Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 811 The thoughts of Battalion Chief Stone!

Chapter 811 The thoughts of Battalion Chief Stone!
Now that Tang Dao had figured it out, his thinking changed naturally very quickly.

In the future, the Four Elements Group may be stationed in a mountain like Taihang Mountain. What can there be in a mountain?

Except for stones and wood, which are wild animals, the sparsely populated ones are invisible, let alone girls.

Now the old men of the Four Elements Group are still young, but the road to the War of Resistance has only passed half a year!
Tang Dao knows it all too well. As a time traveler, he may come up with something new or try to make some small changes because he knows the historical process, but China's current industrial foundation and situation are doomed to him being unable to reverse the general trend.

What Tang Dao can do is to do his best to inflict greater damage on the Japanese. During the long Anti-Japanese War, didn't the Japanese claim to have killed or injured more than [-] on the Chinese battlefield!
That is too little compared to the Chinese nation that paid a huge price!According to official records alone, more than [-] million soldiers and civilians were killed or injured in this war, accounting for almost one-tenth of China's population at that time.

40 million to 400,000, 100 to 1 ratio, this is a heartbreaking comparison.

Tang Dao hopes that in this time and space, because of his accidental joining, the Japanese will have to pay a greater price than before.

From Songjiang and Jiaxing to Guangde, he at least killed more than 10,000 Japanese.

But that is not enough. Tang Dao needs to use more blood of Japanese pirates to irrigate the land. The azaleas on Taihang Mountain will be so gorgeous in the future. It should not be the blood of martyrs.

The blood of the Japanese invaders, though stinky, was also red.

Since the road to the war of resistance will be long, why not just find a girl here for these bachelors who see each other well, and wait for the Four Elements Group to lay a foundation in Taihang Mountain, and then take over to become a baby of their own, even if it is a battle. Can you leave a queen after you die?

At least, make the young life complete.

Just do it, Zhuang Shisan and Gong Shaoxun are still busy, Tang Dao immediately tells Lei Xiong and the other two battalion commanders what he thinks.

Both Lei Xiong and Guo Shouzhi have wives and children. When they heard that Tang Tuanzuo took good care of their brothers, they naturally agreed with both hands and feet. On the contrary, only Leng Feng, a bachelor, hesitated.

"Sir, now is the time of war, and the whole regiment is fighting with all their strength. If you have time to engage in these relationships between men and women, what's more, the books say that women's sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones. You are not afraid of killing the fighting spirit of your brothers. Well!" Leng Feng was stunned for a while, and made a rebuttal.

This reason almost made Tang Dao angry.

"Damn! We are the only ones here, you just listen to me when you talk about it, if the reporter from Tantai hears it, believe it or not?" Lei Xiong complained angrily. cold front.

Tang Dao looked behind Leng Feng with a half-smile on his face: "Hey! Isn't Mingyue taking pictures! Do you need me?"

"Sir, a small family is the foundation of a country. As the saying goes, if you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world? The reason why a man is a man is because he has a stronger sense of responsibility after getting married. Does that successful man have a virtuous woman behind him? On my behalf The three camps agree!" Leng Feng was a group with a strong desire to survive.

The face is still the stone face, and the words are also serious, but the meaning is completely different from the previous one.

"Haha!" Lei Xiong and Guo Shouzhi looked at each other and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Leng Feng turned around in astonishment, but found that there were other people around besides Erya and the four guards, with a wry smile on his face, knowing that he was fooled by Tang Dao.

"Hehe, since you know Battalion Commander Leng so well, it's easy to handle. Let you, the bachelor with the highest rank in the whole regiment, lead a group of bachelors above lieutenant and above to go on a blind date with those ladies from all over the world. If you win, you need an address, so that you can exchange letters in the future, if you can, it’s fine if you don’t!" Tang Dao laughed.

"Sir, Leng Feng doesn't want to participate!" Leng Feng shook his head stubbornly.

"Brother! I know you are thinking about family revenge, and the stone died in battle before your eyes. Your heart has been hurting. But, you have to think about your dead parents. If, I mean, if you You also died in battle that day, so your Leng family will never be the last! Then you think you are worthy of your parents! The dead are dead, and the living must move on, no matter how horrible the world is, brother, you Does that make sense?" Lei Xiong sighed, and taught Leng Feng like a big brother.

In the current Four Elements Group, apart from Lei Xiong, Tang Dao might not be able to talk to Leng Feng with this attitude.

Firstly, Leng Feng is 26 years old, older than Tang Dao; secondly, although Lei Xiong was the commander of the machine gun company in the 542 regiment and Leng Feng is not in the same company, they have worked together in the same infantry regiment for more than two years , and experienced the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Sixing Warehouse together. Not many people can compare the depth of this relationship.

Logically speaking, he should be able to listen to Lei Xiong's words.

The result was beyond the three people's expectations. Although Leng Feng refused directly, he still shook his head.

"Ri Nenliang, sir, and I have already persuaded you to this point, what are you thinking about Leng Feng, no, today's blind date is an order, and you Leng Feng has to participate if you don't want to." Lei Xiong was angry, if he didn't want to Knowing that today is the Lunar New Year, maybe I want to beat my little brother who is as hard as a rock.

That would be exciting, the lieutenant colonel is against the major, and they are also considered to be the two top individual fighters in the Four Elements Regiment.

But luckily there was Guo Shouzhi who was observing carefully beside him. He was originally the oldest among the group of people, and he naturally had rich life experience. Looking from the sidelines, he noticed that Leng Feng, who was shaking his head, had an imperceptible rosiness on his face.

Generally speaking, a man's blushing is nothing more than two phenomena, one is angry, his face is naturally rosy; as for the second reason!It's nothing more than a woman you like, once you think about it, you will be filled with tenderness in your heart.

"Okay, okay, Deputy Lei Tuan, don't force Commander Leng, you and Tuan Zuo are just worrying about where you are, and Commander Leng already has his own interests, you don't even know." Guo Shouzhi said with a smile.

"Brother Guo, don't talk nonsense, I have it! Absolutely not!" Leng Feng hastily denied it.

However, the stone-like face was even more ruddy. Not to mention Guo Shouzhi noticed it, even Tang Dao and Lei Xiong, who hadn't paid much attention before, took a serious look.

Tang Dao reacted quickly, and waved his hand: "Okay, Leng Feng, you don't like it yourself, and I respect your personal opinion, but for those bachelors in your camp, you have to convey what I mean. If you are a bachelor, you have to come and greet guests for me. Remember to let them keep their spirits up. If there is gray on their faces, wipe them off with a towel. If anyone dares to throw away my four-line group, I will definitely make him look good. .

In addition, to give me a fixed rank, I must be an officer above the lieutenant, and the rank of the second lieutenant is not enough, so others may not think highly of it.Also, the Special Warfare Squadron is busy with military affairs, so it is no longer included this time, so there is no need for them to send people to participate. "

The three battalion commanders nodded collectively. Tang Dao said it was for Leng Feng, but in fact he also informed the whole regiment. As for calling the special operations squadron specifically, he was probably afraid that Gu Xishui, a silly boy, would be sad when he thought of Yao Meier.

That guy was originally a cheerful character, but since Yao Meier died on the front line, Gu Xishui has been silent for a while, so mentioning a blind date at this time is undoubtedly poking his heart.

This kind of emotional injury, no one can comfort him, only relying on time, that is the good medicine to heal the heartache!
"Yes! Sir, nothing else!"

"That's it!"

The cold front can run faster than a rabbit.

The three straight men looked at each other, although they could feel that there must be a ghost in their hearts, but 90.00% of the Four Elements Regiment were men, and the few female soldiers were also a few female nurses in the medical team, but Leng Feng Don't look at the bravery on the battlefield, but it seems that he is protected by the deceased family members. He has never suffered any serious injuries. There are only a few scratches. I just apply the ash on it, and I don't even need to wrap it. What's wrong with him? Opportunity to contact female nurses?

Unless he came into contact with the female students of the student company?This is not guaranteed, beautiful women love heroes, especially those female students who have ideals, the young and handsome Major Leng, who is also well-known in the Four Elements Group, is definitely the candidate for the husband-in-law of his dreams.

"Hey! Leng Feng may have lost his head for a while. I will tell him in two days that he dared to violate your military order. He really has a lot of money!" Lei Xiong slapped his thigh and hurriedly defended Leng Feng. .

The student company joined the Four Elements Regiment and marched north. There were dozens of girls who couldn't hide their delicate faces in military uniforms, and most of the Four Elements Regiment were hot-blooded boys. '' age, in order to avoid mistakes, Tang Dao issued a special military order for this purpose: it is necessary to remove the army, and those who go to the student company to patrol are whipped 5 whips, and those who harass the student company recruits will be dealt with in accordance with the wartime military law according to the seriousness of the plot!
The most serious military law in wartime can kill your head, and the regiment headquarters can implement it without reporting it. On the battlefield, even the battalion headquarters can implement it immediately.

No matter how strong the hormone secretion is, the boys of the Four Elements Regiment can only hold back in the face of strict military laws, but don't let the small heads disappear before they are too happy.

Unexpectedly, this military law controls ordinary officers and soldiers, but Leng Feng, the battalion commander of the new major, committed a crime. How could Lei Xiong not rush to intercede for him.

"This matter is all my speculation. Before there is no real evidence, don't judge rashly. Let's finish everything today!" Tang Dao waved his hand noncommittally, but his eyes were a little sharp.

If it was Leng Feng who committed the military law, no matter how good he is, he must accept the military law, but Tang Dao did not believe that Leng Feng would be so reckless because of hormones.

Suppressing his doubts, Tang Dao went to find Chairman Jia who was still waiting for him, and said that the regiment decided that during the party, the regiment would send unmarried young military officers to accompany him to watch, that is, Major Leng Feng is already engaged and cannot come.

The expression on Jia Dongxing's face was slightly disappointed, but he didn't have that kind of disappointment. The reason is very simple. His daughter who went to a girls' middle school and received a Western-style education didn't tell him who she had a crush on. He bought a Leica camera to take pictures everywhere, but he just started from the perspective of his old father. Leng Feng is young and handsome, and he is already a major. If he chooses a soldier as his son-in-law, it is undoubtedly the most suitable result.

Hearing President Jia's euphemistic explanation, Tang Dao also laughed, which is the best.

Leng Feng can't do it, so there are Qian Dazhu, Zhao Daqiang and others!These guys are all capable men under his command, but they are all young. If they are engaged or married, they can also indirectly get rid of some impetuosity.

The two had a general communication, and it was decided that the young officer over there like Qian Dazhu also came over with a little shyness. Jia Dongxing hurriedly bid farewell to Tang Dao and went to catch his daughter who was taking pictures with excitement.

Major Leng Feng was ruined, and the young company commander named Qian Dazhu was not bad either. I heard that he was younger and his family conditions were not so good.

This is simply in line with the wishes of a big businessman like Jia Dongxing. The so-called right family is very important, but the ability of young people is more important, and the family conditions are not the focus of his consideration. In terms of money, how many people in Zhengzhou city can have him? money?
In this troubled world, money may not guarantee safety, but guns can. He is betting on the future of the Four Elements Regiment or Tang Dao. As long as these young officers don't die, as Tang Dao's direct subordinates, they will surely rise to the top.

Not to mention being a general!There is a son-in-law who is the head of the regiment, so not many people dare to touch him easily, right?
Now that a business tycoon like Jia Dongxing has decided to invest, he will naturally not look back, even if he loses all his money, he will gamble on this vote.

Jia Dachang was so eager to call his 'crazy girl' back, don't let those old things get ahead of him, he saw Lao Liu and Zhao, who also donated [-] oceans, smiled happily He walked over to the group of young officers.

Tang Dao didn't care too much, anyway, he had already set up the stage, and whether Qian Dazhu and the others could perform well depended on their own abilities.

Through his observation just now, the ladies brought by those "celebrities" are not the kind of traditional women who do not leave their homes. Most of them have received Western-style education, and Tang Dao also knows that this new culture In the era of sweeping waves, women's attitude towards love is not much worse than that of the future, and there are many who refuse to accept the family's arrangement to escape from their homes.

Most of the officers, represented by Zhao Daqiang and Qian Dazhu, were born in poverty and have not read many books. They may be more or less far from their dreams, but fortunately, they are just like a group of male peacocks just opened their screens. The handsomeness is still there, and the male hormones are bursting, which is most in line with the aesthetics of these young women.

As for the future, there will be a gap between reality and dreams. Tang Dao has also planned for a long time. There will also be cultural remedial classes in tactical classes.

Even the culture teacher Tang Dao thought about it. The handsome middle-aged man saw Zhengzhou and didn't intend to leave. If he couldn't, he would take him to the mountains together!I usually paint landscapes for nothing, and give the officers a little bit of cultural knowledge by the way.

Tang Dao couldn't believe it. A professor of art at Jinling University and a famous calligrapher and painter all over the south of the Yangtze River couldn't cultivate any literary skills in these rude guys?
Maybe a few years later, these women who have been blinded by heroic dreams today will be pleasantly surprised to find that their husbands are both civil and military. Want fun and fun!

Although that possibility is relatively small!The most likely thing is that someone like Li Jiujin directly pirated Tang Tuanzuo's pirated poems for his wife who carried two kitchen knives.

"Damn it, we're already home, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail! Hurry up and get my old lady into the house!" Li Jiujin's very picturesque woman replied that Tang Dao could imagine it.

Thinking of this, Tang Dao, who was walking towards the stage, couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly!

"What bad idea are you holding back, smiling so sinister?" Tantai Mingyue looked at Tang Dao with a smile. "The party will start in 5 minutes, and we are all waiting for you, the head of the group, to give an opening speech!"

"By the way, Mingyue, let me ask you, did Leng Feng run to your medical team and have a secret conversation with that little nurse?" Tang Dao asked quickly when he saw Tantai Mingyue.

Tang Dao really didn't want Leng Feng to violate the military law. Although it's okay to talk about love with female students, but the military order has been promulgated, so he must abide by it, not to mention that he is already the commander of a battalion.

"Bah! It's so ugly to say, what is a dark song! Even if Captain Leng finds one of the flowers of our medical team, it's a mutual love!" Tantai Mingyue spat. "What's more, Battalion Commander Leng seldom comes to our medical team. Even if he does come, he just leaves after seeing the wounded. I haven't heard that he had any contact with that female nurse alone!"

"Huh! That's weird. At that time, Leng Shitou blushed like lava in a volcano. He must have a ghost in his heart!" Tang Dao couldn't help but feel a toothache.

"That's it!" Tantai Mingyue's bright eyes turned slightly, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. "You are such a fan of the authorities! What an easy answer?"

"Tell me!" Tang Dao's brain was about to hurt, but he couldn't find the answer.

"Your logic is not that Captain Leng contacts that woman, so that woman is possible? Then let me ask you, who is the woman that Camp Commander Leng usually contacts the most?" Tantai Mingyue smiled.

"You mean?" Tang Dao gasped, and opened his mouth involuntarily.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: These chapters are a little bit more daily. Apart from the tense battlefield, the army of a hundred battles is also an ordinary person. They also have life and emotional needs. Fengyue thinks so!
In addition, I recommend a friend's new fantasy book "I'm Going to Be a God in the Countryside".

(End of this chapter)

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