Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 812 Gold and Iron Horse

Chapter 812 Gold and Iron Horse
Because Yue Yiman likes to stay with the Shitou brothers and sisters, it is natural that they spend the most time in the cold front.

Apart from Mrs. Yue, who else is the woman Leng Feng has contacted the most?
Tang Dao really wanted to say, this is impossible!

But reason told him very clearly that what Tantai Mingyue said was very likely.

Although the awareness of women in this era has begun to awaken, the general marriageable age is still much earlier than in the future. 20 years old is the baseline, and [-] and [-] years old are more in rural areas.

Although Mrs. Yue is already a mother of a five-year-old child, she is actually only a 26-year-old young woman. In the future, she will even be a graduate student who has just graduated from university. 'The nagging is still not on the head.

Leng Feng was about the same age as her, and because Mrs. Yue was grateful for Leng Feng's care of her mother and child, she often helped him wash clothes and so on. In addition, Mrs. Yue came from Jiangnan and had a gentle temperament, not to mention that her husband also died in the Four Elements War. With empathy, I feel pity for Leng Feng, who is full of hatred for the Japanese invaders due to family changes and rarely smiles.

The hardest enemy of an iron-blooded hero is tenderness. It's really not surprising that Leng Feng's heart, which was tightly wrapped in hatred, was opened by such tenderness.

"This is a good thing! What is Leng Feng doing so covertly?" Tang Dao, who had figured it out, had a smile on his face.

"Stupid!" Tantai Mingyue rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Mrs. Yue is a new widow. Her husband has just passed away for more than two months. Not to mention that she would not accept it at such a time, even Leng Feng himself feels bad. With his personality, how could he reveal his heart at this time? Do you believe it or not? If there were no external factors, Leng Shitou might silently guard Mrs. Yue's mother and child all their lives, and would never confide a word."

"That's true!" Tang Dao nodded. "If it weren't for Leng Shitou's resolute refusal to go on a blind date today, I'm afraid none of us would know what he was thinking, let alone the future. However, since we know, after a while, when my whole group is settled, Mingyue you Go to Mrs. Yue to test her words. If she thinks that Leng Feng is okay, we will match up. Leng Feng is not young anymore. When he adds a younger brother to that sensible little guy like Yue Yiman, I believe he will be happy too. of."

"Leng Feng is not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for as an officer? Even if Mrs. Yue is willing, why don't you have to wait until she is filial piety!" Tantai Mingyue was speechless.

"That's what we do in normal times, but now it's a time of war." Tang Dao looked at his fiancée seriously and sighed slightly.

"Only those who have experienced war understand that the greatest regret in life is not loss.

Regarding loss, each of us is on the road of saying goodbye in this life, saying goodbye to high halls, lovers and friends, and finally reaching the end of our life.Losing all the loneliness is the fate of this life that is like a white horse passing by.

The biggest regret in life is that it is too late!Like Gu Xishui, who didn't have time to tell the girl he likes that I love you; like his parents passed away, but the children who traveled far away didn't have time to go home and tell them I love you; like on the battlefield, comrades in arms are waiting for your rescue , and when you broke through the siege, what you saw was the cold corpse of your comrade;
Too late, even too late to say I love you, that is really a pity that you will wake up crying in your dreams! "

At this point, Tang Dao's eyes showed tenderness: "Fortunately, I did not make the mistake of Gu Xishui. I told the woman I like that I like her and will marry her!"

The iron-blooded hero is no match for the softness of the fingers, and the softness of the fingers is no match for the sudden tenderness of the iron-blooded hero, which is the deadliest weapon for women.

Hearing what Tang Dao said, Tantai Mingyue's face flushed, she was in a mess of happiness!
Fuck, the group leader is really a good dog food!The guards who followed not far away all turned their backs and looked into the distance, but the young heart was full of envy for Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue.

As Tang Dao said just now, in such war years, if they meet a woman they like, they will be desperate and have no regrets.

Erya, who was a few meters away, looked down at her own toes, her eyes were thoughtful, but in the end she gradually regained her firmness.

"I understand what you said! During the war, both soldiers and civilians were in danger. If you like it, why worry about so many red tapes? After a while, I will go to Madam Yue's side to make sure that your capable officers will not be left behind." It's a pity!" Tantai Mingyue calmed down the emotions that were about to explode after being touched by Tang Dao's sweet words, and said seriously.

While talking, the two had already walked behind the stage, and the 'actors' sent by the companies who had already taken their positions behind the stage stood up and saluted Tang Dao. Tang Dao smiled and raised his hands in unison: "Everyone is ready?" , there are nearly ten thousand people watching! Although this is different from the military parade, we have to perform on the stage, but the big guys can't show off their belts, and we have to show the spirit of our soldiers!"

"Don't worry, sir, we are ready!" All the officers and soldiers agreed loudly.

Then, Tang Dao saw Gu Xishui and Ming Xin who were standing closest to the stage. Both of them were dressed energetically. Gu Xishui also specially wore his Baoding Medal.

This means that they also have to perform on stage.

Obviously, these two were meant to represent the Special Operations Squadron.

This was a little unexpected for Tang Dao. The special warfare squadron has the heaviest training and tasks in all the troop sequences. Even today, there are at least a dozen people in charge of security and vigilance tasks. Originally, Tang Dao thought that they would at most send people to go through the motions It's over, no one including him will think that they don't take it seriously, unexpectedly they sent their deputy squadron leader and Ming Xin with the highest force value.

"What kind of show are you two going to perform?" Tang Dao was curious.

"Hey, sir, you'll know later." Gu Xishui smiled lightly, but he put on a trick, and then said with a sad face: "That's right, sir, look at the bad luck of our special warfare squadron, and we just got the first prize." A show, the ticket in your hand."

Because all the programs of the gala involve awards, it is not easy to arrange the order of appearances. Lei Xiong cut the mess quickly and simply drew lots to see the luck of each company.

Obviously, the luck of the two elite fighters of the Special Warfare Squadron is not ordinary. This first appearance almost means saying goodbye to the first prize.

From the perspective of human nature, everyone will have a sense of expectation for the future, and thus be influenced to cast their own key votes. The same is true for the judges and ordinary officers and soldiers.

"If I want to vote for you, it depends on the level of the two of you." Tang Dao smiled sloppily.

Although he prefers the special warfare squadron from his heart, if these two are not of a certain level, then he will not be able to vote.

At this moment, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Four cannons rang out, which were empty shells fired by the artillery company, which meant that the auspicious time had come and the party officially began.

He, the supreme commander of the Four Elements Regiment, will give a New Year's speech to all officers and soldiers.

Tang Dao stood in the center of the stage, stood at attention, and saluted the audience!
"Everyone stand up! Salute!" Zhuang Shisan, who was the chief planner in the audience, roared.

"Boom!" The officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment who were sitting cross-legged in the empty field stood up in unison, touched their heels, and stood at attention!

"Shua!" Qiqi raised his right arm and saluted!

The voice was not as earth-shattering as the previous military parade, but it was neat enough.

The people sitting in the arena were also affected by this, and stood up involuntarily.

"Everyone, rest!" Tang Dao roared softly, looking around in a solemn military salute.

"Boom!" The officers and soldiers listened to the order and changed their footsteps.

Because nearly 2000 people execute at the same time, it's like thunder on the ground!

Standing in front of the thatched shed accompanied by Lei Xiong, the colonel's staff once again flashed horror in his eyes. If the four-element regiment in the military parade was well-regulated, it was a military parade at any rate. As long as they undergo hard training, many troops should be able to do it. It's similar, but now it's normal, and even the usual can do this. It can also be seen that the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment have integrated military discipline into their blood.

For such a force, how can it not be like an arm for the commander?The Four Elements Regiment was able to achieve this record, not just by being fearless.

Compared with the colonel's staff, the 'celebrities' were not surprised, but more delighted. The stronger the four-element group, the more it meant that their investment was correct, especially those big merchants who took the initiative to donate blood to support the army.

They have put the Four Elements Group at a very high level, but they still underestimated the army of hundreds of battles in front of them.

In other words, they did not underestimate the Four Elements Regiment, but underestimated the leader of the Four Elements Regiment, the little butterfly from the future, who has the most accurate judgment on the current and future Chinese battlefield.

Tang Dao is not only in the military, but also in the future business achievements, which make these veteran businessmen dumbfounded.

No way, who made him poor!If you are poor, you want to change!

The future is the era of information. Business tycoons realize the flow of traffic, and Tang Dao only needs to realize the future. It couldn't be easier.

"Today is the last day of the 26th year of the Republic of China, and it is also the last ten hours of the new year that is about to usher in the whole of China.

Everyone knows that in the past 26 years, the Japanese aggressors brazenly invaded our north and launched a war of aggression, and our army and people all over the country rose up to resist.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed. We lost the battle of Pingjin, the battle of Songhu, and the defense of Jinling. In the past six months, our Chinese army has lost successively in this patriotic war!Even, more than a month ago, the inhumane Japanese invaders massacred hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Jinling indiscriminately.

If you have to make a summary of the past year, there is no doubt that this is an extremely dark year in the history of China's thousands of years of civilization! "The metallic voice of Tang Dao spread through the speakers.

"So, even though it's the occasion of New Year's celebrations, I still ask everyone to express my condolences to my comrades-in-arms who died in the front line of China, and to my people who died in the flames of war!"

"Shua!" All the officers and soldiers, like their commander, took off their hats and bowed their heads in silence.

The people at the scene also followed suit, taking off the cotton hats, top hats, and felt hats they were wearing, and bowed their heads in the cold wind.

The surrounding guard soldiers also held guns and lowered their heads!

Regardless of whether they are soldiers or civilians, they are all their compatriots. At this moment, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians on the field fully empathize!

There were no tears in his eyes, only solemnity, even the most naughty child was tightly held by his parents at this moment, without making a sound.

In the whole place, except for the crackling sound of the surrounding bonfire wood burning, there was silence.

"My condolences!" Tang Dao's deep voice sounded.

"Before I came to the stage, I had imagined how I should make a speech in order to reflect the joy of the New Year and the battle against Japan that our whole group will face, but when I stood on the stage and watched you all come to see me from afar People of the Four Elements Regiment's military parade and party, I suddenly realized, needless to say.

Our condolences to the comrades who died in the war and the compatriots who died in the war have already explained everything. In the new year, the new year in the future, and even many years to come, as soldiers, we must recover their blood debts from the Japanese invaders !
Many of you standing here today may not live to see the Great Patriotic War, but as your commander, I ask you to remember, remember this sentence! Tang Dao pointed at the banner hanging in the center of the stage, his voice was deafening.

"The country is broken!"

"If we, my sons and daughters of China, go forward and continue the war of resistance, this mountain and river will be safe!"

"Go on and on!"

"The mountains and rivers are safe!"

The soldiers and people in the audience raised their arms and shouted slogans loudly!
"President Jia, I'm getting old!" A more than 40-year-old middle-aged man in a suit wiped his eyes and sighed to Jia Dongxing who stood beside him silently for a long time. "Today, I was blinded by dust at every turn."

Looking at his old rival in the shopping mall, Lao Liu, who owns the second largest textile factory in Zhengzhou City and donated [-] oceans like himself, the two are considered rivals on weekdays, but this time they took the initiative to offer an olive branch. Jia Dongxing He couldn't help laughing, pointed at his straight suit, and said teasingly: "Your Dong Liu's body is said to be old, so are our old guys who are tightly covered up about to go to the ground? Let's go, go back and sit down, Immediately, the show of the Four Elements Group will begin."

"Ahem! That's not what it means! I said President Jia, it's not natural for you to prepare to relocate the equipment without saying a word. If you have connections, take care of the brothers! There are thousands of young and old in my factory who want to support their families. Live." Seeing that the olive branch he offered to be accepted, Lao Liu would easily give up this opportunity.

"I originally found a relationship to go to Sichuan Province, but it is not a cotton-producing area. Although it is stable, the shipping cost of raw materials is high, so it is not the most suitable place. Just now, the head of the delegation said that he had a suggestion. Why don't we wait for dinner later? Let's ask him together to make a decision?" Jia Dongxing paused slightly and said.

"Good! Good!" Old Liu Lian nodded.

There was sudden thunderous applause from the audience.

The two looked up and saw a handsome young soldier standing in front of the microphone.

"This song is taught to us by Mr. Tang on weekdays. On this new year, I will send this song to all the brothers present!" Gu Xishui, who was standing in the center of the stage, was a little nervous, but he finished speaking calmly own opening words.

"Come on, brother Xishui! I'll vote for you right now for your handsomeness!" Li Jiujin howled from the audience.

The audience roared with laughter.

A bamboo flute sounded through the air, like an arrow shot out of the desolate desert.

"War smoke rises, the country looks north

The dragon rolls up, the horse neighs, and the sword is like frost

Heart like the vast waters of the Yellow River

20 years who can compete vertically and horizontally

Gu Xishui's slightly hoarse but high-pitched voice combined with the slightly desolate sound of the bamboo flute suppressed the laughter of the audience.

Gu Xishui doesn't have much singing skills, and his singing voice with a bit of local dialect is not so stable. In the future, let alone professionally trained singers, it is incomparable with KTV masters are far from it.

But in his voice, there was a trace of murderousness, the meaning of gold and iron horse, from the beginning of the three characters of "bear smoke".

That's all, Ming Xin in military uniform stepped onto the stage the moment the bamboo flute sounded,
His big sword, which had never been shown before, was unsheathed with a bang, and he danced the sword on the stage.

A large sword weighing more than ten catties is as light as a straw in Ming Xin's hands. In the candlelight as thick as arm candles arranged around the stage, with his walking steps, the sword light radiant.

Even people who don't understand Wuji can still feel the awe-inspiring sword energy like a flying dragon.

Looking at it from a long distance, I'm afraid it's not enough to understand the horror of Ming Xin's sword, but there are also people in the special warfare squadron to cooperate.

Six soldiers appeared around the stage, each of them held a short wooden stick, and in groups of two, they hurled viciously at Ming Xin, who was dancing with a sword, half a second apart.

Like six large 'hidden weapons' flying towards Ming Xin in the sword dance.

Many people couldn't help but exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, with a flick of Ming Xin's wrist, the speed accelerated again. The sword that was dancing wildly seemed to have eyes. split into two.

This is not a show, but a sword with real combat capabilities.

"Good!" The soldiers and the public applauded desperately.

Some young people's palms were flushed red.

. . . . . . .

"Hate the direction of the long sword

How many brothers and feet are buried in the bones
He Xibai die to report the country

Enduring sighs, more speechless, blood and tears in my eyes

Horseshoes go south, people look north
People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying
I would like to defend the land and restore the frontier


Gu Xishui's voice of gold and iron horses did not stop.

The audience applauded like thunder!

No one expected that a song of loyalty to the country and a sword dance would make the gala a climax from the very beginning, just like the military parade.

(End of this chapter)

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