Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 794 Contest of Wisdom!

Chapter 794 Contest of Wisdom!
"Protector Seat!"

The guards were also conscientious, and after reacting, they lined up in front of the middle-aged soldiers and lined up a human wall amidst the exclamation of their guard platoon leader, still pointing their guns at Tang Dao .

However, compared to before, the eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

If the little soldier who tied himself into a large cluster bomb before could send the big guys away collectively made people feel horrible and horrifying, then the trick played by Tang Dao is really scalp-numbing.

Because no one knows when the gun that is hidden somewhere will fire a bullet, and no one knows who the next bullet of the gun will be left for.

Thinking of his head being pointed and pointed at by the gunman hiding in the dark place far away, no matter how determined the soldier is, he has the urge to flee this area immediately.

No one is willing to put their life in the hands of others!
Fear of the unknown is the deepest instinctive reaction of human psychology.

Not to mention these ordinary soldiers, even the colonel's face turned pale at that moment, and he completely became a "colonel with a white face". Coupled with his white gloves and slightly trembling body, he was like a tree facing the wind for a while. Impossible!

"Okay! Commander Tang, you are the most special soldier I have ever seen. Even though I have scolded you countless times as a lunatic before, I have to admit that even if you are a lunatic, you are also a lunatic who is extremely calm." When such an accident happened, the middle-aged soldier who pursed his lips and looked gloomy and silent for ten seconds finally spoke.

"It's no wonder you were able to make many military exploits on the anti-Japanese battlefield. Breaking the rules and taking the lead made me fear the overall strength of your department. First, lay the foundation for your personal safety when you come to our department, and then use the sharpshooters who lurked to follow you to show you according to your gestures." The marksmanship deters me, and warns me that you have the ability to shoot me, so as to intimidate me not to open my mouth to you, otherwise I will lose both sides.

It's a good trick. It's not that someone Zhang is twice your age, so he was bluffed by you. "

It has to be said that after being intimidated by Tang Dao and Erya, this veteran soldier who was completely at a disadvantage finally recovered a bit of his old fox character, and he completely saw through Tang Dao's arrangement.

He was right. From the beginning of finding out the bottom line of the 89th Division to just now, everything Tang Dao did was just to show his strength from the psychological level, so that the opponent would inevitably be timid when he was jealous, so as to overthrow him. The arrangement they made before.

The methods and methods re-thought out are naturally far inferior to the well-thought-out ones. Only in this way, because there are still more than a dozen soldiers throwing Tang Dao in the opponent's hands, can the two sides be brought to the same level for negotiation.

Yes, Tang Dao knew very well that the moment he received the letter and went to the opponent's division headquarters alone, the opponent had already firmly pinched his deathbed, and he would never give up those dozen soldiers easily.

Even though he was about to leave just now, the teacher seemed to be frightened, but the ridicule hidden in his eyes already showed that he was very sure that Tang Dao would not leave, maybe only Song Qingshu, a fool, was bluffed by Tang Dao .

The bottom line has been found out, the opponent needs the Four Elements to use compensation to compensate for the face lost by their army commander in the early stage, and will not go to war unless it is absolutely necessary, but it is even more difficult for the pair of Tang Dao whose tails are pinched. The unequal negotiations are brought back to the negotiating table that is fair enough.

Therefore, Tang Dao not only refuted the opponent's point of view mercilessly, but even exposed Niu Er, a killer that could save his life at a critical moment, to deter him.

It's a pity that Mr. Zhang is indeed an old fox. Under Tang Dao's series of operations, he still regained his composure after a short period of chaos.

But Tang Dao knew that, regardless of what this guy said, he still had shadows and fears in his heart!
There is a bomb strapped to Er Ya's body, and Tang Dao sliced ​​through the fuse to temporarily relieve the danger, but will Ming Xin, who is carrying a big sword, have it?Even, would Tang Dao, a calm lunatic, have it?
No matter how calm you are, a lunatic is a lunatic after all, and it's normal to do anything.

In addition, since there is one sharpshooter lurking in this mountain, are there more?
Tang Dao finally achieved most of his goals.

Seeing Tang Dao smiling noncommittally, as if to say, you just now see that there is something wrong, I have already predicted your prediction, the infantry commander flashed annoyance in his eyes, and glanced at the guards lined up in front of him The soldier roared in a low voice: "Get out of my way, wait for you to protect me, I'm going to be cold right now."

The guard soldiers blushed from being scolded by their commander, but they also knew that this was the truth. If the gun was aimed at the commander just now, he would have no chance of surviving, even now, not necessarily.

Although Song Qingshu on the side didn't speak for a while, he was winking at a lieutenant standing at the gate of the small courtyard at this moment, which meant that they should immediately lead people to search the opposite mountain to find the lurking gunman.

Whether it is to kill the terrible gunman or capture him alive, at least one round can be won.

Of course Tang Dao saw it, but pretended not to know it.

Niu Er hid at least 500 meters away, and there were mountains and dense jungles as cover. When these soldiers rushed over, it would be 10 minutes later.

If he is still caught by the 89th Division, it can only show that he is just a simple shooter, not suitable for being a special soldier.

Now, their training subject is to escape, escape from the dangerous area under the heavy search of the enemy, and hope that they can pass the assessment comparable to the battlefield.

"Except for Song Qingshu, let me go down!" The middle-aged soldier glanced around. "Stand on alert 30 meters outside the division headquarters!"

Everything can be seen from the small. The guards and soldiers in the small courtyard and the soldiers outside the small courtyard immediately lined up and left after receiving the military order. Judging from the order and prohibition, the combat effectiveness of the expanded 89th Division is comparable to Tang Dao's imagination. It is much stronger, at least the fighting power of its elite troops is definitely not weak.

Tang Dao's eyes narrowed slightly. It wasn't just that the other party used the order and prohibition to show his strength invisibly, but he knew that the real drama didn't come until now.

The middle-aged soldier glanced at the two soldiers standing behind Tang Dao without showing any signs. Tang Dao shook his head: "My brother, listen to what you should listen to, and act as if you didn't listen to what you shouldn't!"

In fact, this is not only Tang Dao's trust in Er Ya and Ming Xin, but also wants them to experience what is human heart and the psychological confrontation between him and such a cunning and wise person.

As big as the world is, so dark is the heart!
Erya has experienced the cruelty of war but has never seen this ever-present darkness. In his later life, his understanding of darkness is also a sign of his maturity!

Mingxin has high martial arts skills and firm will, but he has never experienced this kind of human experience. Otherwise, he could have taken another way to solve the problem in Xuzhou that day, instead of confronting dozens of heavily armed soldiers in the street and putting himself in danger. .

The realization of ideals requires not only passion, but also extraordinary wisdom.

Those outstanding leaders have already taught Tang Dao a solid lesson with historical facts, and now it is the turn of these two young people who Tang Dao has placed high hopes on.

Seeing Tang Dao's insistence, the middle-aged soldier didn't care. He took a deep look at Tang Dao and said straightly:
"Head Tang, since the teapots have been broken by your subordinates, you don't even want to drink this tea. If you want to gain an advantage in negotiating, let's keep it simple and straightforward. I will tell you my conditions. If you can meet them, take your brothers and leave. Our department will also let go of the defense line and make way for you. Where do you like to go? Where to go, whether you are really sending supplies to the 22nd Army or going to seek refuge there, it has nothing to do with my 89th Division.

If you are not satisfied, it is very simple, our department will not leave you, Captain Tang, you leave on your own, right as if we have not met today, but your brother will be handed over to the Legion Department because I cannot prove his identity Disposal, and the confessions they signed and pledged will also be handed over to the Legion Department.

If you want to come to the scene of burning jade and stone together, my 89th Division's entire army of 43 people will be waiting for you on the line of defense.But you have to think about it. When you leave, I will send a report to the Legion Department to report that the Four Elements Regiment has done something wrong. The Legion Department will naturally report to the Military and Political Department and the Theater Command. Attack, then I will be ordered to fight back. At that time, even if the 67rd Army and the [-]th Army jointly protect you, they will not be able to protect you. "

Tang Dao frowned slightly.

I have to say that this old fox is indeed an extremely difficult opponent. Although there is no threat in the final showdown statement, every word is a threat, and Tang Dao dug a hole in it. Promise, those pitfalls exist, and what's more, what he said at the end is exactly what Tang Dao is most worried about.

If Tang Dao dared to disagree with the conditions he proposed, then he would use the lives of more than a dozen soldiers in an infantry squad of the Four Elements Regiment to be used as a punching bag by his regiment commander, and he would complete his mission no matter what.

If Tang Dao really dares the whole group to fight with him for the sake of these dozen or so people, then it will be easy to handle. From Tang Dao's departure to the return of the Four Elements Group, there is a full 40 minutes of time gap, and there is the so-called "changing the flag" As evidence, he had enough time to respond to Shangfeng, and if the Four Elements regiment raised troops to attack, it just proved this point.

If he didn't want to take refuge there and get caught for evidence, how could Tang Dao do such a deadly thing, just because someone tricked him?
And as for the lives of the dozen or so ordinary soldiers, who would care about those big shots?How could they, who were not in the same world as Tang Dao, be willing to believe that Tang Dao was fighting an infantry division for the lives of a dozen ordinary soldiers?

If Tang Dao's body is not afraid of the shadow slanting', that's all right. The key is that there are 300 advanced students in Tang Dao's regiment. Tang Dao can guarantee that his soldiers can withstand interrogation. To survive torture?

The most frightening thing for idealists is that when the distance between the cruel reality and the former ideal is getting farther and farther away, their will will be as thin as a cicada's wings at that time!There are countless such people in history.

Seeing that Tang Dao was deep in thought, the middle-aged soldier didn't rush him. He knew that it would be extremely difficult for a soldier like Tang Dao to break his fighting spirit with a few words, so he was willing to give Tang Dao enough time to think about it.

Thoughtful is a good thing to understand literally, which means that you are cautious enough, but from another level, it also has a lot of scruples.

He is not afraid of Tang Dao's deliberation, but he is afraid that he will take up the idea of ​​"the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes".

After a long time, Tang Dao raised his head, "Mr. Zhang, please speak!"

"One, I need you to write a letter of apology to our regiment commander, in the name of your Tang Dao, not the Four Elements Group!"

The first condition made Ming Xin frown.

As a recruit, as soon as he entered the special warfare squadron, he accepted the idea that a soldier should have the pride of being a soldier at all times, not fearing power, fearing life and death, insisting on the belief of defending the country, and would rather stand and die than I would like to live on my knees.

Mingxin is willing to accept, this is the real Chinese man!
But the opponent's first condition is to make Tang Dao bow his head to the dark power.

"Okay!" Tang Dao didn't hesitate.

"Sir!" Er Ya's eyes welled up with tears, he knew Tang Dao's personality.

Don't look at Tang Dao's extremely easy-going temperament in private, but he is extremely resolute on the battlefield. In addition to facing the regrets of his brothers, his eyes are red, even if he faces Japanese invaders that are several times his own, there is always only one word: war!

That is an indomitable warrior, but today he has to bow his head to the damned power because of those dozen brothers, how humiliating he must feel in his heart.

Tang Dao waved his hand slightly, blocking Er Ya's voice back.

"Okay! As expected, you are Captain Tang who loves soldiers like a son, I appreciate you!" Seeing Tang Dao, the middle-aged soldier agreed to the first condition without hesitation, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Second, your four-line regiment compensates our department with [-] silver dollars, as the loss of Tang's Grain Shop in Xuzhou that day, and let it go!"

"Okay!" Tang Dao agreed.

"Then it's settled, I like to deal with straightforward people like you, Commander Tang!" The middle-aged soldier smiled.

No matter what tricks Tang Dao used before, and how much suffering he experienced in his heart, but now, all his goals have been achieved. Where did Tang Dao, a local rich man, get [-] silver dollars?

Who in the entire theater now doesn't know that the Four Elements Regiment received a reward of [-] silver dollars and military pay from the theater headquarters. It was a big fight in Xuzhou City, and I don't know how many chief officials are drooling.

Prying [-] silver dollars from him, handing over half to Commander Tang, and keeping the half for himself, that would be quicker than the head fee for greedy ink, just thinking about it is a very happy thing.

The only regret is that Tang Dao changed his temper for some reason, and he didn't mean to bargain at all, and he agreed directly. This somewhat creates an illusion: Is my father too petty and wants less?

"Letter of apology, I have prepared paper and ink for you, Commander Tang, and you can leave after writing it. As for the thirty thousand Yinyang, you can send your messenger to send it over now, Commander Tang. That's fine." The middle-aged soldier said softly, resisting the complicated mood that he was a bitch but born and somewhat proud.

Seeing that all the tasks have been successfully completed, how would the old fox be willing to make further troubles?

"Don't be busy, first bring my dozen or so brothers to see me, I want to see if they are all safe!" Tang Dao said.

"Alright!" The middle-aged soldier knew that this was Tang Dao's last line, and if he didn't see anyone, all the previous verbal promises would be nothing.

"Captain Song, go and bring people here! Remember, bring all the equipment and other belongings with you. As long as Captain Tang has verified his identity, he is a friendly army. How can our department take advantage of the friendly army?"

"Yes!" Song Qingshu nodded understandingly.

He heard what his division commander meant, which was to wash the faces and bodies of the soldiers who had been tortured when he brought people over, otherwise all of them would be stained with blood, making the scene too embarrassing.

That must have been a pretty long time.

Sitting in the courtyard, Tang Dao had already smoked his fifth cigarette. As the cigarette butts were thrown to the ground by Tang Dao one by one, Tang Dao's face became colder.

The "certificate of accusation" with seven or eight people's names and fingerprints on the small table has actually told Tang Dao the answer. If he hadn't been tortured, his soldiers would never have signed his name on the false accusation against his chief.

Tang Dao had already made enough psychological preparations.

But when there were more than a dozen soldiers in tattered military uniforms, except for five or six who could walk on their own, several of them were forced to move by two soldiers, and even two were simply carried into the courtyard by stretchers. Tang Dao's cold face still changed.

"Tuan Zuo?" A sergeant who was brought in looked at Tang Dao in surprise and exclaimed involuntarily.

His eye sockets were highly swollen, and his face was covered with scars. The reason why there was no blood was obviously that he had just been washed, and the military uniform on his body was damaged everywhere. On the military uniform, there is nothing but blood.

Obviously, it was caused by countless rounds of beatings.

"Is this what you call detention? Are you sure you're not the bastards of the military command?" Tang Dao looked at the middle-aged soldier and the army colonel with sharp eyes.

The temperature in the entire small courtyard seemed to have dropped several degrees following Tang Dao's sharp eyes.

That's murderous intent, murderous intent!
At that moment, Tang Dao really wanted to kill someone!
(End of this chapter)

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