Chapter 570
It must be shiny and golden.

The local tyrants from Xiangxi really explained what it means to be "local" and rich with facts.

There were ten large yellow croakers neatly stacked in the plain old suitcase, and Tang Dao had already been told the weight of about five grenades in his hand, one was about 300 grams.

If you use the ratio of gold to silver in this period, a gold bar of this weight can be exchanged for 400 silver, and this small suitcase is almost worth 4000 silver, but if you count the soaring prices of wars, gold is more hard currency than silver Because of this, the ten large yellow croakers can be worth five or six thousand silver croakers at least.

This gift is really not small.

Not to mention that Tang Dao, who came from the future and had seen gold rings and bracelets, was stunned. Even Tantai Mingyue, who had seen the world, was slightly startled by the lieutenant general's generous moves.

No wonder, the adjutant was in so much pain that Tang Dao could treat him to a big meal with the entire army of the 128th Division. The entire division of the 128th Division currently has only four thousand people. According to the standard of one person and one ocean, it is estimated that Australian lobsters are worth a lot. It's time to go.

"Mr. Gu is really, you are too polite!" Tang Dao shyly made a rare moment, quickly buckled the suitcase and handed it to Tantai Mingyue. "If we can see Chief Gu again in the future, Mingyue, you must cook a few side dishes for him yourself, and bake a few potatoes by the way, so that you can relive the feeling of fighting side by side in the past!"

"Bah! It's a gift for you, why don't you cook it yourself!" Tantai Mingyue spat softly, but took the suitcase over.

Of course she knew why Tang Dao was so concerned about Lieutenant General Gu's congratulatory gifts. It was because the independent battalion was short of money!

Don't look at the money boxes of tens of thousands of silver that are dragged by the independent battalion supply company, but that is not actually the money of the battalion department of the independent battalion. Most of it has already been distributed by Tang Dao in the form of rewards. Now it's just a custodian.

Next, the independent battalion is about to go to Jiangbei to meet the hundreds of students and head north. There are [-] people in the whole camp, plus a few hundred students, nearly [-] mouths can't rely on the northwest wind along the way!

As for the military expenses of the Independent Battalion, the bosses have written a lot of bad checks, but this is a chaotic situation. The 43rd Army and the 67th Army have not received any supplements. More than half, the two lieutenant generals lost a lot of gray hair because of this.

When the military headquarters of the two armies tried to find a way to raise money and food, the independent battalion did not know that they had traveled thousands of miles.

This "gift" delivered in advance is definitely a timely gift for Tang Dao and the independent battalion at this time.

"Look at your stingy look, what the hell, I'm afraid that I will miss your little money!" General Wu Zhong was almost amused by Tang Dao's 'wretched' appearance.

Hurrying to hand over the suitcase to Tantai Mingyue has already exposed Tang Dao's little thoughts.

He is a soldier, and the whole army is short of money and food. If the military order is issued, all his personal money will be confiscated, but Tantai Mingyue is not the case. The military order is invalid for her. What's more, because of the relationship between her father and Lieutenant General Wu, it is considered an uncle. With green eyes that are hungry, you can't steal money from your eldest niece, can you?

That is to say, General Wu now knows more and more about Tang Dao. If it were someone else, he might have recorded Tang Dao's dark stuff of "using the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman" in the small books.

"Okay, okay, get out of here, kid, lest my head hurt every time I see you." General Guo over there waved his hands away angrily.

"It's already noon." How could Tang Dao foolishly say to drive away and leave.

It's all here, the two of them can't wait for lunch!Now it's the way to retreat that consumes less of his own, and Tang Dao doesn't want to lose face.

"You bastard." General Guo felt a tightness in his chest.

"The theater command is calling!" At this moment, a major communications officer ran quickly from afar and handed a message to Lieutenant General Wu.

General Wu Zhong took a look, frowned instantly, glanced at Tang Dao, handed over the telegram to his colleagues, and started walking in the woods with his hands behind his back.

Lieutenant General Guo glanced at the telegram, and his expression darkened.

Then, he cast his eyes on Tang Dao, and handed the telegram to Tang Dao, his face full of bitterness: "This is good, even if you want to leave, you bastard, you can't."

"One part of the No.20 Third Army and one part of the Ninth Army are stationed at the Guangde line of defense to defend our Jinling rear wing. The 67th and 43rd armies continue to retreat and repair. The whole army of Germany, the whole army of generals and below, those who are afraid of war and do not move forward can be killed! Those who retreat without an army order can be killed!"

It turned out that the position of war supervisor given by the theater command last time was not a vacant position, but was waiting for him here!

Sure enough, they are all old foxes. On the surface, it seems that the elite Sixing Battalion is placed under the direct jurisdiction of the 43rd Army, which has suffered heavy losses. In addition, the elites of more than a thousand numbers were taken away. No wonder the one who can be lighthearted agreed to strip the Four Elements Battalion from the 43th Division.

Tang Dao can be regarded as having once again learned the methods of the old foxes in the officialdom who are "without bloodshed". The level of resisting foreign invaders is average, but the ability to fight in the nest is so perfect that no one can match it!
However, this is nothing, it's just another battle with the Japanese army before leaving.

"It's really unreasonable. They are a typical example of crossing a river and demolishing bridges. Brother Guo, you and I jointly sent a power to the theater headquarters, saying that more than half of the 43rd Army's independent battalion was damaged in the night attack in Jiashan. It is really unbearable to fight again. I think What's the use of leaving a half-disabled battalion!" Lieutenant General Wu said angrily, pacing back and forth a little anxiously.

"Commander-in-Chief's kindness, Guo has his heart to accept it, but the military order is like a mountain, and all those stationed on the front line of Guangde are our Sichuan Army. I am afraid that this telegram has also been approved by the commander of our 23rd Army." Shaking his head bitterly.

He knew very well in his heart that since the telegram had been issued, it was definitely the result of an agreement reached by the theater command, and it would never be easily changed just because the two of them had different opinions. Ji, when did the Sichuan Army and the Northeast Army get so close?

"You two officers don't need to be in trouble, I will stay with the Independent Battalion, and we will fight again with the little devil!" Tang Dao strode forward, accepting the order generously.

Tang Dao knew that in the past time and space, more than 23 people under the 18rd Army of the Sichuan Army who were ordered to station on the front line of Guangde had a fierce contest with the [-]th Division at the junction of the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui.

It’s just that the Sichuan army’s equipment is too simple, and they went into battle in a hurry. Although they were brave enough, they were forced to retreat after losing more than 20 in battle. After the Battle of Songhu, one of the most painful battles for the [-] Sichuan troops who came out of Sichuan.

But this time, the 18th Division has been severely taught by the Songjiang Army, and without the help of the Heavy Artillery Brigade, there are many mountains in the Guangde area. I think the situation is much better than last time. It would be the best to change the fate of the famous anti-Japanese general who washed his mother's feet and swept the ancestral tombs before leaving.

"You bastard." Lieutenant General Wu looked at Tang Dao with a firm face, his eyes were slightly moist.

Tang Dao is stingy, and wants to grab all the materials into his hands; Tang Dao is cunning, playing tricks on one another, and middle-aged people who have passed their forties will be fooled by him if they are not careful; It seems that the alternative subordinates who will never be in the palm of their hands will never be loved by the superiors.

But he is just like his name, a sharp long knife. Whenever there is a crisis, all the philistines and cunning are of course gone. The long knife goes forward without sheath, only the sharpness remains.

From a soldier's point of view, he is the purest soldier.

"I will satisfy whatever request you have!" General Wu looked at the Tang Dao standing upright like a green pine without fear, pressed his chest to stir, and replied firmly.

"Please leave 82 6 mortars for our battalion!"


"10 heavy machine guns!"


"20 light machine guns!"


"40 submachine guns! 80 shell guns!"


"Ammunition that can be consumed for five days!"


"Is it okay to keep another cavalry company?" Tang Dao lowered his eyebrows.

"Fuck off!"

"You are satisfied with everything you said!" Tang Dao felt very annoyed.

The words are still in my ears, even if it is bragging, since I am bragging, I have to continue bragging with tears in my eyes, right?

"Go away! Say one more word, the promise just now will be halved!" The anger on Wu Zhongjiang's face was two points higher than before.

I have seen shameless people before, but I have never seen such shameless people. The emotion he just felt is definitely fed to the dog.

Tang Dao pulls on Tantai Mingyue and slips away.

This is turning heads?He hasn't even said whether he can keep a heavy mortar battalion!
. . . . . . . .

Under the watchful eyes of the two lieutenant generals, one horse and two people left in a hurry.

After a long time, Lieutenant General Wu looked at Lieutenant General Guo with a calm face and sighed: "This guy, he is afraid that you and I will be sentimental, so he speaks so freely!"

"Hehe! Commander-in-Chief, you drove the two of them away and didn't even stay for lunch, so why not!" Lieutenant General Guo replied with a chuckle.

"Brother Guo, I don't know if you believe it or not, the most fortunate thing about Wu's trip to the southeast is that he met you and your colleagues from the Sichuan Army!" Lieutenant General Wu looked at his colleagues seriously.

"I feel the same way!" General Guo offered to extend his hand. "Although the rivers and mountains are broken now, there are so many comrades like you and me. It will only be a matter of time before the rivers and mountains recover. Look at Tang Dao and Lei Xiong, they are the outstanding ones among them!"

"Haha, what Brother Guo said is true!" General Wu Zhong held his colleague's hand tightly. "Late strikes, early strikes are all wars. The Independent Battalion is just one step ahead of me. We will wait for them in Jiangbei."

Both of them are heroes among men, after saying this, the frustration of leaving Tang Dao and the independent battalion alone on the battlefield is gone.

Moreover, the two knew that the independent battalion was originally the elite of the elite, and as a supervising force, they could not easily go to the front line. Even if the battle ended badly, it shouldn't be a big problem for them to escape.

Otherwise, they would not be able to keep what they promised Tantai Yunshu.

Unfortunately, they are not Tang Dao.

When fighting the Japanese army, when will Tang Dao shrink back?
The equipment and supplies promised to Tang Dao were delivered to the independent battalion in the afternoon, which made Zhuang Shisan, the chief of staff in charge of logistics, both excited and annoyed.

The excitement is that the independent battalion suddenly has so much equipment. These light and heavy weapons alone are enough to equip an infantry regiment; Such a sudden increase will undoubtedly require more manpower, but the existing manpower cannot be allocated.

"Why are you in a hurry, there are not enough people now, and there will be people when the war starts." Tang Dao said so meaningfully to the somewhat angry battalion chief of staff.

Except for Tang Dao himself, no one knew that except for the submachine gun and the shell gun, the heavy weapons he asked for were not specifically for strengthening the firepower of the independent battalion.

The Independent Battalion packed up their luggage and did not say goodbye to anyone. At [-]:[-] pm, taking advantage of the darkness, the whole army entered the mountain area with torches and marched towards Guangde County.

There is the headquarters of the Ninth Army. Since Tang Dao and the Independent Battalion are the supervisory teams, they must first report to the headquarters.

The deployment of troops in the Battle of Guangde was chaotic for the re-established Jinling City Defense Command a hundred kilometers away.

The main force of the infantry is the 23th Division, 13th Division, 14th Division, [-]th Division, [-]th Division, the Independent No.[-] Brigade and the Independent No.[-] Brigade under the [-]rd Group Army of the Sichuan Army that has entered Guangde County There are five divisions and two brigades in total, but the group army headquarters is still hundreds of kilometers away. The group army commander is still recuperating in Xiakou, and the deputy commander has not yet arrived at the battlefield. The headquarters of the Ninth Army, which happened to be retreating to the vicinity of Guangde, was sent to coordinate and participate in command with one of its subordinates.

The command organization and the main infantry unit are not affiliated with each other, and the ciphertext of the telegram has to be re-coordinated, and its command efficiency can be seen.

But these, Tang Dao, a small battalion commander, can't control them. He can only report to his superiors according to the military order before he is qualified to exercise his function as a war zone supervisor.

However, with the golden signboard of the Supervisory Team, Tang Dao will hardly be constrained by the army-level headquarters on the Guangde battlefield. As long as he does not surrender to the enemy or leave the battlefield, he can basically press
Your own will decides when to engage in combat.

Guangde County, located at the junction of the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui, is not an endless plain like Jiaxing and Jiashan. The county is located in the transition zone between the mountains in southern Anhui and the plains along the river, and its landform pattern is relatively complex.

The south is dominated by low mountains, with canyons developing among the mountains, and the central part is interlaced with hills and plains; the north is full of hills. The highest point in the territory is Ma'anshan in the south, with an altitude of 863.3 meters, and the lowest point is Shizikou on the northwest edge, with an altitude of 14.5 meters.

To put it bluntly, this place can form a defense line according to the hills and mountains, otherwise the Jinling City Defense Command would not choose thousands of people to deploy defenses here.Unless the Japanese army spared no effort to detour for more than a hundred kilometers, this place is the place they must attack.

Of course the Japanese army will come.

Especially the Guoqi detachment, which was chasing after the whole Jiaxing army, they were only [-] kilometers away from Guangde in the evening.

However, Kunizaki was not as strong as he appeared on the surface. After chasing the main force of the 18th Division and the 36th Infantry Brigade for more than [-] kilometers, he gradually recovered.

No matter Ushijima Sadao or Ushijima Mitsuru, they are both famous figures in the army. Now one has resigned sadly, and the other is a group of cowards. It all happened after fighting that army.

Thinking about the opponent's performance in Songjiang City, didn't he also get a slap in the face!Kunizaki, who did not hesitate to expose his scars, couldn't help but hesitate.

Naturally, the Kunizaki detachment did not run as resolutely as before.That is to say, they ran a bit slower, otherwise, the entire Jiaxing army [-] kilometers away would not mind taking advantage of Guangde's mountainous geographical environment to shoot back the Japanese army that was biting them.

When the Independent Battalion accepted the new military order and marched towards Guangde County, Kunizaki also received an order from the Army Command, asking him to turn to attack the Chinese army that was deploying in Guangde County. Get through this channel as quickly as possible, and form an encirclement of Jinling together with the army that has already attacked Jinling's frontal defense line.

Concerned about how to get down the steps, the military headquarters gave him a ladder. Kunisaki was startled, so the whole army turned right and went straight to the south-central part of Guangde.

The major general of the Japanese Army would never have imagined that the terrifying Chinese army had gone away, leaving behind the sharpest knife.

The knife is a weapon of great evil, if you take it out of the sheath, you will see blood!

Relatively speaking, if he resolutely pursued the [-] army all the way, perhaps he would suffer less injuries.

After all, all the artillery battalions belonging to the 67th Army emptied 80.00% of the shells in order to beat Sadao Ushishima with one stick.

. . . . . . . . .

PS: I'm too lazy to divide chapters, so I just combine two chapters into one chapter, the number of words is a little bit too much, close to 5000 words.Dear book friends, if you have a monthly ticket, hurry up and cast a monthly ticket. Anyone who rewards 1500 book coins will have two chapters of monthly tickets. Thank you 'He Fan' for your daily rewards. Fengyue is very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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