Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 770 Local Tyrants Also Fishing

Chapter 770 Local Tyrants Also Fishing

After the drinking party that night, Commander Zhang Dajun never mentioned the drinking matter with Tang Dao again.

He is still a boy who has gone through thousands of sails, but the premise is that he has gone through thousands of sails, and he is definitely a boy who is no longer stupid.

Even if Tang Dao stayed in Xuzhou City for three full days, with meat and company, he definitely stopped drinking.

Of course, Tang Dao is not only playing in Xuzhou city.

One is that he has to wait to get the military salary and rewards that the Four Elements Regiment should receive from the Fifth Theater Command; the other is that he needs to buy enough pack horses and carts, otherwise, how can he rely on the current 2000 troops of the Four Elements Regiment? Can you transport the equipment of an infantry regiment given to him by Comrade Wu to the far north?
Of course, it was Tang Dao's wish to spend a few days with Zhang Jun, an interesting friend.

Feeling the same as Tang Dao, Commander Zhang also attached great importance to Tang Dao, a congenial younger brother, and went to the theater headquarters in the afternoon of the second day after waking up to ask for military pay and rewards for the Four Elements Regiment.

Sure enough, the commander did not refute Commander Zhang's face, and agreed verbally. After listening to Commander Zhang's explanation of his views on the Xuzhou battle situation, he was overjoyed and immediately appointed Commander Zhang to lead the 59th Army and several other infantry corps. Together they formed along the Yuhuai River, and invested more than 15 troops. Five days later, the whole army rushed to the Huaihe River to resist the Japanese Central China Dispatched Army from the south.

This is also the trajectory of the 59th Army in the early days of the Xuzhou Battle. After fighting hard along the Huaihe River and blocking the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army to the south of the Huaihe River, the 59th Army was transferred to the LY and Itagaki Division [-] for its outstanding performance. die.

Only this time, the trajectory of history has changed slightly because of the arrival of Tang Dao, a little butterfly.

In charge of garrisoning LY will no longer be the main force of the 59th Army, which is exhausted from blocking the enemy along the Huaihe River, but will be replaced by the 67th Army, which has been equipped with new equipment and supplemented the security regiment of the Sichuan Army. , is only strong but not weak.

Tang Dao can almost predict the end of the so-called steel army from the north meeting the 67th army.

You know, the 59th Army in time and space was on the LY line of defense, exchanging more than [-] casualties for thousands of Japanese casualties. Although the battle loss ratio of [-] to [-] is at a disadvantage, it is still the most outstanding Chinese army. record.

However, the Japanese North China Dispatch Army will inevitably feel proud because of the successive victories on the northern battlefield. Whether it is the [-]th Division of Itagaki Seishiro or the [-]th Division of Isoya Rensuke, they will face Xuzhou, a battle-level battlefield that the Chinese side attaches great importance to. , It turned out that they only dispatched a detachment-level troop each.

And China, in order to achieve its own strategy of "rejecting the south and attacking the north", has deployed more than 30 troops around Xuzhou, nearly ten times the strength of the Japanese army.

It would be unacceptable for the Japanese not to fail here.

That is to say, the general surnamed Tang was ambiguous, just like Li Jing reincarnated, procrastinating. Tang Tianwang wandered around the battlefield with tens of thousands of horses, but he would not fight. If his headmaster hadn't personally ordered him, I am afraid he would not have finished the battle. Participated in the war, so that the best time was lost, and the defeated Japanese army hid in Zexian County and stood by for help.

But this time, because of the addition of the new force of the 67th Army, that Chief Li no longer pinned all his hopes on the principal's direct lineage, and had a secret conversation with Commander Zhang in the small conference room of the theater headquarters. Hours.

No one can know the content of the meeting. Even to Tang Dao, Commander Zhang, who accompanied Tang Dao for a whole day in Xuzhou City on the third day, never revealed a word. However, Tang Dao could clearly feel his extremely passionate fighting spirit in the face of the upcoming war.

Sure enough, before Tang Dao left Xuzhou, the Fifth Theater Command issued a military order, appointing Commander Zhang as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Xuzhou Southern Front Army.

This has nothing to do with the promotion of military rank, nor does it mean that Commander Zhang can command the infantry units on the southern front. The real command power is naturally in the hands of the commander of the theater, but this position gives Commander Zhang a little more autonomy The right to choose the battlefield.

Or, to a certain extent, this is an attitude that shows that Chief Li, Commander Zhang was reused in this battle.

It is said that when the military order was passed to the army gathered from Xuzhou, the general surnamed Tang turned pale and dropped the cup in his hand.

Of course he wasn't jealous!
As a student of that principal, he didn't even bother to hug the thigh of the one who was sitting in Xuzhou. He was angry, angry at Tang Dao's 'good at drilling'.

For this master, the conflict between Tang Dao and his subordinates in the past two days caused his trusted adjutant to throw out a shopkeeper who had served for many years as a scapegoat. What annoyed him most was not the grain shop opened by his brother. Loss, but face.

When a shopkeeper dies, there are at least hundreds of people who want to be the shopkeeper, so that is nothing at all.

But face is something that cannot be lost.

A person comes up and hits you in the face, if you don't make enough counterattacks, the end result can only be more people rushing up to hit you in the face.

This is human nature, and it is a cruel law of survival!
As early as two days ago, the seemingly calm person had actually launched an investigation into Tang Dao's background and a plan to counterattack Tang Dao.

But what he didn't expect was that Tang Dao's background was far more complicated than he imagined.

An ordinary boy from a small merchant family who started his business by brewing wine, but he shined in the battle of the Sixing Warehouse, and gained the hearts of the elite of the 88th Division and the First Battalion.

And in the Battle of Songjiang, he became one with the 67th Army and the 43rd Army, thus truly stepping on the stage of war. His rank rose from a second lieutenant to a colonel like a rocket, and his troops also changed from an infantry battalion to an independent regiment directly under the military headquarters.

That's all, even if he is covered by the commander of the 43rd Army and supported by the 67th Army, they are just two miscellaneous troops who are destined not to be valued by that one. Put them in your sights.

However, Tang Dao traveled to Xuzhou City with this army commander in the past two days, and the relationship is naturally hard to keep people's imagination.

Then, the commander of the army was appointed by the theater command as the deputy commander of the southern front, and his military power even surpassed him, the commander of the army with two infantry corps.

Wanting to use Tang Dao, it turned out that he was only scruples, but now, it has risen to a scruple, and the difficulty has increased exponentially. How could he not be so angry that he dropped the cup in his hand.

Of course, for Tang Dao, the scene where the 'enemies' feared because of Zhang Junchang's rise in military power can only be regarded as a pleasant surprise. Since he has caused trouble, he is naturally not afraid of trouble.

Not to mention that there are two great army commanders covering the back, the big man does something and does not do it, the reason why Tang Dao offended the tyrant who is destined to be notorious is not only because of Ming Xin, the future elite soldier, but more, It is the insistence on justice.

Tang Dao is very witty, and can even be called cunning. Whether he is facing the veteran commander of the Japanese army or the old fox like Lao Wu and Lao Guo, he can use the wisdom of his two lives to deal with them and win.

But in his bones, he is still a young man with fresh blood.He still can't do what the so-called chief executive Lee did, allowing those disgusting shadows to suck up the people's wealth like vampires.

In the face of darkness, if you shrink back because of the strong forces behind it, it seems wise at first glance, but in fact you have lost the courage to seek the light.Just like this Sino-Japanese war, if you retreat once, you can retreat again and again, and in the end there is no retreat.

After Tang Dao congratulated his new eldest brother, he chatted intentionally or unintentionally about another important portal in Xuzhou-Teng County.

In the past time and space, although there was an infantry division stationed in Tengxian County, it was actually an incomplete infantry division of the Sichuan Army. The entire division, security regiment and police had only 3000 people. Excluding the wounded, there were only about 2000 people who could participate in the battle. , less than a regiment of infantry.

Although the Japanese army was only an infantry brigade attacking Fuji County, it was assisted by aircraft and artillery. The Sichuan army, which had almost no heavy weapons, could only fight with their lives. They held on for several days, but failed to wait for the legendary reinforcements. 90.00% of the division died in battle. The division commander, brigade commander, regiment commander, and battalion commander all died in the city. Only more than [-] people broke through, making it one of the most tragic battlefields in the history of the Anti-Japanese War.

The troops invested by the Japanese army at that time did not have an absolute advantage. If there were troops who could go to the rescue, such tragic pain would certainly not have occurred.

It's a pity that the commander of the war zone who ordered the rescue at that time was still the general surnamed Tang who held a heavy soldier.

Not only did he suck blood from the people under his rule, but he also ignored his comrades on the battlefield. Such a rotten man, Tang Dao, did not say to kill him with a single shot, which was already very restrained.

Tang Dao hopes that Commander Zhang, who already has enough decision-making power, can change this outcome. It doesn't take much. An infantry brigade can go forward, not to mention defending Teng County, but it is still possible to take the defenders out of the city that is destined to be unable to hold on.

Commander Zhang looked at Tang Dao thoughtfully, but nodded in agreement, he must pay more attention to this place.

The task of Tang Dao coming to Xuzhou City was finally completed. The Fifth Theater Command was very powerful. On the second day after Commander Zhang told the Commander Li, the Four Elements Regiment had a monthly salary of 6 silver and the Jiashan front line destroyed the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade The 4 silver ocean rewarded by the group was distributed.

Originally, according to the usual practice, the Military Supplies Department responsible for distributing military salaries would withhold [-]% of it for the hard work of the officers. Tang Dao, who had inquired about this unspoken rule from Comrade Wu, was also prepared to lose [-] silver dollars .

Tang Dao is very brave. He can attack vampires like Tang's Liangxing forcefully, but this kind of ugliness that the old army has almost put on the surface is powerless. But it was the superstructure of the entire old army.

Even, this includes Comrade Old Wu and Comrade Guo.

The bad habit of drinking soldiers' blood was not formed overnight, it was determined by an old social system and a decayed superstructure, that is, the so-called taste of power.

This kind of darkness bred by power is disgusting, but compared to the invaders who want to subjugate the country and exterminate their species, the harm is much lighter after all.

Tang Dao can only guarantee that he will not do that, even if it is regarded as an alternative.

Who knows, when he and Zhuang Shisan rushed to the baggage platoon from the camp outside the city to receive them, they were unexpectedly not detained.

This surprised Zhuang Shisan, the chief of staff of the regiment who had long been used to all this, and he did not hesitate to take ten yuan to invite a lieutenant colonel from the Military Supply Department of the Fifth Theater to drink tea and listen to the mystery.

The lieutenant colonel couldn't help laughing and crying. He took a ten-dollar envelope and looked at the chief of staff of a bumpkin for several times before revealing the mystery.

"It's not that Commander Zhang of the 59th Army called the top officer of our Military Supplies Department to say that your four-element regiment is not easy. The whole regiment died in the first battle of Guangde, and thousands of people were waiting for this money to pay compensation. Do you think you, a small four-element regiment, can be an exception?"

To put it bluntly, someone still needs to stand on the platform, and it must be a person of sufficient weight.

Tang Dao suddenly realized at that moment, no wonder Commander Zhang, who is busy with military affairs, took time to accompany him on a tour of the ancient city of Xuzhou. It was not only to renew his brotherhood with him, but also to tell the entire theater that his relationship with Tang Dao was extraordinary.

It's so simple to tie yourself and Tang Dao, the small group leader, and it's the next best thing.

Tang Dao can fully imagine the entanglement before making this decision for a veteran soldier who has been betrayed by his colleagues once.

No one is willing to fall into the same pit again.Just like a person who has been hurt in marriage, before he (she) enters into a second marriage, he (she) must be extremely terrified.

Of course, if you don’t have a heart, that’s another matter!

Faced with this kind of deep friendship that was almost gambling, Tang Dao could only remember it in his heart, and he didn't even mention it in front of Commander Zhang.

And Tang Dao knew better that if he didn't mention it, that one would be really happy.

What he wants is a comrade who can block the gun for him in the back, not any gratitude.

Some people can become friends just by seeing each other, and more people spend their whole lives together without ever saying a single word of heartfelt love, that's it!
With this [-] silver dollars, Tang Dao transformed himself into a prodigal son who rose to fame in Xuzhou City.

purchase!purchase!purchase!It became the only tactical behavior of Tang Dao Tang, the head of the Tang Dynasty, in Xuzhou City.

Grain, buy!

Tang Dao ordered 10 catties of polished rice and white flour from the other three major grain stores in Xuzhou City in one go.

However, Tang Dao has extremely high requirements for polished rice, requiring no more than [-]% impurities in it, which is much higher than the general standard of more than [-]% impurities at this time.

Sell ​​what you can, and get out if you can't. Tang Dao is extremely domineering in the face of the shopkeepers sent by the three major grain companies.

That's not an overbearing colonel's rank, it's the foreign overbearing in his hands.

What's more, Tang Dao led the cavalry platoon to attack the guard platoon of the 20th Legion a few days ago, and several major food companies with a strong background did not dare to easily offend such hob meat.

If you want to make money, you can only earn what you should earn honestly, and dare not play any tricks.

[-] catties of polished rice and white noodles cost more than [-] oceans of Tang knives.

But that’s not enough. Tang Dao also issued a notice to the cloth shop that he needs to order all kinds of cloth, especially the cotton cloth used to make military uniforms. He is asking for a large number of purchases. Because of the shortage of cotton cloth in major cloth shops, the price of rice and grain is very stuck. The dead Tang Dao is very relaxed about the cloth price this time, and even allows the cloth company to raise the price to more than 20.00% of the usual level.

In addition, Zhuang Shisan took the platoon to buy other in-demand supplies, such as sugar, white wine, meat, salt, oil, and spices.

The news that the Tang Dao Four Elements Group received [-] ocean military pay from the Fifth Theater Command has already been released by someone with a heart. The big business still doesn't know that the current head Tang is shopping in cash, so he is naturally very relieved.

In particular, Captain Tang also appeared at the bank in Xuzhou City, and exchanged ten large yellow croakers for more than [-] oceans. The funds are even more abundant, and the whole Xuzhou City is waiting to see what happens to this heroic leader. Transport out of the city the supplies he has already spent a lot of money on.

Relying on the cavalry platoon and supply platoon he brought alone, I am afraid that it would be good to be able to take a small change.

But Tang Dao didn't seem to be worried about this. The only thing he did was to wave the ocean in his hand to buy, buy, and buy. Ten thousand oceans, twenty thousand oceans, and thirty thousand ocean flowers went out without blinking. Buy out Xuzhou City and vow not to give up.

Even Old Comrade Wu couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded Tang Dao tactfully that the money was the military salary and rewards of the entire Four Elements Regiment, not Tang Dao's personal money. The officers and soldiers will always complain if the money is not sent to personal pockets.

Only then did Tang Dao stop his shopping spree.

Then, a middle-aged man in a long mandarin jacket went directly to the Liaison Office of the 67th Army. After receiving the notification from the guard, Tang Dao strode out and received the businessman who came to the door on his own initiative in the yard.

Hearing the visitor introduce himself as the owner of the largest horse market outside Xuzhou City, Tang Dao smiled.

When Ma Wenxue saw the rumored domineering Captain Tang smiling so brightly, his heart skipped a beat.

It seemed that he made a huge mistake when he took the initiative to come to the door this time.

That's right, although those supplies are included in the purchase list for Xuzhou this time, he can complete these transactions quietly without making such a big fuss that even the common people know that he is like a fool. So being so blatant is mainly fishing.

Catch a big fish!
It is also the biggest expense on his shopping list in Xuzhou this time!

Not only war horses, but also pack horses!

These are much more expensive than any grain and cloth. If Tang Dao came to buy them, it would be difficult not to guarantee that he would not be slaughtered.

But if the other party came to the door, it would be different.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of who holds the initiative.

Now, Tang Dao, who spent more than 20,000 oceans frantically, finally waited until the horse boss threw himself into the trap.

"I've heard about Captain Tang's name for a long time, but when I see Captain Tang, I know what it means to be famous. It's better to meet him!" Ma Wenxue, who was slightly stunned for a while, is worthy of being a businessman who has traveled all over the world for decades, and he doesn't know well Under the circumstances, he was able to quickly clear up his mood, cup his hands and talk to Tang Dao.

"Why? Boss Ma doesn't like Tang Dao?" Tang Dao smiled unabated. "If this is the case, the owner of the horse can leave a quotation. Whether to buy it or not will be decided according to the needs of various horses in our group."

"It's true that Captain Tang himself is much more heroic than the rumors, otherwise Ma would not sit still and take the initiative to fall for this." Ma Wenxue smiled wryly.

If it was said that he was just suspicious before, Tang Dao's posture now told him that yes, Tang Dao was waiting for him, waiting for him to offer an offer on his own initiative.

It's just that he has completely lost the initiative to make quotations, so it's better not to show the quotations of all kinds of horses in his purse so as not to show embarrassment.

If this guy turns his face, he, the owner of the largest horse market, is very likely to be kicked out and lose face.

It's okay to be ashamed, but the key is that Tang Dao is the only one who can eat up the horses available for trade in other horse markets on a large scale at this time. If you miss Tang Dao, it is more likely that you will lose all your money.

Indeed, war is imminent!

(End of this chapter)

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