Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 841 The most brutal destruction!

Chapter 841 The most brutal destruction!
Utsunomiya's small face turned pale with fright.

It's not because the Chinese on the opposite side started to unscrupulously start shooting them precisely as they started to retreat.

Instead, there were still gunshots coming from the left and right wings.

At least six people collapsed as they bowed out of the field.

That means that the Chinese are anti-encircling him.

Have the Chinese been so cunning?They hoarded a large number of troops on the other side of the river from the beginning, but they kept holding back and only sent a sharpshooter to confuse their own side, and they didn't start to counterattack until now?
If this is the case, the disappearance of the 30 or so soldiers who circumnavigated the flanks has been sufficiently explained. They were surrounded by a large number of Chinese and all died in fierce fighting.

Utsunomiya, who was in a panic, could only give himself such an explanation, but he ignored the fact that there were no too intense gunshots from the disappearing squad area, and even the Taisho ten-year machine gun had no time to fire a bullet, and it was still alive. Throw it well in the grass.

"All break out!" Utsunomiya, who was frightened by his own guess, issued the most wrong order in his life.

This may also be the reason why he has never been a squadron-level officer. If it is a squadron-level officer with strong actual combat experience, the most important thing to do at this moment is to find a bunker on the spot and stand by for help.

In this case, even if the main force does not arrive, it is absolutely possible to kill and injure the attacking Chinese soldiers.

The marksmanship of the Japanese infantry is not covered. In addition, there are light machine guns and grenades as fire support. Even if the 23 special forces led by Gu Xishui include Shen Laoliu and Ming Xin, it is impossible to kill them unscathed. More than 50 Japanese soldiers ate it in one bite.

In fact, even Gu Xishui was mentally prepared to pay the price of several sacrifices.

The battlefield is not a game, so there are so many complete victories, no matter how clever the tactics are, people need to execute them. There has never been an easy victory without sacrifice.

It's just that Gu Xishui, the young commander's heart, since Yaomei'er died in battle, is much harder than before. In order to kill more devils, he can give up his own life.

Just like now, as the supreme commander of this group of special forces, he also joins the battle group with a semi-automatic rifle in his hand.

He knew in his heart that he was appointed as the deputy captain of the special squadron by Tang Dao, not because of his high combat effectiveness, but because he had a clear mind and was able to formulate tactics according to the battlefield situation better than others.

But this does not mean that his brain is not a warrior.

One more gun from him can kill one more devil, and it can also reduce the chance of the Japanese army killing their own subordinates.

Then, he was pleasantly surprised to find that after the battle started, the Japanese army gave up standing on the spot, and instead covered each other while fighting and retreating.

"Order the groups to shoot freely. Without an order, they are not allowed to charge at will. If they stop, let them stop, but if they run, let me chase them. I will kill them piecemeal." Gu Xishui quickly issued an order.

A soldier beside him quickly conveyed the general's order.

An attack that originally required at least a quarter of the casualties turned into a chase in the wilderness following Utsunomiya's stupid military order in panic.

The special forces led by Gu Xishui were like a group of hyenas scattered in the wilderness, hanging the herd of antelopes far away, and when they saw the opportunity, they went up and bit them, dragging the prey out of the group and tearing them to pieces.

The Japanese army tried their best to escape, but they were only 2000 meters away from the Bihe River. That was after they paid the price of more than a dozen people killed in battle and spent nearly 2 hours.

Originally, the marksmanship of the Japanese infantry was not inferior to this group of special forces, and the average ammunition each carried 120 rounds of bullets was also sufficient, and the combat effectiveness was by no means bad.

But first, he was blocked by a Chinese sharpshooter by the river for nearly two hours, and he was besieged by the Chinese. His morale had already dropped to the bottom; Killing, there is no firepower in the entire queue that can pose a sufficient threat to the Chinese firepower point, but the Chinese firepower point can shoot unscrupulously.

All the infantry who dared to stop and shoot desperately at the Chinese were torn to pieces by the terrible Chinese firepower.

Yes, not only the MG34 machine gun in Heizi's hand with a rate of fire of 4 rounds per minute became a nightmare for the Japanese infantry, but also the four grenadiers hanging 400 meters behind the Japanese army's slowly retreating queue made the Japanese army completely lose their fighting spirit.

They now finally know the fact that the reason why their 14th Division was able to make great strides on the battlefield is not because of how good their infantry is, but because they have heavy artillery and handguns. Without these, they really have nothing. no.

After the four grenadiers knocked out the last light machine gun of the Japanese army, their doomsday finally came.

Heizi's MG350 light machine gun 34 meters away fired more than 200 rounds of bullets in a row to suppress the Japanese army who had retreated all the way and only had more than 30 people left in a field, while Gu Xishui gradually approached with special forces.

Four grenades fired 4 grenades in a row, and after emptying all the stocks, the creeping special forces approached 12 meters in front of the Japanese defense line.

This is not a position where you can charge, but this is the distance where you can throw long-handled grenades, but it is a little far away for the melon-style grenades equipped by the Japanese army.

In order to be able to march quickly, the special forces are actually not willing to carry too much equipment for tackling tough situations such as grenades, basically only two per person.

More than 40 grenades are enough for more than 400 Japanese troops distributed in an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters.

Looking at the rain of grenades falling from the sky, Utsunomiya closed his eyes in pain.

He knew that his military career was officially over.

More precisely, life is coming to an end.

But what makes Utsunomiya most unwilling is that his soul may never return to his hometown, and he will wander in this wasteland of China.

Because, at least within 10 hours, the Wing Command had no way of knowing the news that all members of their search team were killed in battle.

Because, since the battle started, his signal corps, together with the field radio, were blown up by Chinese grenades. Presumably, it was the long antenna of the field radio that exposed it, and the Chinese also stared at him for an unknown amount of time. .

Otherwise, the first round of attack would not completely cut off the search team's final farewell to the wing headquarters.

And 10 hours is enough for the Chinese who escaped here to do too many things.

Yes, don't look at them being cruel to the Chinese, the Chinese are not much better to the imperial soldiers,

Utsunomiya saw with his own eyes what happened to the three imperial soldiers who were beaten to death by Chinese civilians. The whole person was almost completely smashed by the Chinese with stones. When he thought that he would be mercilessly killed by the Chinese soldiers, his body would also die. Utsunomiya's body trembled uncontrollably after being smashed into meat paste by the angry Chinese who were forced to leave their homes because of the war.

Then, with the air wave of the grenade explosion, Utsunomiya's eyes went dark.
A chill hit, and Utsunomiya opened his eyes.

The sky was not as bright as before, and it was already slightly dark, but this was not a reason for Utsunomiya's pupils to shrink.

In his field of vision, several people with dead branches and leaves and strange lines on their faces appeared.

I'm alive?This is Chinese?Not caring about wiping off the water from his face, Utsunomiya scrambled up and reached out to touch his waist. The samurai sword bought by the family before boarding the ship from the island was still hanging on his waist.

"Lang!" Utsunomiya pulled out the bright samurai sword, and aimed the blade at the Chinese who looked at him teasingly.

Although they didn't speak, the mockery in their eyes was ready to come out.

"Baga!" Utsunomiya roared angrily, not only to fight back against the Chinese, but also to encourage himself.

Of course he knew that the reason why the Chinese allowed him to draw his sword and looked at him mockingly was because he had a sword in his hand, but they had guns in their hands, and there were so many people.

But the pride of the Imperial Japanese Army forced him to show it with cold weapons.

"Your Excellency the unknown captain, I advise you to put down the knife and sit down and have a good talk with us, otherwise, you will be humiliated and ugly," a voice came from not far away.

Utsunomiya followed the prestige and saw a young soldier sitting on the ridge of the field with the same messy face looking at him.

Utsunomiya's eyes suddenly turned red.

In front of him, there were two blood-drenched imperial colleagues. They were struggling desperately, but their heads were trampled under their feet by two Chinese soldiers, like two fish about to die.

"Bastard, let them go, they are soldiers, according to international conventions, you cannot abuse prisoners of war!" Utsunomiya roared.

"International convention? Prisoners of war?" The young soldier frowned slightly and smiled.

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, he seemed to be talking to himself, "I never thought that one day, a Japanese would talk to me about an international treaty. What should I do when I meet such a shameless person?"

"That's easy! Now that you've decided to be shameless, you don't need to take life!" Shen Laoliu, who was stepping on the head of the wounded Japanese soldier, said in a low voice.

Then, his feet slipped slightly, and he stepped on the neck of the Japanese infantryman under his feet, exerting force suddenly.

"Crack!" There was a crisp fracture sound, and the Japanese infantryman let out a muffled grunt, kicking his legs unconsciously on the ground until they stretched straight and trembled slightly.

A foul smell came from the nostrils, which was the result of collective incontinence.

Perhaps, not only the feces and urine of the Japanese soldier whose neck was broken and suffocated to death, but also the Japanese soldier next to him, whose head was stepped on and dare not move, was shocked by this tragic scene. Scared, there is already a wet patch and a big lump between the legs.

It can only be said that the Japanese food is really good, and they consume a lot of energy.

"Look, Your Excellency, Captain, you are so shameless that you have killed your soldiers. Come, explain to me what the international convention looks like, and how to treat prisoners of war? Do you want to build a house for them? Good food and drink available?" The young man didn't change his expression because of the sudden strong smell, but looked at Utsunomiya calmly and said.

Utsunomiya's eyes were about to burst.

He didn't expect that the cruelty imposed on the Chinese would be returned so quickly, and the cruelty of the Chinese was far beyond his imagination.

"Baga! Yours are all dead, and the Chinese are all dead." Utsunomiya frantically raised his knife and rushed towards the cruel young man who was only ten meters away.

He knew that his temporary counterattack was meaningless, he was just begging for death.

It should be less than two or three meters, and the Chinese bullets will drill into his body, depriving him of all his strength.

However, this can be regarded as death in battle!Parents far away from home should also be able to get a decent pension.

Countless thoughts flashed in Utsunomiya's mind at that moment, but in contrast to the complex thoughts, the gunshots of the Chinese never sounded, and his relatively strong body was still running wildly.

It's just that he didn't have time to think about why the Chinese didn't kill him immediately. He just wanted to kill that young Chinese soldier with a cold face.

It seemed that as long as that person was killed, the blood of him and 94 colleagues would not be shed in vain.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Japanese army captain were in a daze. Under his leadership, the search team was completely annihilated. It is probably the worst defeat since the division entered the Chinese battlefield!

The young Chinese soldier looked at the sharp blade only two or three meters away from him, and the corner of his mouth curved into a thick mockery.

A big sword stretched out from the side, the speed is not fast, but it happened to be on the way of Utsunomiya's advance. If Utsunomiya continued to move forward, maybe before his samurai sword pierced the Chinese man's heart, he would go ahead. It was split in two by the sword.

"Hi!" Utsunomiya roared angrily, and slashed at the big sword.

It seemed that he wanted to cut off the big sword whose spine was much thicker than the samurai sword in his hand, but in the middle of the sword, his wrist shook slightly, and he slashed out obliquely, aiming at the younger Chinese soldier holding the big sword chop off his body.

All his previous weakness had finally achieved the effect he wanted.

Utsunomiya is not an orthodox samurai, but he was the vice president of the kendo club in the non-commissioned officer school, and his swordsmanship was also ranked among the top three in the entire non-commissioned officer school. This resume is not well known, but the proud Utsunomiya is I haven't talked to a few people about my glorious resume.

That's because he has always kept in mind the famous saying of his swordsmanship instructor: Everyone must have their own secrets, and perhaps at some point, such unknown secrets can save their lives!

From the moment he had the opportunity to pull out his samurai sword, Utsunomiya was deliberately showing weakness. Even if he tried his best to kill the Chinese officer, he did it deliberately. His real goal was to stand in front of the Chinese officer. Chinese.

Only in this way can he have the opportunity to kill a person surrounded by the Chinese. That is definitely the most boastful achievement of the imperial soldiers, and it can also make the Chinese heart ache. He will become a prisoner of the Chinese, let alone reveal the military situation of the empire.

Utsunomiya is very smart, of course he knows what the Chinese people want to stay behind, and this is also an opportunity he can use.

Now, the Chinese will pay the price for despising him, and Utsunomiya is full of hideous eyes.

Then the next moment, his eyes widened involuntarily in fright, and at the moment when the bright blade was about to approach, the slightly thin young man curled his lips in disdain, his body didn't move, his wrist shook slightly, already The big sword, which was stretched out and determined to be impossible to return, suddenly retracted against the common sense of physics, and unexpectedly blocked the light of the sword by coming first.

"Ding!" There was a crisp sound that made the roots of the teeth sour.

The tip of half of the blade flew into the sky, and the samurai sword, which cost hundreds of yen to make, was broken in two.

The samurai sword is very sharp, but in terms of strength, compared with Ming Xin's big sword that can break through heavy armor, it is not even worthy of lifting shoes. Such a result is doomed.

Perhaps, even Utsunomiya himself had expected it.

Utsunomiya, who was holding a half samurai sword in his hand, was not in a daze, and ruthlessly threw the half sword in his hand at the young Chinese soldier facing him, showing the determination and ruthlessness of the Japanese army captain.

However, the big sword in the hands of the young Chinese soldier seemed to have eyes. With just a flick of the wrist, the blade of the sword smashed the half-cut flying knife into the dust.

That kind of ease is like being afraid of hitting the dust on your body.

In front of this Chinese, the sword skill he was proud of was like a wooden sword played by a three-year-old child, and Utsunomiya stood there dumbfounded.

"Your knife is too bad!" Ming Xin shook her head slightly, and suddenly stabbed out with her sword.

Utsunomiya closed his eyes and waited for death, but what he was waiting for was a chill.

There was even more laughter around.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that terrible sword flying around him, and with the sword light, the pieces of his military uniform fell like butterflies flying one after another.

The Chinese actually wanted to strip him naked with a sword.

'shame! The Japanese army captain's face was as red as blood, he looked at the right time, and aimed at the big sword sideways, but the blade of the big sword seemed to stick to his body, no matter how he moved, it would only cut the uniform, but not hurt the body at all.

This kind of swordsmanship, not to mention the despair of the Japanese army captain, even the surrounding special forces can only be dumbfounded.

Shen Laoliu finally knew why his "Old Six" partner was able to slaughter more than 30 Japanese soldiers. It was his sword, and it slipped away so well. With such a distance, he could kill ten or twenty. Also more than enough.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Utsunomiya yelled wildly, but to no avail.

The great sword was like the most dexterous hand in the world, stripping off his clothes and the pride of his imperial army.

When he is about to become a light pig in winter in China.

"What do you want to know?" Seeing that his trouser belt had been cut by Jian Guang, Utsunomiya had to stretch out his hand to hold his trousers and finally shouted.

Gu Xishui, who had been watching Mingxin's performance, finally smiled.

He knew that the proud shell of this Japanese army captain officer was finally about to be smashed to pieces.

After spending a long time, isn't it just to get information on the main force of the Japanese army following the Japanese search team!

Tang Dao taught Gu Xishui that the most thorough way to destroy a person is not to destroy his body, but to destroy his heart.

Betrayal is shameful, but human nature is the most complicated, there is always something beyond betrayal.

From the initial disagreement with the brutal execution of the Japanese army captain's colleagues, to letting him show off his strengths and chopping out his sword, to Ming Xin using his superb swordsmanship to let him know what a "frog at the bottom of the well" is, to Ming Xin using A sword stripped him off in a humiliating manner, destroying his will to resist step by step step by step.

It was getting dark, and the Japanese army's habit was to march during the day. Gu Xishui had enough time and patience to pry open the mouth of this Japanese officer who had a lot of information in his head.

As for whether he will play tricks, there are still six or seven Japanese prisoners who have been knocked unconscious and tied up here. He has enough opportunities to prove it, and he has enough manpower to let the Japanese commander know what the price of lying is.

It is said that the souls of Japanese who have their heads cut off cannot return to their hometowns!
(End of this chapter)

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