Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 569 1 piece of golden light

Chapter 569 A piece of golden light

Compared with the division of the Japanese army, which was divided into radicals and others who were waiting, the entire Jiaxing army, which had retreated [-] kilometers into Guangde County in two days and nights, was finally about to divide at this time.

The 128th Division is affiliated to Liu Jianxu's Department of the Tenth Group Army, and has received a military order from the Group Army Command to return to construction during the retreat.

There is no banquet in the world that never ends. Everyone is a soldier, and there are not so many children who love each other. As soon as the military order came, the 128th Division, which was still running towards Wuhu, immediately turned around and changed direction.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army and the Northeast Army did not stop. The Japanese reconnaissance plane was still in the sky. They had no time to hug those foreign comrades who had fought side by side with them, and they did not even have the opportunity to stand at attention and salute. The soldiers could only wave goodbye to each other.

"Brothers of the Hunan Army, rise up!" the Sichuan soldiers roared with tears in their eyes.

"Brothers, if you don't die after the battle, remember to come and drink with Lao Liu. Lao Liu's home is on the edge of the Songhua River, and I will get you a big yellow croaker to try." A squad leader of a Northeast veteran pointed at the tail of the team over there. roared.

"Yes, brothers, remember to come and play with us in Fenghuang, our Tuojiang River is very clear, and our sister camel is even more beautiful!" The Xiang army over there also answered loudly with tears in their eyes.

The Hunan Army striding forward has never looked back.

It's not that they are reluctant to separate, but that these soldiers who have experienced cruel battlefields know that the battle is not over yet, and all future promises are just empty promises.

Those familiar or unfamiliar faces, those figures who went into war with them at a single order, may not exist in this world one day, including themselves.

A farewell here is a lifetime for most of the soldiers.

The veterans' instincts were right.

Farewell from this place, millions of square kilometers of land in China are full of wars, and the three armies of Sichuan, Hunan, and Northeast have no chance to gather together.

After 50 years, under the leadership of a certain general who has been promoted to a high position, great efforts were made to organize the surviving soldiers of the three provinces who had fought side by side on the Jiashan front to gather in front of the Anti-Japanese War Monument in Jiashan County. The number of octogenarians present shall not exceed 200 people.

Half of them died in the war of resistance that lasted for several years, and nearly half of them suffered from hidden diseases all over their bodies because of the continuous fighting. life.

There is no one in a hundred who can meet again.

The old Liu who once yelled to give his brothers a big yellow croaker to taste, died early in the battle of Jiangxia in the second year after the war. He died in the battle of Tanzhou in the future.

The old and tearful veterans did not accept the gift from the senior general, but took most of the extremely meager subsidy for the War of Resistance, and went to the beautiful Phoenix at their own expense, to the land of abundance surrounded by mountains, To the fertile black soil.

They, to fulfill the promises of those brothers, went to see the hometown that they dreamed of and were proud of.

They even want to tell those people in the sky that because of them, the fish in their hometown are plump, the sisters in their hometown are handsome, and the flowers in their hometown are in full bloom.

"Officer Gu, it's a long journey, take care all the way, goodbye!" Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue, who received the telegram, hurried over on the same horse and said goodbye to General Gu who was waiting for him.

Anyway, the story of Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue has spread throughout the army, Tantai Mingyue's equestrian skills are a bit poor, Tang Dao is eager to come, and he doesn't care so much at the moment.

Originally, I thought that Tantai Mingyue would sit in front, and he could run faster with his horse, but he is shameless, and the reporter Tantai wants to, but sitting behind him, hugging Tang Dao's waist, is quite kind The feeling of riding a wild motorcycle with a sister in the future.

However, well-trained war horses are quite ignorant, there is no such thing as slamming on the brakes at all, and they just jump over when they encounter roadblocks. What a back feeling.

It seems that the food is so good during this period of time.When Tang decided to go back, he would halve the soybeans for the horses in the cavalry platoon and eat more grass.

Of course, although he didn't enjoy that, Tang Dao was still in a good mood.

Because he knew that the 128th Division, which was about to return to the Tenth Army, would not participate in the battle of Jinling, which was about to enter hell. The lieutenant general's disaster will have to wait 12 years, and he still has enough time to resolve it.

Therefore, Tang Dao's farewell was very straightforward.

"Haha! Battalion Commander Tang, I'm waiting for you, not just to say goodbye. You owe me a meal." General Gu laughed loudly as he watched Tang Dao jump off his horse and stand at attention.

"That's it?" Tang Dao was slightly taken aback by this abrupt statement.

It seems that he invited this man to drink wine, eat meat, and give him a few heavy machine guns. He was about to leave anyway, so he came here to beat him up!

Are all people from Hunan Province so savage?

Glancing at the several lieutenant generals standing aside who came to see him off, all of them looked deeply convinced, and there was an attitude that you should be invited by your kid.

Fuck!It's so modern, but you still want to bully honest people!

Seeing that Tang Dao was in a daze, General Gu stopped laughing, waved his hand to the back, and said loudly: "Come, bring me the gifts I gave to Colonel Tang and reporter Tantai."

A lieutenant colonel and adjutant trotted all the way carrying a small suitcase that looked shabby and handed it to Tang Dao, his face was full of pain, and he muttered: "Commander Tang, you have to take care of my 128th division from now on." Let the whole army have a big meal!"

Fuck!Sure enough, the Xiang barbarians!It's fine for the lieutenant general to bully us, why would he form a group to bully us!Tang Dao silently complained while quickly accepting the small broken box.

who cares!No matter how small the gift from the lieutenant general is, it's still a gift. It's too early to eat, isn't it?

"I said Tang Dao! You are too smart, you don't ask any congratulatory gifts, anyway, you are an idiot if you don't take advantage of the advantages, right!" General Guo on the side sighed with a smile.

"Look, I'm right! I knew this fellow would not refuse." Lieutenant General Wu said to his two colleagues with a look of embarrassment. "Both of you, after the war, you can't get away from my old Wu with a meal of wine."

"No, I've thought that Colonel Tang is thick-skinned, but I didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned. What's more, even the well-educated Tantai reporter didn't say politely!" General Gu also sighed slightly. .

"General Gu, I don't know when we will meet again after this farewell. The soldiers of the three armies all shed tears and said goodbye. As comrades in arms fighting side by side, if the two of us don't accept the gift you gave, it will not only be a disappointment to your heart." The problem is that I don't care about the friendship of this battle, Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue will never do such an unsightly thing!" Tantai Mingyue replied generously.

"Haha! Good! Reporter Tantai's explanation is excellent, and Colonel Tang passed the test." General Gu laughed boldly.

While laughing, he got on his horse and rode on the horse's back. He saluted the two lieutenant generals and his colleagues, and said, "Brothers, see you on the battlefield tomorrow!"

"Mr. Gu, see you on the battlefield!" The two lieutenant generals also saluted.

The war horse walked slowly past Tang Dao, and General Gu's hand did not let go from the brim of his helmet, Tang Dao quickly stood at attention and saluted again.

"Tang Dao, you are not bad, I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future." Lieutenant General Gu's eyes were very different.

"Sir, there will definitely be. I believe that the brothers of the Hunan Army will make new achievements under your command!" Tang Dao replied sonorously and forcefully.

This is not a compliment from Tang Dao.

In the past time and space, the Hunan Army had no record except for the first battle in the Battle of Songhu, and the rest of the time, it was not that they were not good at fighting. .

The Great Patriotic War went through 22 battles, seven of which took place in the bloody Hunan Province.The Battle of Changde, the Battle of Hengyang, the Battle of Xiangxi, and the four battles of Tanzhou were all fierce battles, and the group army formed by the Hunan Army was naturally indispensable there.

They are not only savage, but also tenacious and strong.

"Haha! Well, I am very happy to have you say this, which means that I am a good Phoenix man, at least this gift is not in vain." Gu Zhongjiang was suddenly overjoyed.

"Da da da!" The horse began to trot.

"Boy Tang, don't swallow it all by yourself. I don't think I can keep up with the happy event between you and reporter Tantai for a hundred years. I can only offer you the congratulatory gift first. I wish you two an early birth." The voice of Lieutenant General Gu, who was more than 30 meters away, came from afar.

Tantai Mingyue's face turned crimson instantly.

Tang Dao was busy opening the small broken box.

Whoever gets married doesn't come with a big red envelope, Lieutenant General Gu's gift designation cannot be small.

A golden light almost missed Tang Dao's eyes who were busy "tearing the red envelope".

. . . . . . . .

PS: Brothers, tomorrow is the double monthly pass. If you have a monthly pass, vote after midnight, so don’t keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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