Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 810 The consequences of being handsome!

Chapter 810 The consequences of being handsome!
The vigorous military parade is finally over!

Officers and soldiers who did not participate in the military parade began to enter the arena, and the soldiers who were in charge of arranging the stage were also busy, and the people also entered the area to watch the party according to the location designated by the town hall personnel.

The venue was noisy, and many people were still immersed in the military parade that had just been completed, and they had great expectations for the upcoming gala program, or even more for the content after the gala.

The clay stove in the northwest corner of the venue also started to light a fire, and the chefs and helpers carried a large amount of meat and vegetables into their workplaces.

As soon as the party is over, it will be the stage of running water. According to the long tables and chairs prepared, there can be more than [-] people who eat at the table in one round. Judging from the current scale of visitors, the meal may have to last until evening.

Many people had to wait a whole day hungry. Fortunately, Tang Dao had already expected this. As early as yesterday, he ordered more than [-] steamed buns from various restaurants in Zhengzhou City. When the people entered the venue in order, there were soldiers Baskets and baskets of steamed buns were carried for distribution.

No matter male, female, old or young, one person per person!
It's not that Tang Dao is stingy and reluctant to send more hair, but Yu Province is originally a wheat-producing area that mainly produces pasta, and it is also close to the north. The character is rough and bold, and the eating utensils are quite different from the exquisite south.

Sea bowls are used to eat noodles, which are generally called pots in the south. The steamed buns are naturally not small, and a steamed bun is not much smaller than the mouth of the bowl. Generally, southerners may not be able to eat even one.

Just like that, many people still didn't eat, and quietly stuffed the steamed buns into their bosoms, planning to take them home.

It's not that I'm not hungry, and it's not that I don't want to part with it. People from Yu Province are clever little ghosts. I'm here to eat. The more hungry we are, the more we'll eat later!

This is Yuxing, simple yet shrewd!It is also caused by the perennial wars brought about by the so-called battlegrounds for thousands of years. If you are not smart, how can you survive in the troubled times!

However, the civilians were still photographed by the majesty of the soldiers with live ammunition. Although they were chaotic, they were still orderly and did not run around.

What is more lively than the civilian area is probably the 'celebrities' in the grass shed area.

Compared with ordinary people, those bigwigs who 'bought' VIP seats are treated much better. There is a straw shed to keep out the wind, and a stove for heating. There are also a few plates of snacks such as melon seeds and candies on the Eight Immortals table. , Tang Tuanzuo's concept of 'customer is God' makes 'celebrities' feel that it is still very worthwhile.

Even when they were walking around, no one said a word about them.

What you said is that the more than 200 VIP customers who came here contributed 32500 yuan. After excluding all the expenses of the entire New Year's military parade, nearly 2 yuan was spent, and the four-element regiment's military supply department cost more than 12000 yuan. It's a good business, but it's a good business!

Tang Tuanzuo, who received the gift statistics before the military parade, was overwhelmed at the moment. Should he copy today every year in the future?It's just that the officers and soldiers have worked hard and got more than 10,000 oceans, which can at least solve the problem of pensions for dozens of sacrificed officers and soldiers.

Yes, for the current Tang Dao, the most difficult thing is not cashing in the bonuses and salaries of officers and soldiers. Although those gaps are large, the more than [-] U.S. dollars sent by his future father-in-law can completely fill this big hole.

The pensions for sacrificed officers and soldiers are a bottomless pit.

In order to boost morale, Tang Dao made a promise with the company commanders at the beginning of the establishment of the Independent Battalion that, no matter in the past or in the future, all soldiers who fought and died under Tang Dao's command, except for one time issued by the Military Pension Section In addition to the sexual pension and pension annuity, each person will be given an additional 100 ocean pension by the regiment headquarters to support their parents. If there are wives and children in the family, an additional 100 ocean will be added.

Officers at all levels are based on their grades, starting from warrant officer, with 50 oceans as the first-level standard. Tang Dao also used himself as a metaphor. In Han's case, he was already engaged to Tantai Mingyue at this moment, and according to traditional Chinese rules, he was considered a man with a wife, and his pension amounted to 450 yuan.

Regardless of the pension standard of only 550 yuan for an army colonel, but compared with the pension level promulgated by the Ministry of Military Affairs, if an army colonel dies on the battlefield, the pension is only 1000 yuan, plus the annual pension of 500 yuan, it is no more than 1500 yuan. Only [-] yuan.

And this is already a mid-to-high-ranking officer, but it is even worse at the level of a soldier. A private is 80+40, and the highest rank of a sergeant among soldiers is only 150+80, and a sergeant is only 230 oceans. Such a sum of money How can we support our parents and raise our wives and children?
Tang Dao's extra pension undoubtedly reduced the worries of the officers and soldiers, but this fund is not what Tang Dao said, Tang Dao had to earn it.

Especially from the beginning of the independent battalion, it has encountered continuous wars, from Jiaxing to Jiashan and then to Guangde, plus the Sichuan army of Liu Ruzhai, who was later incorporated, the number of soldiers killed in battle under Tang Dao's command has reached hundreds of people , based on an average of 200 Yinyang per person, it is as high as more than [-].

But this is not the most terrible thing. Tang Dao knows that once he arrives in the north, even if his four-element regiment does not change its banner, it is almost doomed to listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement. For the infantry regiment, the military salary will be allocated, but the pension is definitely overthinking.

That almost meant that the four groups had to find a way to raise the pension from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs by themselves, which was another shortfall of hundreds of thousands of silver dollars.

The funding gap of [-] Yinyang is even just a starting point, because there may not be a large-scale battle like the Xuzhou Battle on the northern battlefield, but the battle behind enemy lines that destroys the Japanese invaders' communication and supply lines will be equally brutal.

Sacrifice is something that happens almost every day.

The bill of lading that Comrade Old Wu gave to Tang Dao is still in Erya’s backpack, not to mention that, the funding gap of millions of dollars, Tang Dao is now trying to suppress himself from thinking about it, but Bofors mountain guns and machine guns that can be used for both high and low levels are dangling in front of Tang Dao all the time.

Tang Dao knew very well that perhaps he could build a military factory in the Taihang Mountains through hard work and produce machine guns, rifles and even small-caliber mortars, but he wanted to produce weapons such as Bofors Mountain guns and machine guns and meet the performance standards of imported weapons. Just don't even think about it.

It's not just a technical problem, the main reason is that there are no materials. For the current China, the biggest difficulty in producing artillery is the barrel. China does not have the technology to forge barrel steel, so even if the Shanxi old man is sitting on the top two military factories in China at this time , It seems that it can also imitate the Japanese [-]-type mountain cannon, but because the technology of the barrel is not up to the mark, not only the range is several hundred meters, but the life of the barrel is also much lower.

Making money has become one of Tang Dao's most important tasks at present.

Therefore, Tang Dao, who walked off the rostrum, took Tantai Mingyue and accompanied the Fan staff sent by the theater command to the VIP seating area to have a cordial and friendly conversation with all the 'celebrities'. Woolen cloth?Tang Tuanzuo couldn't miss this opportunity.

Even Tang Tuanzuo would never personally ask for donations to support the army, everything is based on the principle of voluntariness.

The effect of the last two phalanxes of the military parade definitely had the effect similar to tear gas bombs. With a smile on their faces, there were three big businessmen on the spot who were solemnly willing to invest [-] oceans for the four-row regiment to carry out medical treatment for the sacrificed officers and soldiers and retired wounded soldiers. pension.

Really, the lineup of the last two small phalanxes of the Four Elements Group was so touching that even the most cold-blooded businessman in front of money had to be moved to tears.

Of course, Tang Tuanzuo readily accepted this, and made a public promise that if any caravans from this merchant passed through his four-line regiment or the 43rd Army's jurisdiction in the future, they would definitely guarantee their safety.

It's almost obvious that you will be included in my list of friends of the Four Elements Group in the future, as long as you come to my Sichuan Army's site and report my name as Tang Dao.

Businessmen are not stupid, they come here to invest in the future!The Four Elements Group have already demonstrated so hard, and also showed the posture of a strong army in the future. When will they have another chance if they don't invest at this time?

What's more, the impression of Tang Tuanzuo is not the thick, straight and tough guy he imagined when the big guys didn't meet each other. From the moment of the gala, no one dared to underestimate the wisdom contained in this seemingly normal behavior of this iron-blooded soldier.

Everyone knows that if he is invited to a banquet in Zhengzhou City, he can only go to the most influential families, and other people will not complain too much. not enough.

It's just a little embarrassing to say the least.

But Tang Dao avoided the embarrassment of most of the people who posted greetings with a reverse invitation, and even received a large gift money, which is the kind of willingness. The most amazing thing is that this person can let you I feel that this trip is worthwhile.

Being able to fight and having such a wise mind, especially at such a young age, even if he is a little frivolous, so what?

Is that youth not romantic?Old-fashioned, sleek and sophisticated are synonymous with entering the twilight years. Dare to shout such passionate slogans on such occasions is the proper performance of youth.

Seeing that Tang Dao made such a promise, and asked the accompanying personal orderly to record the names and names of the three big merchants, immediately, more than a dozen merchants followed suit, some donated 2000 oceans, some donated 3000, and others of 5000.
These amounts are naturally the result of careful consideration by each family based on their financial resources and the future of Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group.

I got more than [-] oceans by accident, but I was so excited by the director of the military supply department who followed me. The battle of Laojinkeng did not make this former infantry company commander feel bad. Now I am looking at the solemn donation lists of various merchants. The number written on it, but Xi's face was two points redder than the red lantern hanging on the thatched shed.

Perhaps someone was moved by the military parade full of feelings and took the initiative to donate generously. This Tang Tuanzuo had expected it a long time ago.

But what he didn't expect was that someone was not only moved, but even took a fancy to the members of his four-element group.

"Tuan Zhang, take a step to speak!" The leader said that he would donate [-] oceans to the Four Elements Regiment for compensation for the disabled and sacrificed soldiers, and said when Tang Dao was a little free.

Tang Dao, the famous businessman of Jia Dongxing, has just learned that his family is in the textile business and has the largest textile factory in Yu Province. The main battlefield of Japan, because of this war, the loss of business is actually very large. It takes enough courage to donate [-] oceans under such circumstances.

"President Jia, if you have any embarrassing things, just say it, as long as it is within Tang Dao's ability." Tang Dao called this person by his title, the chairman of Zhengzhou Textile Industry Association.

"With your words, Commander Tang, I'm relieved." The old man in brocade robe breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on his face, "I don't know if the Major Leng Feng who took the lead earlier is married or not?"

Tang Dao was taken aback, what did he want to do?
"If you haven't got married yet, my little girl has turned [-] this year and hasn't found a suitable one yet. I just saw that Major Leng Feng's personality and talent are all selected. I like it very much. I wonder if Captain Tang can help match her up?" the brocade-robed old man continued. .

I'm going, are you here to find your son-in-law?Could it be that the girl is really bad looking?Tang Dao looked at the uncle who was still Zhou Zheng, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

For Tang Tuanzuo, being a matchmaker was the first time in his past and present life. Rao, he was as smart as a ghost, and he was a little confused because of the additional effect of the zoom-in move.

In this regard, the old man in brocade robe has to be experienced. Seeing that the young Tang Tuanzuo had not spoken for a long time, he knew what he was worried about, and quickly explained:
"Please rest assured Tang Tuanzuo. Although my daughter is not talented, she only went to a girls' middle school and did not go to university, but she has also experienced new education. She is smart and smart in running business at home on weekdays, and she is filial to her parents. My old wife and I have always She treats her like a treasure, and the reason why she hasn't left the court at twenty is because she has very high vision and doesn't close her eyes. It's rare to take her out for a walk today, young people! You have to get in touch with each other."

understood!Tang Dao knew it when he heard the strings, he brought his precious daughter here to 'play', unexpectedly Leng Feng was too handsome, he was caught by his daughter, the daughter was embarrassed to say, so the old father came out to inquire.

"As far as I know, Major Leng Feng is not married yet, but President Jia, as you know, this is a private matter, and I can't force it." Tang Dao thought for a moment and answered seriously. "How about you, wait for me for a few minutes, and I will ask Chief of Staff Zhuang to ask the unmarried officers of our regiment. If there is such an intention, I will do my best to facilitate it!
However, Chairman Jia, please think again, our generation of soldiers will go to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War at any time, and life and death cannot be controlled by ourselves. "

"Tuan Zhang, to be honest, before today, if I were the father's choice, I would definitely not find a soldier as my son-in-law, but today I watched the military parade of the noble regiment and saw my son of China fighting bloody battles on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. body, heart was shocked!
I don't want to, you don't want to, does that mean you have no successors as a soldier?How many people are willing to go to the front line?If there is no skin left, there will be no hair. If China is taken over by the Japanese, no matter how much wealth my Jia family earns, it will be nothing more than making wedding clothes for others! "The old man in brocade robe shook his head slightly, his eyes were clear and his tone was firm.

"Besides, if the person my daughter likes is also willing to communicate with each other for a period of time, you can make a marriage first, and wait until the war is stable before getting married. My Jia family's textile business was moving to Sichuan two months ago, and it also needs manpower. !"

What is an old fox, this is it!What I said on the surface is impassioned, but I also have my own thoughts. My daughter likes me, there is nothing I can do, but I can make a marriage first.

But this kind of petty thinking about the love of one's daughter is not disgusting. On the contrary, it is disgusting to push one's daughter out because of a touch. Serving the country and the nation is righteousness, but before righteousness, there is love between children and daughters. Xiaoqing is a normal person.

Parents don't love, wife and children don't love, but still go to the anti-Japanese battlefield to sacrifice their lives for righteousness?Tang Dao didn't believe it.

Every soldier who goes to the battlefield has a home behind him. It is their original intention to protect their homeland. If they don't go to the battlefield, the flames of war will burn down their small home sooner or later.

Humans are the most complicated animals in this world. Darkness and light are intertwined in almost everyone, but what most people expose to others is the most beautiful side.

Just like Tang Dao, he is usually more iron-blooded and cruel, but when he looks at his fiancée under the lamp, just a few fingers can make his eyes blaze. Guard here, the consequences of a certain little white rabbit are worrisome!
Therefore, it is normal that this big businessman, who did not hide his small thoughts at all, won Tang Dao's favor.

Originally, Tang Dao also had concerns, so the officers and soldiers in the regiment were prohibited from contacting the big girls in the town to avoid harming others. During the war, the traffic was not smooth, and it might take several years or even ten years to lose the news.

Now that I think about it, I still think too much. The big deal is that when I arrive at Taihang Mountain to gain a firm foothold and open up a base area, arrange people to come here to bring all the women who like me to the base area, and avoid the terrible famine three years later.

In troubled times, no matter men or women, no matter soldiers or civilians, they are all precarious. How precious is love between two people!
How many young people die without even tasting the taste of love, what a pity!
With President Jia's reminder, Tang Dao suddenly had an idea!

(End of this chapter)

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