Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 793 Crazy but not arrogant!

Chapter 793 Crazy but not arrogant!

"Tuan Zhang, please stop for now!" The colonel could only rush forward with one stride.

Even in the face of Tang Dao's ridicule, he could only be 'cautious' to avoid provoking the iron-headed commander again, "You and my army can still negotiate about the damage of equipment, so what's the opposite? That said, Captain Tang spoke too seriously."

"Stop talking about equipment?" Tang Dao glanced at Song Qingshu sideways, but heaved a sigh of relief.

It was actually a bit risky for him to take the gesture of breaking the boat just now, but he had to do so, otherwise he would not be able to test the bottom line of these two.

Don't know the bottom line of the negotiating opponent, instead of being completely passive under the sway of the mouse, it is better to give it a try. If you lose, you will return to the deadlock. If you win, you can regain the initiative.

Fortunately, his big deal was that he really turned his back on me, but he really confused those two.

Tang Dao knew exactly where the bottom line of these two was, and these two didn't want to go crazy with him and throw their lives here.

This is also Tang Dao doesn't know, the premise is that Lei Xiong has gone crazy, and the whole army put on a gesture of burning jade and stone is a complete warning to these two, if Tang Dao makes this gesture at this time, even if they feel This may be Tang Dao's pretentious gesture, but he didn't dare to gamble on it.

After all, the current posture of the Four Elements Group is almost exactly the same as the iron head shown by their chief officer. The possibility of that is much higher than 50.00%. No one would be willing to put their own life on such a high probability superior.

"Let's discuss about the equipment again, Commander Tang, stay here for now!"

Originally, I wanted to use the unfounded charges of torture to force Tang Dao to take out part of the equipment, so that the task of adding obstacles to Tang Dao requested by the head of the army can be considered complete. The table was not playing, and he had to be aggrieved to pull him back to the negotiating table, let alone Song Qingshu's aggrieved energy.

"Okay, your 20th Legion has suffered a little loss because of this live-fire military exercise of our department. As the head of the Four Elements Regiment, I am not an unreasonable person. I accept this account." Tang Dao sat back in his seat and directly Straight to the point.

"Let go of my dozen or so brothers, and you will pay for my loss!"

"That depends on how Captain Tang pays!" The middle-aged soldier picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip in leisure, and directly gave Tang Dao the right to set the price.

"The troops stationed at the top of Baima Mountain will not exceed an infantry battalion! In this way, although my four-element regiment is also used to being poor, I can still afford to invite these three or four hundred brothers to eat and tighten their belts. I let me The Army Supplies Department of the Regiment will do some calculations, and send 50 catties of rice noodles, 20 catties of bacon and [-] catties of white wine to the infantry battalion of your department, which is considered to be a shock to the brothers!" Tang Dao said with a painful face.

"Pfft!" The infantry commander sprayed out a sip of tea.

Song Qingshu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Can this also be called compensation?This is obviously good enough to send beggars away, no, it is not even as good as to send beggars away.There are nearly 600 people in an infantry battalion of Lao Tzu, can one person eat a bowl of 100 catties of rice noodles?And the 50 catties of meat, just one piece per person!Wine, why don't you just share a sip?
This, what a shameless person Te Liang must be to be able to say it!Especially looking at your distressed face, those who don't know think that you have given away all your wealth!
"Commander Tang, I, Mr. Zhang, don't want the two armies to fight each other, so I have to bear with it again and again. Don't push yourself too hard!" The middle-aged soldier said coldly with anger on his face. "If you want to humiliate our army, then I think you have the wrong idea!"

"Keep an inch?" Tang Dao retorted without any fear in the face of the wrath of this division commander officer. "Mr. Zhang, if you insist on making an inch of your words, then your department first broke the rules, attacked our scouting vanguard and detained them, and then threatened my regiment leader with his life to come to your division headquarters for a meeting. That is Isn't it just called insatiable?
If you are the Japanese army, then I, Tang Dao, have nothing to say, and the means used by the two armies in the confrontation are naturally omnipotent.That is also easy for my four-element group. If you kill my brother, it is nothing more than a blood debt. If you kill me, I will kill ten of you. If you kill me ten, you will kill a hundred of you. If you kill a hundred, I will kill you a thousand. people.

But you are not, all of you are just like me, a Chinese son raised by parents with their heads turned to the loess and their backs to the sky. I can’t throw cannonballs on their heads and let their elderly parents cry and blind their eyes. Let their wives look forward to it, but they can only have black hair until gray hair is still nothing.

Mr. Zhang, you should be glad that your surname is Zhang, not Inoue, Hebian, or Matsushita. Otherwise, when you threaten me with the lives of a dozen of my brothers, your life will not be your own decision. .

I want to kill you, you have no right to discuss with me what it means to push an inch! "

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around.

There are not many officers standing in this small farmyard at the foot of the mountain. On the side of the Four Elements Regiment, there is only Tang Dao plus two guards, Mingxin and Erya. On the side of the 89th Division, there is only one division commander and regimental commander. Not a lot.

As the leader of a division, why not study Tang Dao before dealing with Tang Dao?How strong Tang Dao's personal force is may not have a specific description for outsiders, but his achievements on the battlefield time after time inevitably make people feel dreadful.

Therefore, there are as many as two guard squads of 30 guards with live ammunition on both sides of the small courtyard. There is even a guard company outside the small courtyard. There are five or six machine gun fortifications, covering the entire small courtyard. The area around a kilometer is impenetrable, both external and internal.

And on the outer periphery, there is an infantry battalion and a machine gun company waiting in battle.

No matter how powerful Tang Dao is, in the face of such a firepower network composed of nearly 200 people, he can only drink his hatred on the spot.

Therefore, the two parties in the conversation may have disputes or even turn their faces, but no one has ever thought that Tang Dao would directly threaten him after a severe reprimand.

Threatening this commander on a site with nearly ten thousand generals, his head can be taken away at any time. The reason why he is still alive is thanks to his parents for giving him birth in China.

It's hardly arrogance anymore, it's brainless, brainless arrogance.

The 30 armed guards with submachine guns in their hands were dumbfounded and could hardly believe their ears.

"Arrogance!" Song Qingshu could only growl through his teeth.

"Haha!" The middle-aged soldier broke out into a burst of laughter, as if he had heard the biggest joke in his life, and he could only describe his expression at this moment by laughing.

"Head Tang is really the most joke-telling person Zhang has ever met in his life! You said you could kill me, and here? Is it because of you, or the little guy with the sword behind you? Head Tang, wake up , now is a battlefield where hot weapons dominate everything, not an era where you can go to the end of the world with a sword."

After finishing speaking, ferociousness flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand lightly.

"Shua!" The guards standing in two rows around them pointed their submachine guns at Tang Dao and the other three.

"Come on, Captain Tang, Mr. Zhang is standing here. If you can kill me, you can do it. Mr. Zhang's great head is waiting for you to take it. I want to see what kind of hero you are, Mr. Tang. "The middle-aged soldier slammed the exquisite teacup on the ground and said angrily.

After all, this infantry division commander was irritated by Tang Dao's repeated 'brainless' provocations.He has a bottom line that he doesn't want to lose his head, but when his head can't even make decisions for himself, and a guy who breaks into his own territory takes it at will, if he doesn't take any action, what will the officers and soldiers below him think of him?

Facing the threat of dozens of black hole muzzles, Tang Dao just stood there quietly, as if he were just dozens of firewood sticks.

Ming Xin was not as calm as Tang Dao. As a pure martial artist, every part of his body reminded him of the crisis he was in. He could feel that the danger at this time was more dangerous than in Xuzhou City now. very.

At that time, he still had a grain store with complex terrain as a cover, but here, it was empty and there was no cover. He might be able to hide the bullets fired by a submachine gun, but there were dozens of submachine guns, and Emperor Zhenwu was here. It can only be beaten into a pile of minced meat.

The only way out was to move forward and catch the angry infantry commander eight meters away.

Therefore, Ming Xin adjusted his body posture without showing any traces. Once the opponent's killing intent surged, he would attack forward with all his strength without hesitation. Master's throat.

Letting a master of Chinese martial arts who can fight hundreds of people get as close as he is only seven or eight meters away is a fatal mistake.

But perhaps, this was just one of the mistakes made by the infantry commander.

. . . . . . . . .

"Why use my regiment leader to kill you, I can do it!" Erya suddenly took a step forward, her eyes wide open.

"Hehe! I always thought that the Four Elements Group was so strong, but I didn't expect it to be just a bunch of lunatics, and a small orderly dared to speak so loudly!" The middle-aged soldier laughed angrily. "Okay! I'm waiting for you to kill me. However, you can't enjoy the treatment of your officer. His nonsense is just a laughingstock, and you will pay the price with your life."

"Shua!" Er Ya directly tore open the front of her military uniform.

A row of grenades was neatly tied, making everyone's eyes freeze.

"Mr. Zhang, the delay time of this imitation German-made long-handled grenade was originally five seconds, but it has been modified by our regiment's military supply department, and the delay time is only one second!" The two leads seem to be talking about something that has nothing to do with me. "I don't know, Mr. Zhang, how far you can hide in this second, or whether your guards can build a human wall in that second!"

"Crazy, you Four Elements are all crazy!" The middle-aged soldier blushed and muttered to himself.

He really wanted to be as tough as before, but he really didn't dare to be so tough in the face of the threat of Chi Guoguo, a soldier who was only seven or eight meters away from him.

Even if he shoots now and kills these three people with random shots, as long as the soldier moves his hand, he will explode the grenade. There are seven or eight grenades strapped to his body that can be seen. Explosion, how many of those present can survive?
As for Xiaobing's claim that the delay is only one second after the transformation, he doesn't want to gamble or use his life to prove it.

Damn, I must have committed some kind of rule in my previous life, to deal with such a group of lunatics, and what's even more idiotic, to bring such a group of lunatics to my side. .

The reason why he thinks this way is that it is really hard for an exquisite egoist like him to understand that there is actually a kind of person in this world who puts ideals and others above his own life.

There are many leaders in that army, such as Tang Dao, Lei Xiong, Li Jiujin, and Er Ya.

In order not to burden his superior, Erya still did not obey Tang Dao's order after all, and still made himself a large bomb. At the moment when dozens of guns were pointed at his superior in the dark, he stood up and told That teacher is so high that he doesn’t know how many levels there are. My officer said that I can kill you, so I can. With the blessing of explosive energy, my flesh and bones can kill you!
They all said, 'Everyone gets angry, blood splashes five steps! ’, but that was the era of cold weapons, and here, it will definitely increase tenfold!

Facing such a decisive little soldier, not to mention the guard soldiers closest to him, even the dignified lieutenant general who is farthest away feels his throat dry.

It's just that even if you want to be subdued, you have to find a step to go down, right now, it's a good person to pass the ladder!The infantry division commander, whose feet didn't move and looked stiff, looked at his subordinates not far away from the corner of his eyes.

I don't want to die either!For the first time, Song Qingshu complained to his boss in his heart, and was about to bite the bullet and speak, but Tang Dao reached out, untied his knife pouch, and pulled out a [-] bayonet.

What is this for?Ready to Rush?Ma De, as long as he can survive this time, he has to stay away from the lunatic in the future. While the guards complained in their hearts, they could only point their guns at Tang Dao.

Ming Xin's blood was flowing all over his body, and he had raised his guard to the peak. Although the big sword behind his back hadn't put his hand on the hilt, it seemed to be full of sword energy.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the arena was unprecedentedly tense, and it seemed that even breathing became difficult.

With a backhand swing of Tang Dao, the blade brushed against Erya's chest, and the two lead wires tied with the hemp rope were cut off and hung down on Erya's waist.

It wasn't until this time that everyone realized that Tang Dao took the initiative to solve the biggest threat in the arena, which was to actively release a signal of reconciliation.

At the same time when the mind suddenly relaxed, countless people sweated collectively on their foreheads, and scolded Tang Dao in their hearts: Teliang, what if the knife is not accurate enough or fast enough, and the lead wire is pulled?Including you, everyone must die!
"Sorry! My brother, you are too straight!" Tang Dao cut off Er Ya's biggest support with a single knife, and then inserted the knife back into the knife pouch. "I said I want to kill people, but there is someone like him who fills himself in, so how can he kill ten times as many enemies as sacrifices for his brothers who died in battle?"

This is not arrogance, it is arrogance that has no bounds!Almost all members of the 20th Legion had an unprecedentedly consistent evaluation of Tang Dao at this moment.

However, as soldiers, it's hard for them not to feel that Tang Dao at this time is so overwhelmed that he has no friends.

Not everyone can talk about wanting to kill someone with dozens of guns pointed at with the insurance on, and moreover, it needs to be straightforward.

Crazy, or crazy, is not enough to describe Tang Dao at this time!Or, to put it another way, being crazy and crazy to the extreme is a kind of demeanor, a demeanor that makes the opponents heart-wrenching.

"Head Song, the small teapot beside you is very delicate, it should be made by JDZ!" Tang Dao changed the subject, pointing to the teapot only half a meter away from Song Qingshu. "If I'm not mistaken, this should be Mr. Zhang's favorite thing, otherwise it wouldn't appear in this remote village.

It's just that Mr. Zhang was in a bad mood and accidentally broke the teacup. For this kind of orphan tea set, the saddest thing is that the teapot is still there, but there is no teacup to hold the tea. redundant. "

"What do you mean?" Song Qingshu was stunned.

Tang Dao showed a chilling smile on his face, stretched out his hand, raised his thumb and little finger, "Our hometown calls this 666!"

The voice just fell.

The rather delicate celadon teapot burst open suddenly!

Is this magic?
The 20th Legion, from the infantry division commander down, stared dumbfounded at the teapot that exploded by itself, and their minds were occupied by this incredible idea.

"There's a sharpshooter!" After all, there was one who reacted quickly and shouted in horror.

Apart from the sharpshooter, there is no other explanation.

It's just that this is the territory of the 89th Division. How could there be sharpshooters from the Four Elements Regiment?Moreover, the warning range has been extended to 400 meters away. What kind of sharpshooter can hit a teapot several circles smaller than a human head with a single shot from 400 meters away or even farther away?Also, how did he see Tang Dao's gesture clearly?

These questions, in fact, are not important after this shot is accurately hit.

The important thing is that Tang Dao was not arrogant just now, let alone arrogant and boundless, he can do it.

If that shot could blow up a teapot, it must have also blown the head of the infantry commander wearing a military cap.

The faces of the two senior officers of the 89th Division were ugly, as if they had just swallowed a steaming bus after shouting 'Aoli'.

A madman who is desperate is terrible, but a madman with careful arrangements is the scariest.

Tang Dao's life is in their hands, but their lives are also in Tang Dao's hands, even if it is on their territory, it is no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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