the Japanese army retreated, he immediately ordered the auxiliary units such as the logistics troops, medical teams, and engineers to retreat.

This time, they have a distance of up to [-] kilometers until they enter the mountains in Guangde County.

The first-line troops also retreated in batches. By evening, there were only three infantry regiments left on the entire Jiaxing defense line.

If the Japanese army attacked aggressively again at this time, I am afraid they will find some clues, and the counterattack of the Chinese army will be greatly weakened.

However, the rebellious young man who already doubted himself and his life was really beaten hard by a stick. He only launched three waves of infantry brigade-level attacks throughout the afternoon. When he encountered resistance, he retreated within half an hour of the battle.

The situation is far greater than the actual meaning.

The three infantry regiments held on until the main force retreated to the territory of Guangde before they began to retreat.

At this time, the Kunisaki Detachment, which was still marching in a hurry, was still [-] kilometers away from Jiaxing. After receiving a report from the naval reconnaissance plane that there were signs of Chinese military activity in the wilderness behind Jiaxing, Ushishima Sadao finally mustered up his courage after hesitating for a long time. Three infantry brigades were reorganized to attack.

Then, he won.

There is no one in the trenches.

There used to be a second-line trench where mortars and machine guns turned 94 tanks into big candles, and there was no one there.

This time, the Chinese did not take advantage of the night to run away, but swaggered away in broad daylight.

Obviously he won, but how can I say that mood!
It's no better than looking at the long list of casualties that day.

He was played by the Chinese.

The so-called persistence, the so-called last person fighting, and those who don't use the ciphertext are just to fool the fool.

"Baga! Baga! The Chinese should die, they should die!" The anger of the extremely angry Ushishima Sadao broke out completely after entering the already empty Chinese headquarters.

Tang Dao's calligraphy is really bad.

It was so bad that the three Chinese commanders didn't want to take another look at it. It was so crooked that it was even uglier than chicken paws.

Only Tantai Mingyue, a silly girl who was dazzled by love, pursed her lips and laughed, and she didn't say that she would use her spare time to teach this rough guy.

Of course, what they didn't want to see even more than them was actually the commander of the Lieutenant General of the Japanese Army who was individually named.

"You idiot Niu Dao, you are late again, my buddy is waiting for you in Guangde, you must come! The one who doesn't come is the green bastard!"

Before the Independence Battalion withdrew, when Tang Dao bid farewell to the three commanders, he saw this permanent fortification that would eventually be lost in the long river of history. On a whim, he insisted on writing an inscription with a brush.

The theory of the green hat originated from the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. It is said that from the Yuan Dynasty, men from prostitutes' families, parents and relatives all wore green headscarves.In the Ming Dynasty, this custom was still used, and it was stipulated that professional musicians, that is, untouchable groups of singing and dancing, needed to wear green headscarves as a symbol, so as to form an insult to musicians.

Therefore, whether it is the Chinese or Japan and North Korea, which are separated from China by a narrow strip of water, they all understand the meaning of the words of green hats. In addition, the bastard's natural green shell is even more green.

Tang Dao, of course, was just an old man like Ushishima Sadao, who deliberately added green to green, but he didn't know what he meant.

For the 60-year-old Ushishima Sadao, he wanted to make contributions in putting on the military uniform again, but the only thing he could not worry about was his wife who was ten years younger than him at home. Failing can't be satisfied, and now that he's not around all the time, isn't it a good opportunity to have sex?

Maybe, in the past few months, green hats are almost piled up like a pyramid.

His Excellency the Japanese Army Lieutenant General who had just cursed angrily was completely out of breath, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

If it weren't for this guy's heart, maybe Tang Dao would have followed Zhuge Kongming's example, and could have scolded a general of the opponent to death just by scolding.

Ushishima Sadao belongs to the bastard, and his life is not bad. All the Japanese generals around him are at a loss. Once you slap your mouth and I touch your chest, you can manipulate it like a tiger. The depression was calmed down.

That is to say, first aid knowledge has not been popularized to the whole people at this moment, otherwise the wife of Lieutenant General Ushishima Sadao did not know whether he wore a cuckold, but he definitely gave his wife a cuckold first. The officer wouldn't put a piece of gauze over his mouth before doing artificial respiration.

Those big lips are close together, and they are probably disgusting to each other.

"Chasing, chasing them, killing them!" The Lieutenant General of the Japanese Army, who finally regained his breath, gave the pursuit order with his pale thick lips trembling. "Order Masanori Tanigawa of the 36th Infantry Brigade to wipe out all the enemy troops."

"Hey!" All the generals surrounded the half-lying Division Chief, bowed their heads and lowered their heads.

That appearance is like a silent mourning.

Ushishima Sadao, are you wishing for my death?
'Ushishima Sadao, you have to die! The moment Masanori Tanigawa of the brigade headquarters of the '36 Infantry Brigade received the military order, he was completely blown away.

This is simply a villain!How can I catch Lao Tzu's 36th Infantry Brigade who has been using it?
In the night attack, we are the main force; in the pursuit to Jiaxing, we are the vanguard;
The clay figurine is still angry!His Excellency Masanori Tanigawa is not completely made of mud, is he?

Military orders are not dared to be disobeyed, and there are still skills to grind foreign workers.

Three light infantry regiments, which were only 10 kilometers away from the line of defense, took advantage of this gap to escape completely.

(End of this chapter)

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