Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 772 An Unexpected Surprise!

Chapter 772 An Unexpected Surprise!
Tang Dao's visit to Xuzhou this time has been very fruitful.

Using connections, he received 10 military pay and rewards from the Fifth Theater Command. In addition, he exchanged all the large yellow croakers in his hands for more than 14000 silver dollars. A total of 114000 silver oceans were spent on salt and other materials, and 42000 silver oceans remained.

Master Zhuang, who spent a lot of money and was in charge of the logistics, felt like a knife cut his heart, but Tang Dao thought it was worth the money.

One hundred thousand catties of refined grains and a large amount of cured meat are enough to ensure the food for the four-line regiment's more than 2000 officers and soldiers for nearly two months. Human constraints.

Necessary materials such as sugar and salt can fully maintain the nutrition of the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment.

Tang Dao is well aware of the importance of the physical fitness of officers and soldiers. The so-called elite is not only invincible with a strong mental will, but also must have a strong body as the foundation.

It is only one aspect of why Chinese soldiers were able to contend with only a few troops in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army. The level of fighting and stabbing training is not as good as it is.

Therefore, Tang Dao just took advantage of the gap in the long-distance march without a war, and used abundant materials to supplement the nutrition of the officers and soldiers, no matter how much money was spent, he would not hesitate.

After all, the people are gone, the money is still there, and there is another ball to use?

And the last big deal made Tang Dao more satisfied.

Ma Wenxue, which has an investment philosophy, provided a total of 90 fat and strong Mongolian war horses from the grasslands. In addition, it also gave 15 half-sized horses. The price of 10 silver oceans was almost a free gift. Years, the foal will grow into a qualified war horse.

Moreover, Tang Dao and Ma Wenxue also agreed with each other that when Tang Dao needs it in the future, they will continue to buy war horses from Tang Dao and entrust him to purchase other supplies.

Tang Dao is well aware of the ability of businessmen, as long as the profits are considerable enough, not to mention the blockade of the Japanese and traitors, even if there are knives in the sky, businessmen who pursue profits as their own responsibility can also deliver supplies.

This fact has been proven in countless wars.

Tang Dao even knew that, not to mention the traitors would get out of the way under the magic of money, even the Japanese themselves had done this. They even exchanged arms for wheat and turned them into money, even if they knew that those arms would get out of the way. kill them.

This is human nature. In the face of the devil of money, not many people can resist it. This is also the reason why Tang Dao is confident in transporting the batch of imported arms provided by Comrade Wu out of Jincheng.

The biggest difficulty is how to make up the remaining 150 million dollars.

Those Western arms dealers are more concerned with the delivery of money, and they will never sell them at a loss just because China is in dire straits. If the Japanese can afford the price, the arms that are resold will be placed in the right place. The front line of Chinese soldiers.

The Sino-Japanese war at this time was simply a gift from heaven to those arms dealers.The beautiful country on the other side of the ocean is now at full strength to manufacture arms, gearing up to lay the foundation for them to become the world's number one power in the future.

The agreement made with this courageous businessman can guarantee the source of Tang Dao's desire to develop a large number of cavalry war horses.

Otherwise, no matter how much Tang Dao unearths treasures in that mountain, only donkeys can ride.

The donkey is a necessary domestic animal in the northern countryside. It is hardworking and vigilant, but this thing is stubborn!A disagreement is either kicking or biting.

This is still secondary, the key is that when Tang Dao thought of his carefully trained soldiers riding a donkey across the mountains
Why, I want to become the legendary donkey cavalry!

High-quality war horses are the basis for the cavalry to form a strong combat effectiveness, and it is not a matter of face or loss of face.

These 90 horses can provide enough horses to supplement the existing 21 cavalrymen of the Four Elements Regiment and the 100 cavalrymen who are about to join the Four Elements Regiment, forming instant combat effectiveness.

At the same time, it also provided ready-made mounts for Tang Dao to train new cavalry. In less than half a year, Tang Dao's cavalry will have a cavalry scale of more than 200 cavalry, and he will have the qualifications to fight against two cavalry squadrons of the Japanese army.

The Ma's firm is indeed rich in financial resources. It took only one day to deliver the 300 pack horses and 100 carts, and the carts were accompanied by a groom with sufficient experience.

Assuming that 100 pack horses can carry 80 kg each, and two pack horses can carry 700 kg in a cart, the total load can be nearly 160,000 catties, or nearly 80 tons of materials.

Relatively speaking, Tang Dao seems to have bought a lot of materials, but in fact it is only more than 50 tons, and a small half of it is empty.

This is not the case when the cart is fully loaded. If you load more, 100 tons of materials can also be loaded.

If the previous capacity of the Four-Element Regiment is added, the transport force of the Four-Element Regiment can currently have a maximum transport capacity of 130 tons.

If you don't look at its equipment and combat effectiveness, the Four Elements Regiment at this time is comparable to a pure supply regiment.

Of course, compared to the materials he obtained, Tang Dao was more pleased with discovering talents.

Mingxin Taoist Cliff is the top kind of talent.

Because of Lu Zhongda's recommendation, everyone in the cavalry platoon who followed Tang Dao to Xuzhou knew that this young Taoist priest with a green face was a master of cold weapons.

It's just that his youthful appearance has nothing to do with the word master.

Many officers and soldiers of the cavalry platoon headed by Lu Sanjiang took the initiative to invite Mingxin to fight, but seeing Mingxin's mighty double-edged sword weighing seven kilograms, the possibility of cutting off the saber is extremely high. , and in order to prevent accidental injury, the cavalry wisely gave up using sabers to fight against the enemy. Both sides cut wood into swords and guns, and wrapped the tip of the knife and the tip of the gun with thick cotton cloth and dipped it in white lime.

The ending shocked the officers and soldiers of the cavalry platoon.

Ming Xin, who was holding a wooden knife, was already keeping a low profile. First, he used several tricks to knock down two cavalrymen who were invited to fight alone, and then used almost the same tricks to leave two white marks on the chest and abdomen of the brave Lu Sanjiang.

That means that if the two sides fight with real swords and guns, the three of them, including Lu Sanjiang, are already dead and cannot die anymore.

There are also people who don't believe in evil, and form a group of three, one with a gun and two with a knife, and use the three-three tactic taught by Tang Dao to fight against the enemy.

The two sword-wielders on the flanks were the main defenders, and the gun-wielders in the middle were the main attackers. This formation, and the officers and soldiers of the cavalry platoon were all people who had fought against the Japanese cavalry several times with real swords and guns. The first-class candidates among all the officers and soldiers of the regiment, even the strong like Lei Xiong and Leng Feng, need to go all out to treat them.

What stunned Lu Sanjiang and the others was that it took three moves to 'kill' one person, but this man only used three moves to 'kill' three people.

When the wooden spear stabbed at the chest, Mingxin did not dodge or dodge, but when the spear was about to hit the chest, his upper body suddenly fell back as if broken, but the spearman had already used his moves, and his body could not help but lean forward, like It is to actively send the body under the tip of the opponent's knife.

That's all, even if Ming Xin, whose upper body is almost parallel to the ground, uses this dangerous move to kill the enemy, but there are two sword soldiers on the flanks, one person and one knife attack from left and right, even if he survives, the scars on his body are still not enough. can be done.

Unfortunately, not!
After Mingxin killed the enemy with a single blow, his body twisted strangely, and he moved forward in a ghostly form, using the spearman's body as a shield to block the knife on the left wing. As long as the swordman exerted force, the knife fell right on his comrade.

This time, not to mention the battlefield, even the training ground, no one would slash his comrades with a knife, so he had no choice but to turn his wrist slightly and slash the blade into the empty space.

The left wing's knife was useless, but let the right wing swordsman face Ming Xin alone. Facing such a terrifying opponent, his knife will be cut down no matter what.

It's a pity, just like before when Mingxin 'killed' Lu Sanjiang and others alone, before his knife hit Mingxin, Mingxin's unpredictable wooden knife had already stabbed heavily in his ribs.

Not to mention Ming Xin's body was slashed with all his strength, his strong body staggered back, and his black and red face turned pale for a while.

That hurts!

If it weren't for the thick cotton cloth wrapped around the tip of the knife, even if it was a wooden knife, the sergeant cavalryman might be at risk of bone fractures.

But what if it was Ming Xin's double-edged sword?It must be the ending of piercing through with one sword.

After finishing the two opponents with only two moves, Ming Xin no longer concealed his strength, and went straight to the other cavalryman whose eyes were full of despair.

Originally, there was no suspense at this time, but for soldiers, no matter the battlefield or the training ground, there was never the possibility of surrendering their swords.

"Kill!" The last cavalry raised his courage and swung his knife to attack the younger but extremely terrifying master of cold weapons.

The result is obvious, after 'killing' two comrades in two consecutive moves, the cavalry warrior lost his will to win, and his combat power was not even 80.00% of his previous level.

Killing three people with three moves, this almost exaggerated strength really stunned Lu Sanjiang and the others.

Perhaps, only Lu Zhongda, who was watching the battle, was having fun.

He expected that Mingxin would win, but he never thought that Mingxin would be so strong. No wonder Mingxin dared to face dozens of guns alone without making any compromises. strength as support.

What did this prove, not only that his vision was correct, but also that he did not cheat the officer.

For such a master, the Four Elements Group took such a big risk to offend the 20th Legion, it was worth it!

Moreover, as far as this is concerned, if Ming Xin's sleeve knife is not available, if it is paired with his double-edged sword that is twice as heavy as the Northwest Army's equipped ring head knife, it will definitely be a cold weapon on the battlefield.

Tang Dao, who came to the temporary camp on the second day's night, heard this and was happy, but couldn't help but compete with Ming Xin.

However, both of them are masters, even a wooden knife is capable of killing enough, and they fight with bare hands.

Ming Xin, who had lost his weapon, was a little weaker in boxing and kicking. Under Tang Dao's fierce Bajiquan attack, he retreated again and again. Don't think about it.

Its internal strength is long, its reaction is quick, and its muscles and bones are tenacious, far surpassing Tang Dao's surprise.

You know, even in the face of masters of martial arts like Mr. Han, if it weren't for the training ground, Tang Dao would have enough confidence to be himself in the end.

But at a young age, Tang Dao has an intuition that even if it is a life-and-death fight, his chances of winning will not exceed 50.00%.

Ming Xin turned out to be the only opponent in this era who could match him in actual combat.

The most effective way to kill him is probably the only way to use a sniper rifle.

Tang Dao rejoices!

This is simply a gift from heaven to the Four Elements Group.

This is a born special soldier.

Skills such as firearms, lurking, tenacity, observation, etc. can be acquired through training, but personal combat power, if you want to reach ten enemies or even stronger, it is not easy to train.

That takes a long enough time and even enough talent.

The seven special teams formed by Tang Dao now have their own characteristics, but they all have a common weakness, and their personal combat power is too weak.

If there is no gun, from Gu Xishui to Niu Er to Heizi and Lu Zhongda, only Heizi can deal with two or three people with his body and strength, and the rest of them are not much better than ordinary soldiers. The identity of being a special soldier will become stronger.

But if the little Taoist priest Ming Xin joins, it will be different. When there is no need to use firearms, this man is simply Wang Bo, who can almost replace the role of Tang Dao.

He wanted to become the most terrifying killing machine on the dark battlefield, and he didn't need any additional training. He only needed Tang Dao to tell him some latent and richer killing skills.

Tang Dao could feel that although Mingxin was strong, he had never really killed anyone.But through that confrontation, Tang Dao also knew that this outsider was fundamentally different from the students who had never seen actual combat.

He has never killed anyone, but for the wicked, he will not be stingy with killing people.

Slaying demons and eliminating demons is the way of enlightenment!
And for Ming Xin, it was also a big surprise.

The master said when he was 17 years old that he was extremely talented, a genius who had never been born in the master's family for a thousand years, with the epee that cut through chain mail in his hand, his combat strength was not only the best in the world, but also the top three.

Mingxin's master is of course not an ordinary person. He is a super strong man who once killed 60 villains in a mountain village with a single sword because of the bandits massacring villages and households. He said yes, he must be .

But Mingxin didn't expect that as soon as he joined the WTO, he would meet a strong man who was on par with him and could even suppress him.

The martial artist's intuition told him that even with the epee in his hand, he would not be sure of defeating Tang Dao, not to mention that the opponent was a soldier, and he would have a gun in his hand.

If it is against the battlefield, it is most likely that he will die.

The pride is gone.

While agreeing to Tang Dao's solicitation to join the newly established special warfare squadron of the Four Elements Regiment, Ming Xin made a request to Tang Dao.

But not about him.

It was the group of refugees he had helped, after all, Ming Xin couldn't bear to watch them starve to death.

Don't look at the supply of porridge now, but when the war comes, no one will care about them, and the number of people who will die will be countless.

Tang Dao pondered for a long time, but it was difficult to reject the little Taoist priest who was about to become his comrade in arms.

It's not to understand his Dao heart, but Tang Dao also has compassion, although he also knows that his ability is limited.

However, Tang Dao's help is not a simple charity, but a conscription order to the refugees. Those who are willing to join the army will be given 10 oceans each. Jiang Xia.

Alternatively, instead of fleeing in the direction of Jiangxia, several leaders will organize them to go to Zhengzhou first, and wait for the four-element group to arrive at their destination before notifying them.

That's Tang Dao's consideration that after arriving in the mountainous area, the military factories or other factories he needs to open need enough population. It's probably not enough to rely on the mountain people in the mountainous area, it's completely killing two birds with one stone.

Being able to enter the army to eat, and earn 10 yuan for the family, the most important thing is that the family may have the opportunity to meet me in a foreign land, which is a great thing that I can't even think about.

After a dozen or so refugees who knew each other well went to find their familiar refugee groups to publicize, within two days, nearly 500 young and middle-aged people signed up to join the army, and the family members behind them were as many as 3000 people.

Tang Dao first organized all the 500 recruits into the supply unit. The long-distance march for more than a month in the future will be their first recruit training period. They must first learn to exercise their physical fitness and learn to line up to obey military orders. Only those who meet the standards will have Eligible to enter the front-line force in the future.

If they fail to meet the requirements of soldiers in both physical and ideological standards, they will either be dismissed or become auxiliary personnel such as grooms and stretcher bearers.

Zhuang Shisan, on the other hand, selected someone with some ability to lead among the refugees, divided them into nearly ten groups, and left in the direction of Zhengzhou in advance with the food purchased in advance by their family members who joined the army in advance.

The walking speed of the people is not as fast as that of the army. It is not bad to be able to travel twenty or thirty kilometers a day.

As for those who would rather starve to death than join the army, Tang Dao really can't control so much. He is not a saint, and he can distribute the military resources of the entire Four Elements Regiment to help them free of charge. As the chief officer, he must also You have to be responsible for your own subordinates.

To save the entire nation-state, he must first ensure that he is alive.

What's more, he, a local rich man, doesn't have much surplus food.

According to the rewards promised to the officers and soldiers before the war, each person kills a Japanese invader with 5 silver dollars according to his military exploits. If the Japanese invaders killed by the platoon company are responsible for defending the position, they will be paid according to the average number, and there is also a subsidy for the seriously injured. 30 silver oceans, the standard of 50 silver oceans for the subsidy for the war dead, according to Zhuang Shisan's calculations, at least 10 silver oceans.

If you add the military pay that should be paid, on average, each person will get at least 12 silver dollars, and the total is about 26000 silver dollars.

Of course, the headquarters of the Four Elements Regiment is not empty at this time, and there are still 5000 silver coins left, but there will be more money to be spent on the long-distance march for the next month or so, plus the reserve recruits who are barely accepted due to malnutrition The [-] oceans they paid in advance, so the overall shortfall exceeds [-] silver oceans.

To put it bluntly, even though Tang Dao held tens of thousands of oceans at this time, he was actually poorer than those refugees who couldn't get enough to eat.

At least, they don't owe money, but Tang Dao, an army colonel, owes as much as 6 oceans.

It is said that the one who owes the money is the uncle, so it depends on whose money is owed. Those are the soldiers who exchanged their lives and blood. Tang Dao can't owe it, and he dare not owe it.

Just when Tang Dao was scratching his head and planning to pay half of the military salary and rewards of the whole regiment first, and the rest will be distributed with interest after arriving to make money.

The God of Wealth arrives on colorful auspicious clouds.

Choosing a wife is really important for men.

But perhaps, for a certain father-in-law, the reason is the same, it doesn't matter if the son-in-law is poor, the important thing is to be capable.

Anyway, he is from a rich family, the kind that the rich don't want.

The last thing we need is money.

. . . . . . . . .

PS: It was not updated yesterday, but it was updated in advance today, a 5000-word chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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